i;. cwnwomr Volume XXVtt-Number IS. Machinery Set Up For Democratic Election May 28th Registration Rooks to Be Open Hiree Sat urdays Prior to Elec tion Day Chowan Cownly Boawt «ts Bloc- | lions has sdt up madhiinory Sari the Democratic pnwwary j to be held Saturday, May 2». ~ L. S. Bynum, chaiwaan «ass KAwcU c board, announces that rogustra' •! lion books will be open SatWT'| days, April *O, May ? and Mayj 14. The registrars will sit at I the various precinct polling I places on these days from »l A. M. until sunset for the pur pose of registering voters. The registrars will also sit at the polling places Saturday, May 21, from SAM. until $ P. M. for the purpose of chal lenging any electors. Polls will be open on election day from 6:30 A M, until 6:30 P. M. The polling places, registrars and judges of election in the si* precincts have been announced as follows: East Edenton Precinct: Poll ing place Court House. Regis trar, Mrs. William Stofedy. Judges. Mrs. Emma Bunch. Mrs. J. M. Thorud and John M. El liott. West Edenton Precinct: Poll ing place. Municipal Building. Registrar, Mrs, George C. Hos kins. Judges. Mrs. J. A Cur ran, M. A Hugnes and Mrs. S. Francis Hicks. Rocky Hock Precinct: Poll ing place, Henry Bunch's store. Registrar. Alphonso Spivey. Judges, Henry Bunch and W. H. Center Hill Precinct: Polling place, Ross Bunch's store. Reg . isijifrr Ralph Goodwin. Judges. Norman C. Hollowell and Liouis Monds. ' Wardville Precinct: Polling place, Herbert Poole's store. Registrar. T. A Berryman. Judges, H. R. Peek- and Jen nings Bunch. Yeopim Precinct: Polling place, Harry Perry's store. Registrar, T; J. Hoskins. Sr. Judges. J. A. Webb, Jr, and Hany Perry. Band Parents To i Sponsor Dinner *- Band Parents Association will sponsor a barbecue-Brunswick stew dinner in John A. Holmes High School cafeteria Friday night. May 6, from (hi o’clock. ' Better Pa) V' Chowan County OmHhmt ers hava authorised Thrig Earl Goodwin to wtinlin ISM dr The list oi delinquents wOl ho advertised Monday. W*y t, and •W»ear in The Haiti Thursday.: May 5. Property of thooe who fall lo pay their lama ha •oid at the Petal Hanna dear Ha ah da-| hnqoents lo pay )wn>d| h or-- wrttiwHamt Dr, I. Beverly Lake Speaker At lions Meeting Monday Night Dr. 1. Sever*? take. Deem?; ora tic candidate, spoke before the Edenlon lions CM «t its J< E* foe eppxtMh tty to explain **we «t his views on current North Cmfo prab ta*t Mi to explain tom he E framed to M wfoh those inMnu a etectoi to the Gev- THE CHOWAN HERALD Merchants Ptan Sates Promotion | cheat in towat. The ptaanadian will ha called I '"Bdontou Festival of Values" load he uhldihd to ha held Thursday, Friday and Saturday. May It 11 erf 11 It h caku hhd that the anant win pro vide eoi opportunity to tsiouh JL & Woodard, eldtuit of ~Sf tool vahatn an fim. toe Church women To Meet At St. Paul’s Imviitottiwas to pevsnetents and rilergymwi Heavy- been issued to t#ee sevctoQp-secoMl annual meet ing of the Chunthwomctt of the Biiooes* of East Carolina at Saint PanTs Episcopal Church May 4 and 5. The twnMiay session will in clude evening prayer. Ctomxnun ien service and business ses sions. t bpeeaal guests, lor toe meet ing are Bssaop Thomas H. Wright off the Dineese of East Caroliina. Bishop Lewis C. Melch er. mired mussaonairy in Bwml and Mies; Maude Cutter. Chris tian education director. Mk. Henman Clark of.Fayette ville. president, has announced tStot the themae uriQ be “The Chupch In A Pagan World.” Board Os Education Approves Rocky Hock School Property Sale Chowan County's Board of Edueation last week, in private negotiaiiions. agreed to sell the abandoned Rocky Hock school property at a puroc* of $4,300. The pwtvhaser was a group of Rocky Hock residents and the property will be known as the Rorky Hoek Ca—wily Center. The property had been sold at' public auction several times; with bate subsequently raised’ until it reached a price of $4.- 256. This hid was rejected by the Education Board, but final-1 ly decided to approve toe sale at an increase of s3*. Exchange Student At Rotary Meeting Edenton Rotanaas will meet this ((Thursday! afternoon at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. The program will be in charge! off James t Wood, who has ar ranged to have as guest of the dub a Rotary exchange student Ibam Greece who is attending Stole College. ; President Jimmy Earnhardt! urges every Rotanan to be present. North CtnhMK wet continue !|fo he hhnet tost there is a lijtofferawce hetoceew htetsaet and • took of nanttoa* Attacking 'ljfoe positfe* heM for Moderates. i tor to toke • mkiis tost one Dr. Ui mdM the putt- ~ Edenton, Chowan County, JSprth Carolina, Thursday, April 14,1960. Youngsters Enjoy Storf Telling Hour ; h 5 l - .