two PAGE SIX KNOW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY An older man usually spends a lot of thought on future possi bilities. Row caq I support my family if I become disabled? What should I do now to assure j my family the decencies of life: if I die? These are matters hcj often ponders. They are, though’ of more vital concern to the! young man than to the old. Each young man should ask ’ himself, “if I should die, have I taken the proper steps to see that my wife and children will i have enough income so that ‘hey! can live in reasonable comfort? I Re slioifd see that his marriage! record, is properly recorded, thatj any prior marriages were legally | ended and that the birth certifi cates at .all his children are 1 Negro Hook Demonstration News By ONHR a, CHARLTON, C*aat* Mac** Rmn Be——lr» «mt - Mrs. Helen W. Branford. 4-11 Club Specialist, was most inter esting at the training school for 4-H Club leader* last Thursday. Fifteen attended and Mrs. Bran ford took up the ten objectives of Youth Development. Sug gestions were worked out with leaders on how much of this can be done in Chowan County: The objectives are: 1. Acquire attitudes, skil 1, s knowledge tor a satisfying home and family life. 2. Enjoy a useful work ex perience together with the re sponsibility and satisfaction cf personal accomplishment. 3. Develop leadership talents and abilities to reach optimum citizenship potentials. ' 4. Appreciate the values of re search and learn scientific meth ods of making decisions and I EXCLUSIVE INVEST In The FUTURE THE RALSTON PURINA COMPANY FEED, FARM SUP PLIES AND SANITATION FRANCHISE IS NOW AVAIL ABLE IN THE EDENTON MARKET, Whether you’re now in business or looking for a much need ed NEW business ... this is the key to good, big profits and a service that will always be needed. As long as the world pop ulation grows ... the demands for more meat, milk and eggs will increase. This insures a place in the Edenton market for a GOOD PURINA DEALER. AS A PARTNERSHIP, AS A CORPORATION OR A PRO PRIETORSHIP ... your money will show a greater retain on the investment when you operate with the world’s largest feed manufacturer . . . THE RALSTON PURINA COMPANY of St. Louis, Mo., with plants in Wilson and Charlotte, N, C, If you are the right man and want to invest wisely IN THE FUTURE OF YOUR AREA, contact: JAKE PRESSONq Territory Salesman Box 527 PHONE 3043 Edenton ■HH F iwf 1 ! | N'O granVjj Seagrams VO I’rr l ■ UKAftIAN ■ IMPORTED CANADIAN M|g AHtW [Kg • Hrftnc . , ■■ M« I® 4'* .i' Wo—**—■•'V**'. *»>« t Swum tj>o«ifc ‘*jr ■ P| __ MM» I wminscMiMinr «jrr. Mifwor awMiwwsa-titni-aißwr^^^^JgJJPP^^^ * ** . *■ — wif&lws '-. :.«* . - ;■• ■• ... . ... ‘ correct and property ercorded. |He should, each two or three years, check his Social Security I record to see that his earnings are correctly recorded to his number. The self-employed young man. particularly the farmer, has been’ the most dilatory about taking care of these matters. If a, man makes as much as $400.00 in a year, from a business he isi running, the law requires himj to file a Federal Income Tax Return and pay a Social Securi ty Tpx. He should boor in mind also that with the passing of each year more Social Security credits are required (up to 10 years) in order to qualify tor payments. i solving problems. 5. Recognize the importance of scientific Agriculture and Home Economics and their relation ship to our total economy. 6. Explore careers related to Agriculture and Home Econom ics and recognize need for con tinuing education. 7. Appreciate nature, under stand conservation, and make wise use of natural resources. 8. Cultivate traits of health ful living, purposeful recreation, and intelligent use of leisure time. < 9. Strengthen personal stand ards and philosophy of Lfe bas ed on lasting and satisfying values. 10. Gain attitudes, abilities and understanding for working co operatively with others. Wintertime Is Citrus Time ! citrous at pqpofcr tawerites ! during the wiater seosou. ; Oranges and grapefruits arc the two favorites chosen by con sumers. j| Oranges and grapeffmn are easy to use. dust cut either one. 1 • prepare in seconds as ya pe ‘ fer. and they are ready to add j fresh tangy flavor to mealtime |or snacktime. I There was a time when an ■ orange in the toe of a saocbmg ’ at Christmas was a luxury treat •Today, the majority of the p*e- I pie in our country consider an j orange, or its nutritional eqwiVS | lent in some other form than fresh, to be a necessary fruit for good health. The factors eon-, tribuiing to the situation arc: j 1. A better and more wide-1 spread knowledge and under standing of hitman nutrition. Citrus fruits offer an easily ! available and inexpensive source Jof the essential nutrient, Vita . min C, that isn't widely avail , ab!e from other food. • ‘ 2. Average and low income I families can well afford citrus j fruit in their grocery buying I , each week. j Size does not affect the qaali- Itv and grade of citrus fruit, j Select oranges and grapefruits jby their weight as to size. .Many times this will be in ac cordance with the variety from which you are selecting. When shopping for oranges and grapefiuit. look for the fol lowing characteristics: 1. Firm fruits that are heavy ! for their size—for best flavor! and excellent juice. 