°*pJbus!red A in* CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.— Number 137 Stage Now Sol For; BPW Fashion & ow Friday Night April 1 Over 50 Persons Will Serve as Models In High School Auditor ium; Prizes Offered Plans have practically been completed for the big fashion show sponsored by the Edenton Business and Professional Wo men's Club. The show will be *held Friday rnght, April 1, in the John A. Holmes High School auditorium, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Participating wi;i be local merchants and beauty shops, showing the latest fashions in ready-to-wear garments, hats and hair styles. In the neigh borhood cf 50 people will serve as models, including men who will model for two of the stores, featuring sports and formal wear. Nancy Carson of radio station! WCDJ will be narrator. In ad-1 dition to the fashion show, there will be special Easter and ] spring music from the Chowan] and Edenton Schootls. Mrs.] Vivian Mooney will be the pi-j anist for the show. Refreshments will be served following the drawing for the door prizes. Various concerns participating in the show and their models' follow: Tots and Teens—Shirley Alex-] ander, Katherine Forehand, Rob-. CwiHwuad on Page B—Section l ' Atkinson Speaker! At Lions Meeting ii Points Out Need Fo* New Industry In j Edenton Richard Atkinson, Jr., vice , president of Peoples Bank &! Trust Company, and chairman [ of the Edenton Chamber of 1 1 Commerce Industrial Develop ment Committee, spoke before the Edenton Lions Club at its ■ meeting Monday evening. At kins was introduced hy Dr. Al len Downum, who had charge of the program. Atkinson outlined the work, of the Industrial Committee and j gave some of the reasons for. their continuous efforts to scekji industry. He also _ cited some j of the reasons for the apparent] lack of results, while emphasiz ing that the committee was I dealing with a large number of prospects each week, some of ■ them apparently quite promis ing. He £ave as some of the reasons for needing industry as the loss of talented persons from the area, who go to metropoli- Continued on Pag* t. Section 8 PTA Basketball Game , Scheduled At Chowan j On Friday night, April 1, there will be a. basketball game played between the Chowan PTA and the Winfall PTA. It will be held in the Chowan High School gymnasium at 8 o’clock. David J. Johnson will coach the ladies' basketball team and Charlie A shell will coach the men. This game is being sponsored by the PTA in order to raise funds. A small admission will! be charged. The concession] stand will be open. j Jane DuLaney Will Represent j Edenton In Azalea Festival! - Miss Jat\o Holland DuLaneyJ wOl have the honor of represent ing the John A Holmes High. __ - - - - . -» a a _ School at the Internet tonal aim* • tea Festival at Norfolk Uus year, j where aaefea* the Chowan herald Wins Fellowship ! ELMEiThaYES DAVIDSON A Chowan County student at J Greensboro College. Elmer Hayes i Davidson, has been awarded a i $8,500 fellowship from Hollins j College at Salem. Va. Spring Revival At Center Ml Church Week Os April 3-10 'Speaker For Occasion B. L. Raines, Former Rocky Hock Baptist [ Church Pastor Final plans for Lie annual spring revival at the Center Hilt ' Baptist Church have been an ' nouncod by the pastor, the Rev. Henry V. Napier. Scjrvtees will I begin on Sunday, April 3, at I the 11 o’clock hour with the pastor of the cKurch~Wsng ing the message. Services will., continue through the week and [close with the evening worship [ hour on Sunday, April 10. Plans include special evange listic messages by the Rev. 80-! imar L. Raines, pastor of the* F,rst Baptist Church at Kings Mountain. N. C. Mr. Raines] Continued on Page 3 Section I Service Station i Changes Hands | Change in management of the I Texaco Service Station at the ] comer of Broad and Church J l Streets recently was effected. | [The station, formerly operated, by Knapp Brabble, was taken; I over by Bill Berry, who has ! placed his brother, Lynn Perry, in charge as manager. The new name of the station is Broad and Church Texaco Service and handles Texaco pro ducts as well as a complete line of B. F. Goodrich tires and Auto-Lite batteries. [ Deadline Near ] l / Growers of ootton at* remind-! ed stat Tuesday. April 5. is the] final dat* for acceptng relees-j ad cotton acieage as wall as for filing applications for ia-> leaved acreage. New legislation offec iv* with; the 1880 crop of cotton a farm-] er must pant 75% of hi 1883* allotment or ryloose it to the County ASC Commit ee for re | apportionment to other farmers. ! or his 1881 allotment will be re ; * * QUCtCL jis former Secretary of the Army j during the Truman admin istra- j tion and is presently chairman of the board of .Genual Oyna jmies Corporation. The 14 prin laEuT Organisation I i“ir D -u w .. Ann Milligan. Edenton, Chpwan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 31, 1960. ‘ yna«MM>iiMi»MMMM»iiiiiMiiuiMiiMiMmiwmniwiHMiiiinii f , i| Work Progressing On Sewage Disposal Line T 1 m A ,JE t - -gpf ,W t Anove is a glimpse of a 26-foot deep hole oppo site the Scabrook Blanching Corporation on U. S. IT north which has been attracting a great deal of attention. This is part of the joo of construct ing a pumping station which will take care of the area north of Ryder Lane to the ciiy limits and beyond. The work 'is being done by T. A. Loving & Company of Goldsboro.