■> r" n" i?.g I MM Ik f (M J 'M * vL V Mm WKmt 2M* 3^l WBlkm M IMjRMMyXffi ’ ; jK irKu 4 1 v ; kwi\ mm $ i Pictured above is a group of Edenton youngsters gathered at the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library last week to enjoy a story-telling hour by Frank Roberts. The event was one of the fea tures of the observance of National Library Week.—(Photo by J. P. Ricks. Jr.) Dedication Os Fish Hatchery Concerns Town Councilmen I I Plans Considered at Meeting to Make Oc casion on May 16 an Outstanding Affair ! Though Town Councilmen 1 completed the agenda for the' April meeting in record time | Tuesday night, they remained in ( session until after 11 o'clock, i The major portion of the timej was devoted to consideration of a celebration in connection with | the dedication of the new U. S., t F'ish Hatchery. Whfch is scheh- j l uled to take place Monday, May 16. The Councilmen are of the opinion that Town Council and County Commissioners should join in making the dedication an important and memorable occa sion. with many dignitaries and other visitors expected to be in attendance. The idea of a free fish fry j Continued on Page 7—Section 1 Grand Opening Os 1 Western Auto Store, i Paul Partin, owner of flic Western Auto Store, will ob- j serve grand opening of his store | today (Thursday), Friday and 1 Saturday. Mr. Partin has redecorated his store and replenished his stock! so that more items are now car ried than ever before. During grand opening days j balloons will be given to the' youngsters and three prizes will | be awarded. For the man of; the house the prize will be two Davis automobile tires. For the kicky lady the prize will be a Wizard sewing machine and for the lucky boy or girl the prize will be a child's phonograph- and True tone radio. The only requirement to win a prize is to register in the store j during grand opening days. BANK CLOSED MONDAY The Peoples Bank & Trust Company will be closed all day Monday, April 18, in observance of Easter Monday. Important 1 banking business, therefore, should be transacted according ly. The Consumer Credit branch will also be closed for the holi day. 20 Years Ago As Found i* ths Files of Tba Chowan Hamid > Haiti 11 Laary surprised his [ Maude by entering the race for m of the two district State *j~nsti seats. J. G. Campen al as —imnrait teat he would op pose Mb F. White for County wit tali— in the General Unseasonable oathei plated tame with Jta two haaahsll I tel cten Edenton Woman’s Club Flower Show Scheduled April 29 i The Edenton Woman’s Club i will hold its annual Flower! Show Friday afternoon and night. April 29, with entries on exhibition from 2 to 9 o’clock. Those in charge of the affair point out that entries will be accepted between 8:30 and 11 o'clock Friday morning. Judging this year will be done j by accredited judges. M:s. Gilliam Wooct and Mrs. j Thomas C. Byrum, jr.. co-chair men l»f -tot-show, lists the fol lowing schedule: Horticulture Sestion I.—Roses and rosebuds. (Stems not more than seven in chest. (A) Single. (B) Collect Lon (not more than six. not less ! than three). (C) Climbing. Section 2. lris. (A) Single, j (B) Collection. ! Merging Os PTA Associations 1 ill Be Decided Tuesday Night j “ i A joint meeting of the Parent- Teacher Association at John A. I Holmes High School and the Elementary School PTA will be 1 held Tuesday night. May 19. at 1 7:30 o’clock in the Elementary j School auditorium. The primary • purpose of this meeting is to decide if the two groups should I i merge into one PTA or con- j tinue to function separately. Executive boards of both or-i 1 ganizations have voted unani-| i mously to combine the member ship and school officials have also voiced their approval of the merger. The matter will, of course, be , put before the membership of both groups Tuesday for final action. It is the opinion of officials |of both associations that only j one PTA will insure a more ac | tive. more dynamic and more . effective organization in the Edenton schools. A joint committee appointed !bv the two presidents held a f X ! New Fire Station Nearing Completion j ' —■— ■ ■■ ... . ■ - • - ■ liljlllijftf' * k >!| * jo *. a ■ Pictured above is the new fire station being constructed in the Cross Roads community. PracticaHy aU of the wort and materials j are being donated by a small grata W people in the neighborhood ) who erffl form the oucioae of 0 Art department to the rani fin protaefioo program—(Photo by J. P- lUsfe. Jr.) j Section 3. Snapdragonn. (A) ! Single. (B) Collection of three. Section 4—Peonies (stems not less than 15 inches long). (A) Single. (B) Collection of three. Section 5. Miscellaneous. (A) Single. (B) Collection of three. Section 6.