PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY volume XXVll.—Number 5. Permission Asked To Mo%> Confederate Monument If B § Lower End Os Broad Street Commissioners Post pone Decision Until March Meeting; Let ter of Protest Read At Meeting Monday 1 A sawable «*eae**tpo« fawn) \ro»e Edenton Weman’s Club ap-. pcared before the County Com-" ' Kusctoners at their meeting Me®', day morning. With the purest-1 .dent, Mr. Wesley Chesson. Jr.„ n as spokesman, the group asked the Commissioners for permis-l! skun to move the ConNerat? monument tram the Court House Green to a proposed park at the' foot of Broad Street. j Mrs. Chesson also anformed| the Commissioners that the pro-" posed improvement to the Court " House Green and erection of the!) new park at the waterfront was; estimated to coat between SW-SUMi and SHMXW. The impression” was also given that, if the pro-! ject is earned through, both the| County and Town of BdentamJ will be asked to appropriate ap-g proxknately s4,s®# each toward # the expense. Mrs. Chesson also pointed out that the Woman's! Club has already spent sls# for!! Climinarv expenses and that!! dub unanimously adopted the project and would earmark, all profits from the I#SS tour ( toward the cost Proceeds from 1 the tour are estimated at about SI,OM. The hope was also ex pressed that the project could be completed in time for the next Eden ton tour in the spring of IMI. Mrs. Chesson pointed out some of the advantages of the proposed improvement and ex- AsbelTßodies j To Be Moved r ■■ __ “ At' the request of the U. S. j Fish and Wildlife Service, the , bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob# Asfeell' will be removed from *j private cemetery to Beaver Hill| Cemetery. I A petition agreeing for the -•removal has been signed by all' of the heirs of the deceased and, the removal will be under the supervision of Dr. I*- P. Wil-!! liams, county health officer J The weak will be at government; expense, and lire Bureau dj "Sport Fisheries and WiMlife” will exeieise the utmost care t® see that no damage is done toj the remains or the markers ©fj graves. TK* Bureau of Sport Fisheries!, and Wildlife is presently devel-J oping a fish hatchery on thej Asbell property which was ae-S by L. E. Francis The* nrmetery is said to interfere;! With the development of the! fiah hatchery. j Balloon Sale” dAfUem E. Band. Jr, chair knantof the Hurt fPd drive 255 BariScwaW haw* *pwfj* IWWwwi Ifeßrilwa Mr. Board says various other Bud Sk iles Chosen To Play In AQ State Band At Greenville Bud Skills, Brat clarinetist of Band, fcasTthen selected to P»»y totbe R C. AH Stote Band m at East Carotma Col se*e an IHday and Saturday. F<*gu»ry THE CHOWAN HERALD Dedication Ceremonies For l j New Fish Hatchery Planned { This Spring; Les fler Speaker « I Congressman Herbert C. Bon- to furnish the following infor # ner late last week, informed mation. l Tte Herald that dedication cere- “On completion of the present manses es the new fish hatch- pond construction contract at |ery in Edenton will be held this Edenton, there will be approxi sprifflg. Mr. Bonner also stated mately eighteen acres of pond ii that Ross. Leffter. assistant secre- area available for producing fish. . tary as the Department of the The pond work will be complet- Interksr. wilt be the principal ed in time to permit full produc speaker for the occasion. tion in these ponds this year. | Mr. Bonner released a letter A crop of bass will be produced i. he received from Mr. Leffler, during the spring months, and jj which fallows: a crop of bluegill and redear I -Dear Mr. Bonner: In order' sunfish during the summer and »ta keep you currently informed fall months. Steps are already . regarding progress at the Eden- under way for supplying the I tan. North Carolina. National Edenton hatchery with an initial . Fish Hatehery. we are pleased Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Group Organized In Edenton To Study Problems Os Aging i A group of interested Cho wan County citizens met on | Monday evening with Mrs. Eu- j genii* Babylon to form a com mittee to work on problems with the senior citizens of Cho wan County. This committee i will work in connection with the Governor's Coordinating Com mittee on Aging. Its purpose is to make a study of Edenton and Chowan County’s senior popula tion front a standpoint of their needs and to make plans to help