... ' ¥ PUBLISHED IN fl CHOWAN COUNTY * jMumeXXVl.—Number 47. liPßwiT m " ’ -a 02 _ — Edenton f s Peanut Fest\\ al Begins Today; Continues Through Saturday, Nov. 28 H .* •- ♦ Nine Attractive High j School Girls of Sec-1 tion Competing For j Honor of Queen Arrangements and details are about complete for the big Pea- I nut Festival which opens, today (Thursday) and continues until Saturday, November 28. Sched uled in the 9-day celebration, 1 planned to point up the import ance of peanuts to the area, are two parades, crowning of a Pea- j nut Festival Queen and the. awarding of many prizes. J. R. DuLaney, committee chairman, sa id the first event is a parade on Saturday, Novem ber 21. It will form at the armory on North Broad Street at 2:30 P. M., and proceed down to the foot of South Broad Street. The John A. Holmes High School Band will head the pa rade. Other bands from neigh boring high schools have been invited to participate. The highlight of the parade will be a float on which candi- I dates for Peanut Festival Queen | will ride. Eight girls from neighboring high schools have already entered the contest in-1 eluding Flora Hollis representing 1 - Columbia High School; Sara Ward, Perquimans High School; Linda Ann Williford, Gatesville High School; Patricia Taylor, Sunbdry High School; Peggy Continued on Pag* 3—Section i 20 Years Ago | Members of tbe Board of County Commissioners, Board of Education and other county of ficials. the Edenton Rotary Club and faculty of Chowan (High School were guests of farmers And merchants of upper Chowan Coimif A ala supper served in' 1 fhe'W*'‘Community Build ng at! Cross Roads. Mrs. W. S. Summerell, veteran of the Edanton school faculty.' was rushed to St. V.'ncen's Hos- < rftal in Narfolk after fceoomingl violently ill while leaching the fifth grade. In an executive session of Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Scale Model Os Improved Court House Green Now On Display The s-'ale model for beautifi cation of the Court House Green is now on display in the widow of the Consumer Credit Branch of the People’s Bank & Trust Company in order that the pub lic may view the proposed plan. This plan includes moving of the Confederate monument to the foot of Broad Street and I erecting a Confederate Square. The model was prepared by the noted architect, Morley Wil liams, presently landscape archi tect of Tryon Palace in New Bern. Williams is an authority in his field having developed the histbry of the White House Edenton Jaycees Begin Search To Find Area’s Leading Farmer g Who is this community's most outstanding young farmer? That’s the question raised by a new irmiD THE CHOWAN HERALD [ HI .HUM a- ■ ■ ■n ■■ ■- -*=■ DAIt Good Citizen Contestants 1 ■ ■L Each year the Edenton Tea Party Chapter. N. S. D. A. R., spon-i sors a senior girl from John A. Holmes High School and Chowan High School to compete for a district and stale Good Citizen award. Margie Evans, left, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, and Patricia Waff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hi E. Waff, right, have been selected as Good Citizens by their respective schools. Margie has participated in most of the extra curricula activities during her four years at Chowan High. She is president of the Beta Club and assistant editor of the Chowanian this year. Patricia is a member of the senior class at John A. Holmes High School. She is sece’ary of the Student Council and 'the senior class. She is a member of the National Honor Society and is assistant editor of the annual. 