—SECTION OKB PAGE SIX lilts IS o the Law K 5 £ " ,: S|V By ROBERT E. Z.ZZ ,For the N. C. Bar Association) Legitimacy Os Child John and Mary Jones have been married for a number of! years. If the marriage is ter minated by divorce or death of John, how long afterwards is a child born to Mary consideied the legitimate child of John, ■ A child born during wedlock or within a competent time' thereafter is presumed legiti mate. This is one of the strongest presumptions known to the law, and can only be rebutted by irristible evidence show,ng that: (1) the husband was impotent (lacking the capacity for sexual intercourse); or, (2) the husband could not have had access to the mother during the period w*hen conception must have oc curred. ,In determining what is a| “competent time” subsequent to' the termination of the marriage,' the law has not arbitrarily fixed' a cut-off date. It has, instead, fteated a group of presumptions. In the absence of evidence to tJte contrary, it is said that a jjfrild born within ten lunar Sonths, or 280 days, after the Spath of the husband or the Planting of a divorce degree is resumed legitimate.” If a child is bom more than • ten lunar months, or 280 days, t,(ie presumption is that the child is illegitimate. Court of North Carolina this year, a child was born to a wo man 322 days after the death of her husband. The woman had not remarried. She testified that the child was the child of her deceased husband, who had died -wlthofl’r'a will, leaving only per sonal property. The Supreme Court said that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the presumption was that the child was illegiti mate and did not inherit any of the personal property of the women’s deceased husband; but that this presumption could be rebutted by evidence tending to shpw that the deceased husband was in fact the father of the child. The burden of proof rest ed upon the child to establish by the greater weight of the evidence that the deceased was the father. The Supreme Court said that the testimony of the wife was sufficient evidence to require the submission of the question to a jury. At a retrial of the case in the Superior Court, a physician, specializing in internal medi cine, testified that there are medical records of thousands of children having been born after a gestation of more than 322 days, and that a 322-day baby, while being considered uncom mon, was not extraordinary. The jury found in favor of the legitimacy of the child. This is the last of a fall series of articles that have appeared weekly during the past three months. Thev have been writ ten for the non-lawyer as a pub lic service of the North Carolina Bar Association. Another series will be started in the spring. TRY h HERALD CLASSIFIED SEVEN mu ml tam STM BLENDED WHISKEY,3O PROOF, 3714% STRAIGHT WHISKEY 6 YEARS OULBJifc GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. GOOBLRHAM & WORTS LTD, - PEORIA, ILL. - V•£& . j' *• "v- -» w* —"■ l ** r - ** Hfiyßr ■ ■% , Wgg , PURE CORN -l.eroy Huff, Rutledge, Mo., holds on his lap he reasons for the blue ribbon he holds in his hand. He is i 4-H winner in a statewide crops contest. Food Prospects i Bright For 1960 Continued from Page 1, Section 1 6 pounds of veal (up one-half pound). 4.6 pounds of lamb tup one- - quarter pound). 'Poultry and Eggs: Broilers—, Although broiler supplies will likely be smaller in 1960 than during 1959. competition from other protein foods should hold broiler prices at 1959 levels. Broilers made up nearly 80% of all chicken meat consumed in 1959. Consumption of all chicken meat is expected to be a little below the 1959 rate of 29.8 pounds per person. Eggs: Reduced supplies of eggs during 1960 as compared to 1959 indicate higher retail egg prices. Because of a larger population, the consumption will decline slightly from the 354 [ eggs per -person in 1959. Turkeys: The 1960 supply of turkeys is expected to be larger than during 1959. This will mean lower retail turkey prices during 1960 compared to 1959. Heavy Hens: Heavy hen prices will also be higher during 1960 than during 1959. Cereals: Cereals will remain in plentiful supply during 1960 at about 1959 retail price levels. Milk and .Dairy Products: Sup plies of milk and processed dairy products will be adequate for 1 consumer demand. Retail prices [during 1960 are expected to be j about the same to slightly higher than during 1959. Consumption per person for butter, cheese and evaporated milk is expected to decline in 1960 while that of fluid milk and ice cream will i be about the same as in 1959. Fruit: Total supplies of fruit will be up in early 1960. Fresh fruit supplies will be ample in the first half of 