PAGE SIX —SECTION OWE, 11 4§k°»i I Assuming you have a good seed bed for your lawn, you should run a soil test to find out the fertilizer and lime needs of the grass you’re going to plant. TNfe is the best plan. In the absence of a soil test, some gen eral Recommendations may help. xWqrk into the top one or two iii-hds of soil about 35 pounds of an 8-8-8 fertilizer per 1,000 sfrjare feet. This will be in ad dition to the organic materials I d icussed last week. 1 have already suggested that fj :1 is best for seeding blue g iss and fescue, but if you want ti take a chance seed both at tl » rate of 2 U > pounds per 100 S' aare feet. Use the same rate o seeding for Bermuda and t rpet. For Centipede, use 3 o nces per 100 square feet. |pow the seed uniformly over thb lawn area. Use a seeder or by hand. If you use tlb hand method, divide your ssd in half and sow half in one dl'ection and cross-sow the omer half. This should give Ji >re uniform distribution. Cover the seed lightly by ruk ii J in one direction. If you at- ] ti njft t cover seed by a back a d-forth motion of the rake. ] y u are almost sure to move the [ s ?d too much, causing heavy ‘ f civic calendar! V C intinued from Page 1. Section 1 « "A'VVirxnjvvV'iAiVuin-nri rjvux,vuvwul J- , I esent a program in the gym t rium at the colored high school 5 inday afternoon. April 10. ai 3 o'clock. Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. 1 A. M„ will hold a stated c mmunication tonight (Thurs- i d 8 o clock. Ed Bond Pest No. 40 of the American Legion will meet Tuesday night. April 12. at 8 o'clock. 1 fEfenton Tea Party Chapter o$ the DAR will meet We; ies t»y afternoon, April 13. at 3:30 Alock. {Annual Ea-.ter Seal camp ign 14 now in progress in Chowan and will continue until , Easier Sunday. April 17. Edenton's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. I Edento:; Woman s Club will sfage its annual Art Exhibiu Saturday and Sunday. Apr ; ! 23 and-24, in the Penelope darker j nouse. I Junior Chamber of Commerc? is sponsoring a physical fitness F'ogram which w 11 be 1 eld at Chowan High S.hocl W.dnes day. April 13. Edenton Lionr Club will meet Monday nignl at / o'clock. KEYSTONE SEEDS VEGETABLE GROWERS, ’ FARMERS, GARDENERS FOR RKifiKR YIELDS ANI) MORE PROFITS Plant KEYSTONE Tested Seeds In 1960 ; ij r Every Lot Tested and Treated TIME TO PLANT— j Cabbage Plants Cabbage Seeds Garden Peas— ’ Onion Sets Beets Carrots Hanover Salad— Curled Kale Collards Turnips Radishes— Broccoli Cauliflower Head Lettuce l,eaf Lettuce - Tomatoes Sweet Peppers Hot Peppers Plant Annual and Perennial Flowers Lawn Grass. 6 See Us For Your Spring Requirements— Our Stocks Are Now Complete! KEYSTONE VEGETABLE SEEDS— BURPEE FLOWER SEEDS— APPROVED HYBRID CORN SEED ASK OR WRITE FOR OUR PRICE LIST! It __ _ WWWS I • sE- 1* "MnEh, Seedsman Iflaate 3 EdenUm, N C PhwttVW . and light patches, j Lightly roll and water. Do not allow the surface to dry out because lack of sufficient moisture will cause poor germ ination. Protect the newly seeded area as best you can from people and puppies. I If you use Bermuda seed, sow las soon as the leaves on the oaks are about the size of a squirrell’s ear. For Carpet and Centipede, sow at the same time. All of these warm season grasses may be established by using roots and this may be the Letter plan, if available to you. Sometimes the roots are scat tered over the lawn area, disked lightly and rolled. Or, the roots may be “spngged’' by planting 15 inches apart in rows about 15 inches wide. Sprigging may be done any time now when soil is in proper condition for planting. If you have built a new home and are pieparing your first lawn, be sure to remove and re place soil contaminated with lime resulting from plaster mix ing. In the established lawn, spruce up the bad spots and get ready for an application of a more complete fertilizer. William H. Coffield, Jr. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign .Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Chowan T->be or Red Men will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Spring revival services are in progress at the Edenton Baptist Church this week and will end Sunday. April 10. Annual spring revival services are being held this week at the Center Hill Baptist Church and will end Sunday,. April 10. Edenton Woman's Club will hold i s April meeting Wednes day afternoon. April 13. at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restau rant. J. M. Jo'.-nstcn, d str ct repre sen ative of the N. C. Depart ment o'. Revenue, will be in his oif ce, 209 Citiz-ns Bank Build, ing through April 15 to assist taxpayers with their income tax. Revival se-v'c s will be held at Warwick Baptist Church from Sunday. April 17, though Sun cay. A ril 24. 