2. Fruits that are free of soft | or mold spots to avoid spoilage and to insure fresh flavor. 3. Tight-fitting skins—a sign j of plenty of juice. Most men and women talk well, and some practice what they say. —Mary Baker Eddy, j __ -j- - __ .* •; - gi a >% ] @sl 'The teeners have been atatag jjtfexr urings n «» keep 'em j busy, WeIUL the Legion has ‘came ttHwoutagh wit* rtynwg rabn | ofiftTiing Heart. *v>v going to nut a recced hep Letts of dancing, lots: of music, lots off jwiaos and Dots off fun. You'll bear mow abouff it llattee, bu| 1 cam tea you now that iiiTl be ait dm EAmtton annoqr «n Saturday wight. klaiek MNk.; We'll be teetering all kind* off music. iincMiavit plenty off Abo Mg -M ntunbers. IneidcntaKy, America's biggest independent station. WNEW in Hew Yoek 1 i City, has switched formats on : their party tor teeners. 'How, tbey'ne swing' music. It eontinues to skew whic* way the trend is going. You figure it out. A new rule for CSS stations is-: “Ho eefc torMiejßg.'“ A tow weeks after the rule went into effted. the ' network itselff editorialized on the Jack Paar situation. Speak < mg off dark Daar, I think the other persowaliitiiejs w-ill have run out of jokes on the Paar situa tion. All off 'em were pulling: jokes, much to the delight es newspaper critics. Said critics . usually abhor repetition on tele vision. but they said nothing about the repetition off Faar jokes. They even praised them! Be that as it may. the voice ot the critic is small and the pub lic continues to listen to and i watch what they prefer At WCDJ we’ve been having a ball with our nearly 2ff*® new ! albums, featuring outstanding artists. The reception on our I Ttew music policy eontunues to be heartening As in my last i oolxnwn.. I'd like to otter special thanks. Thanks first of all to Earl Jones ifbr a swe® phone i call. And special thanks to Mrs. Lee Roy Barrow tor a very 1 nice letter. It was her letter, 1 which partially inspired us to ' include a hymn or spiritual ev | ery morning. We also one march a morning on the show. Also on WCDJ). contests. >n the afternoon, in addntiom to those we have in the morning. Torn Shields on his show otters prizes ... so tune urn. hear good music, a good emcee and see I what you can win. Closing thought:: “A husband ! is always a sensible man: he | never thinks of ntarrying.." . . . Welllll. Dr. Rob Jones At Berea Church Feb. 26 A one day evangelistue eom- Ivrenoe w-ill be held at the Berea Baptist Church near Eliz aboth City Friday, Fcbruauty 2k from 10 A. M., until 12 o'vtoek noon and at 7:2#) in the even ing. Dr. Bob Jones, Sr, tawmdtrr off' Bob Jones University, and attr tcmat oTvally known toMCthA will lie the featured speaker. Dr. Jones will dismiss “Evange lism of the Basat. Fbesent and Fumix" at the morning sictrv.ires. He will speak at the evemng swrvire on “Old Tune Evange list sc Messages.." A® Bible be lieving Christians are invttcd tto. attend. Dr. Jones is being sponsored by the Evangelistac MiinistMvalJ Association off El-izabeth City.. ! I'.'JM.MTI ZuuSSSBS^ "KmmMge km*ms m hiMtm ifmmtirr; ttkr ptremvss #jf rmetMm is mrsvir fimisk w#* ■mmhamiihhl |AtE.O^SiOi߀ge • VX j chapter at East Caxoffina «aJ installed as Qanuttii* Sign. Kappa Depa .was founded inf «K at Lengwuod Cottage,: Fin®vdie, \Sg* and «s one off cere members. Other chapters;' in the- state ore at Duke Uni-j versity, ifap itaint Cottage, Qwteau Catae and the Univer sity off North Carolina. When local sororities were* authorised on the campus ad : East Ckreffkuto- one pup’ of stu- * dents tacmnJt Delta Sip** 'Chi' Sorority, petitwogd Kappaii /T\ "Defend. O Lord, Thy child..." I o abort prayer, a I the sacrament of | ijf I l aw Snm KV Al)w n k Kwf gntl CO US recipient God's I ~ tWJ- for fuß pkr taciporion in al the pririkfts of membenhip in the iherrti and for the responsibilities Then are many aaocouceptMus about “Oio> ftremnom*' Some peoplk dm* of it as >h log- ihi ihmih Hwt's not the case. Because, amt of the Trimyi*nLfctt of the ChriS- I non family—a nudw of die Body of Christ, which is the Ornnk. Heor she can't he "mom" I Bnt wo do befieve that Conkimariow. which I meres "strengthening" (Saipturai mshoritjr for I which appears in Am I: «* • spiritual I aid ao those who receive k. Other *an Baptwm, there is no specific cere* may duff makes yon a "number" of the Epi»- f{ mpsl flmrirh flnnfiimirino. htrnrrTt. rlrriTTT I eoohtas tateto*tereire the father privilege of I Those of ns who hare received the "laying I on off hands" by the Bishop tael there is special 1 benefit in Ganfimnmm. Wpo»de t yen fihe to know mere ahont the Effecopal Chmth? - THE LAYMEN OF ST. PAUL’S EPBCDPAL CHURCH Edentoo, Nqrth Csrolina Sw T* Ckruti Sh*e CT*v» Show note S«*)l NK ft-tltt 6*on* Clie«y Sho*roem weeKly, ABC- TV. j \WL i .Japp - •9>sg',_ i . • ■ ,^ r "' > ~ - *