1 m Ii * OmMm tt Ml >«nd>M Patients admitted to Chowan Hospital during the week of February H were: White Mrs. Louise Blades, Eden ton: Mrs. Betty Barnette. Eden ton; Mrs. Bmilv Parks, Eden ton; Al vin Hollo well Hertford; Noah Goodwin, Sr., Edenton; Gene Ward, Bdenton; Mrs. Fiances Stone, Bdenton; Edward Hare. Bdenton; Cecil Bynum, Bdenton; Mrs. Sylvia Harris, Miss Jean Bailey, Edenton: Mrs. Ethel Green, Bdenton; , Mrs. Dorothy Chappell, Belvedere; Miss Peggy Collins. Ropers Miss Shirloy Alexander. Edenton; Mrs. Evelyn Blake, Edenton; Master Donald Van Fleet, Bden ton; Mrs. Martha Pitcher, Coin jock; Mrs. Ida Reynolds, Eden l ion; Julian Reynolds, Edenton. Mjm Mrs. Nettie Nowell, Hobbs ville; Randolph Rankins, Eden ton; Mrs. Ada Flemming. Ty ner; Sam Brown, Edenton; Mrs. Ruth Brookins, Winfail; Miss Lu.a Wills, Edenton; Miss Lolly Williams, Edenton; Miss Mar tha Perry, Hertford; Mrs. Ger aldine Lowe, Hertford. Patients discharged from the hospital during the same week were; White Mrs. Loretta Ryarv Edenton: Mrs. Elizabeth Bunch. Edenton; Master Richard Riddick, Eliza beth City; Mrs. Lula Belch. Colerain; Mrs. Elite Mae Par rish, Edenton; Mrs, Betty Bar nette. Edenton?- Mrs. Emily Parks, Edenton; Alvin Hollo well, Hertford; Master Wesley Emory. Gatesvil e; Cecil %rum, Edenton; Noah Goodwin. Sr., Edenton; Eugene Ward, Edenton; > Mrs. Louise Blades. Edenton; Edward Hare. Edenton; Mrs. Sylvia Harris, Edenton; Mrs. Ethel Green, Edenton;. Miss Shirley Alexander. Edenton; G. A. Keeter, Jr„ Edenton; Mrs. Christine Spivey, Ededlom Negro Mrs. Martha Lee Flemming, Edenton; Miss Doris Jean Bare more. Edenton; Leander Long. Edenton? Miss Patricia Holley, Eden torn Miss Julia Ann Fel ton, Hertford; Mrs. Nelj-e Now ell. Hobbsville; Mrs. Ada Flem ing Tyner; Randolph Rankins, Efenton; Sam Brown. Edenton; Miss Martha Ferry, Hertford: Mrs. Geraldine Lowe, Howard; Mrs. Ruth Brookins. Winfail; Mrs. Hattie Soniilf, Hertford. Births Births during the same period were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blades of Edenton. a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barnette of * Edenton, a daughter; Mr and Mrs. Oscar Fleming of* Tyner, a son. Legal Notices ■■■■-- ■ ■■■"■■ - —yiy ■ EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Curtis S Chap m*ac E.L. Pearce * Sr<rdsmas PHONE MS Edcnton VT' Bfffcfr with TT 11 .»m deceased, to present teem til the undersigned within one year from date of this notice Or sarhe win tie pleaded to bar rtf their lecmerjr. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . This llth day <rf Eetnuary, JULIA W. CHAPPELL, Executrix of Curtis S. Chappell Estate. FcblU»jftjgchS,lC,n EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified is executrix of the estate rtf Gertrude C. Winslow, deceased, fate of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against tee estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice otf same wilt be pleaded In bar of tneir recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This llth day * of February, 1960. ALMA W BUCK, Kxecutrix'of Gertrude C. Winslow Estate. FeblUMsJleha,lo,n NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix rtf the Estate of James Blount, ■ deceased, late of Chowan Coun-I ty, North Carolina, this is to j notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the! undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on nr before the 28th day rtf January. 1961, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This January 28. 