23 JAILED IN MARCH Jailer Bertram Byrum reports that 23 persons were placed in the Chowan County jail during March. Confinements ranged from one to 21 days. The ex pense amounted to $239.43, which includes jail and turnkey fees. j Host Winners At Fat Stock Show V. - t J HE « ii as V-,. ■ . ||f | W ii wmW';; ,: v * rs- •. =• * .v --igjfi I* i/ .fITBBBBBI^H|Hfi« Lester Copeland is shown in top picture with his grand chain | pion hog in the Fat Stock Show and Sal* held Wednesday of last week at the Legion grounds. Center picture shows Johnny Win borne and his grand champion pen of three. Lower picture shows Bobby Winborne and his reserve grand champion‘pen of three. Plans In Making For | Armed Forces Day For the eleventh year, Armed' Fortes Day observances will he held across the nation and over seas during the period of May 14-22, with emphasis on Armed Forces Day, Saturday. May 21. From the first, toe observance has stressed the concept that freedom and national security depend upon the power which comes liotn teamwork and na-j tional unity. "Power for Peace” has again been retained as the slogan which best describes our: national effort. Plans are currently being de veloped for various types of military displays, parades, cere- 1 Attention! PEANUT GROWERS We Have Rebuilt Our Seed Peaiml Shelter! ... it is now in jM'i fin l climlitioii and we are ready to shell your peanuts. REMEMBER: AN EXPERIENCED OPEkATOR CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! OUR PLA.XT IS LOCATED OX NORTH BROAD STREET LX FRONT OF GEORGE CHEVROLET <Y). We Also Have Seed Peanuts For Sale, ❖ LEARY BROS. St"*** Co, i (formerly Satterfield 4 Leary) J Tl *'* mlpl>iiUN . ■-' W.,- ~y; • ... .. . >_ r y 4 THE CHOWAH MOULD, EDENTON SpMlt CAROLINA. THURSDAY. APRIL 7. ISM. 1 monies, shows, speeches, etc., connected with this theme.: ! These programs and activities are scheduled for presentation ’ during the designated period. Cap., Richard T. Duke, Com bat Support CS**,, 2nd Rtttlk Group. 119th Inf. NCARNG. Edenton, has been appointed as project officer for the local area to plan and coordinate these ac tivities. Various community leaders will bo contacted to pro vide assistance in formulating, j observances for this day. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge No, 7. A. F. Sr A. M.. will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock, McKay Washington, master, urges a full attendance. • i| Superior Court jjlfrpessal Tuesday j Continued (torn Pag* L Secßon 1 sell. John H. White, John Washington White, James Ker~ nut Layton and Ralph K. Hollo weil. The court appointed Elbert I Copeland as foreman, j Judge Frixzelle made an ex ceptionally brief charge to the Grand Jury. He congratulated j the members for being appoint {ed to serve the county and state, j “No group can render a better [service,” he said, “and what you do will be reflected for many years.” The Judge said the oath which was administered to them was most challenging and to impress it upon the jurymen, he read it over, emphasizing the various duties. He said he wished every adult, both white and colored, would secure a secure a copy of the oath and refer to it quite frequently. The court then went into ac tion and in short order disposed of quite a few cases with ad ioumment declared about noon Tuesday. Three divorces were granted, one white, Mary Ann A. Russell from William Russell, and two colored, Mamie Banks Merritt from Johnnie William Merritt and Freeman Anthony from Mil dred Nixon Anthony. Mullen Holly, charged with non-support, was found not guilty. John E. Roberts pleaded guil ty to assault and was ordered to pay court costs. James E. Skeeter, Jr., charg ed with felonious breaking and entering and malicious injury to personal property, made full res-! titution and paid the costs of court, so -that the case was re moved from the docket. In the case of Albert Lassi ter, charged with non-sup-* port, the state took a nol press: with leave. J A mistrial was ordered in the case of Elton Claster Ward when the jury could not reach a ver dict. Ward was charged with a third offense of operating a mo- 1 tor vehicle after his license was revoked. The case of Joseph M. Joyner, charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influ ence of intoxicants for a third offense, was continued. Ed wart! Eugene Warren, charged with escape, was sen tenced to not less than 12 months with the sentence to be gin at the expiration of a sen tence he is now serving. The latest sentence was suspended 'men condition Warren is gain fully employed and of good be — —— p|*W*Bg - m §1 J , s y'WßßSgnr mM /isl JOE THORUD SAYS: looking o'?? foro ' Common Stock f ofi\ Mutual Fund? kifjJ MUTUAL INCOME lOUMDATION..