1960. The sup ply of citrus during 1960 should be larger than during 1959 and prices a r e expected to be lower. The 1959 apple crop was down sharply from the previous year, but ample supplies remain. Canned fruit supplies are at near record levels. Look for large supplies of canned peaches, fruit cocktail, apricots and red, sour cherries. Sweet cherries are in smaller supply than a year ago. Processed apple and peach product prices will ligely be up slightly due to a smaller carry over from the 1959 crop. Vegetables: Barring unfavor able weather, supplies of fresh vegetables through mid-1960 will be plentiful. Retail prices for Irish potatoes for 1960 will like ly be slightly higher due to a smaller 1959 production. The 1959 supply of sweet potatoes is THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTOR. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 7,1« M. plentiful, indicating the possi bility of lower retail prices for 1960. The canned vegetable pack is off a little but the carryover was larger than a year ago, so the supply remains about the same. Frozen vegetables are in heavy supply. Look for specials on items in large supply. Summary: Consumers can ex pect to pay about the same prices to slightly less for food in 1960. There will be larger supplies of beef, pork, turkey and citrus. There will be about the same amount of. broilers, milk and cereals. Smaller sup plies of eggs, heavy hens, pro cessed dairy products and pota toes are expected during this year. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT WHEREAS, on November 19, 1959 Marvin PicKard Wnson wus relieved of his earthly burden and his immortal soul was cau ed to its eternal reward - by our nuaveniy Father; and, WHEREAS, Marvin Pickard Wilson served as Judge of the Recorder's Court of Chowan County for a per.od of seventeen years in an admirable and most efficient. manned and thereby contributed materially to the oest interests of our County and this Board; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, officially and individually, desire to ex press their regret at his passing and to extend to his family their sympathy: THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board at its regular meeting held on Monday, Janu ary 4. 1960 does hereby express its regret at the death of Mar vin Pickard Wilson and does hereby extend to the wife and other members of the family of Marvin Pickard Wilson their sympathy in their loss and be reavement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the official min utes of this Board, that a copy be forwarded to the widow of the said Marvin Pickard W Ison and that a copy be furnished to The Chowan Herald for publica tion. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. CHOWAN COUNTY Bv: W. E. Bond, Chairman Attest; Bertha B. Bunch, Clerk. j&WttfQ Jf what cartes! N ew 1960 Larks 6 or 8-cylinder motors. Stand ard or automatic transmission. All body styles and colors. '53 FORD Customline 4-dr. '53 CHEVROLET Belair 2-dr. '53 PONTIAC "8" 4-dr. sedan '53 FORD V-8 2-dr. sedan '53 FORD Customline 2-:r. '52 PACKARD 4-d*. sedan 'sl FORD V-8 2-dr. sedan 'sl CHEVROLET 2-dr. sedan *sl BUICK 4-dr. sedan WE PAT TOP MARKET PRICES FOR C.OOD USED CARS! ÜB. Motor Co. WEST QUEER STREET Phone 2202 Edenton Dealer’s License No. 2889 Bones McKinney ,To ] Head Heart Drive! One of the nation’s top bas- j ketball coaches, Wake Forest’3 j Bones McKinney, will head the! 1960 Heart Fund Drive in North i Carolina, it is announced by Dr. j Edward G. Bond, who is Heart j Fund Chairman in Chowan j County. “There is no question about making our goal with a [ coach like Bones calling the plays,”. said Dr. Bond. “Making goals and winning victories come j naturally to him and I’m sure| the people of Chowan County are going to back up our State Chairman and the Heart Fund team 100 .percent.” Organization for the Heart campaign is going on now in the county, according to Dr. Bond, in preparation for the drive which lasts throughout February. . * LEGION MEETS TUESDAY Ed Bond Post of the Ameri can Legion will meot in the post home Tuesday night, January 12, at 8 o’clock. Commander David White is verv anxious to have a large attendance. Notices ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE TOWN OF EDENTON NORTH CAROLINA Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the officials of the Town of Edenton, N. C., at the Town Hail in Edenton, North Carolina, until 2:00 P. M., EST, January 12, 1960, and then be publicly opened and read aloud, for Sewer Improvements involv ing the following approximate work: 4,283 L. F. 10-in. V. C. Pipe. | 4.160 L. F. 6-in. C. I. Force Main. 20 Ea. Manholes. 