—(Photo by J. P. Ricks.. Jr.) Plans Complete For Cancer Drive To Be Held In April 1 I Mrs. Tom Hopkins, Chairman of the cancer drive in Chowan County, has announced various chairmen who will canvass throughout the county to raise funds to combat cancer. The drive is sponsored by the Eden ton Woman’s Club, members of which will also take an active part in the campaign. Members of the club will can vass the business district the first week in April and other assignments will be as follows: Juycees, with West Byrum. Jr., as cnairman, will conduct a read btock. Aydlett And Copelancf Seeking Senate Seats From First Districtj N. Elton Aydlett of Elizabeth’ City and J. William Copeland] |of Musfreesboro. early this week! 'announced that they will be] ■.candidates for the Sta'e Senate' ifrom the First Senatorial Dis-j triet in the Democratic primary l election on May 28. J. Emmett Winslow of Hert ford previously announced his candidacy for one of the dis trict’s two seats in the Senate. * Mr. Copeland has served as i Senator for four terms and in * the last General Assembly he * was chairman of the impo:tant i —-■ ——- **— : Chowan Well Represented At Goldsboro Industry Conference Chowan County will be well represented at the Eastern North Carolina Industrial Development Conference to be held in Golds boro today (Thursday). Invited to the conference, 'which begins at 10 A. M. in the Hotel Goldsboro, from this section are representatives of | Chambers of Commerce, other ; development groups, members of ] county boards and commissions, i the General Assembly and all others interested in and work- j Potter Is Named i Chi School Board i At a called meeting of the Chowan County Democratic Executive Committee Saturday : afternoon, .Gpddes B. Potter was appointed as a membber of the ' Chowan County Board of Edu | cation. .• Mr. Potter, a former chairman :of the board, was appointed to {fill the unexpired term of Mrs. 'Mary D. Nixon, who resigned idue to her health. 1 20 Years Ago j As Found in the FUe* of The Chowan Herald 1 V L a Twenty-eight local ciiixeoa »«tajda B^Sreu^B^Club j Dr. F. H. Gar iw migind as I 1 moi si i' Under the direction if Der-I l wood Bray, band majorettes will | ; be in charge of Tag Day. ; Mrs. Jim Basnight will be in; : charge of canvassing the mill ; village. North Edenton solicitation will] ■ be in charge of Mrs. Roland E . - ! ans. Mrs. Tom Hopkins will super-j •j vise canvassing in the tysiden-. ;l tial section. -] Miss Pauline Calloway, homej i agent, will be chairman for] .] white people in the county. I! Mrs, J. H. Horton, president I Continued on Page 7—Section 1 'Appropriations Committee. Mr. Aydlett served in the [Senate in the 1955 and 1957 ses ! sions of the General Assembly ( and is now serving on the State ] Board of Higher Education as [chairman of the Community] I College Committee. He was al-[ so Clerk of Superior Court and) Juvenile Judge of Pasquotank! County from 1928 to 1946. when I he became associated with the! law firm of McMuilan. Aydlett: & White. He was Mayor of Elizabeth City from 1951 to ( Continued on Page 3—Section 1 < j 1 ing for industrial development ] . of this area. The conference, which is J sponsored by the Committee on Commerce and Industry of the ' State Board of Conservation and ' Development, is the first of four ; to be held over the state to ac- j ■ quaint development workers; ' with what they should do to : bring more industry into their I ' respective communities. Chowan County is one of 1 Continued on Page 3—Section ’ 1 ■| Chowan Club Women Make Beautiful Hats i* ii L i 1 ■- *" '*• *'t ,‘ t ’’ _ ~ V, •' J H . ,< V . 1 ' * ' r . I‘ ■* . ML Mb JB t IBBj ■ I . Mu mm 3 % U r ~2?