——————— Tm g "m —: —r-jir-f Tsar County Government... And You -Bf CUSOR BUR Ij —w————— mmmtmmmammmmamamamamaamm m ——W t ■m w ■ S» 3W« see, puMac srihaoist. | jwteiic weMaire. and pafoMic S&eauMhf •rtiviities Mike ®ww 3 per oemtii of the tonal coiuimty (tax i*tte an an oetimry. YSaese ser-j Tices am anaoSaUfe to> a!Q ®ff ttfee peeple hi the oeauty, The bet-! ant* of the county tax itatte sraes! to the court system, the leettsttar j at (Seeds’ office, and the stoeniffj to the Snatneiqg ui negnaltar eJec-j tarns; to agrkuUXuraJ exteattsicsn ] *nsrk and libraries; to a v*rteily!! of mtiscellaroeous activities that | Tory from ccwmty to coaamty; aind;j to the aatnniimiistraitiaa of ctwunty 1 gtWß'iuueant. Sere mpon tmoslt. 7 BELK - TYLER’S of Edenton | LA BIRTHDAY SALE! I I Sjjjjli ALL SALES FINAL... NO EXCHANGES... NO REFUNDS 11 II BOYS' GRAB TABLES I I CHILDREN S GRAB TABLES I ■ Our buyers were forftmate to fee able to buy the entire closeout line Our buyers were fortunate to be able to buy the entire closeout winter H ■ of children's slightly irresmiar dbilldirem's wear items from the Robville line of children’s wear from the famous make “Chick-N-Chuck” chil- B ■ Manufact urcwg Company! This feug shipment includes little boys’ dren's wear factories! This tremendous group includes corduroy over- 9 H shirts .. - HW* boys’ dress pamtts ._ _ and btth boys’ sport coats up alls .. . corduroy pants and jacket sets .. . flannel shirt and lined H ■ to size 10! la also 'roriudes dress sttylle boxer short pants! poplin pants set .. . and many other items too numerous to mention! H H Sizes 1 to 3 and 3 to 6X! For boys and girls! H ■ Each item with values from sl.9# to $81.99 each! Slight imperfects ... 9 ■ b«ait real Values from 51.99 to $6.99 each! Buy now and save! yi I 50c - SI.OO - $2.00 SI.OO-$1.25-$2.00 I a mbi hbb I I 4by 6 Foot Size BOYS’ SHORT SLEEVE Boys' Shin And I I Textured Rugs Snnrt SllirtQ Lined Pants Set I E A giant size fine pi«t «f tor UjlUll kj ILO dtous H the home! Can be used, in any nm Slightly imperfect sport shirts in sizes 6to 16 years in made with a flannel sport shirt and a H H in the house! Assarted ceiccsi: At c-ooi summer fabrics that are ideal for the months ahead! flannel lined poplin pair of boxer H ■ this price stock up now—saw! Washable fabrics! Grab a group now at this low price! pants. Sizes for the little tots! B I $7.00 values to $1.29 each 75c qSTgrt $ 1.25 I I I 1 Bovs’ Slight Women’s Melt’s Slight Womens ■ Sumner ¥ —T * House l>eacn 1 I Gowns Imperfect Irregular Shorts I B Take your pAck ®r Rttm- C/ ... B- Take vour pick of a smalt WAT ——l lammis Ulur H. l! beach ■ mer batistes ant mrber to! nt dresses in assoru-l m/m# |¥lr L# niul sheer fabriea'' X«l A ¥IW M 1 L sizes! Values to S2<*9 each" ¥ W JTX £ ■ aH siaes but values from Save bis money heie! styles an.l si/.-s lake ■ $2.39 to $4.99 «Ktht - •> .'"in pick, values Pi $2.99. I $1.25 Coats $1.50 Shirts SI.OO | .? A smsatAraial group of A tremendous value in fl ciSfie-i-r jmpcrfect sport ■HBMBMmffff men’s cotton twill work I m caste Star the little boys rr*j » o_ -a- shirts in the 00101:5 of _ _ I Mell’« Dns« iron® stars 3to 18 years! ftIUS opOrt khaki and grey! These LtldieS Beach * * ■ Lees off peeves in. some are slight imperfects in ■ ■ CL* f. sims and small lots Cl-.in.f-o most aU sizes! Now ' s Wlwu.lv m ijllirts ion (ottiaer sizes! Ideal for Oilll IS your chance to stock up kHIUI IS PbisaiiMr and the summer on your needs at this ~. „ , . . ■ -S£ SwSs alMadr SUr* 2*oSX in sliKh. Im- low price- s”as mad, P Pv famous S ■ £ SCTH* VALUES TO SUM perfect sport shirts for the VALUES TO 52.59! Blue Bell lh.it usually B ■ o«a thc4 a !>«'«■ boy: talues lo SI.OO spll u| , ~a , -h: A ■ ■ sMrts : vatmUiWißgas: - *“ 4 l| SI.OO I $2-00 50c I |sl-50 $1,25 |i I »■=. ll S I DEI mens SPORT SHIRTS I I| _ V C • Slightly imperfect sport shirts for the men in fab ■ H liBOWS O UllS rics that usually sell front $1.29 each to $2.99 ■ Or erotre Tate ywc i*tk at Cnz> warm union suits in each! You'll want to be down early when the I ■ aam « tuts pm*' r mi an tih& a»«, jci« ... odd sizes for (he boys: doors open to take advantage of this big group' B ■ YUwngW ,a ** : a *‘ - Values to $129 each. Plen- , S K .