1 Ea. Sewage Pumping Station. : 500 Lbs. C. I. Specials and j other related work. Plans and specifications will l be on file and may be examined at the offices of the Engineer in High 'Point, and at the A. G. C. offices in Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh, They may be ob tained upon application to the Engineer accompanied by a [ "check deposit in the amount of] $25.00. Fifty percent (50U) of the j amount of the deposit will be re- 1 funded upon receipt of returned j plans and specifications in usable I j condition to Contr"et"rs whoi .make a bona fide bid and to ] quoting equipment suppliers. Fifty (50”;) percent will also b" refunded to those who find that they cannot submit a bid and who return plans and specifica tions one week before time for opening bids. No refund will be made to non-bidders who do j not return their plans and speci fications at least one week be fore the scheduled bid opening. Proposals must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the Mayor and Town Commis sioners, Town of Edenton, North Carolina, and the outside of the envelope must be marked, “Pro posal for Sewer Improvements.” All proposals must be submitted upon the blank forms provided m the copies of the Contract Documents. The name, address, end license number of the bidder . shall be plainK- marked thereon. Each proposal must be aerm-p --nnmed bv cash, or a certified check, drawn on a bank or trust company insured under the Fed eral Deposit Insurance Corpora- BONUS DAYS ARE HERE* SH DEAL NOW for your machinery needs , fesjfep.* We’ll Pay You a Big il EARLY TRSDER'S BONUS! ' • Collect at the rate of 6% on ~~ , your down payment e Collect 6% per annum on / >. your trade-in • Get double value . 7.' a cash bonus plus IH features, V ■ /*; quality ** ' . more you save ' Let us figure your deal TODAY i tion, payable to the Town of ! Edenton and in an ambunt equal. ; at least, to five (5%) percent of j the total amount of the bids as [ a guarantee that the contract I will be entered into and that j satisfactory performance bond I will be executed. In lieu of cash :or certified check, the bidder | may submit an acceptable bid bond in the amount of (5%) I percent of his total bid. Contractors are notified that I “An Act to Regulate the Prac- I tice of General Contracting” [ ratified by the General Assembly :of North Carolina on March 10, [ 1925, and as subsequently [ amended, will be observed in j receiving and awarding general [ contracts. | The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive in formalities and to award a con l tract or contracts, which in the ; opinion of the Town, appear to be in its best interest. The ! right is reserved to hold any 1 or all proposals for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from the date of opening thereof. TOWN OF EDENTON, ' NORTH CAROLINA. JC'HN MITCHENER, Mayor. ! ERNEST J. WARD, JR., Clerk, i Will. F. FREEMAN, INC. Engineers and Architects, > High Point, North Carolina. Jan 7 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION B. B. H. MOTOR COMPANY jTo Whom It May Concern: 1 Notice is hereby given that B. B. H. Motor Company has filed its Articles of Dissolution under the provisions of Section 55-117 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. All persons in debted to said corporation are hereby notified to settle their accounts at the office of said company within thirty (30) days j from this date. All persons having claims against said cor- I poration are required to present i the same to the office of said company forthwith. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE [ Having qualified as Admini i strator of the estate of John K. i Winecoff, deceased, late of Cho -1 wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ! ing claims against the estate of | said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year ;from date of this notice or same | will be pleaded in bar of their l recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make | immediate payment to D. E. i Winecoff, 3313 Octavia Street, Raleigh, N. C. This 17th dav of December, 1959. D. E. WINECOFF, Administrator of John K. Winecoff I Estate. 