—Potted Plants. (A) Single. (B) Collection of three. Arrangements i Section I.—Line Arrangements, i (A) Combination of flowers. (B) One kind of flower. ments. (A) Combination of flowers. (B) One kind of flower. Section 3. Small Arrange ments. (4 in. by -1 n. to 10 in. : by 10 in.) Section 4.—Miniature Arrange i merits. (3 in. by 3 in.) j Section 5. Dried Arrange ■ Continued on Page 5. Section 3 meeting and agreed on a num ber of recommendations to be presented to the new associa tion and its officers in event a majority of members of both associations agree to merge. The nominating committee of each Continued on Page B—Section 1 Missionary Speaker At Christian Church On Friday Night Guy B. Whitley, a missionary on furlough after two years in Jamaica, West Indies, will be at the First Christian Church Fri day night at 7:30 o’clock with the story of the Jamaica Chris tian Boys’ Home. The public is invited to at tend. OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY Edenton Savings & Loan As sociation will he closed April 18 in observance cf Easter Mon day. The office will open as usual on Tuesday morning. Approximately 300 Attend 25th District Meeting Os Home Demonstration Clubs Principals At District Meeting ; '**>*,. ■' . -sililliilll mm \ m A \. •M i MRS. SAMUEL LEVERING At the 25th Federated District of Home Demonstration Clubs meeiing Tuesday, the principal speaker was Mrs. Samuel R. Lev ering of Ararat. Va. Mrs. O. C. Long. Jr, of Edenton. district chairman, presided over the meeting. Two Churches Join For Easter Sunrise Service On April 17 Service to Be Held ati '■ Macedonia Church at 6 A. M.; Allred Will Deliver Message The Macedonia and Reeky Hock Baptist Churches are join ing together for an Easter sun rise service. Tito service is to be held aj the Macedonia Bap tist Church at € o'clock on Eas ter Sunday rooming. The Rev. Gordon Shaw, re i centlv called to Maocdom.a Church as pastor, will direct the service. The Rockv Hook pus tor, the Rev. Thurman \V All red. will deliver the message. Special music is to be rendered by choral groups from both of the churches. This will be the first joint service at Easter for these two churches, both having formerly participated m a wider grouping with other churches of the county. According to present plans, this will bo an annual observance. A large attendance is expect ed and an invitation is extended by both congregations to every one who wishes to attend. Bonner Will Speak At Jaycee Meeting Edenton Jayeees will meet to-!: night (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant- President West Bvrum announc es that at this meeting new of ficers will be elected and a spe cial feature will be an address' by Congressman Herbert Bon-1 1 ner. The officers elected tonight| [ will be installed at the Jaycee ( | meeting Thursday night. April' 128. with Bob Bryan of Ahoskie. ; newly-elected district vice prcs:-i : dent, being in charge of the in-j I stallation ceremony. i J ! OFFICES CLOSED APRIL 18 1 Town and county offices will! be closed all day April 18. in 1 observance of Easter Monday, a national holiday. Important bus iness should, therefore, be trans acted accordingly. (CIVIC CALENDAR*) ' A Annual Easter Seal campaign is now in progress in Chowan County and will continue until I Easter Sunday. April 17. Edition's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon ] at 1 o'clock in the Parish House.! Edenton Womans Club will, stage its annual Art Exhibit Saturday and Sunday. April 13 end 14. in the Penelope Barter Edenton Liens Club will meet Monday night at 7 o'clock. William H. CotfieML Jr. Feet Wars. wiU went Tuesday night it 8 o'clock. CtaHteted ta Pojo I fcetita 1 $2.50 Per Year In North Carotin* MRS. O. a LONG. JR. Albemarle District Poster Contest To Be Held April 15th Over 1.500 Conserva tion Posters Submit ted During - Contest In Five Counties The Albemarle Poster Contest sponsored by the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce will oei held tn the Virginia Dare Ar cade at Elizabeth City Friday. April 15 This is the district! contest for county winners in tin- fourth, fifth and sixth grades of school within the Albemarle, Soil Conservation District. In cluded wut be first and second) place conservation posters in each of the three grades fron.i Currituck. Camden. p asquotank.j Perquimans and Chowan coun-> LOS J Trophies will be given the. district winners by the Agricul tural Committee of the Eliza beth City Chamber of Com merce. j Judges for the contest will be' T H, LeCroy. farm relations of ficer, Peoples Bank & Trust Company. Reeky Mount. N. C.: E. VV. Looney, district