> B 9 toe- ty of time left for wear I 50C 50C ‘ “ 'bTI- usually sell from >7 Co __ /DC sl^9tos2.99each | * I Wtai * a ** r * c ‘ I I Rush down ... be here when the doors If •* I I B p en there are grab tables loaded with BV ¥ll |BK , 4 I I wrar ' apparel for the boys and girls at values tO wlto I 888 111 real bargain prices! We’ve cleaned house I I «f all Fall and Winter goods and they -1t.,! ■- L>- . B . ’• * Arf ttisese serrites are a variable I it® and serve *3 people of the I MMfy. J Otsmattaes depend art property -I taxes t® ffiananee their activities, i A sfflrenmg! aisd stable property 1 tax fease. tfcerefibre. is needed tt@ tEtaaiinee eoManty services. The couimiiiies of the state stared unit ed agahast wetoteemimg tftis tax Ifaase mitthi exemptions. If some jSaiaite off property amp exempted ;! tflramm toxattoon, it not only means ! ttSnat the exermpted property re ! ceives ffiree services. It also I mneams thiat the cost of these ser ij vices is sfciifted to other taxpay ers. 1 A strong! and sffitWe tax base, .ate® nreams one where afi prop- TUE CHOW AM HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1888. j erty is placed on the books and * valued uniformly. If some prup -1 erty is placed on tne books at j a fraction of value, far below (other property, it means not ’only that it gets a partial free rate, but also that its equitable share of the tax burden is shift- j ed to other property. You can: see that with the heavy financial! burden counties carry, we can-' not afford either to exempt i property or to undervalue it. < Tax Listing and Assessing Perhaps a brief mention of property tax listing and assess ing will help you understand how it works. Each board of county com missioners appoints a county tax supervisor. The tax supervisor* is responsible for the listing and assessing of property for pur poses of taxation. In December of each year, the tax supervisor, with the approval of the board of county commissioners, ap points list takers for each town ship. Every person owning property must appear before the list taker in his township in January and give the list taker an itemized list of all real and . personal property that he owns. ; The list taker, with the help Jof the taxpayer, determines a l value for each item of personal property, attempting to place on j each item a value equal to com parable property owned and list 'ed by other taxpayers. Real i property generally retains the value placed on it at the time of the last county-wide valua tion of all real property. In case of improvements to realj property or exceptional circum-1 [stances involving change ini value, the real property may be reassessed. Periodically, all real property is revalued, generally with the help of expert proper ty appraisers. No matter who places a value on his property. l » each taxpayer has the right to : appeal any decision as to the value to the board of county commissioners. The board hears . these appeals in March of each year. Revaluation Os , Real Property [ Let me explain the revalua [ tion procedure. The 1959 Gen i eral Assembly provided a brand ■ new revaluation system. The ■ legislation had been thoroughly 1 studied and heartily endorsed by • our Association, prior to its in- 1 ■ traduction. It required each ■ county to revalue real property ( i every eight years. The eight-* [ year period was fixed with two ■ | things in mind. First, there is ilthe substantial cost of revalua ■ tion, when done properly. See l ond. there is the fact that over a period of years, circumstances surrounding real property will i change; some property will in ,l crease in value, while other ! property decreases. Without re valuation. the tax burden shifts from property that feeromwes un der valued to property that has been overvalued. To oounuy of-]; ficials experienced sn the prob lems of revaluation, and the ne cessity for it as well as the east.* the eight-year period snakes good sense. Prior to revaluation, the boun-! ty 'tax supervisor, subject cf course to the board ®f (county j commissioners Which appoints I him, prepares uniform schedules jof value. Each parcel off real, , property must Inc visited fey | | competent appraisers and valued; I according to the schedules. This' i val ue is to be based <om market j value. A real property record as to be prepared, showing how the! 1 value of each percel was ar-| t rived at. Finally, the board pi county commissioners s»Sects. a.: ! assessment ratio, after corns:.. tion with officials of ciitaes ami* towns in the countv that use the lax values fixed : v tr. county. This assessment rat;t| I may be 30 per cent. 'B3 v-t ■ j 'SO per cent. 70 pci cent. - _r •* ratio that the bu: . d f .- commission*rs chouses It ”. ' then be applied to the an. se. • value -of all real and p* -- - property, and the result.r,i . t ure becomes the vai-m- : *~\? purposes. Let me go back now to the law calls the .:vn>, ter' | appraisers” who mu,' \ ,-.t . value each parcel of rt.-.l r> ! erty. The law lea\<s - t>. ~ cretion of the board ot .•>.,»;> ; commissioners who to-sc ;.w-j pie will bo. Some count.!- . used local people, working .. ter the supervision "f the tax - .x.