1960. ” PEARL G. BLOUNT, Executrix of Estate of James Blount J*nSBLFeM.I UMs,Mch3c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of W. O. Speight deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 26th day of January, 1968. W. E. SPEIGHT, Executor of W. O. Speight Estate JanM.Febt.l Ufc2S,Meh3p INVITATION PON BIDDERS Bids are invited for the con struction rtf a building for the Bank of Hobbsville in Hobbs ville. North Carolina. Sealed proposals will be re ceived at the office of Mr. J. C. Traynham. Executive Vice-Presi dent Bank of Hobbsville, up to 2:98 o’clock on the afternoon of SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. NEW 1960 Line Os Appliances Are Now On Display Let us show them to you and you’ll agree that SEARS is first in quality, [ first in features, and first in service. EXTRA SPECIAL LINE OF A raSc C inpS S KAWblWfi IW rKKJfc Iran Sltt# to OUS with m*r sMot»mo(r*wn on Sean Easy Payment Plan! > WE WILL GLADLY HELP YOU DISPOSE OF YOUR OLD APPLIANCE AT NO OBLIGATION! THE CBOttAft MayUJL DflnOE NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1960, ifcan* 9. IMO. t Proposals will be received from general contractors for the complete project including the plumb.ng, year-round heating and air conditioning, and electri cal systems. The structure is of Concrete slab-on-grade, brick walls, laminated wood columns I and beams, and wood root deck and contains approximately 1900 square feet Plans and specifications are on file at the office of G. Milton Small & Associates, Architects, 611 Tucker Street Raleigh. N. C. and at the Bank of Hobbsville, Hobbsville, N. C., and copies may be Obtained upon deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) fif teen dollars ($15.00) of which will be refunded upon the re turn of same in good condition on or before the letting date. Bidders who submit a bona fide and reasonable bid will be re funded the full amount of the deposit Each proposal shall be accom panied by a satisfactory bid bond, cash deposit or certified check, of an amount equal to not less than 5 per -cent of' the bid, said deposit to be retained by the owner as liquidated dam ages in event of failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract within ten days after the award or to give satisfactory surety. No bid may be with- I drawn after the scheduled clos [ing time for the receipt of bids for a period of 30 days. Mr. J. C. Traynham, Exec. Vice-President Bank of Hobbsville Hobbsville, N. C. G. Milton Small & Associates, Architects 611 Tucker Street Raleigh, N. C. ltc NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE 3y virtue of the authority con ferred upon the undersigned by order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, in the spe cial proceeding entitled, “A. H. Jordan and wife, Sarah B. Jor dan, V. E. Jordan and wife, Re cer D. Jordan, Beatrice J. Roun tree. divorced, Frances J. Perrv and husband, Joseoh B. Perrv. Jr., Grace J. Winslow and hus band, Harold B. Winslow, Sadie | J. Burbage, widow, Mary Louise J. Pitzinger and husband. John A. Pitzinger, C. W. Jordan and wife, Agnes Jordan, Elsberry R. Jordan and wife, Arleen Jor dan, Clara Lois J. Ward and hus band, James F. Ward, Irene J. Meeks and husband, Cletus Meeks,. Zenoveh J. Williams, di vorced, Myrtle J. Williams and husband, Charles C. Williams, R. W. Jordan and wife, Helen Jor dan, Almond A. Jordan aad wife, Mildred Jordan, George F. Jordan and wife. Lucille Jordan, A. J. Jordan and wife, Joyce Jordan and L. G. Jordan and wife. Ruby Mae Jordan, Peti tioners vs. JnseDh Jordan and wife. Myra W, Jordan, Defend ants.” and pursuant to an Order of Resale entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, on January H, 1988, the undersigned Oom misskmef. will after for sale at| .highest bidder at the Court House ttoor ift Chowah CdUnty , North Carolina, it 12:00 nooh oh Saturday, FeSrtiary Is, 1960, I the real estate in Third Town-1 Ship, Chowan County, North Car-1 olina, to-Wtt: public biddings, for cash, to the That part of the Elsberry Jor dan tract of land in Item 2 of the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Copeland aa probated on September 6, 1891, bounded on the weak by the Timothy Wins low tract, on the North by the Sandy Run Swamp, on the East by a line beginning at a Holly and funning in a straight line Southward across the said land to an iron stob on the Road so as to eut off thirty (30) acres now owned by J. W. Jordan, the remainder of the Said Elsberry tract is hereby conveyed contain- ATTENTION EDENTON VOTERS Bond Referendum February 16th FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BE SURE TO VOTE IN THE BOND REFERENDUM TUESDAY You Are Urged To Vote YES For The Bonds BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TOWN OF EDENTON l;> “s*'<. i' v •»♦**' * <<■£ —— V ! .