meet their needs. Present for the meeting were Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, William ,D„ Fuller. Miss Pauline Callo-. ‘ way. Dr Edward G. Bond, Miss I Marion Robertson. W. J. Taylor! land Milton L Bass. I In order to make as thorough an investigation as possible and Legion Planning 1 To Form Drum And Bugle Corps 1 J ■ David White, commander of Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the j ! American Legion, announces! ! that plans are now in the mak-1 ting to form a Legion Drum and ! Bugle Corps. The Legionnaires, in an effort !to secure funds to equip the j groups, will serve choice steaks 't® order every Saturday night .at the Legion building from 5 iP„ ML. until midnight Profits I from these meals will go to- Iward purchasing instruments in | the hope that a first class mu sical group ean be developed. There is plenty of room at jthe Legiwn building, no reserva tions are necessary and dress is j informal. Robert Mathis is in charge of raising funds for the band {and anyone interested in making 1 contributions should contact him or Commander White. 20 Years Ago j Aa Ffcoad m tfca FMm as Tha Own Herald > S Chowan County Cmmhmw **s tataaad ta atrtand Dm time tor hating gmgm tf far tax par-' Jjnro'to'lLt darim^rmMT MB ta Rat Mr fWpM» ahaUi ha twadjor Mr fafl j tton on Mr tndrridaal instru ana to section nhwnih from tin coUcga staff and selected band director* from high schools around the state. Tin band will present a con eertSntorday night. February 6, Eden' Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, February 4, 1960. in order to make realistic plans and recommendations the com mittee decided to enlarge itsell to include other persons from Edenton and Chowan County. Invitations to join this commit tee were sent by Miss Babylon to the Rev. George Holmes, G. B. Potter, John Holmes, the Rev. Fred Drane, O. C. Long, Ernest Ward, Jr.. Harry Smith, Gilliam Wood. Mrs. Eliza Elliott Mrs E. L. Belch and Mrs. A. D. Ward. Jr. After a lengthy discussion ol possible projects the committee decided to meet again on Febru- I ary 22nd. at which time ‘he new members would be present. Mrs. Babylon was. eletted chairman. Mr. Fuller, chairmar of publicity, and Milton Bass recorder. [ Finally Sold - - - •> Chowan County Commission ' ers at their meeting Monday | morning, accepted the hid for ’ the County Home property. The I high bid art the last sale of the property was $10,700, which was made by J. Wallace Goodwin and Earl Ashley. The property includes about 122 acres of land and a number of buildings. Mitchener Put On Advisory Committee For Retailer Clinic Frank McCabe, president of the N. C. Merchants Association, announces that John Mitchener of Edenton has been appointed to the advisory committee for the tenth annual Retailers Ac tivities Clinic to be held at Chapel Hill on February 21-22. The establishment of parking j lots, how to improve downtown ! parking facilities, and the re | sponsibility of providing parking j space will feature discussions at j this year’s meeting. The clinic will feature talks ’■ by William Barr, Washington, 'j D. C., executive director of the 1 National Parking Association; John T. Church, Henderson, vice president and secretary. Rose stores; J. Ernest Yarborough, 'j executive vice president, Win 'j ston-Salem Retail Merchants As sociation, and representatives ol the Kalamazoo, Michigan Cham ber of Commerce. ! Students Meet College Officials Students of the 11th and 12th grades of the John A. Holmes High School met with represen tatives of 23 colleges and uni versities Wednesday morning at this week from 9 to 11:30 o’clock , fan the gymnasium. the program was planned for 1 students to obtain information i and make preparations to enter college this fall. A number ol parent* of students also attend tod the meriting ‘ ~ ■£**■*" ■ Aces’ All Easterners Honored ] J N. C. Sta 4 e football coach. Earle Edwards, left, talks with' John A. Holmes High School football players. Fred Britton and Minton Small at the recent News and Observer banquet honoring players selected by "The Old Reliable's" All-Eastern team th.s past season. Coach Bill Billings appears at right. Gene W ard Winner Os ’59 DSA Award At Jaycee Banquet Bob Cox, Past Nation al Jaycee President, Makes Principal Ad dress For Occasion Gene Ward was named the most outstanding young man in Edenton for the year 