- visor or a professional appr.t.ser. Many counties, however, h.t'.x found it hard to find competent local people. The competes:: ones have their own tv.; .ness; s which they cannot leave, and| many hesitate to get involved n the valuation disputes that off ten arise. So a large number of counties in recent years haw turned to professional apprais* i firms. These firms employ pe,'-p'.e| who are usually profess. «a!l\ ■ trained, experienced, and tial. Sometimes n is s.,id 3 hat they do not know local prob lems. But this can fee taken care of in the development t.f the uniform schedules of value that must be used These schedules can lie developed whtt the help of advisory cotwr-ittees composed of local p, pb a,,:. do know local condn ,n> The people who serve on advisory committees do not ge: jnvoiv-.\i in the valuation of individua parcels, and as a result, compe tent local people are often . ing to serve in thi- c.'.mt,c on a part-time basis. How about the cost of . re valuation? Often it > assumed that the high cost of rev. tion comes only with .1 - ployment of profess:or..*’. a : ; ■ praisal firms. Actually, tr ... r. if the cost can bo attributed t ■ the requirement of th« .a» each parcel be v,sited and ap praised. This individual ap praisal is the only fairway. but It's Fun! It's Easy! |fs FREE! «® pi* y H 00 » i RADIO'S Newest Fun Game on station VPNC PLYMOUTH, V C. 1470 On Your Dial Ten Games Monday Through Friday HERE'S HOW IT WORKS! Just pick up your HIS ZINGO Cards each week! Then tune in Station WPXC and get set to win BIG PRIZES playing ZINGO. It's simple and it's fun. It's played just like "bingo," but best of aH, it COSTS YOU NOTHING to play! WIN BIG PRIZES DAILY B • • is means that a lot of time is , uavolved. Whoever is hired to do a competent job will cost money, whether the person is a ■jj local person or someone from another county or state. County Government Deserves Support As I have talked to people , ever the state. I have found a | , lot of support for county gov ernment. The support comes! "from oeople who understand! county government, what it is. and what its problems are —peo- 1 p> who take an active interest ! am their county government. It ;; ss rare to find an informed per -1 son. who -is not interested. The ' constant grumblers seem to be H . ' those who understand the least !anid show the least interest. County officials want their c t...'ers to be informed about /county government. They ‘ wt.zens will I'e interested •• :.u their county government. They desire citizen support of nnty government. And they 'jwti.om.e constructive criticism jw'-'eu citizens have it to offer. The mote of county comm is- 1 t s.'i tiers could well be stated in |th - -• "If you are satisfied jtv ''' your county government. tu it v :r neighh* rs: if you arc it ' tel v o.ir count v conun is-1 swwrs” ' - | ' ADVANCE CLUB MEETS 1 I On Monday the Advance Com "munity 4-H Club had its month "ly xt’.'i: at the community :: ; :u .i.r.g The meeting was call-; Jed to order by the president. ' Jack Per:-y The meeting was ■ tttvta.i opened by saying the 4-H Pledge Carolyn Bass read the devotionaL followed bv the I. re's Prayer. The secretary called the roll and read the Titr tes of the last meeting. H Seagram’s A Crown i Sara /Croum AMERKXM BtEXDhI) HHIS&EX *■ * •'•>•»*> ,? jkM***’* "-M *«• /LA- Am I mn t unto. VJM *'* iMflf J‘. ..lx 7'is HE* VOfU C*TT. DiEWEO «M SHT. 86 PtOOf 65% 6ttJ JEI’TMI SPatllt i-SECXXOffYI* PAGE THREE ; Two new members, Earl JoneA i and Barbara Bass, were reported. - As a community project tne i 4-H members voted to beautify ' ! lira community building grounds at the last meeting. This pro- j ject was to include filling in the yard, arrange for better park ing facilities and help with the planting of shrubbery. Mrs. 1 1 Carlton Perry, adult leader, ' , sugggested that the club begins “ 1 immediately on the beautifica - 11 tion of the community building | grounds. It was decided that ■ , the boys should meet at the • 1 community building Saturday -1 morning at 9 o’clock to begin i hauling dirt. The girls are to ‘ meet with Airs. Carlton Perry 'at 11 o'clock to prepare sand : wiches for the boys. Harry Venters asked if Afi* ' vance wov'd like to appoint : • throe- or four people to attend ‘the recreational workshop at 1 i Chowan Community Building on . 1 Monday. Tuesday and Wednes day . night. Jack Perry. Kay and Nelia Lowe and Zackie Har i rell were elected to represent the club. Mr. Venters gave a denton i stration-talk about the import i a nee of keeping accurate 4-H record bowks. The meeting adjourned and ; Mrs. Carlton Perry served deli- I cious refreshments. A recrea | tional program followed the ! meeting. i :! (ipr

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