} CIVIC CALENDAR; v.... ...........~............w> Clw—H Condi No. SC gw ywwfiWraliii. mgr raw* and Sonde?. Ap.-J 23 mmi Kan* Poaolope Swkw <■ of Dm Eastern Star, will ant Khafcf tffkt Nnary U at • o'clock. A anting to present road it gaastk petitions and fifitilsuv in Otowan County wia ba Md in in Court House WtdiHMliy. nMwy «. «t 1 P. K tf-Fifth Federated District o* lout Pußaslmticm Qufas will ta tjrid at Jbkn A. Hoboes. High Srinid Tuesday. April It. Kdt making workshops will be Md* Thursday. February tS at the! Oak Grove Community aad Thursday, March V d the Advance Community Bui Hag. Both sessions wJI be gin it bN A. M. A' rural noeitna leadership trek eg institute will be beM at ,he Chowan Community BaiMfiag February 1C 1C and IT. tarn 7 until CM P. M. Ei mton liens Club viH cm duct a bread sale Friday. Feb roar IV ’ M abers of the Board cf Pub lic * forks will be interviewed regal bag and Tuesday's bond tlama oat the Haney Oarsan shea ever radio station WUXI Hidrtjl manning, February 15. at 11 o’clock. Elementary School PTA will meat in t v e school auditorium Tuesday night February 1C at • o’clock. j Chowan Tribe of Red Mens wifi meet Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. CdrrdOM Tea Party Chapter 01, Bm DAR is sponsoring the ob servance of National History Month during February. A membership drive for the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary is now under way with a goal to top last year's membership of I MC Edentoa’s Rotary Club wd meat this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in tb^Pj^ish^House. o'clock. 4 William R Cefßeld. Post* No. S2M. Veterans of Bpewn' Wars, will meet Tuesday night I at • o'clock. 20 YE AVS AGO I Continued from Ptq« 1. Section 1 were minus electric current due to failure to per their bill by the l®tti of the month. « new pshcT adopted by the Board of Public Works. F. F. Muth screed a home made sauerkraut supper to members of Unanimity Lodge No. T. A. F. » A. M. Bene cation of the T. C. White rendcoce on West Albemarle Street was rapidly being com pleted as a funeral home for the Asian Furniture Company. Thirty-two members of the Cdentusi High School Band want to Washington. N. C. to partici pate in a paiads and concert by the East Carolina All-Star in order to improve facilities far sarthg meals at the Chowan High School lunch room, the Codhlj Commissioners agreed to gfro SSS to the United Chari-; lice, who will in turn give this at dm school. Chaw an County Commission-1 eas balked at paying a bill far' h t*. The MU wm paid whan Attorney W. IX Prudan in toanaetod the law and found that f iutvid COM' nksmnn to pay not only for dog toTTwad* on*, ham at w. the owaar Os the dag mah( mch rtomagfe was ■* * ■ OOOSSC Army Pvt diaries T. Griffin. Jr. snn Mr, and Mrs, C. f . Bt gas trained in mPwrs re- r ! > • • * iraltflfeir'irT ; . ••• <r'% WV&'k .•; -* M ;<-’M -' ■ ' : '' V H’ . t.- W-- -.XC—tsjlVgK rpy-'^ e . A . ■. ..■■ t .■ ~ 4 -i . - 'e; . . . . In top nic+uie is a field of coastal Bermuda grass set in April. 19SC with cattle grazing it in October, 1958. This is on ’ the Bell Island farm in Currituck County. Bottom photo shows a sad waterway located on C. E. Luctons farm near Edenton. SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS By JAMES R GRIFFIN. Soil Conservationist L. C- Bunch, chairman of the Albemarle Soil Conservation Dis trict has returned from the na tional meeting of soil conserva tion district supervisors. He impressed with the meeting and especially the cooperation of all groups, at the meeting. Every body seemed to have one pur ptxse—-the conservation of our natural resources. Summer Pasture "L if Hollo well, who has pur chased the A. M. Forehand farm near Cross Roads, is planning to [set M> acres of coastal Bermuda grass in March for summer pas ture. He stated that he heard a awn say. “That a lie couldn’t he told about coastal Bermuda grass pasture because it is so good." Wtth this statement in mind, he is going to try it this year. Mr. Hollowell in check ing his grazing needs with the W IT. Conservationist, J. H. Griffin, found that he needed summer grazing for his herd. He has plenty of ladino-fescue pasture hut in July and August ■ he has almost none. The addi tion of coastal Bermuda will balance out his grazing program. Mr. Hollowell has made appli cation to become a district co operator of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District and to re ceive technical assistance in carrying out soil and water con servation practice. He plans to construct an open ditch and a livestock-waterway pond besides the pasture this year. R. C. Ward of Ryland is plan ning to establish a coastal Ber muda grass pasture this spring. He needs a summer pasture to j balance out his grazing program.] NOTICE OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and ap preciation to all of my Bridge-Turn Service Sta tion customers for the loyal patronage during the past 