vt. ■ M ■ ismrtox two PAGE TWO 1 1 SENATOR i SAM ERVIN * Vvasjlingion l'o my mind, ihe procedure of around-the fclock sessions of the United locates Senate makes a mockery bf the legislative process. More tver, it impairs the dignity and the prestige of the Senate, not imly in the eyes of its member ship, but also in the eyes of thi nation. i The Lack of Debate By Pro ponents. One of the strange fea tures of the Senate’s present sit uation is the lack of the propon ents of the many (64 at last pount) civil rights bills, so-ca!l fcd, to come forth to the floor if the Senate and debate their Tallis. This performance would be unfortunate even if the nor £al procedure for bringing lega tion to the floor had been fol lowed. It is doubly dubious by techniques now being used. 'Actually, the Dirksen civil-rights! proposals are attached to a min ‘or bill, non-related, thus initial ly resorting to highly disorderly ■ procedure. The subsequent per formance, the failure to attend ■floor debate by those favoring, the enactment of this legisla- 1 ifion leads me to wonder whether • thef civil rights advocates wish *to debate their proposals in the 'tradition of the Senate of the ’United States. Senate Should Delay. I bs *jjlieve the part of wisdom de < mands that the House of Rep- resent.atives should act first on f. legislation of this nature. Due f to its lar"e membership and the | rules under which it operates. the House has very little oppor * tunity to correct defective legis i lation. The Senate with its * rules has the opportunity for t adequate debate. Therefore, the [ Senate should, in the name of > orderly procedure, delay action ■ until the House can bring out its bill by mid-March. Why is the Senate rushing? I do not , know why the proponents of ; civil rights legislation think that it is necessary to exhaust t physically and mentally all Three Phthisic Cows Make High Records McCoy Phthisic of Tyner is ' the owner of three registered Guernseys that have recently ‘ completed official production I records, according to the Amcn t can Guernsey Cattle Club at f Peterborough, N. H. | Bayville Socute Gem. a sen ior four-year-old, produced 11,- ' 742 pounds of milk and 564 .. pounds of fat in 80a days. She * was milked two times daily. r Bayville Socute Verity, a jun , lor four-year-old, produced 13,- ■ 526 pounds of milk and 603 . pounds of fat in 286 days. She J was milked two times daily. * Bayville Socute Montie. a | junior four-year-old, produced i 10.395 pounds of milk and 534 pounds of fat in 281 days. She was milked two times dailv. g These official production rec i ords were supervised by North L Carolina State College. john w. mcmillan, sr. I John Wesley McMillan. Sr., prominent retired merchant and * farmer of Stedman, N. C. died [ at a Fayetteville hosmtal on Saturday morning. February 20. 1 after a brief illness, i The last rites were held from ! the Cokesbury Methodist Church j at Stedman on Monday after noon. Dr. Morris L. Husted.i pastor of the church, officiated. | He was assisted by the Rev. J.j R. Regan, pastor of the Bethany i Methodist Church of the South River Charge. Interment was >■ made in the Fisher Cemetery ' at Stedman. Mr. McMillan was a highly re garded civic and religious lead , or of the Stedman community. His many friends admired his s nccri.y and straightforward ness; h s courage and lortitude. His charity, kindness and gen erosity toward his fellcw-man can never be fully measured. He was a member of the Beth any Methodist Church. Mr. McMillan is su»-v'ved by his, wife, Mrs. Lillie McCall Mc- Millan; three daughters, Mrs. L. K. Jones of Cape Charles, Va„ Mrs. Jessie Hall and Mrs. Mel vin Layton, both of Stedman; one son,. John Wesley McMillan, -Jr.. of Charlotte; four sisters lire. Love Fisher and Mrs. Lina Hall, both of Stedman. Mrs. Idella McLemore of Roseboro and Mrs. Addie Matthews of Wade Also surviving are six ..grandchildren and one great- Southern Senators who happen j to oppose these bills before the debate really starts and before the Senate actually knows the 1 proposition with which it will be confronted. Minority Rights Trampled— The only way the argument