4-H Achievement Day To Be Held In Armory Saturday Very Interesting Pro gram Will Be Held Hegwmmg In After noon at 2:30 O’clock The Ohowan County 4-H Ach ievement program will be held Saturday at the Edenton ar mory. All 4-H Club member? are Invited to attend all or any 'part of the varied prog^bm. | The program for the’ day will consist of 4-H exhibits, a tractor driving contest, beginning at 1 2:30, box picnid supper, awards 'program, starting at 7:00 P. M., and recreation. Four-H'ers are being asked to •bring project exhibits to the ar mory between 9 A. M., and 2 Continued on Page 7—Section 1 grounds for, President Franklin RooseVelt, served as director of , restoration at Mount Vernon, Lee’s birthplace and Monticello, Jef'erson’s home. The plan as presented by the Planning Committee of the , Edenton Woman’s Club, has been : unanimously approved by the i club and money derived from i the 1959 Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside has ■ been donated to help develop • the plan. The beautification plan now r | awaits the approval and appro r priations from the Ohowan l County Commissioners, and the ! I Edenton Town Council. fanner and his problems and to create through example, more | youth interest in farming as a profitable, satisfying career. I Numerous awards Will be [made to the community winner honore ■ he aycees •| I ton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 19, 1959. Work Now Under Way Taking| Agricultural Ceii&iis For 1959 Field work in the 1959 Census, of Agriculture got under way j 'locally on Wednesday when a force of census takers started visiting every farm in the area. Farm census questionnaires have been mailed to all farm operators. The census takers | will visit all local farms to col- 1 lect the questionnaires and, if 1 | Community Progress Projects Completed At Center Hill . m l9 l■ I —7 ™ , mb jut mmtmm ■■ y - Jp * '■ l ‘ ,s ’itWvwrß'"*-' ■*"' ;ir C , I ""* Ull I ly -1 MW ItfMhf I 3 l I j §i?| fY| i^. |M l |ly I $ iProarMs Commute* the p.o.eo* uc.uom ,ouct signs « welcome sign end mail box markers. I At top left is the sign at the Methodist Church, erected in hones of Mrs. J. T. White, and at left ii the Baptist Church sign, e-ected in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Boyce, both planned by children Over 300 Expected At District Meeting Os Soil Supervisors I Affair Will Be Held In Legion Building Friday, November 20 I At 6:30 P.M. ! \ About 300 people from 17 I counties will attend the fourth j annual district supervisors’ din \ ner in Edenton Friday night, No vember 20, at 6:30 o’clock at the American Legion Building. Edgecombe County wi,h 50 i will have one of the largest groups besides the local people Chowan County. Twenty will ccme from Tyrrell County and 15 from the Elizabeth Civ area , Greene County, the furthered | away, will have 10 people in their p^rty. | Mrs. E. N. Elliott, in charge of food, reports that the tab’es ! will be decorated with fall ! flowers. Favors of peanuts from Spedic Food Products and Jim | bo Jumbo, both of Edenton. Cig < alettes are donated by the R. J. ! Reynolds Tobacco Company and ash trays by the local Belk-Tyler store. Food will be cooked and serv ed bv the Cross Roads-Center , llill Rural Fire District. Pro j ceeds will go toward the build | ing of rural fire station. Cub Scout Troop To Meet Tuesday Night Edenton’s Cub Scout Pack will 'meet at the Penelope Barker house Tuesday night, November) 24. at 7 o’clock. Carroll Boyce, Scoutmaster, urges all Cub Scouts and their' parents to be present. necessary, assist the farmer in; filling out the reDOit form. To.e 1959 Census of Agricul ture is the 17t.i in a ser es of nation-wide farm canvasses, the first cf which was conducted in 1840. The Census of Agriculture is taken at five-year intervals to provide up-to-date statistical C ontinued os. Page 6—Section 1 { Colonial Costumes For Iredell Celebration | \ ; Hi t * M ■mm' f pPHMHi 8 -fl - ti T -- V* fl Edenton Tea Party Cnapier, DAR, memi.ers and the children I of members will hostess in authentic Colonial costumes at the 200th anniversary celebration of the Iredell house Tuesday. Novamrer 24, 1 from noon to 6 P. M. Enjoying tea are (left to right) Kathe.ine Montfort Kramer, daughter of the Regent, Mrs. John A. Kramer; ' Mrs. W. I. Hart and Mrs. A. B. Harless, Sr„ both members of the . Edenton Chapter.