15 years. I have sold my interest to James Dail and solicit your continued support. I have purchased the Western Auto Associate Store which will re-open under new manage »' t 4 ment about March lit. f will greatly appreciate your patronage in the new business. THE CHOWAN WERMJP, gPEWTO#. WORTH CAROttWV TITORSPAT. FEBRUARY 11. HOP. The site selected for the pas ture in Galestown loamy fine sand and is well-adapted for coastal Bermuda pasture. Mr. Ward plans to construct an open ditch and install 2,000 feet of drainage tile. He has been a district cooperator since Decem ber 1952 and has conservation plans for his farms. Wilbur Hare of the Wingfield section likes cattle and would like to increase his hercT but 3rd not have land which would grow ladino-fescue. His soil survey may showed that he had plenty of soil adapted to coastal Bermuda grass. With his pres ent ladino-fescue pasture, he can increase his herd and have a balanced grazing program. Mr. Hare just became a district co operator and is constructing an open ditch this spring in addi tion to. the pasture. He is pre paring his conservation plan in March with technical assistance furnished to the local district through the Soil Conservation Service. Sod Waterways This year is the first year that farmers have requested techni cal assistance in establishing grass waterways. Several farm ers have requested cost-share as sistance from the local ACP program. 'At least, one request has been made for assistance in constructing terraces along with grass waterways. Sod waterways are sloped channels, grassed to carry sur face water off of a field. They are located in depressed areas where water normally flows from the field. The grass pre vents erosion caused by water flow. Some “washes” in the county are two to three feet deep caused by recent heavy rains. Grass will heal these wounds. Schedule Assistance Farmers who are planning to carry out soil and water conser vation practices this spring are requested to come by their local SCS office and make an ap pointment for doing the neces sary field work. This will help your SCS personnel do a better job for you and service more people. Most conservation prac tices require detail engineering surveys, plans and designs to be successful. It is a pity that 9 drainage system cannot be pur chased in a package with no ad vance notice given. You want the best, we of SCS want to give you nothing but the best. Give us a chance to schedule our work; so that when you are ready to install a practice, we can help you. Mrs. David Bateman, office secretary, will be in the office every day from 8 A. M., to 5 P. M., and can schedule your work for you. If you can’t come by the office, call 4127 and make an appointment for your work this spring. Soil Test Now is the time to take soil samples for your lime and fer tilizer needs for this year’s crop. Walter V. Wright In German Exercise Army Sergeant First Class Walter V. Wright is participat ing with other personnel from the 3d Armored Division in < Exercise Winter Shield at the Grafenwohr - Hohenfels training area in southern Germany. The maneuver was scheduled to end February 7. Winter Shield, an annual win ter maneuver involving 60,000 troops, is designed to determine the combat readiness of Seventh Army troops. Wright, 38, son of Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Wright of Edenton. is a tank commander in Troop D of the division’s 12th Caval ry. He entered the Army in 1943 and was stationed at Fort I Riley, Kan., before arriving [overseas last July on this tour !of duty. ) TRY A HERAIiP CLASSIFIED Homes For Sale Bungalow near Dick Cofield’s Store on Sound Bridge High way. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and full bath. All modern conveniences and garage, on large lot with grove of trees. A real buy at $3900. Partly financed. 10-ROOM DWELLING at 106 East Queen Street, with full bath up, and half bath down stairs. A good buy with fu ture investment prospects at $4200. Price has been re duced for quick sale. COTTAGE at Pilot’s Point (Nixon’s Beach) on Albemarle Sound. Four rooms with all modern conveniences: 100-foot lot with boat pier and lovely grove of trees. An exception al buy at $5,000 and a solu tion to vour hot weather nroblem. Practically new con dition. CONTACT t W. SPIRES Real Estate Broker U.S. Army Firsts... y'f'y *+ ymm ' ~ tfSfl - 9 • WWvWm •> ,i ..S'*.: 12 \ m. : : jpsyy L ~ fry.-. > I 4 \ . % ; I I » .‘.i? . JSK’ mr i . f ■ 5 ■* , ”* ■•■■■ ■■■ ■ 1..••,,,■ f|| - , ■■•... .. . .. •• , ‘> X « Army “SNOWBALL’* IN NEW MEXICO-—Towering above Ihe desert «at White Sands, New Mexico, is the experimental model of the modern U. S. Army's Nike Zeus acquisition radar being used in the current program of firings of early test models of the Army missile now in research and development stage. The Zeus is the .only anti-missile missile in sight capable of defense against < intercontinental ballistic missiles. Acquisition radar is used to locate and lock onto enemy missile and furnish firing data foe the interception. February Is Heart Month In Edenton Continued from Page 1. Section ) sering, the cardiovascular diseas es often inflict serious financial hardships on homes and busi as seen onTV "t • YY introduces // * the\ MiMM / / exciting \ .