against civil rights legislation can be effectively made is to' carry on debate on a high plane, thus affording the Sen ate and countrv an opportunity to study the proposals. When all is said, it is a sad dav in the Senate when the advocates of legislation are either unwill-p ing or unable to step forward < to debate the issues. A col- j 1 lusive boycott of debate is the ; worst sort of orderly procedure and not in the tradition of the United States Senate. In all my experience in the House and Senate I have never experienced such pressure from ; n impati ent majority to r*..i over all : safeguards established for the protection of the minority. Southerners In Minority. The handful of Southern Senators, can debate on germane issues, for a considerable length of time. After all. as I told the i Senate the other nieht, the total weight of civil rights bills be-, fore Congress is fve pounds. Nobody has yet appeared, at the’ time of this writing, to tell us. exactly how many ounces ofj the five pounds thev want pass-; ed by Congress. In tiie absence: of committee reports., hearings, etc., it is reasonable for the Southern minoritv to expect that some legislative histerv should be made in honest debate on the floor of the United States Senate. Wm. Parrish Dies After Lon«r Illness William H. Parrish. 68. died Saturday morning at 7 o'clock at his home on Granville Street after a long period of ill health. ! A native of Chowan County, he | was a retired merchant. 1 Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Evie Grace Parri.-n; a 50.,. W.'f- Prove it to yourself! Dramatic test proves Plymouth gives you more miles per gallon! Others talk gas savings... but Plymouth lets you see it. At your dealer's now—the Plymouth Prove-It-Yourself Economy Drive lets you take the wheel and see ex actly the mileage you get! Thousands have taken this convincing drive. Don't mtss it! No special test track no special test condi lions ... no special test driver! Just you at the wheel of a regular full-size Plymouth. Here's how it works; Mounted on one side of a Plymouth is a jar which feeds a measured amount of gras directly to the cat. You turn a control and the car is pow ered by the gas from this Economy Meter. A Chryskr-fnginmed prod net. bmU a »rir solid tray to giw you sifod SOLID PLYMOUTH 1960 i " j PLIAII7 AXI IIATAD /V\lin AMV W Mil Iwlt M 1 illy 11 Wwwmmr Ml T the: csmcAHHsauLia edenton. north Carolina, TV33LSD4?. MARCH 3. 1960. SUPPORT | GIRL SCOUTS '^‘ijFlNmmEDlATE BROWNIE BY BUYING girl scout COOKIES March 7 Through 12 liam H. Parrish. Jr., of Norfolk: a brother, J. J. Parrish of Ports mouth: a sister. Mrs. J. A. Wood of Tampa. Fla.; a half sister. Mi's. Lucy Newberry of Tampa and one grandchild. He was a member of the Edenton Baptist Church. Funeral services " ere held at Williford Funeral Home Mon day afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Edenton Baottst Church, of ficiated and burial was in Beav er Hid Cemetery. Pallbearers were L. H. Has kett. W. C. Bunch, J. A, Curran. R. E. Leary. Herbert Baker and N. J. Goodwin. Jr. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our son. Carroll Goodwin, who passed awav one wear ago. March 1. 1359: Little n>d we knew when it dawned that morning The sorrow that day would bring. The end was sudden, the shock severe. To part with one we loved so dear. His Saint last wish we should liked to have beard. And breathe in his ear one last parting word. Dr.lv those who have lost can ted Os the grief that's borne in sil ence For the one they loved so well. Some may think we are not lonely When at times they see us smile. Little do they know the hear aehes That we suffer all The while Day and night we sadly miss vou. Deepiy do we fee! our loss. Lonely is our life without you. HrS -s. Lord, to bear our cross. Sadly nussed by parents. M.. . id .vi:s. Elite J. Clikklw.ii. ; Legal Notices 1 4 o || i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE : Ka vims xjmuamwod as astoiims- I Emu ox ©ff otoe estate of Vutue tlaoe Sonuihwick. deceased. late of H*. .Tsswaa Ctewunw. Nerdt CataJaa, i tteis is top i»a*il£y aR personas teav ‘mg Hai—g asamaat tttee ©state as ; said deceased t© piqseatt them tt© the r 1 ti-om date tags mmiiee oar same ; wtl] tee pteadeti am tear of their j iwovwcy. Alii taecsKMas imdeteted "to saad estate will please make i jmsaeJiate payrnffleiatt. i Titers Sad day of Marcia. 