I —SECTION TWO PAGE FOUR If‘PERSONAL AND I (private PROBLEMS? * Sni-*” 1 "*"!* of m uiMHk »M their naektioa* E fili Nla>. Time iwiiirieh to i«- SM« tally Md eoeial Drohlent* «nd «ill MW 4M«lnt tkst mme all in s - M , _ a §,/ n.nnlntir • anAiuiMiwi ' B IjMIIU OIPBCII W hOviri? • rvimoinir ItalHM to imclade adjustment to bosi >SM Ufa aad careers. All iaaairies rsrriananrr-T aao mamas will In held |a The strictest confidence. All ineair- Ir* and a seat ions shonld be addressed fa Three TV - . care ol The <»•**• llenald. Edeotoa- X. C. j —Vladimir Tt Ketinv. t ieuasetar. Dear Three P's: For the past six. months I i have been reading magazine and newspaper articles on our gov ernment and way of life. I have noticed a continual refer ence to the fact that our gov-' eminent and way of life is so- ■ cialistic and that we are facing an increased amount of creep ing socialism. I have a job, I am free to go and come as I please and as far as I am con-' cemed I do not see where we : are socialistic. What is social ism anyway and can you ex plain in what way we are social istic. —Dubious. Dear Dubious: To go into your question thor oughly would require more time, effort and space than this column and its staff can give.j However, an attempt will be! made to explain some of the, causes which give rise to some I of the assertions that you may have read. First we must rec ognize one fact that in all civili-, zations there are the weak, the 1 indigent and the needy and in 1 any healthy civilization there is' recognized the moral responsi bility of the strong to see that i these people are given proper i help and support. Then again in referring to certain trends in' our government and economic life that writers claim to be socialistic, this column is not taking any position as it would lead to unending debate and ar-! gument. Socialism may generally be, defined as the governmental j control of all economic activity! to the end that competion may be eliminated and cooperation take its place to the end that all opportunities of life and the rewards of economic effort may be equally divided among all of the people. This is opposed to' individualism in which an may risk this time, effort and capital to promote a business, give employment and leap whatever rewards he may wider competitive conditions. If he loses, it is his bad luck and not that of the government or taxpayer, which it would under socialism. Another way of de fining socialism is the taking away from those according to j their abil.tv to produce and j giving to others according toj their needs. Let us consider some of the 1 things that it is alleged tend! toward socialism. Social Se curity is one of the phases of. Governmental activity which it is claimed as socialistic. So cial Security in principle is a good idea if it were based on sound actuarial tables. If So cial Security were planned on 1 MEANS IvKN BJsJTTER. UVTITQ :' ; iV "* - , X "x / . | : v "" ■ > ; ....... | y>, - jAgg «*-™ - .' ■* ~ gjhto i i^V,..., .. T Commercial fishing t>iays as important role is ik economy and the lives of many North Carohniass lav. ing along our coast. Fishing for fin-fish and shell fish is a multi-millon dollar business employing thousands on both sea and shore. In another category are ocean, going vessels that follow for days the vast mesbfcka schools for fish meal, which is also big business. The major shore installations for icing, packing, proc essing and shipping the commercial catch off die Cato* lina coast are located in areas that have adopted the •“legal control” system for the sale of beer and ale as being in the best interests «* law tad Older and Mr, . North Carolina Division the same basis that insurance companies eateutate the pre miums for- annuit.es there womM be no criticism at ail. Keen though the present rates have been increased it is doubted that | the rates ate sufficient to pay for itself. This is especially so since Congress frism time to time increases the benefit re gardless of the premiums be ing paid. There is no one on Social Security today who has paid for the benefits received, with the result that the month ly checks come from those now employed and the employers or the taxpayer, This will be in creasingly so as the monthly payments -ate increased from time to tinie by Congress, Tb the extent that the beneficiary has not paid for the benefits received it is a form of social ism, taking from those who haw and giving it to those who may need it. Then there are the various benefits and payments under the Veterans Administration, It Isas been stated that there are mote people receiving benefits under the various Veterans Acts who never fired a pop gun than those who actually went through hell during the past several wars. Then recently Congress passed a pension and health bill providing for pensions ta those who have served ninety days, within certain