—(J. P. Ricks, Jr„ Photo). Colonial Atmosphere Feature Os Celebration Os Iredell 200th 1 Anniversary Sunday, Nov. 22 j An 18th century atmosphere will prevail during the 200th an niversary celebration of the James Iredell House Sunday, No-1 vember 22, to which the public! is cordially invited. An open house will be held j at the Iredell House and refresh- I ments will be served from noon to 6 P. M., sponsored by the lie dell Association and the Edenton Tea Party Chapter, DAR. In addition three other out standing historic buildings nota-i | CIVIC CALENDAIi] The 200th anniversary of the James Iredsll house wi 1 b? Celebrated Sunday, November 22. with open house from noon un- I til 6 P. M. A peanut fesiiyal will be held in Edenton from November 19; through November 28. Chowan Hospital Auxiliary; will meet in the nurses' home I Friday afternoon, November 20. at 3 o'clock. Young Churchmen of St. Pad's Continued on Page 3—Section 1 : ble in the life of James Irede! ! Wil be open from 1 P. M., tc 5 P. M. Members of the Edenton Teaj ! Party Chapter, DAR, and the I children of members will hostess | in authentic Colonial costumes at | the various buildings. Open for the occasion are the Chowan Court House, consider ed the best known Colonia' court house architecturally in the country. It was in this Continued on Pane 4—Section 1 District Governor Is Guest Os Edenton’s Lions Monday Night | Speaker Points Out Work of Lions Clubs Among the Visually Handicapped Don Gl sson, District Governor, Lions, International, visited the I Edenton Lions Club Monday 1 evening. Glisson, from Nash- I ville, was introduced by Jimmie Griffin. Governor Glisson gavi an interesting and challenginr talk before the club. He dis cussed four areas of service be ing carried on by Lions, which include aid to the visually! handicapped through support of, the State Association for the j Blind, the Eye Bank, member-j 'hip development, and the Boys’; Home at Lake Waccamaw. Glisson pointed out that state-! wide support of the Sta/te Asso ciation for the Blind made it possible for visually handicapped j Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Jaycee Dance In Armory Nov. 25 Plans are rapidly being wlvp ped into shape for a Thanksgiv ing dance which will be spon sored by the Edenton Junior] Chamber of Commerce. The dance, with Tom Shepard chair man of the committee, will be held in the Edenton armory Wednesday night, November 25. beginning at 9 o’clock and con tinuing until 1 o’clock. The ar mory will be attractively dec orated for the occasion. Music for the dance will be furnished by Ray Abernethy and his orchestra from Rocky Mount. Proceeds of the dance will be used by the Jaycees for various civic proiects. Anybody interested in table reservations is requested to | phone 3411 or 2105 during the j day or 9724 at night. Methodist Men Will Meet Tonight The Methodist Men’s Cirb will hold a dinner (Thursday) at 6:30 Church. Oscar GriflMf9pp&- dent. assures a an interesting pixJKE, that : all members at i nvnvii . ? $2.50 Per Year In North CaroliniT Edenton Aces Will Play Smithfield For Regional Honors j Early Next Week ; Next week, due to the Thanks giving holiday, the last section of The Herald will be printed Tuesday afternoon instead of Wednesday as usual. The pub lication da'e is set up a day in order to give Herald employees a holiday. News s'ories and advertising copy will, of course have to be in the office a day earlier than usual. * Applications Must Be Filed To Fill Forest Ranger Post W.th the death of Frank V. White, Chowan County’s forest ranger, occurring Saturday al ready a number of applications have been made as his successor as Chowan County’s forest ran ger. Applications must be filed for this position within two weeks and the blanks can be secured at the office of the Register of Deeds. Applications will be screened by the Chowan County Com missioners with three to be sent to the North Carolina Division of Forestry from which a suc cessor to Mr. White will be named. ROTARIANS MEET TODAY \ Edenton’s Rotary Ckrb will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program is scheduled to be in charge of C. W. Overman. President Jimmy Earnhardt urg es every Rotarian to be present. Pettigrew Library Circulation T otals 11,066 During October Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, direc- ; tor of the Pettigrew Regional Library, has released circulation figures for the month of Octo ber, which follow: White Bookmobile '.... 