1 Dec 17.24.3 1.Jan7,14.21c NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Sale Os Valuable Real Estate WHEREAS, the undersigned, acting as substituted Trustee in a certain Deed of Trust executed by William F. Perry and wife, Edith P. Perry, dated October 1, 1955, and recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages No. 69, pages 293-294, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, fore closed and offered for sale the land hereinafter described; and, WHEREAS, within the time allowed by law an advanced bid was filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court and an order is sued directing the Trustee to re sell said lands upon an opening bid of Eleven Hundred ($1,100.00) dollars. NOW, THEREFORE, under and bv virtue of said order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan County, and the power of sals contained in said deed of trust, and the authority vested in the undersigned as substituted trustee bv an instru ment in writing dated September 11, 1958. and duly recorded as aforesaid in Book of Deeds No. 15, page 49, the undersigned sub stituted trustee will offer for sale upon, said opening bid at public auction to the highest Didder for cash at the door of the Chowan County Court House in Edenton, North Carolina, on Wednesday, January 13, 1960, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., tne real es tate conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Second Township, said County and State, to wit: Beginning at a point 86 feet from the Northern edge of the| Ferry Road. J. H. Conger’s corn- j er; thence parallel with Ferry : Road 320 feq* to comer; thence ■Northwardly "parallel with North Carolina Highway No. 32—89 feet; thence parallel with Ferry Road 320 feet to the Eastern edge of North Carolina High way No. 32; thence along and Highway No. 32—89 feet to the place of beginning. Ten (10%) percent of the high bid received will be required of the successful bidder at time of sale. Dated and posted this Decem ber 28, 1959. W. S. PRIVOTT, Substituted Trustee. Dec3l,Jan7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE” ! Having qualified as Admini-j strator of the estate of D. E. Jor dan, deceased, late of Chowan County,, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to pre sent them to t.ie undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. Ali persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 17th day of December, 1959. MACK JORDAN, Administrator of D. E. Jordan Estate | Dec17,24,31,Jan7,14,2i k EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Frank V. White, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to no tify ali persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of December, 1959. JOHNETTA H. WHITE, Executrix of Frank V. White Estate. Dec3,l(U 7,24,3 lJan7c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Frank L. Hughes, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to aiL persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to present them to the under, signed within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate nayment. This 27th day of November, 1959. FRANK A. HUGHES, Executor of Frank L. Hughes Estate. Dec3,10,17,24,31Jan7c AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ ING THE ISSUANCE OF $557,000 OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF EDFNTON FOR THE ENLARGEMENT AND 1 EXTENSION OF THE SANI ’ TARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE TOWN OF EDENTON. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Councilmen of the Town of Eden ton, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Coun cilmen of the Town of Edenton has ascertained and hereby de termines that it is necessary that said Town enlarge and extend the sanitary sewer system main tained and operated by said Town, bv constructing a new sewage disposal plant and inter ceptor sewers, pumping stations, sewer mains and other facilities needed to connect such plant with such sanitary sewer system I and by acquiring the lands'' or rights in land and equipment needed therefor, and that it will be necessary to expend for said purpose not less than $557,000. Section 2. Said Board of Councilman has also ascertained and hereby determines that the purpose hereinbefore described is a necessary expense of said Town within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of the Constitution of North Carolina, and is a purpose for which said Town mav raise or appropriate money, and is not a current ex pense of said Town. Section 3. In order to raise the money required for such purpose, bonds of the Town of Edenton are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, 1921, of North Carolina. The 'maxi mum ' aggregate amount .of bonds authorized bv this ordi nance shall be Five Hundred Fifty-seven Thousand Dollars ($557,000). Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the debt of said Town has been filed with the Town Clerk of said Town, as required bv said Act, and is open to public in spection. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect when approved by the voters of said Town at an election to be called and held os provided in said Act. The foregoing bond ordinance 'was passed on the 2£th day of December, 1959. and was first published on the 31st day of December, 1959. Any action or proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days after its first ERNESt of Having qualified as adminis trator Gi the estate of Mary B. Diron, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caroliha, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to tne undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same , will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of December, 1959. McDonald dixon, Elizabeth City, N. C. Administrator of Mary B. Dixon. Dec3,1U,17,24.31Jan-7c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of George L. Par rish, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of December, 1959. JOHN L. PARRISH, Executor "of George L. Parrish Est. Dec 3,10,17.24.31 Jan7c EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Marvin P. W,l-[ son, deceased, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify e”. persons having claims again"* the estate of said deceased *~ present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be plead->d in bar of their reec’erv. All persons indebted to said -estate will please make [ immediate payment. [ This 25tn day of November 11959. SARAH B. WILSON, Executrix of Marvin P. Wilson Estate. Dec 3,10.17.24,3 Uan7r NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Whereas, the undersigned of fered for sale the lands herein after described pursuant to Or der of the Board of County Commissioners of Chowan Coun ty; and. , Whereas, within the time al lowed by the Notice of Sale and advanced bid filed with ihe un dersigned attorney in compli ance with the terms of said sale and the order of said Board: Now, Therefore, under, by vir tue and in execution of authori ty conferred by said Order the 'undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of $7,715.00 before the Court House door of Chowan County, North Carolina, on Wednesday, January 13, 1960, at 11 o’clock A. M., the following described real estate lying and being in Second Township, said County and State and further described as follows: 1. That certain tract of land together with all buildings and improvements thereon BEGIN NING at an oak stump in the Western edge of the right-of way of N. C. Highway No. 32 at the corner of land of the Wilder heirs, which corner is North 15 deg. 30 min. West 10.30 chains from a culvert at the run of a branch: running thence along the said Wilder line Soutn 67 deg. 30 min. West 8.70 chains to an oak; thence South 73 deg. West 5.50 chains; thence South 84 deg. West 7.50 chains to the edge of Bennett’s Mill Pond - thence l along the edge of Bennett’s Mill Pond its various courses, a straight line thereof being pro jected as North 35 deg. West 8.00 chains, North 28 deg. West 5.60 chains. North 13 deg. West 5.10 chains and North 13 deg. 30 min. East 3.20 chains, to the run of a branch at the line of property of E. R. Wilson; thence along the said Wilson line and I the run of said branch, its vari ous courses, a straight line there ;of being prelected as North 72 deg. East 7.20 chains. North 77 deg. 30 min. East 5.50 chains and North' 74 deg. East 7.00 chains to the center of the Old Virginia Road; thence along | the center of said O'.d Road South 27 deg. 30 min. East 13.15 chains to its junction with the Western margin of said N. C. Highway No. 32; thence along the Western margin of the right of-way of said N C. Highway fro. 32 South 24, deg. SO min East 8.50 chains' to tfife' point of, beginning, containing 48.07 acres, as per plat of T. J. Jes sup, Surveyor, dated May 23, 1949 and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Caro- I lina, in Plat Book No. 1, page , 52, and being the same land con veyed to Chowan County by Thomas Small by his attorney in fact, William Walton, by deed dated August 19, 1830 and duly recorded in the aforesaid office in Deed Book I No. 2. page 359, said plat and deed and those instruments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further description and chain of title. 2. That certain tract of land beginning at a concrete post on ! the East side of N. V. Highway I No. 32. 340 feet south of the ; South line of tract 1 above North iof a cuiyert in saw highway. I the said post being designated jas point "B” on the map or ' plat "hereinafter mentioned, run ! ning thence North 75 dee. East 530 feet to an iron Dost in the line of W. L. MiH»r: thence North 35 deg. East 710 feet to J a point a thence along said creek South 138 feet to an aifele tnemn; thence South 78 dfc East 433 feet to an angle North 80 deg. Eastffif *§»;,*?/ an angle there.n; taepce u\ 74 deg 30 hlin. Eaß|f2l9 4 tut to a corner; toencejKwrth 63 deg. 30 min. West l?