* all-new\ pSf / / *\VJ i / / playtex living "/girdle 6.95 JL. with the new V # * soft cool / I * cotton lining aXS* "' / new/ slips on end off in seconds. / C v J No more tugging. No bunching. Your new Ptayto* girdle f „ v v«-/ slips on end off so easily. “(T j new? cool comfort. - j Not clammy. Not sticky. Vow new Waytox girdle ptft ced =*.,,» / cotton next to your skin for dry, oil-day comfort. | /V / new? won't irritate. 1 \ i The air-spun cotton lining bso kind to your skis hto—to m s * ) / It’s for softer. No chofing. No rubbing. i ; . j Or»d the new Ptoytex girdle Is a new Jf J' dreamy white color. New cotton-lined gwtott or* to eagy to n/ odjust... guaranteed to lost iho IHe of the girdle. new playtex living gkdU —•* «• *» *•«-*» teen. J with non-roll top. New loceJlhe pattern. Girdb or - | ponty girdle $0.95. XL (g*dk only) $755 ______ Mw _____ ______ | n<nM r>lri¥tiT muni* rregft rentreWer ««M J RrW WIHIUIWI wtoiet I torirWl l yv• punvlS tv* TVfrTirriy •——— ilia - I Girdle or parity gink $8.95. XI $9.9$ tl —«*• —Wo— r “□.>*. I control both front and hock. Gkdb ee to.—"l party gads s)«.«s. tt feMe «■%) 51 US nesses. William E. Bond. Jr, :s fund raising chairman. Mrs. Richard Hardin and Mrs. Joe Thorud are publicity chairmen. Dr. Archie Walker is professional informa tion chairman and Miss Shirley Baker is treasurer. __ _ Methodist Laymen's Rally In Hertford February 19 Over 700 Methodist laymen ■, and ministers are expected to •• attend the annual lay rally off" the Elizabeth City District j which is to tie held on Friday |j evening, February' 19, at Fksr quimans High School in Hcrt- \ turd, it is announced by John Turner of Elizabeth City, dts- i trict lay leader. The annual i district lay rallies are the high- J Ught of the annual program <of Methodist lavment in this area. ! Mr. Turner announced that the two chief speakers will be ■ Bishop Paul N. Garber, resident 1 bishop of the Richmond aw®, and Dr. Edwin A. Briggs of Chi- . cago, associate secretary off the ! Methodist General Board of i Activities. A high moment or the rally '! i wit! come whin Bishop GarboT j 1 will commission 100 lay speak ers who will conduct the "No- 1 I Silent-Pulpit” program in the [ district, beginning on Sunday. ! i March 6. and continuing through ' I Palm Sunday. This program, ! i begun and conducted by Metho dist tayment. sees to it that no Methodist pulpit goes without a j speaker during each Sunday of i the Lenten season. Mr. Turner said that Dr. |Briggs will also conduct a dav (long training session for the J district every member canvass -i t training team to be held at the ■ 1 Methodist Church in. Williams- I i ton on February 19. This every ' ; member canvas program, a new ■ project of the Methodist lay men in this area, will inaugu- j Irate a simultaneous 10-week 1 program in. every church m evi-ry one of the nine district ,in the N. C. Methodist Confer ; min. The rally will begin with . [supper served cafeteria style; I from 5:30 to 7 o’clock as Ihc Payment and ministers aiT-ive. I SECTION ONE PAGE THREE ; Xlr- TVanoor saiid. The main - 1 ipatit wff tihe pcogirtawt will get 'wander *®y at ~:3& m the High [ Sohooll ®wdiitoinngni. | The M<fhociii&t kartn** in this law® «s mvffll as iiat the other dis tricts «ff the X.. C. Conference ate moist active., tormuiatijig and oanjiittg trturottgh several amjawtamt twemt programs. The Taiflaes ®te ihasinraliHy for fellow- I sh:ip ®w<S rnnspiiraitiioaiv but they 1 also se„'\e ffw tinforasatiion and ■ The ilaiawrhtintig of otew programs. These ®te six assoctate district Jay iieardors aim this; district. They ate Cuwtits V.. IMwcell of Cora jlwake.. C. S. Meekuts; of Martteo. [A. M. Spatnroiw of Kei.haven. L. C, Wutseiioiw- of Hertford. Nelson | Banks of W®stebing:toa ajad W. M. ! MdGowan of M®ntteov, ! Emmett Winslow Files For Senate Continued Ftan Rag* L, Slrlwi 1 1 as State SotMutw. these being the j sessions of 19«9 amd 196>1. He was ejected to the office again two voars aiga by a substantial number off voters off the district. I He also served for four years as State H.eghwav Commissioner for the Fust Division, having , been appoCnfed to the post by 'the late GviVvnitor WEliam B. ; Umsteid. Long active <m the political scene in North Carolina. Senator W instetc setvxd ®o many im portant committees during bi» I I enure t® the State- Senate. He is also a ffomw Sheriff of Per quimans Cowunttv and is distribu te vr off Fuire Chi! Shoducts over a wide are® in , Northeastern North Caitvfnma, Fvety man is a fcten.l to him that gweth g-jfbs —Fro-vwbs XIX;

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