* ~. organized in 1933, is a' Mutual Fund which gives moat attention to common stocks which combine growth prospects with a comparatively high divi dend income. For a Pros pectus and a new Informs- Hop Folder without cost or JOE THORUD p. ©. Bsw SM non am t oTtanimiiM - T tit-r i. o-.. havior for five years. j William Austin Brewer, Jr., charged with escape and feloni ous breaking and entering, was sentenced to not less than two nor more than three years, the sentence to begin at the expire- j tion of a sentence he is now' serving. Tommy L. Privott, charged! with forgery, was sentenced toi It months, suspended on condi-I tion that he pay the costs of j court and placed on probation I for three years. The case of Penelope Over-i ton, Alexander Badham, Pauline* B, Turner and other heirs at law of Hannibal Badham vs. Lonnie Boyce was dismissed from the docket, as was the case or Jgfen ,G. Small vs. William Creecy. Cecil Rankin, charged with carrying a concealed weapon and manslaughter, was found not guilty on both charges. 1 The case of William Roberts, charged with failure to see that movement could not be made in safety, was nol pressed, having been settled out of court. | Charged with felonious escape,' larceny and assault, Wesley Pitt man was sentenced to 18 months to begin at the expiration of a sentence he is now serving. ' In the case of M. D. Baker 1 vs. G. B. Morgan, Jr., and wife; Sue Pavne Morgan, a judgment was ordered against Mrs. Mor gan in the amount of $1,479.60. j The Grand Jury submitted its report which, aside from a few minor recommendations, found conditions in the county satis- * factory. The Grand Jury sub- * mined to the court names of non-tax-listers in Chowan Coun ty for the year 1960. Another recommendation calls for the County Commissioners to re- • quest the Chowan County Rep resentative in the Legislature toi raise juror’s pay in Chowan j County to a pay equal to the' pay received in adjoining eotin-l ties. LIONS MEET MONDAY Edenton Lions will meet Mon day night. April 11, at 7 o’clock. President T. B. Williford urgesj a 100 percent meeting. ( t i’ 1;" , I r' “ISOTOX 25 SEED TREATER SOLVED MY REPLANTING PROBLEMS”. Con* grower Leslie Jeffrie says, “Frankly, I used to replant considerably before I started using ISOTOX 25 Seed Treater (F), but now I’m getting perfect stands. Besides getting rid of soil insects, I believe that ISOTOX actually helps the corn grow by letting the stalks get healthier. Nfes, ISOTOX 25 Seed Treater (F) has sure saved me a lot of money by solving my replanting problems, and to be perfectly honest, I just wouldn’t plant com any more without using it.” Mr. Jeffrie concludes, “I’m interested in good fanning practices and using ISOTOX is sure one of the best.’* For at little as 10# per acre ISOTOX 25 Seed Treater (F) can bring yon . hotter steads, bigger, more profitable yields. M (ORTHO) W Helping th® World Grow Better ' -"'V dte^teSjbs«ions' V ' C . P.O. Box 576. Columbia, South CnroMnuf £ ' * ?0 YBAKS AGO ; Continued from Pag* L Section 1 j and a new registration a spe-' cial meeting of the Board of | Elections was called. ' Quinn's Funeral Home on | West Albemarle Street had an 1 auspicious opening when a con- I linuous stream of people visited I the establishment on opening i I Stillman Leary filed as a can didate for County Commissioner [ from the Second Township to I oppose Raleigh Peele. The lat ter was appointed to serve the unexpired term of W. H. Win-' borne. | Reading and Poeomoke City baseball teams finished their frfst two weeks of spring train ing in Edenton. A schedule of 11 home exhibition games was announced. ' Due to work being done in the Post Office building, N. K. RoWell. county agent and Miss Rebecca Colwell, home demon stration agent, moved to tem porary quarters over the law offices of W. D. Pruden and R. C. Holland. At a meeting of the Edenton Garden Club held at the home of Mrs. R. Graham White, the club voted unanimously to fed- G&W *Ji SEVEN Jol STAR SEVEN STAR BLENDED WHISKEY, 90 PROOF, 37Vii; STRAIGHT WHISKEY 6 YEARS OR MORE 010. 62Vi Jo GRArN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD, PEORIA iLL - erate with fit* Garden Clubs of- j North Carolina. . ' m " m j An extension of five dan b ! was granted on all comnndv kj fishing due to cold weather in * . January and February. ! Tom Oliver, manager of f Reading baseball team, was high * in praise of Edenton? saying that'; in his baseball connections he ' had not seen any to equal Ede 3? ‘ ton. ! After deliberating over 25 hours. Judge J. J. Burney dis missed the jury in a suit brought against the. Kieskhefer Container Company of Plymouth ,by Robert L. Chesson on •„ . , I charge of breach of contract. 'lt was the third time the ease had been tried in court. J. Edwin Bufflap -was elected president of the Edenton Rotary «•*-. , V. Girls’ Quartet Will Sini? Here Sunday The Edenton Negro Woman’s ■ Club extends to the public an invitation to attend a musical 1 program featuring a girls’ quar tet from the State Training., School of Kinston. • ; The program wul be presented Sunday afternoon, April 10, in ' the high school gymtorium at 3 o’clock.

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