- J >1 Samples are shown above of the new spring creations made by .1 women in Chowan County at four recent hat making workshops I conducted by Miss Pauline Calloway, home economics agent. Stand ing. left to right, are:.. Mrs. Bobby Bunch. Yeopim; Mrs. Phil Robey. * WaUace*!Goodw^*J^Eaiarprisa 1^ ", **"• j Warwick Revival ! Begins April 17 Rev. D. C. Jenkins of | Laurel, Miss., Visit ing Evangelist A series of revival meetings i ' will be held at Warwick Bap-: ; tist Church from Sunday. April 17 and continuing through Sun ' day, April 24. i The visiting evangelist will be! j the Rev. D. C. Jenkins, pastor] j of Bethlehem Baptist Church at; I Laurel, Mississippi. Music for] the meetings will be directed lj>: i Albert Hobbs. ; The schedule of sei vices will . be' as follows: Sunday, April, !17 and 24. at 10 A. M..' and 1 I 7 P. M. Monday, April 13, through [Saturday, April 23, each night at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. Jenkins has the reputa-i tion of being a sincere and forceful speaker, so that, the 1 public is cordially invited to at- j , tend any or all services. t [Contest Develops ] For Commissioner In Second Township] I T. O. Asbell of the Tyner sec-1 ition, last week annbuneed that! ihe will be a candidate for County Commissioner from the! ] Second Township in the Demo-1 i cratic primary election on May] ,28th. j The announcement results in] a contest "f:r this position for. spreviously C. M. Evans of the' j Rocky Heck section announced ! that he will be a candidate. [ Both aspirants seek the posi ! tion held for many years by Raleigh Peele, who will not be a candidate for re-election. BAND PARENTS TO MEET , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th Edenton Band Parents Assoei-| ation will meet Wednesday j [night. April 6, at 8 o’clock in ! the band room at 8 o’clock. Mrs. j j Kathleen Skiles, president, is ! 1 very anxious to have all mem- , bers present. Spring Term Os Superior CourtTo Convene Monday Judge J. Paul Friz zclle of Snow Hill Is Scheduled to Preside Over Term The Apr il tei m c.f Chowan County Superior Court will con vene Monday morning, April 4. at 10 o’clock with Judge J. Paul Frizzelle of Snow Hill, resident judge of the Eighth District, scheduled to preside. It will be a mixed term cf court with criminal cases expected to be tried Monday and Tuesday. Civil cases as scheduled on the calendar by Clerk of Court Tom Shepard include the fol lowing: G. E. Grass and Richard A. Noll vs. Community Publishing Company and John E. Hughes. This is for a hearing on notice and motion to assess damages to plaintiff. Mamie Banks Merritt vs. Johnnie William Meiritt. Free i man Anthony vs. Mildred Nixon I Anthony and Mary Ann A. Rus j sell vs. William Russell, all di vorce actions. Haughton Ehringhaus, adrhirii ! strator of D. B. Chambless cs- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Directors Os C, Os €. Much In Favor Os Second Bond Flection Members of the board of di-| rectors of the Chamber of Commerce adopted two resolu-j ; tions at the March meeting; [which bear on the proposed) [sewage disposal plant for Eden-j i ton. j . The first called for a special! committee to be appo.nted by Mayor John Mitchener to inves tigate the effects on industrial] devcloppient .of the defeat of: 1 the recent bond election. The) ; other resolution recommended l that the Town Council take whatever steps are necessary as Local estern Union Telegraph Office Scheduled To Be Closed \ | - - • L. P. Creekmore, district su pervisor of Western Union Tele-] graph Company, was in Eden j ton recently and advised the I Chamber of Commerce and oth-; I er business concerns that the 10-; i cal telegraph office in the Ho-] tel Joseph Hewes Building is ! scheduled to be closed. I Mrs. John Wheeler, for many ! years manager of the local of i fire, will soon retire and Mr.! ] Creekmore pointed out that in sufficient telegraph business] i does not justify renting an of- ] , fice and employing a full-time' Merchants Planning i ‘Festival Os Values’ Merchants Committee at a meet- 1 ing held Tuesday morning ap- | j proved the recommendation of a I sub-eommittee headed by John H. Woolard to hold a commun ! ity-wide sales promotion on May 12. 13 and 14. Details of I the “Edenton Festival of Values” as the promotion will be called. 1 will be announced soon. In other business the commit | tee made known the results of a recent survey of local stores to | Continued from Page 8. Section 1 Meeting Postponed By Woman’s Club The Edenton Woman’s Club has called off its regular moct- ing next Wednesday, April 6. due to the state convention to be held in Raleigh. The April, meeting will, therefore, be held: the following Wednesday. April ‘ 13, at the Edenton Restaurant at I 1 o’clock. r Offering Help ] ,v ; J J. M. Johnston, district repre ! sentative with the N. C. Depart ment of Revenue. will be in | the N. C. Department of Rev enue office, room 209. Citirens j Bank Building. April 1 through I April IS. Mr. Johnston will be lin the office from 9:90 A. M. i until S P. M. in order to ankt ! any taxpayer with filing income 'lax returns. . ] $2.50 Per Year In North Carolim Robert Lee Humber Speaker In Edenton For Library Week — ; ; lOn1On School Board ~~-Ss / wgHflK i GEDDES B. POTTER ■j Chowan County