- 4 # * PURE gasolines“hold more records for performance than any other”* PURE gasolines have sparked 38 different makes and models of cars to over AF 240 certified performance records. Records for acceleration, power. fMOMa Dr m j mileage and economy. JM And now Pure-Premium has been boosted in octane boosted into the .^m/J super-premium class. It delivers more anti-knock power than ever before. So drive into any Pure Oil station and get Pure-Premium. It’s miner Quality ... ready to give record road performance in your car. f w % "Certified bj NASCAR (National Association for Stock Cars) ■?) Get PURE-PREMIUM #y ZSL ~. ifs super premium now WINSLOW OIL COMPANY rmmmi m*n»m ing thirty-six (36) acres, more or less, and being known as a part of the Elsberry Jordan home place. I The opening bid will begin at $7,925.00. Dated and posted this 26th day of January, 1960. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL, Commissioner. Feb4-ll WH NOTICE! NOTICE! Sale Os Valuable Real Estate WHEREAS, the undersigned offered for sale the land here inafter described pursuant to Order of the Board of Education of Chowan County, and, WHEREAS, within the time allowed by the Notice of Sale an advanced bid was filed with the undersigned attorney in compliance with the terms of said sale and the order of said Board: NOW, THEREFORE, under, by virtue and in execution of au thority conferred by said Order the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash upon an opening bid of $4,250.00 before the Court House door of Chowan County, North Carolina, on Monday, February 15, 1960, at. 11:00 o’clock A. M'„ the following described real es tate lying and being in Second Township, said County and State, known as the Rocky Hock Cen tral School property, and further described as follows: That certain lot or parcel ol land together with au uuildings and improvements now situate thereon, near Rocky Hock Bap tist Church, and beginning at an iron stake in the Northwest edge of toe road right-of-wav thence North 48 deg. West 187 [feet to a post oak; thence North 24 deg. 10 m;n. West 223.5 feet to a chopped goa; thence Sferrte «?> deg. 3u East 109 tew to a chopped MV- Nwmn *2 deg. 30 mm. East 151 fm to a chopped juniper; theme* Senate 89 deg. 30 min. East SM tee* to a chopped jumper, teemee Senate 32 deg. la mtn. East I*B Mt to another iron stake to tee edge of the new road right-of-way; thence South 57 de*. 65 roam. West 487 feet to the pwt* et be ginning, contaTwm* 1.62 sores ac cording to survey made by W, J. Berryman, Surveyor, dated No vember 30, 1940, and being the same property conveyed to tee' said Board of Education eg Csb<v wan County, North Carolina, hyli Mark Bunch and wife, Vera Bunch, by deed dstea November 30. 1940 and duiy recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds of C.cowan Count:’, Norib Carolina, in Book of Deeds No. 3. page 242 said deed and those i-SECTM* T*o PAGE FIVE i irttwwMifci QMtt&faMdf therein bring seceby reftwred to ktf made pm tontf tor further desariptaaMi and chain Wie. Due saad tetard of Ldurothte .reserros tee right to reject sag and aM bids received. Ten «!«%» percent of the high ;bi« mewed wfflt be requited ot i toe swrc'essM bidder at time ol stile as evidence of good faith [and tee remainder will be pay able S® cash at tame of delivery [off d*«d teeseter.. The high hid received will re main rpera for a period ofter days subject to advance bid i*B reqaaiced by Haw in cases ot Ijwdiriail sales of real property. I Dated and posted this January 38. MWH. BOARD OF EDUCATION, OF CHOWAN COUNTY ,By W. S. PRIVOtT, Attomey-at-Law. FtetJJWSP

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