forester. X C Fores: Service. Elizabeth City. X. C, and William L. Hammett, education representa tive. Wildlife Resources Commis sion. Raleigh. The judging will be at 11 A.j M . followed by a luncheon giv en by the C number of Com merce. Trophies will be pre-j sensed to the winners at 2 P. M. • Chowan County will be rep- 1 resented by the county contest, winners. They were Priscilla Baer. Carrol! Lassiter. Belinda’ Perry,''lvy Faye Lowe. Brenda Bunch and Barbara Wallace. More than I.stX> conservation posters were prepared this year by fourth, fiftn and sixth grade students within the Albemarle Soil Conservation District for the contest. Soil Stewardship Week Will Be Observed Mav 22 To Mav 2 ( J w ; to Chowan County Supervisors have ordered the necessary lit-1 erasure and supplies for the an- ; i nual observance of Sotl Steward- 1 ship Week which is May 22 through May 29. It will be dis-l “utributed to the churches in Cho j wan County by the district su j pervisors. Title of this year's I observance is “The Spirit of the; * People". II S-C-S. Birthday •j Attention has been called toi ij the fact that the Soil Conser- 1 I. ration Service has a 25th birth- ■ * day on April 27. On this date| r in 1955. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Public Law 46 1 enacted by the 74th Congress without a dissenting, vote creat ■ ing toe Nation*) Soil Conserva tion program. “We. in North Carolina." says James H. Griffin. Soil Conser vation*. "were honored by hav- FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK 1961 Officers Install ed By Mrs. Samuel Levering In Impres sive Ceremony Approximately 300 Home Demonstration Club \v om e n , gathered in Edenton at the John JA. Holmes High School audi torium on Tuesday and heard Mrs. Samuel R. Levering of Ararat. Virginia. speak on ‘Trends in Community and Civic Responsibility". Mrs. Levering, with Iter wide range of experi ence and education, plus a won derful speaking ability. kept everyone interested in her mes sage. She brought out that we are living in a “world swept with winds of change", that it has become so small we hardly , know where our nation ends and the world begins, that we •are a world in idealogical con flict and that we are very for tunate to have the United Na ! lions to help keep peace during a time when man has knowledge and machines available to des troy every living thing on earth. She reminded the women that this is World Refugee Year and gave many suggestions as to how they can help with refu gee problems this year. Mrs. Levering was guest speaker at the 25th Federated District meeting of Home Dem onstration Chios. Mrs. O. C. Long. Jr., district chairman, pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. C. W. Overman. Chowan County Council president. welcomed Home Demonstration Club mem bers of the seven counties of the 25th District. Mrs. Warner Madre. Perquimans County, re sponded to the welcome. A most inspiring devotional was given by 'Mrs. George Wood of Camden County. Mrs. C. J. Hollowell. Mrs. Norman Hollo well and Mrs. Edna Asbell pre sented sptxdal music for the dis continued on Page 7—3ectior. I Dr. Ferguson Files For School Hoard Dr. L F. Ferguson on Tues day afternoon announced that he will be a candidate for the County Board of Education in the May 28 Democratic primary election. Dr. Ferguson at pres ent is president of the John A. Holmes High School Paren t- Teacher Association and is very much interested in schools. Another Contest i —— J Another contest in the Demo cratic primary election in Cho wan County on May 28 develop ed early this week when Thomas B. Wood announced that he will be a candidate for County Com missioner from the Fourth Township. Dallas Jethro. Jr., is the pres ent Commissioner from this township and while he hasn't filed for re-election, it is gen erally understood that all of the present Commissioners, except Raleigh Peele. will again be candidates. ing the first chief of administra tion of the new service. Hugh Hammond Bennett, from Anso.i \ County.” i Following the creation of the ■ Soil Conservation Service, each 'state enacted Soil Conservation ' District laws. Arkansas enact ed the first law in February, ; 1937. North Carolina and other ‘.states followed by enacting j their district laws in 1937. On , I August 4. 1937. the first soil j " conservation district in the 1 ■'world was created as Brown. Creek Soil Conservation District j ■j in Anson County. North Caro-4 • lina. “We had the first chiefs ' of the Soil Conservation Serviced '• as well as toe first soil conser-j vatkm district ever says Griffin. On July 1. 1859. there were - 2.861 soil conservation district*, organized with mere than 1.-J