Democratic] Executive Commit ee cn Satur- j day appointed Geddes B. Pot-j ter as a member ol xne County Board of Education. He will fill the unexpired term of Mrs. Mary D. Nixon, who recently resigned. t soon as possible to call for an other election. R. S, Atkinson. Jr., Chairman ;of the Chamber’s Industrial ! Committee, said. "We sin -erely j hope that the Town Council will i see fn to schedule another bond I election at the earliest possible date. If we are to compete for industry, the town must eventu i ally conform with state regula ; tions I ' Today industrial prospects do not like to get involved with lo cal controversies and will turn Continued on Page 3—Section ■ operator. j Following closing of the office J A. Wheeler, manager cf thet bus station, will send al t ie-' grams from Edenton. so that : ihe same service will be ma n j tained and the same ra:es will be in effect. The proposal "ill require ap proval by the Federal Comniun : ications Commission and will • lake several months. Persons wishing to protest the move or comment on the matter I should contact the Chamber of ’Commerce office. ’BOCensus Taker? j Easy To Identify Imposters Should Be Reported to District Census Office Householders will not have any difficulty identifying the takers />f the 1960 census of] population and housing when] they start their rounds on April] 1. District Supervisor John R. Brinson, points out. Each census taker will be pro vided with a red. white and blue identification card to bo l worn on the lapel. This card Continued from Page 7—Section l Spring Revival Al Local Baptist Chureli Begins Sunday* April 3 Dr. Charles S. Bond, of Foun ' tain City, Tennessee, is to be the guest preacher for the spring j revival services at the Baptist! Church next week. The series of services opens Sunday. April 3, at the 11 o’clock morning, worship hour and closes at the 7:30 evening worship hour on! the following Sunday. April I*. J ‘ Only evening services will be held Monday, April 4, through Friday, April 9. at the hour of 8:00. There will be no Saturday; service. Special attention is] called-to the evening hour of ; 1 • o'clock, Monday through Ft> FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Number of Features Arranged For Ob servance Week Os April 3 to 9 Plans have been for the observance of Naff rwii Li brary Week April 3-9, Gwvvrw or Luther Hedges has tsswed * proclamation calling upon «u* zens of the state to observe the week. ( A feature of the observance w;li be an address by Dr. R,ys ert 'Leo Humber at Hotel J,*» soph Howes Tuesday rtgSit, Ap’-i! 5. at 8 o'clock Mb Hwas ber is a splendid speaker am 5 lecturer, so that jt is !fort||»<\i many people will tuna gut I» hear him. During Library Week all : nes will be waived for all b.v\k> re i turned to V o library, 'Rrtr.g | them in even though t'-ev a v 1 Continued on Page 4—Sectici l —— Jones And Wood Bonner Managers j William P. Jones and (ii 1 a-n Wood have been appointed Cho- 1 wan County campaign < | for Herbert Bonner in his ©a »t --tpa gn f •:■ re-election as a Re. nsemattvp in Congress for sine First District. Mr. Bonner was in Went *n ! Friday night on a hurried tt. > ( to a number of towns in his Gss tricf-and stated that. t.tough fee wit] be very busy both in Wash ington and in the interest «t his re-election, he plans to tv turn to Edenton a few wsore times before the election. His local manage.- pa tv: t that North Carolina now nas four chairmen of major ©ont mitu,-. one of which as M Ron new v. ire is r*v. n ,-f Merchant Ma; me and F.xre; >•* orgy, and Harold Cooley, A-*'-* culture. McConnell To I ey. manager of Belk-Ty er'k. Tito speaker said he felt high ly honored with so many men I taking the t.me to attend the meeting. Mr. McConnell, a very del g" ful speaker, pointed out handicap of small (iwt ns .sv-- peting for industrial drve'-v'. menj, and advanced the *c* i J creating development i.s. i which would include of the smaller and poorer conn ties. [ CIVIC CALKNOAu) Sponsored by t'-o Ede© on | Business and Professional Wet man's Club, a fashion shew will j be held in the auditorium ©t the John A. Holmes High School I Friday night. April 1, beginning ‘ at 7.-34 o'c'oek. Annual Easter Seal tamp im is now in progress in Chowan County and will continue until ' Continued on Page i —Stchw I ! day-, and the usual eveuio- Vwtr of 7 :$0 will be oitsetwd N each j Sunday evening service. Dr. Rond is not a stranger t * the local congregation store tot, has preached for revival see . vices on two prior occasions The publK is coed tally invstrt jto hear this f .vteful j preapher and prayer for the saved and inactive in our c m munity is soUetted For the convenience «f par* ents the church Many eg® bdj ] available for the rare «# ahiW dren foam the cradle ag« ar, jw. uM, .