1933 L RUTH ALICE C. sunaiKX Administratrix off WalSae Lee Smaitiavrack ; Mar3.1A172A31 AprTc j EXECUTRIX ~r Having iqwalifficdl as executrix its the estafe of Gertrude C. ; Wartsiow. deeiesaedL, Late of Os®- | «'-m C«aeiv, North Caroiiama. this !is tea rnwtiJy aR persuNrats having clairris aganast the estate of said j deceased t© present tteema t© the , unde.-signed within ©me year ■i it om da.e ©I this wotike ©r tape , v ill lie jMeadei iim tear ©ff their ! .-iecovesy.. All perswms indebted ■ ri. satd estate nil! ptaas*t make ; immediate payment. lilts 11 th day ©f February, . 1960. ALMA W. BUCK. Executrix ©if Gertrude 1 C. W'iaasNaw Estsate. ! Retell, l«J2s.Mete3,lta„l7 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION having upwlifled as Exiicuttriix ! .if the Estate ©f Jlamaes Bloutat. deceased, late ©ff Caaowara Couaa :y. Nojtia CamaEana, tla.s is to ; notify all persons Itaavaiag: efaitaas against ithe estate ©f said de ceased to exteitest tlaema t® the : undersigned at Edemtom. North Carolina, ©tt ®r beifiore tSa© 28th dav- of January. 19*61. oar this i notice will tec pleaded! isa tear; of dt-cir igcoyety. All pesrsswas, ■ indebted tea saud estate wall please make irorrwd.at© payrsatmt. This Janta«;ry 2s. 19*W PEARL G. BLOUNT. Exeetatrax ©t Estate ■ot James Blwunat. Jan2S.FeaAl U&gSsMriiaSe EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualtlied as execaatoc of the estate ©J W. O. Speigaat.! deceased, late off Cteewaa Coarm-i ty. North Caroljwl. ttess ts t© noi.fy all persotas teav.mg; etoaas against ’’ho estate ©f sard de-j ceased ot ptesemt Isa«c® t© ttw- ; undersigned wittetta ©me year i from date off thts notice kvt sataaej will be pleaded iim tear ©ff their., recovery. All personas iiade-teted,' to sa,d estate will please mtake'i immediate p*y*mt»L. This 26. a fgv ©ff Jamararv. i 1960. " J W. E. SPEIGHT. Executor ©ff j 1 W. G. Speight Estate ! ■ J an2B.F ebi, ,11.1 SSUf eh»p - - --- • -| I ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE i Havmg qualiffied as fra trie off the "’’hal© ffVccv M. Then you drive im your usual fashion, through norraai traffic. When the gas in the j;ir has been used, chock the mileage reading on the speedometer. See tor yourself the mile age you got o® just a small! amount of fuel. Simple, fair—and dramatic proof, we think, of the solid gas eoomomy engineered into the Solid Plymouth for 1960. See ymir Plymouth dealer. ,';'t. >* *° a a ■hfc^lmK^raSgi li Harrell, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, | ! Wats is to notify ail persons hav- j ling: claims against the estate of, satd deceased to present them to] the undersigned within one year 1 ffrotn date of this notice or same, wil!l be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted t® said estate will please make! immediate payment. This 18th day of February, 1 196th ANNIE N. HARRELL, Administratrix of Percy M. Harrell . Feb. 13.25.Mch3,10,17.24c administratrix Notice i f Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of Oscar A. i Overton, deceased, late of Cho-i ] "tan County. North Caroling,' this is to notify all persons hav-1 r tng claims against the estate off' said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one yesr from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- 1 debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 13th dry of February. mo. MAGGIE H. OVERTON, Administratrix of Oscar A Overton. 1 Feb, i8,25,Mch3,10,17,24c : EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Curtis S. pelt, deceased, late of Chowan k’ounty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice pr same wilt be leaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to sa d estate will please make immediate Dayment. Th-j 11th day of February, t%U. JULIA W. CHAPPELL, Executrix of Curtis S. Chappell Estate. Feb 11 13 25.Mch3.1M7 NOTICE OF SALE OF CHATTELS By authority of a certain Chattel Mortgage executed bv Lock© C. Belter on January 14. 