3,280' Colored Bookmobile 2,401 • Washington Co. Public 1,733 Tyrrell Co. Public 1,302 Shepard-Pruden Mem 1,011 Brown-Carver Public 919 Washington Negro 420 Total 11 066 This total compares with a circulation of 10,938 in Septem ber. 2,087 Letters xAre Sent Out This Week In County In Christmas Sea! Drive In Fight Against Til Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., ca-l chairman of the Chowan County | Tuberculosis Association, an-! nounces that 2,087 appeal letters I were mailed on Monday, Novem ber 16, to families of Chowan County. "The Chowan County Tuber-1 culosis Association has one thing j in common with just about any I other organization you can think of,’’ says Mrs. Chesson. “Its ac-1 tivities cost monev. The asso-I ciation’s fight aeainst tubercu losis, which attacked five people in Chowan County last year, is supported solely by Christmas Seal contributions. We depend on the money you send for the Seals you got in the mail. The "notice to the public ' The Edentcn Tea Party Chapter N. S. D. A. R. and The James Iredell Historical Association, Inc. invite yoi. to attend | the two hundredth anniversary of the James Iredell House November twenty-second from 12:00 noon to 6:00 P. M* ,'v/. | Edenton, North Carolina I 107 East Church Street "***- I 1, J 7 -• ■ iMr ifffliTta .'**2s,*% FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK | [Crucial Game Friday Night On Greenville j Gridiron Will Decide | Champions Edenton’s Aces, after defeat | ing Plymouth for the Albem rle Conference championship, had a rest last week, but they will don | their football tags Friday night 1 for an important game with Smithfield. The two teams will play on the East Carolina Col i lege gridiron in Greenville. I The outcome of the game will J decide the regional C iabS At V j champions, with the winner slated to play the winner of the Wallace-Rose Hill and Shallotte | game for the eastern title. Smithfield boasts a powerful squad that has rolled ud 227 points this season while allow ing only 44 points to be scored against them. Their attack is i led by Halfback Phil Ennis, a I Continued on 7—Section 1 Plans Completed I For Turkey Shoots Plans have been completed for ; two turkey shoots sponsored by the Edenton Band Parents As sociation. Both shoots will be held at the Amercan Legion grounds, the first Saturday, No vember 21, from 2 to 10:00 P. M., ) and the second Tuesday, Novem i ber 24, from 7 to 10:30 P. M. Sponsors of the shoot say the turkeys offered in the shoot will ;be top grade Swift Premium ) butter ball, weighing from 10 to il2 pounds. Edenton Red Men i will furnish the manpower for the shoots. During the month there were 152 reference questions. Refer ence questions are answered either by patrons or librarians from reference books, which are basic informational books which do not circulate and are us«c? in the libraries. Encyclopcd ae, dic tionaries and other books on literature, medicine, histoiy, ge ography, the fine and prat Leal arts and others such as World Almanac and Information Please provide many of the answers. If local libraries cannot answer the questions, they are relayed Continued on Page 3—Section 1 appeal letters that accompany the Christmas Seals are the as sociat.on’s silent ambassadors. Nobody will contact you Person ally. Nobody will come to your door selling Seals. Nobody will visit your plant or office to so l.cit contributions. “Whether you contribute and how much you give is a private j matter —between you and your pocketbook. Nobody looks ov~r I your shoulder. So don’t wait | for someone to bother you, be- I cause that won’t hapnen. The j Chowan County TB Associa'ion i just doesn’t operate that way.” 1 Christmas Seal funds support ( the association’s program of . health educat on, rehabili a'.ion lease finding and research.

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