PAGE EIGHT -—SECTION on SOCIETY NEWS Returns To California f jamesßoswell has returned to PasaaeoS, California, where he ($ SWBed in the Pasadena Ptkyhouse, after spending two #*«ks as, guest of his parents,; Mr. ants-Mrs. W. L. Boswell. j e; Returns To Washington * t Robert L. Pratt, Jr., returned tg his FBI duties in Washing ton, D. C., today (Thursday) af <#!• attending the funeral of his lather* R. L. Pratt. Visits In Rocky Mount Mrs. Thelma Edmundson spent the with friends in Rocky Mount n Visit In Raleigh •Avis Forehand, Joan Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodwin spent Sunday in Raleigh visit ing Mrs. Ella Simpson, who is | it patient in the State Hospital. Alexandria Visitors | Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Porter of Alexandria, Va., have returned to their home after visiting Mr. Porter’s brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Porter. Week-end Guests Dr. 'and Mrs. Louis Ferguson had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dal Miller and Children, formerly of Memphis, Tenru* 'now residing in Char • o Visit In Newport News Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrell and ’ Son, Joe spent Sunday in New port News visiting Mrs. Harrell’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cale and ikmily. Ronald Perry of Newport News Was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bristoe Perry. -■Visit In Lewiston Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin were Visitors in Lewiston this week end. Norfolk Visitor Mrs. F. J. Pusey of Norfolk. Va., spent several days fhia week with her niece, Mrs. C. W. Fry. Sunday Guests , Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bianes and daughter, Joyce of Suffolk, Mrs. Bam Gordon of Norfolk, Mrs. J. A. Wit|difield and daughter, Har ris pit Norfolk visited Mrs. W. W. Byrirth and Mrs. S. X. Steph ehson on Sunday. j - Guest of Mother t Miss Carolyn Perkins of Wash ington, D. C., was the week-end gtffest sf' her mother, Mrs. Em ma ’ Perkins. For Sale 14.75 Acres Land ON BASE ROAD ABOUT 2 Miles from town. Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. 103'E. King St. Edenton PHONE 2163 Ij i I New top-feature automatic at rock-bottom price! Nw Two cycles- Normal for regular I Yii wash. Centle for delicate fabrics. As Low As Five temperature settings auto- . ; •< malic for wash and rinse. Surgi- P er weeK lator agitator action. Built-in lint CftO f A .'■ filter works full time. Automatic 1 sab ty stop. Big 9-pound capacity. @ Uikui£poo€ %:STERN GAS SERVICE 313 S; Broad St. PHONE 3122 Edenton, N. C. ***»' ^ l, ”*^""****'‘*fai I PROPERTY MUST BE LISTED IN JANUARY | ■&'*: '' \& ~lfe*> : >* v * •' “ ‘ m • ■ Cvtw ■' ' j*- ' >'■: ' "' ' -fSj^gySSaMMi?Jßif i»S s*fp : ■ I mSfl . All Property Not Listed By February Ist Will Carry A 10% Penalty I Norfolk Visitors Mrs. Lynal Moore and daugh ter, Joyce of Norfolk, were in Edenton Sunday visiting Mrs. Moore’s mother, Mrs. J. E. Lassi ; ter. It was Mrs. Lassiter’s 70th j birthday. Living with Mrs. Lassiter is her mother, Mrs. Sal lie Harrell, who will be 90 on her birthday in August. -- r Returns From Visit Mrs. J. A. Wheeler has re turned to her home after spend ing the past month visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Sauls and family in Lexington, Mrs. W. H. Wom ble in Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smith in Burling ton. Here From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Baker , Whitfield of Norfolk spent Sunday visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boyce had as their Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Whitehurst of Nor folk, >Va. Fremont Visitors Mrs. J. M. Floars and Mrs. Bertha Peacock of Fremont spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Floars. Visits Parents Miss Janet Bunch of Richmond spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Bunch. Visiting In Charlotte Mrs. W. M. Morgan is spend ing some time in Charlotte visit ing her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaw. Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Martin Harrell, Jr., of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sutton, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Sutton, Jr., and children of Suffolk spent Sunday with Mrs. John M. Harrell. —o Guest of Parents Jimmy Ross of Newport News was the week-end guest of his parents, Mr.—and Mrs. J. J.. Ross. Visits Parents Miss Millie Willis of Washing ton, D. C., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willis. Alexandria Visitors Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jones of Alexandria, Va., were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harless for the week-end. Guest of Father Miss Mary .Mac Holmes of Rocky Mount spent the week end with her father, John A. Holmes, o Returns From Norfolk Mrs. R. W. Hurdle has re turned to her home after spend ing several weeks visiting in i Norfolk. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mayo had as their guests on Saturday, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Fleming of Tar boro and on Sunday Miss Vera Keech, Miss Lucy Wilson and Mrs. Alice Berry also of Tarboro. J Visit In Scotland Neck Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Duncan visited in Scotland Neck Sun day. Visits Mother Miss Kathryn Brown of Golds -1 boro spent the week-end withj ■ her mother, Mrs. M. G. Brown. U Returns To Norfolk ' Carlton Mason of Norfolk has returned home after spending the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mason. Visits In Tarboro Hiram Mayo, Jr., was a recent guest in Tarboro. While #iere he attended a dance at the Country Club given in honor of Miss Jean Wickham on her thir teenth birthday. New Books At Local Library The Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library has received a number of new books within the past few weeks. Patrons are urged to pay the library a visit and become acquainted with the vari ous materials available. Books For Adult Readers Myers, Dead Warrior; Busch, California Street; Pasternak, I Remember; Rosten, Return of Hyman Kaplan; Caldwell, Yourj Sins and Mine; Linkletter, The; Secret World of Kids; Chidsey,! Valley Forge; Corsline, What People Wore; Mitchener, Hawaii; MaeLennen, The Watch That Ends The Night; Norris, Family Gathering; Stout, Plot It Your self; Vanßuren, Dear Teen-Ager; Sharp, The Rescuers; Kronenber gur, Marlborough’s Duchess; Du- Maurier, The Breaking Point; Sandburg, Measure My Love; Gilbert, The Hour-glass; Duncan, Big River, Big Man; Bowers, Broadway U:S.S.R.; Ruark, Poor No More; Peale, The Amazing Results of Positive ’Oiinking, and Crocker, Guide To Easy Enter taining. Books For Juvenile Reading Weil, John Philip Sousa; Ep stein, First Book of Maps and Globes; Gottlieb, First Book of France; Bemdick, First Book of Ships; Havinghurst, First Book of Pioneers; Sobol, First Book of Early Settlers; Epstein, First Book of Italy; Robinson, First Book of Ancient Rome; Domroff, Bible Dictionary; Haines, John Muir; Fenton, Birds and Their World; Yates, A Boy and A Mo tor; Yates, The Boys’ Book of Magnetism; Yates, A Boy and A Battery; Yates, The Boys’ Book of Model Railroading; Yates, The Boys Book of Com munication; Haines and Merrill, The Wright Brothers, and Dolch, In the Woods. Ederiton Tea Party Is Re-enacted Here Continued from Page 1, Section 1 1 possession of the Warrens. Bark er coolies were made especially for the occasion by Mrs. W. D. Holmes, Sr. Attending the tea in colonial. costume were Mrs. Jasper W. I HasselL, Mrs. T. C. Byrum, Jr., , and little Miss Brabble Norman i Warren, daughter of the owners !of the attractive 18th century house. Various other scenes were tak ;en including a shot of Mrs. Jones posing with a silver tank ard owned by Mr. Warren, that was won by Thomas Barker’s horse, Sparrow, in a race in 1754. An interesting feature of the ladle of the set is that it was made in the shape of a j jockey’s cap. Another scene in- I eluded on the mantel a rare pewter tappit-hen. A kitchen setting included Mrs. Byrum preparing Barker cookies using old stone ware, cookie cut ters and crockery. JOHNNY WOO LARD WILL ATTEND FURNITURE SHOW Johnny Woolard, manager ofj the Colonial Furniture