COLONIAL FURNITURE COMPA NY Os Edenton JANUARY 'SAVINGS UP TO 70% TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET LIVING ROOM FURNITURE ' ' For Pms Value" IS IS El SH SjSRP Sofa Beds _ NOW SAVE 1/3 Sp' I^W'SHSi .-, ' i’- V K,-J'iced 511-: S.~,SX> %QQ QC \l}sjf/ liSW gftil Wm?F\-> 3-Piece Sectional Sofa VOcft*/U V —' / * S ' jEFf \g > > *** om - T ?&Z?*~ is— -and it's made especially ‘£o I /Ml W Early American Hide-Away Bed Sofa for people suffering •jfi’&fel r« a .iS'.'SnJS 2rai SS. IKS *BB&Sm2Bi from "soft bed” backacnes! Lowsone Sofa and Chair K I N C * H * P F h 11. Brown tweed soft with matching citato cittar. 18®% foam rubber Sj H B IT? ■ M I I MM MII «' ' . cushions. Regular price for both pieces. s34®.3Mi NOW SAVE Uw|j|Bfßß 888 B V { J^S£l!S s ° r "- Reduced to 317&25 KINGSDOWN FOAM ... ...... ~ ' rtnt)^.-i^r~ — _ tiu-j? » .. . r Are you risking your health by sleeping on soft or worn- -i. ' Y IJIJY- wn«s-Pieee Sofa Bed Suite RUBBER MATTRESS bedding? stop ... get yourself a new king-o-pedic • t Sleep two sofa bed. rocker, foot stool and hro sofa pillows in AND BOX SPRINGS mattress! It’s one of the best things that could happen to ■ Jrgiifgfip' aa^v-^lss fcSP®** $99.95 Complete suoport for proper rest. I cause painful morning backaches, and KING-O-PEDIC —. . Regular $149.50 Value helps those aches vanish like magic. Exclusive DUAL firm- f|j|| Piece Sectional Sofa I REDUCED 4C% I ness (label-side up, it’s extra jLouelv red decoiator cover with I®B% rubber cushions. firm turn it over and it’s A : «aom «♦ - -■ / . i ArtA AN medium firm!) And, you can SflflK ’ Only WXU UK choose betwee smooth or V JU ftf . • ? >-~S= Recliners lacs-tufted top construction. ONLY.. TWIN OR '^£2 Choice of colors with plastic trim. A regular 'X rpp . T ? <;p \ ,3, it’s a hard-to-believe ■•* J FULL SIZE PW $59.95 value. Now save ONE-THIRD Retiuited nfafi ft G KtLAI SALE, .. . mattress value’cause it’s NOT \2JLi I ,0 only— S3SJBB / FREE \ GREAT SAVISGS p[iced at *59.50! G« your [ ’ 3 ’”. ' BED ROOM FURNITURE < gffe'®' ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES 4-Piece Modern Bed Room Suitel CANISTER SET 1 * : ,J ILIBI 3:Kr^i»^«r heach Pu S/ QVI UAMIA r T l \/ , C WBX% NoW Save to «Jv- ,D IL V All 1A IV O ■lg L|lt j 5-Piece Early American Bed Room Suite A new shipment of 1960 models just arrived ... Choose from con- 11 ' P nished in beautiful cherry freu >c»d - ;ndsfti. HXmbte SOleS P table models Os portables! f I • lium , $199.95 Complete /!%-1 /\ pbl j Mg? Jfßl 4-Pieee Solid Oak Bc-d Room Suite lu)l i/t/.t7u For 21 in. With Trade !a- H Beautiful ranch oak with double dtaessw. aaanrar. chest, book- • Bf Hbk |. ; case bed. A nice suite that factory is nfccofistimiitJag- Regular - - 1 tM Lipwwfvr' iWj&BSSemW value. $309 95. Now save 40'V— gt T £* • ' * ! onb sum» complete .*• *3 - ; || ’ 4-Piece Malnut Bed Room Suite Across the top freezer that holds 63 lbs. of frozen foods. Storage {ill; - . logy! IB' Danish modem design with doutoJe ainrssier, nurror. chest and im Hnor and full width PrisnPl*! . Jlt bookcase bed. Genuine walnut wito brass drawer pulls. Hard i ' . ■ L." wood dustproof drawers. A good vahae Jew 55T9.95. Now re- . - —, m _ _ - __ (I • M M B i■" CHte, -- - A Now Fm $199.95 . MM* . 4-Piece Bed Room Suite # - • w> *' iCfe MBBBteEI J 3 French Provincial design with white *oMen beslue finish. |\| ■KI <*;; A X Double dresser, mirror, chest, HArctwooci: dustp-roof X XXX • LI X^LCLXX.^£ : 7 drawers. RegJlar value a: S2S*J&. W ONE-THIRD to W W *#*# MAVVVA * W4l © V ' ' $173.50 Complete Extra large 21-inch glass door oven with storage on side and bot • tom. Divided top with 4 micro-tube surface units.- 7 heat com- B uSM Brx r(/mS. 4-Piece Modern Bed Room Suite trols Has clock for time oven use and light. Specially Priced— 5 ■■!■ :. .. / JjMb In popular grey finii* with d-resscr, fflaiimmr.. chest, bookcase bed. 4 I 2 2 A regular $119.95 value. Now red-tf-ci to. ONE-HALF— mT __ _ H> B B M B B §*■ ?fT:L 2122 Now For Only $219.95 COLONIAL FURNITURE COMPANY