1959 and was awarded the Distinguished Service Award at a Junior Chamber of Commerce banquet held in the Masonic Temple Friday night. The award was presented by A1 Harrison, state president of the Jaycees. Mr. Ward was highly congrat ulated by Mr. Harrison for his many activities during the year. Mentioned were his participa tion in' a number of local pro jects, his activity with Boy Scouts, his affiliation and lead ership in various civic organiza tions and his status in his pro fession. Ward is an active Bap tist: He was secretary of the Edenton Savings & Loan Asso- Continued on Page 2—Section 1 Winners In Community Progress Contest . J P Amt- I mm. r ! 1 ". w* * ismmmmasam Above b pictured community representatives oi winners in me community Progress Contest sponsored by the Chowan Agricultural Workers Council and financed by Peoples Bank & Trust Company... Awards were made Monday of last week for colored contestants and Tuesday night for while. In top picture, left to right, are: Gilliam Wood, chairman of the board of directors of Peoples Bank It Trust Company; Emmett Jones, representing Center Hill com munity; Mrs. Eugene Jordan and Mrs. Herbert Byrum representing Ryland community; Mrs. Woodrow Lowe representing Advance community; Mrs. Florine Nixon representing Gum Pond community and Mrs. E. N. Elliott representing Cross Roads community. Bottom picture, front row. left to right. Frank Cosion, Jr., representing Center Hill-Cisco community: C. A. While representing Hudson Grove community. Bade row. left to right Earl Wadsworth ism wanting • '*v. ■ • »- * New Secretary ] SI j I Mrs. David T. Bateman has', been 'recently employed T>y {he* county as a full-time secretary at the Soli Conservation office to assist the Chowan County supervisors and the farmers for their soil conservation needs. Operation Hornets’ j NestScheduledFor All State NG Units i 'Test For Mobilization 1 I Scheduled to Be Call ed Some Time Be tween Feb. 10 and 25; i Governor Luther H. Hodges I announced Monday that as Com-; mander of the North Carolina Army and Air National Guard., he has issued instructions fori all units of the North : National Guard to partic pale in OPERATION HORNETS - NEST in conjunction with nation-wide Muster Day observances an nounced by me National Guard . OPERATION HORNETS - NEST will be a test mobilization of Army and Air National Guard Units in North Carolina to be held sometime between Febru ary 10 and 25. as a means of j fully acquainting the citizens of j North Carolina with the objec tives and mission of this State's Army and Air National Guard. When the alert is sounded in February, approximately 126 units of the North Can ; Army National Guard and 8 units of the North Caroi na Air National Guard will immediate ly move into the biggest mobili zation since World War 11. in volving over 11,300 officers and men. The Governor reported that the National Guard has the im- Continued on Page 4—Seel ion 1— ———-——- Bonner Files ’ l , ; Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner sent a lelegram to The Her ald Monday afternoon from . Wash ngten to the effect that he had filed his candidacy for re-; - election. The telegram read: "I have today filed my candidacy in the primary election of 1960 as Democratic Representative in the United Stales Congress from the First Congressional District of North Carolina." 52.50 Per Year In North Caroline Mayor Mitchener Asks Full Support In Bond Election |j Chosen To Play i v r , • BUD SKILES i Bud Skiles, a member of the John A. Holmes High School, Band, has been selected ‘o play in the N. C. All State Band at East Carolina College February 5 and 6. Area jVEA Conference Today •/ At John A. Holmes High School An area conference of the North Carolina Education Ass©- 1 nation is scheduled to be held ••>t John A. Holmes High School j this (Thursday) afternoon at 4 > - clock. Teachers are expected j to attend from Edenton. Cho-| wan County. Bertie County J Camden Countv. Currituck Coun tv. El /abeth Citv. Gates County. Hertford County. T’asquoian'k : County and Perquimans County The program includes an af ternoon general session, group discussions, a dinner meeting and lecture and an open forum. Included are a review of im portant dates and events in the Association calendar, a presen- 28 JAILED IN JANUARY Jailer Bertram Byrum reports another small jail population for the month of January. On'v 2K persons were placed in jail dur ing the month with confine ments ranging from one to 15 days. The expense, including jail and" turnkey fees and soap, amounted to SI 52.78. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A F &■ A. M.. will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. McKay Washington, master of ‘he lodge, is very anxious to have a large attendance. ‘Bid Again Raised' *■ p Wednesday of last week the abandoned Rocky Hock School property was again put up for sale, u hen the previous bid was raised by the Rocky Hock Com munity The properly will again be of fered for sale at the Court Hcuse door Monday morning. February 15. at 11 o'clock. The Rocky Hock group raised the bid last Wednesday, so that the opening b : d at the sale on Feb ruary 15 will be $4,250. Mayo Releases Honor Rolls At John A. Holmes High School Hiram J. Mayo, principal ofj ! John A. Holmes High School. 1 j has released the honor rolls forg j the third six-weeks period and also for the lust semester. J Those on the honor roll for 3 the first semester are: Grade Seven ' Claire Belch, Susan Bvrum. Nancy O'Neal. Brenda Stallings. Johnetta Davenport. David Hoi ton. Ed Jenkins. Charles Over ton. George Wilkins and Lula Stroud. Grade Bgkt Doris Bass, Sandra Bunch. Jean Goodwin, Nancy Jordan. Pat Mooney, Mary Thorud. .James Jimmy Gordon. Neel Hobbs and Douglas Tw*d FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Says Sewaare Disposal ; System Will Be Big Step In Progress of Edenton Mayor Jute A. Mitchener. Jr., j uni a statement to the citizens of i the Town of Edenton urges full [support of the bond issue for j a sewage :treatment system to be ! voted on February 16. I Mayor Mctehener stated that j there are many benefits to be i derived frtwra a sewage treat i merit plant which will a d Edeti | tom am its; progress. “Ail of us are a wane ©f the unsanitary, con ditions whack exist ir Edenton Bay." satdl Mavor Mitchener. "and the need for a sewage trvAtrmemt system has been evi dent for many vears. "A sewage treatment sys'em will nlavv Edenton in a better position to secure more indus try Means of disposing of in dustrial waste is a key point in the selection of a community for a tmanniiffaeturLng plant. In- Ccnlinaro on Pag* 4— Section l Station off facts concerning sum jmer jaroffassiomal activities, the ; ■apptvarlt'te annual State Con jvontion. and the February-March j set :es off legislative dinners. ! Group discussions center around NCEA and NEA pro >| grams, public relations, and t;ro -1 fesstonal services. The dinner- I ket-une presents a forthright sur ! vey off effective legislative tecit- I niques and an exchange of opin ion as v, legislative objectives both immediate, and lung-range. Dimmer will be served in the l school cafeteria bv Mrs. Go'xl , win «md the lunch mom staff. • assisted bv Mrs.. Daniel Reavi s -1 home ecomwettics girls. DAK Observes History Month Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the- BAR is loitning the NFDAU in tine observance of National History Month during February. Th» local chapter will sponsor rad o programs, proerams in the schools and newspuner re lea si s. Mayor John Mitchener has is sued a proclamation, calling upon indtv idtials, organizations and schoi'.ls to emphasize Ameri can historic during Histiev Month. .. "Th.s is requvsted. -- saP^M.ivor■ M.tchener. “in order tfv.t oqr entire ns mav appreciate tW great spir tual streng’h and wisdom off our forefathers and wiil astst sa buiidins of a c«ki lirna mg heritage of faith, for titude and righteousness for fu ture generations. | CIMC CALENDAR | A special elacbon will be held in Edenton Tuesday. Februa y IS to vote on a 5057.0Q0 bond issue for sewage improvements. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Ryland community will hold a Continued on Pag* 4—Section 1 Grade Nine Carolyn Griffin. Gail Hare, Joan Ann Leary. Arm Wells. Annie Laurie Whiteman. Wavnt Ashley. John Marshall, Tim Overman and Jerry Yarborough. Grade Ten Jeanette Ashley. Eleanor Bovee. Marian Bunch. Ida Cam yvn. Ann Hobbs. Anne Jenkins. : Judy Riley. Phyllis Twiddy. : Herbert Adams, James DaiL Walter Holton. Dick Hobowsky. Joe Mitchener. Roland Tolley, and Mack Wright. Grade Eleven Mary Ann Hare. MiUr Price. Salty Private Kathryn Woaeika. * Erwin Griffin and Jimmy Roger-

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