Company, ' J will attend the Southern Fumi -1 ture and Rug Market which ! will be held January 18-22 in I High Point. [ Mr. Woodard will inspect the huge showing of furniture and purchase the most modem and best home furnishings during I his visit to the market TH« CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY JANUARY 14, 1860. f / \ l Ellgage< * j MISS ELLEN ANN HOBBS Mr. and Mrs. Gurnie C. Hobbs announ e the engagement of their daughter. Miss Ellen Ann Hobbs, to Charles Gerald Mc- Laughlin, son of Mr. end Mrs. Charles V. McLaugh'in, formerly of Edenton but now residing 'at Cherry Point, N. C. Miss Hobbs is currently a student at John A. Holmes Junior-Senior High School in Edenton. Mr. Mc- Laughlin is a graduate of the same school and is now a mem -1 ber of the U. S. A'r Force, sta j tioned at Shaw AFB in South Carol'na. A spring wedding is planned. Special Election Called Feb. 16th Continued from Page l. Section l tax rate in Edenton. The Board of Elections has set up the machinery for the elec tion with polls to be open from 6:30 A. M., to 6:30 P. M., on Tuesday, February 16. The polling places, registrars and judges of election will be as follows: First Ward: Registrar, Mrs. Sadie Hoskins; Judges of Elec tion, M. A. Hughes and Mrs. S. F. Hicks. Polling place, Munici pal Building. Second Ward: Registrar, Mrs. Ruth Stokley; • Judges of Elec tion, H. A. Campen and Mrs. Haywood Bunch. Polling place, Chowan County Court House. Third Ward: Regiserar, Mrs. Corinne Thorud; Judges of Elec tion, Shelton Moore and Mrs. Sarah Wilson. Polling place,! Electric and Water Plant on Freemason Street. Fourth Ward: Registrar, Mrs. W. W. Porter; Judges of Elec tion, John Lee Spruill and Mrs. W. E. Mills. Polling place, Na tional Guard Armory on North Broad Street. There will be no new regis tration for the election, so that all voters who appear on the Town’s registration books will be eligible to cast a ballot. However, the registration books will be open for new voters to register. To register for the' election a voter must have lived in his ward at least six monthsl | and in the state for a year. Registrars will have their books open for registering new voters daily from Friday, Janu- 1 ary 29, to Saturday, February 6. The books will be kept open each Saturday from 9 A. M., until 9 P. M., and on other days' from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. i RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, January 18, at 7:30 o’clock. Guy Wil liams, sachem, urges a large at tendance. True love makes our ideal brighter and our purpose strong er. —Ernest Dimnet. Thank You! As I am severing my con nection with the Nu-Curl Beauty Shop as of Saturday of this week, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my friends and cue- : tomers whom I have been privileged to serve. ANN PHELPS j dime Will dose Early Wednesdays I Announcement was made this I week that the Chowan Medical I Center will be closed at 4:30 o’clock every Wednesday after- I boon until March. Emergencies will be seen as usual at the hospital. ; Reason for the Wednesday af r ternoon closing is that the doc tors are attending post gradu ate study courses. II Contract Awarded For Sewer Line Continued from Page 1, Section 1 * | Mrs. Larry Dowd to sell beerj on premises at the Triangle Res taurant. W. L. Boswell was granted permission to rent the cemetery j farm property for 1960 at a rent-j al of SSO. ' I The Councilmen also spent | considerable time discussing co difying of Edenton’s code of or- 1 dinances. The cost of this pro-! ject is estimated to be from sl,- 000 to $1,300. If done, the town’s ordinances would be classified in up-to-date shape and would be so that any changes could be made as they occur, j The idea was referred to the Fi nance Committee with authority to proceed to have the work done if funds are available. The Councilmen adocted an. ordinance calling for the elec- j tion on a $557,000 sewer bond | issue which \yill be held Tues-| day, February 16. ■ ; The Street Department was instructed to paint lines on the south side of Blount Street to provide for single