PAGE SIX -SECTION OWE |SOCIETY NEWS Friday Visitor | Mrs. J. D. Elliott had for a Short visit Friday Miss Marjorie Jilfigs, a native of Elizabeth City ilUt now of Spartanburg, S. C.I Miss Riggs composed the ballet, f'ftantasy of Twilight” which I |>as presented by Southern Ballet in Atlanta, Ga., last win- Mr and also in Spartanburg. Visit In High Point * t)r. and Mrs. A. F. Downum •pent the week-end in High Faint as guests of their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. fYcddie Byrum. Guest Os Mother 4 Miss Frances Holton, a stu-1 pent at St Mary’s spent the Week-end with her mother, Mrs.' faavid Holton. ' Greenville Visitors * Mr. and Mrs. Alex White and I two daughters, Becky and Anna' pf Greenville, N. C., SDent Sat urday as guests of Mr. White’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank ' White. At Republican Dinner J William Di Gegorio attended ♦he Virginia Republican ‘’Din ner for Ike” held at the John Marshall Hotel in Richmond on Wednesday of last week. • O Returns From Greensboro ” Mrs. J. D. Swindell has re lumed home from Greensboro, where she has been visiting her children, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen Jwindell and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lewis for three weeks. Mrs. Swindell was accompanied homo |>y her grandson, Don Lewis. Who will spend a few weeks With his grandparents. Out of Hospital ; Mrs. D. C. Lewis of Greens boro, who has been a patient Jn Cone Memorial Hospital for several days, is now at her home [recuperating. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Furgiuelc and two daughters, Margaret Jane and Harriet Randoluh. re lumed to their home in Cul-j Va.. after spending thoj Week-end as guests of Mrs., Furgiuelc's parents, Mr. and %$., T. J. Wood. I Returns Home Hrs. W. B. Rosevear has re-; home after spending a |A> days in Greensboro. 0 Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cates of Norfolk were the week-end guests of Mrs. Marvin Wilson. /T Ik spri _ sir t| iuife% JdAWm We herald the season of the suit with new suit styles in all their the fitted suit. Ready for choosing! | wjji \ Longer Jacket Suit .. . looking ni-w # :• : ; f mg A' for spring in finely textured wool; the \\ v .» /f A|T / r widened shoulders and notched collar. v jMT \\\\j j\ / ' Walking Suit ... all wool nubspun * \ mIMA X3||f i fabric in plaids and solids at a popu i^ r VV y i price that will suit your budget .. . Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Debnatn had as their week-end guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Debnam of j Greenville. | Visits Parents I Miss Theda Goodwin, a stu dent at Campbell College, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Goodwin. Raleigh Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dixon, Jr., had as their Sunday guests, her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Bob bitt of Raleigh. Returns To Rocky Mount Mrs. Sophie Lewis has re turned to her home in Rocky Mount after spending some time with her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis. Visiting In Virginia Mrs. Douglas Conkwright is spending a few days with her son and daughter-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Conkwright in London Bridge, Va. o Tabor City Visitors Mrs. John Sykes and son, Louis of Tabor City, were the overnight guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis. They were enroute to California and after a short stay there, will make a trip around the world. Visit In Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. George Lewis spent the week-end in Rocky Mount visiting relatives. * Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harless attended ihe funeral of her! aunt, Mrs. H. B. Rawls, in Co- 1 lumbia, S. C„ last week. Theyj were accompanied by Mrs. j Charles Gilliam and Hugh | Kitchen of Virginia Beach. Visit In Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Saunders! and son. Gene, spent the week-! end in Norfolk visiting relatives. Week-end In Severn Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hassell and sons spent the week-end in Sev-t cm as the guests of Mrs. Has- 1 sell’s mother. Mrs. C. J. Mad-j drev. Students Home Among the students who arei home after exams are: Gus' Hughes. Elton Bass. Charlie Small. Jr., and Paul Twiddy. Visits Parents Robert Boyce, Jr, of Nor folk spent the week-end with |. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- j ert Boyce. Rocky Hock Group Will Meet Tonight Billy Leary, president of the Rocky Hock Community Center, has announced that a meeting of this group will be held tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o’clock at the Rocky Hock School building. One of the primary Items to be considered will be require ments for a fire station. Fire Chief W. J. Yates and George Lewis, farm relations officer ofj Peoples Bank & Trust Company,! are expected to be present to' take part in the discussion. Mr. Leary urges all who are interested in the community center to attend. The Rocky Hock School prop erty was again sold Wednesday of last week, when the Rocky Hock group raised the bid. Thei property will again go up for sale Monday morning, February 15. at 11 o’clock at. the Court House door. The opening bid will be $4,250. j CHOWAN CLUB NEWS Chowan Home Demonstration I Club will hold a refinishing! workshop Monday, February 22,' at the club house. The joint meeting of husbands I and guests will be held Thurs day night, February 25, at 6:30! o’clock at the club house. Mem bers of the club are asked to carry food. Mrs. Roland Evans was ap pointed to attend the recreation i workshop at the club house on| Monday. February 15, 16 and 17 j from 7 to 9:30 P. M. I The 25th District Home Dem-J onstration Federation will be held Tuesday. April 12. in Eden-! ton with the Chowan County 'Club women as hostesses. Mrs. E. N. Elliott has been placed on the food planning committee and Mrs. C. J. Hol towell on the music committee. Cross Roads Community won S3O in the community progress program. One of the charter members of the Chowan Home Demon stration Club, Mrs. E. L. Wins low, died Monday, February 1, at the Lane Nursing Home at Woodville. ATTEND ART PREVIEW Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smi'h at tended the reception and pre view for artists of the Irene Leaehe Memorial Exhibition at the Norfolk Museum of Arts on Saturday. Mrs. Smith is repre sented in the Exhibition bv a watercolor entitled “Winterj ■ Night.” THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. WORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 4. 1960. | Lunch Room Menu j 1 Menus at the Edenton Ele ! mentary School lunch room for I the week of February 8-12 will be as follows: Monday: Macaroni and cheese, buttered corn, peach pie, corn bread, turnip greens, butter and i milk. Tuesday: Spanish rice with beef, apple sauce, buttered peas, i school baked rolls, carrot sticks, I milk and butter, j Wednesday: Corned beef, beet j pickle, steamed cabbage, milk, i potatoes, cornbread, lemon cus tard and butter. Thursday: Meat loaf and gra vy, steamed rice, blackeye peas, school baked rolls, fruit jello, milk and butter. Friday: Beef vegetable soup, i toasted cheese sandwiches, block cake, crackers and milk. COUNTY NEWS County students home for as -1 ter-exam holidays included: Joe [ Hollowell, State College: Jackie Asbell, East Carolina College; Linda Copeland and Emily Leary, Campbell College; David | Aired, Wake Forest College; Joe. Nixon and Bill Welch, Chowan College; Steve Burch and Jerry J White, University of North Car j olina; Bunny Baker, Duke Uni- 1 • versity, and Douglas Leary, East Carolina College. Miss Margaret Raines, a stu ednt at Meredith College, visit ed Mrs. Marguerite Burch ovep ' the week-end. ! Stanford Perry SDent Friday. I night with his mother in Eden- I ton. ! A group of Rocky Hock wo- I men attended an Associational ; WMU Mission Study Institute at Warwick Church on Wednesday. Mrs. W. H. Saunders is in bed as the result of a fall last week. Mrs. Merritt Hooper, Jr., of Elizabeth City visited Mrs. Ro land Evans on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Privott and Mrs. E. N. Elliott spent the week-end in Jacksonville, N. C„ with Mr. and Mrs. James Chain er. a Marine once stationed at the Edenton Naval Station. Mrs. J. D. Hobbs had a quilt ing last week, assisted by Mrs. M. M. Nixon. I Mrs. M. M. Nixon’s dinner] guests on Sunday were Mr. and* Mrs. Lloyd Johnson of Halifax,* N. C., and Mr. and Mrs. Staley Adkinson of Norfolk, Va. LEGION