income limita tions, and to their dependents. Also the Government provides for health and hospital treat ment for ailments and injuries not service connected which al so include? the family of the ninety day veteran. This is far from the old concept that a citi zen owed his services to his country in time of trouble or war- without regard to pensions. To the extent that pensions and health services ate granted to peepie who itever performed any service other than wearing a uniform for a minimum o, ninety days, it is socialism to a class. There are numerous othesr Governmental activities Which fall within the same class such as Unemployment Relief, which is being misapplied in many ways; for instance payments made to college students, who may have temporary weak sn the summer and go to college in the Fall and Winter: or sea sonal workers who do not seek work when their seasonal work is comoleted: or to entployed pregnant women who leave their employment for their aoeot.-eh rnent. Then there is the mini mum wage law which plays havoc economically with busi ness and it is threatened to in crease the minimum to one dol lar and a half per hour. Pub lic Housing is claimed to be socialistic for rhe housing s subsidized, does not nay tax load and the rents are below the economic rent to carry the cropertv. Oihcr taxpayers pay for this public housing. Then there are the various business enterprises in which the Gov ernment is eng. god st the ex pense of the taxpayer and in which the Government is in competition with five enterprise, such as the Tennessee Valley autho’-itv. Th's Authority does not pay any real estate taxes. . THE CHOW AH HERALD. EDENTON. WORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MARCH IT. HW. ■ *1 rfMgHMjCt 3 > **" V* < ' •; \ . WEIRD WORLD OF ICE— The conning tower of the Navy sub Sargo looms into the frigid ArtU-tt night. The craft surfaced, at the North Pole to climax a 2,7 00-mile trip from Hawaii. Sttoo) taxes, income taxes and can get money from the Gov ernment for capital improve- j assents; without paying any in terest on the money taken from the taxpayer. There are other business activities of a similar mature carried at the expense of the taxpayer and in com petition with the taxpayer. These are a few of the Govern ment activities which is claim- j «o p!y Co, $64.00; East Carolina STEVE ALLEN SOLVES TV PROBLEM What's wrong with the cur rent TV programs? Who’s to blame for the low quality fare? Steve Allen reveals who he thinks is at fault and tells how we can change the situation. Read “The Trouble Wi*h My Business" in The American Weekly this Sunday with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN on sale at your local njwslealer On Sale At Belk -Tyler's EDENTON, N. C. O DAYS ONLY MARCH 17-26th ? u JjF >. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY! I H n LUXURY-SHEER 60 gauge, 15 denier /1 /1 GUARANTEED fell-fmh toned twin threads rVy ’ NEVER-RUN full-fashioned mesh » j BAREUEG seamless, reinforced heel, tee* V r SEAM-FREE MESH, reinforced heel, tee * A sale so special, if happens just twice a year! Alt styles, at J Aw shades... our entire Heiress brand nylon stock slashed to 88c. 1 alii. ‘ ’ DNi i|| ■ -t.J- lL - iksit flnHerr mn -j ll 1 «L .t _ - ■ick iw* fn® coior inot nouvrs you n*osr, im icnjtn that K • fits you best! Save more—box of 3 pairs ITBS WEEK 2.50 I ' i _ 1 Supply Co.. $44.69; Badger Meter ! Mij|. Co., $5.39; Bunch's Auto Parts, $29.53; Burroughs Divi sion, $34.45; Line Ma.erial In dustries, $97.60; Coastland Oil Co., $96.76; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co.. $30.05; South ern State Equipment Corp., $69.87; International Salt Co.J $736.00; Mitchener’s Pharmacy, 51.53; Gray & Creech, $1.10; M. G. Brown Co.. $5.32; Baker Equipment Engineering Co.. Inc., $16.87; Transport Clearing of the Carolinas, Inc., $2.50; James M. Bond, $3.60; Richard N. Hines, $18.00: Coastal Office Equ'pment Co..- $5.00; Ashlev Welding & Machine Co.. $2.50; Motorola C. & E., Inc., $46.75; Hobbs Imple ment Co., $46.75; Gulf Oil Corp., $119.39; Virginia E’ectric & Power Co., $10,168.00; total, $16,-. 265.32. ! Salaries paid in month of February, 1960. $3,764.14. i Receive 1 for current, water and merchandise, $22,956.80. -y nQ__ STRAIGHT BOURBON [Mi WH1 sk E ' y [3EJ ' IWm 1 $/ 25 fs3so 8« J W • PROOP . -5 QUART ** W JAMES WALSH & CO. UWRENCEBURG. KENTUCKY rj Receipts in excess of disburse* j'menis, $2,W7 S 4. On motion by Jesse L Harrell, - seconded by K&lph t Parrish, I and carried, request from the II Town Council that stop light be -1 installed at the intersection pf , I Oakum and Broad Streets is ap ,‘ proved. , There being no further busi • ness the meeting adjourned, r RALPH E. PARRISH, ~, Secretary FRIG ID AIR K AI'TBOUXKD SERVICE AI’THORIXED FACTORT SERVICE 11111 FOR ALL lAUf FRIGIDAIRE raiOlDAial PRODUCTS RALPH E. PARRISH. INC. PHONE 2421 - EDENTON