parking in order to eliminate a traffic,prob lem. The Street Department was also, instructed to confer with Chief of Police George I. Dail relative to cutting back the curbs at the corner of Gran ville and Blount Streets as well as Granville and King Streets. Another matter to consume . considerable time was town beautification. George Alma By rum had prices and recommen dations from a nursery for planting pin oaks, live oaks and crepe myrtle trees on Broad Street. No definite action was taken, but it was the opinion of the Council that some trees should be planted as soon as possible to replace those which have been removed and that the trees recommended to be taken down should be inspected to de termine which might be unsafe. Various reports were heard and after the bills were ordered paid the Council adjourned. TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED NU-CURL * Beauty Shop January Special $lO Permanents —$8 $ 8 Permanents—s 6 Experienced. Operators To Serve You! FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS CALL OR DROP IN All Work Supervised and Guaranteed by Irma Allsbrook Ineida Walker and Marian Beachman OPERATORS Phone 3313 EDENTON Home Ec Teachers Study Curriculum The regular monthly meeting of the Albemarle Home Eco nomics Teachers’ Organization was held Thursday, January 7, in the home economics depart ment of the Perquimans High School in Hertford. Miss Fran ces Newby was in charge of the program which was “Study of the New Curriculum Guide.” This new guide to Homemaking Education for home economics teachers of North Carolina was recently issued by the State Su perintendent of Public Instruc i tion. The study consisted of reading and discussing- profes sional responsibilities of teach ers; a study of the curriculum, including an overview of each — r ~ ~ ~rr j SHOP PHTHISIC’S—SAVE TOP LAI,UK STAMPS! j CENTER*CUT Real Savings on This Sale! I o ] /-(I Harrell’s Y.O.V. Kor^J}J >ps Mb. Bacon all M j i 43 c m Sausage r ; M.B_C E LLO PKG. GWALTNEY Ml], j i I\/\l 1 LOCAL GROWN LARGE TYPE STEWING - BAKING |j 1 ■ 49c HENS l-LB. CRESCENT SLICED BACOH *2 9c G These Prices Are Effective Thru Saturday, Jem. 16th * TALL PET OR CARNATION 2 imssmimm. m r l k 8-OZ. CAN EDENTON BAY fIA Hi Herring Roe 2i33 cCan l^ c 15-OZ. CAN EATWELL Mackerel can 21 c NO. 2Vi CAN DELMONTE I.LB. PKG. GORDON'S Peaches can 31c Fl ™;^' r l-LB. SUPER STORE p m COFFEE bag 47c i 49c 46-OZ. CAN PACKERS LABEL SWEET *1 jj O 1 • Oi • jon Koikszic range Juice J —COUNTRYsmL— 5-LB. BAG FRANKLIN GRANULATED Cake Donuts 11 SUGAR bag 55c ■ 29c IS LARGE AND EXTRA LARGE I-irT'C » AC? I PRIDE OF EDENTON EAAjO 1 ftD c I FLORIDA -<& « ggjujg} ORANGES j Grapefruits 1 <7,1 PHTHISIC’S fWll STORE OPEN UNTIL 7:30 P. M. nTT/vxrn J FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I rIUJNE 3331 fl '■ unit taught, suggestions for classroom instruction, and flexi bility of units; plus a discussion of tents, references and specific helps which are furnished in the guide. The meeting was presided over by Evelyn Willey, president. Hostesses were Carolyn Brinkley and Frances Newby. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Mabel L. Hall of East Caro ! lina College, district supervisor; Carolyn Brinkley of Plymouth High School with her student teachers from East Carolina Col lege, Ann Barnacascel and Ann Jessup; Eleanor K. Tetterton, Creswell High; Lucy Kittrell, Sunlbury High; Edan Reaves, Edenton High; Ernestine Nich ols, Elizabeth City High; Fran ces Warren, Camden High; Mar guerite Foster, Weeksville High; Katherine B. Bowman, Manteol - -r*~ • rr r High; Hefen Larafeee of Cent*S . High; Frances Newby, Perquinfc j ans High; Evelyn B. Willey) ; Gatesville High, and Lorrain^ » H. Rogerson, Chowan High, » BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Lt. and Mrs. Burton H. Jones ; of Elizafwfh, N. J., announce the ' birth of a daughter, bom Mon day, January 11, ; UNA’S 1 Beauty Nook For Aopointments j Call 2218 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY; 9:00 TIL 5:30 ■ * \ UNA WHITE - DOT DAVIS * J wMiii

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