MEETING Ed Bond Post No. 40 of the American Legion will meet Tuesday night, February 9. at 8 o’clock. Commander David White urges a large attendance. IFarm Bureau To Meet In Asheville February 7 To 9 Delegates representing over 50,000 Tar Heel farm families will meet in Asheville on Feb ruary 7-9 for the annual busi ness session of the North Caro lina Farm Bureau Federation and to determine the organiza tion’s policies on agricultural and other matters for the com ing year, according to Bureau President B. C. Mangum of Rougemont. ; “The delegates will meet against a backdrop of declining farm income and increased costs of production,” declared Man gum who expects, “farm income, state tax and financial affairs, inflation, labor problems, agri cultural research and other state problems to draw the spotlight of the meeting.” Sears Catalog 1 Going To 9 Million Families Sears, Roebuck and Co., has begun distribution of its 1960 spring and summer general cata log, the company has announced. It will be mailed to some 9 million families in all of the 'nation’s 50 states and posses sions. George H. Struthers, vice president in charge of merchan- [ dising, said the 1960 book is thef largest spring and summer cata log in Sears 73-year history. The Chicago edition, with 1,558 pages, weighs more than five pounds and contains more than 135,000 merchandise items. Col- , or is more prominent than ever, with a record number of pages in four colors—376. SHOP PHTHISIC’S -- Save Twice On Top Value Food And i 6 to 20 lbs. usda grade a A m Top Value Stamps TURKEYS lb. 4^ c 9omimmmT wr JL LEAN, FRESH, CENTER CUT STOCK YOUR FREEZER 10 TO 12 LB. AVERAGE c o ::Hi ms poRK CHOPS lb 43 c lb. 33c Pork Loin Roastib. 3 C u. s. commercial lb. - Lean Fresh 2-lb. Chatham Picnic Pak CHUCK /J /X Ground BEEF FRANKS Roast JZ? lb. 43 c pkg. 79c PILLSBURY S OR BALLARD S PRIDE OF EDENTON GRADE A T~~— BISCUITS LARGE EGGS 3 a Bfcl Sliced pkg. s UoZi J^p c Strawberries 25c DUNCAN HINES YELLOW 6-OZ. MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT Ehwanson’s . p Chicken CAKE MIX; 33c coffee • 95c IV Dimers.. 57c 15 0Z TALL EATWELL I*LB WARRIF^^^ wm^am ■■■■■*^■1^^ mm^mmmm ’ HAHRE LL S (LIMIT 12 LBS.—NONE TO DEALERS) mackerel j 21c Pure UtdifcJOf - ONIONS —.OX BALLARD'S “ . j 15 C RISING Flour box 49 c U. S. NO. 1 WHITE 10 LBS. lUOllllj A POT A TDFQ QQ- Free Wa y Applicator with 26-oz. Johnson PUIAIOLb jyc KLEAR floor wax... ....B<fc ““ FLORIDA 12-oz. Tang Luncheon Meat . . . . can 4V GRAPE FRUITS Medium Ivory Soap .... .. . 4 bars 39c 4r> Extra Special! 77" "*T * <or 4yt/ c IV2 Lbs. Richfaod Bread. . loaf 19c PHTHISIC’S S ~V™™T Lloyd C. Bunch At Kentucky Meeting L. C. Bunch, Route 1, Eden ton, chairman of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District, is at tending the meeting of the Na tional Association of Soil Con servation Districts in Louisville, Ky. The meeting started Sun day, January 31, through Feb ruary 4. Mr. Bunch traveled by car with Fred Darden, district su pervisor of the Coastal Plain SCD and Bryce Younts, Admini stration Officer of the N. C. State Soil Conservation Commit tee. Local Negro Youth Is Killed Tuesday Fred Hoskins, 16-year-old col ored boy was shot and killed about 9:30 o’clock Tuesday night in Hall’s pool room on Oakum Street. According to police Cecil Ran kin, about 16, also colored, was playing with a .32 calibre re volver and, according to wit nesses, the revolver accidentally fired, hitting Hoskins in the chest. Hoskins was taken to Cho wan Hospital, but was dead UNA’S Beauty Nook For ApDointments Call 2218 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:00 'TIL 5:30 UNA WHITE - DOT DAVIS upon arrival. Rankin was charged with manslaughter ana will be giv Notice To All CAR and TRUCK OWNERS Effective Monday, Feb. Bth New Tires Will Increase in Price as follows: \ CAR TIRES al least 5% TRUCK TIRES . . at least 7^% BUY YOUR TIRE NEEDS jHHI NOW AND SAVE ... WE mBHIk HAVE THEM IN THeHHKW SIZE YOU NEED! * w f KELLYS Worry-free. Driving.., I C J LOOK FOR THIS SIGN OF QUALITY AT Scott & Ackiss Recapping Co. West Eden Street Edenton. N. C. PHONES: EDENTON 2688 ELIZABETH CITY 7813 en a prelimianry trial in Cho wan Recorder’s Court Friday morning.

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