95f. and recorded in the office »f the Register of Deeds of Cho uan County. North Carolina, in Book 22 at page 211. securing a note therein described, now' past hue. demand for payment hav ing been made and not com piled with, the unders.gned mortgagee will sell the below described articles of personal property at the Court House in Edenton. North Carolina, at 11 o'clock A. M.. March 4. 1960, by public auction, for cash, for the satisfaction of the aforesaid rune and in compliance with the .terras of said Chattel Mortgage. The articles of personal prop erty described in said Chattel Mortgage are as follows: One 1952 8-cvlinder Ford stake bodv truck. Motor Number FSRNR-16712. One 1955 Chevrolet truck tractor, Motor Number WB- 55B0O&O77. | | One 1950 Trailmobile' Van-type 1 trailer, Seriod Number 41-00 It 1 03563. This the 25th day of February, I 'i96o. I Dixie guano co„ iNc., | Mortgagee, By Godwin & Godwin, Attor- I neys, Gatesville, N. C. Feb2sMar3 NOTICE oir RESALE OF j REAL ESTATE 3y virtue of the authority con-' feired upon the undersigned Liy order made by the Clerk of the I Superior Court of Chowan Coun-j ty. North Carolina, in the soe-j cial proceeding entitled, "A. H. J Jordan and wife, Sarah B. Jor dan, V. E, Jordan and wife. Re-1 cer D. Jordan, Beatrice J. Roun-' tree, divorced, Frances J. Perry and husband, Joseph B. Perry, Jr., Grace J. Wrnsiow and hus band, Harold B. Winslow, Sadie •i. Burbage, witlow, Mary Louise I. Pitzinger and husband, John A.i Pitzinger, C. W. Jordan and wife, Agnes Jordan, Elsberry R. j Jordan ar.d wife, Arleen Jor dan, Clara J. Ward and hus band, James F. Ward, Irene J. Meeks and husband, Cletus Meeks,. Zenoveh J. Williams, di vorced, Myrtle J. Williams and husband, Charles C. Williams, R. W. Jordan and wife, Helen Jor- 1 'dan, Almond A. Jordan and wife, Mildred Jordan, George F. Jordan and wife, Lucille Jordan, A. J. Jordan and wife, Joyce Jordan and L. G. Jordan and wife, Ruby Mae Jordan, Peti tioners vs. Joseph Jordan and wife. Myra W. Jordan. Defend'- antr.” and pursuant to an Order of Resale entered by the Clerk of Superior Court of Chowan Coun-' ty, North Carolina on February 24, 1960, the undersigned Com missioner, will offer for sale at public biddings, lor cash, to the highest bidder at the Couri House Door in Chowan County Noith Carolina, at 12.00 noor on Saturday, March 12 1960 the real estate in Third'Town ship, Chowan County, North Car olina, to-wit: That part of the Elsberry Jor dan tract of land in Lem 2 of the Last Will and Testament ol Joseph Copeland as probated on September 6. 1891, bounded on the Wiat by the Timnthv Wins ’ °5 the Norl h by the Sandy Run Swamp, on the East oy a line beginning at a Holly Sonns, Unn j ng in a stra 'ffht line Southward across the said land to an iron stob on the Road so “ to "Ut off thirty (30) acres now owned by J. W. Jordan the ' J: h e said Elsberry I [ (fp) FLY THE BEST... i_Jt_ .... FLY TEXACO l Your TEXACO Dealer [ March Special '• FREE With jj 5 gal. or More Purchase ■ - OK - i Fire or Sky Chief Gasoline . r~ ■ 1 11 i I'Texaco Kite ! i ... AT - BILL PERRY’S KNAPP BRABBLE » Edenton, N. G. Edenton, N. C. i TOM HOSKINS FLEETWOOD LILLEY Edenton, N. C. Gatesyille, N. C t L Serving The Finest In Texaco Products [ j * y*"' . j | I Havoline and Texaco Motof Oils — ■ ■ ■■■ .. . UN**..- ■i■ i i ( Firestone Tires and Tubes Service » ■ - , « • i | Car Washing Texaco Texatnatic Servive t [ jMarfak Lubrication (Pick lip and Delivery J j , Remember: For The fiWt Buy Ever « I tract L hereby conveyed contairt i ing thirty-six 186) acres, more, or] less, and being known as a part; ;of the Elsberry jordaui home; j place. ?' •<•.-."Ma'. | ( The opening bid will begin at! 5% / 1/ New Car Loans V. j V - J) I'!" L< | Poplt > IHrillK aIUI I I’llf*! i ,(), l oiißinner ( i taiif hraiirh OJA lift I>. * 1 w IjOL!N ! ON. N, („ iVlember I'. D. 1, („ Lairds Apple Brandy I Laird'S ! i i-" ■ APPLE jack ■ ■ i 'htawif I rim $270 Laird & Co., Distilled Straight Apple Brandy, 84 Proof, Scobeyville, R. 1 ! day of f A. HOLLOWKL^,

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