#* feet to an angle in the SouW doe of the lands of Mrs. Vernon Boyce; thence South 76 deg. 30 min. West 346.5 feet to Jan angle; thence South 70 de* 32 min. West 1320 feet to the r North side of N. C. Highway Noi 32; thence Southwardly following the North side of said State Highway to the point of beginniha contain ing 77.31 acres as per amended plat of Carlyle C. Webb, C. E., dated September 1. 1954 and re corded as aforesaid in Plat B«t?k No. 2, page 7, end being the same land conveyed t# Chowan County by Joseph B.; Skinner by deed dated March 1, 1834 and duly recorded as aforesaid in Deed Book K Nol 2, page 480, said plat and deed and those instruments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for furth er description and chain of title. SAVE AND EXCEPT, from the above described lands; - 1. That portion thereof in cluded in the right-of-way held bv the N. C. State Highway rnmm’ssinn for County Road No. 1303 (road leading from sa'd N. C. S*ate Highway No. 32 to Cen ter Hill). ' • ' 2. The lot containing 1.45 acres recently granted to the N. "C. State Highway Commission for use as a highway repair shop, the same being located on the East side of said County Road No. 1303 (road leading from N. C. Highway No. 32 to Center Hill). 3. A reserved area for highway purposes, in oruer to prevent and eliminate “blind” corners, described a9 follows: Begin ning at the intersection of the center line of N. C. Highway No. 32 with the center line of Coun ty Road No. 1303 (leading from said Highway to Center Hill) measure a distance of 150 feet in both Northerly and Southerly directions along the center line of N. C. Highwav No. 32. set ting points “A” and “C”. Then beginning again at said intersec tion measure 150 feet along the center line of said County Road No. 1303, setting point “B.” The reserved area comprises the tri angle formed by connecting points “A”, “B” and “C” with straight lines. The Board of Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bids received. Ten (10%) percent of the high bid received will be requir ed of the successful bidder at time of sale as evidence of good faith, and the ‘remainder will be payable in cash at time of delivery of deed for said lands. The high bid received will re i main open for a period of ten ! (10) days subject to advance bid as required by law in cases of ! foreclosure of real estate mort gages and/or deeds of trust.' Crop acreage allotments on the subject lands for the current year (1959) are 3.8 acres of cot ton and 2.5 acres of peanuts. Dated and posted this Decem ber 28, 1959. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF CHOWAN COUNTY By W. S. Privott. Attorney Dec2BJan7 NOTICE OFRESALE Os REAL ESTATE 3y virtue of the authority con ferred upon the undersigned by order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, in the spe cial proceeding entitled, “A. H. Jordan and wife, Sarah B. Jor dan, V. E. Jordan and wife, Re cer D. Jordan, Beatrice J. Roun tree, divorced, Frances J. Perry and husband, Joseph B. Perry, Jr., Grace J. Winslow and hus band, Harold B. Winslow, Sadie J. Burbage, widow, Mary Louise J. Pitzinger and husband, John A. Pitzinger, C. W. Jordah and wife, Agnes Jordan, Elsberry R. Jordan and wife, Arleen Jor dan, Clara Lois J. Ward and hus band, James F. Ward, J. Meeks and husband, Cletus Meeks,. Zenoveh J. Williahns, ’ di- I vorced. Myrtle J. Williams and husband, Charles C. Williams, R. W. Jordan and wife, Helen. Jor dan. Almond A. Jordah . amd wife, Mildred Jordan, George F. Jordan and wife, Lucille Jordan, A. ;J. Jordan and wife, Joyce Jordan and L. G.- Jordan and wife, Ruby Map Jordan, Peft tionerv vs. Joseph Jordan and Wife. Myra W. Jordan, Defend ants.” and pursuant to an Order of Resale entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of ChowaaCoun tv, North Carolina, on Ewcember 30, 1959, the undersigned Com missioner. will offer forfsale at public biddings, for cashitJFthe highest bidder at the! Court House Door in Chowan : Countv, North Carolina, at 1240 'aeon on Saturday, January 11 i 960, the real estate in Third’ltßvn ship. Chowan County, NortnJfcar olina, to-wit: That part of the Elsberry Jor dan tract of land in Item 2 of the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Copeland as probated on September 0, 1891. bounded on the West by the Timothv Wins low tract, on the North by the Sandy Run Swamp, on the East by a line beginning St a Holly and running in a straight line Southward across the said land to an iron stob on «he Road - so as to -ut off thirty (30) acres now owned bv J, W. Jordan, the

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