i,-. PAGE FOUR f#S&AROUM) THE FARMS RgSIN CHOWAN COUNTY TQfmjfiW By C. W. OVERMAN. Chowan Ountv Aganl Examine Camelias and Other ihruU for insects. I have found camelias at one place heavily infested with spider mites. Gar denias become infested with white fly. i! Malathion is one rtf the good nsecticides to use and will con trol most all insects. Follow the directions on the container. It is well to mix the insecticide With soapy water, the soap serves as a spreader and sticker. Spray under side of leaves also. Starr or Pearl Millit is a good, quick-growing grazing crop for the summer. Fertilize the soil with 300 to 500 pounds of 8-8-8 or 10-10-10 fertilizer. The seed- ( ing rate per acre is eight pounds jfi rows or 20 to 25 pounds broadcast. ma This crop may be planted any j **me from April 15 to July 1. Start grazing when the crop is 8 to 12 inches high . If grazing is rotated and not grazed too closely, it will sprout up and continue to make grazing. Side sdressing with nitrogen just as- each grazing will stimulate growth. A Fifty Bushel Per Acre Soy ‘h«an Club has been inaugurated. To qualify for this, a grower must have two or more acres, t land must be officially measured and harvested under the supervision of a committee, j ' your County Agent and j he will arrange for a commit-j tee. The Copperskin Gold Rush Sweet Potato is one Cl the high est yielding of the sweet ootalo 'varieties. They grow with a good market shape and color. The eating quality is good. ' Several Chowan County grow ers are trying this variety this year. Joe Chappell of Gliden area and Clarence Chappell of Belvidere have certified seed for sale. The Chowan County 4-H De velopment Fund Campaign now stands at about S9OO, according to Chairman Bristoe Perry. The goal is $l,lOO. On Thursday night, April 14. 7:30 o’clock, at the Center Hill Community Building, the Adult 4-H Loaders and Development workers will meet/ Mr. Perry expects to get an accurate | check-up on the money raised plan to complete the drive. J SjFhe 4-H leaders will make fur NOTICE! TO Chowan County Taxpayers By order of the Chowan County Commis sioners, I will on Monday, May 2, 1960, ad vertise properly for sale fot* 1959d£lirrt|tferit *• i * taxes, the sale to he held on Monday, June 6th, 1960. Pay your taxes now and tliis extra expense and embarrassment! iarEAla, GOODWIN Ikjm Sheriff of Chowan County ther plans for the 4-H program. Tobacco Growor* Should Chock Plant Bods regularly. Anthrac nose and damping-off diseases have been found in some beds in the southern part of the state. Blue Mold has not been found yet but is expected. With late plant it is important that diseases and insects be controlled in the plant beds. Tobacco Specialist R. R. Bennett recommends that grow ers start spraying beds at once. Continue spraying beds every 3 to 4 days until plants are set in the field. A demonstration on reforcs | lation work will be held at the Sandy Point Farm near the Al bemarle Sound Bridge next Wednesday. April 20, beginning [at 9:00. The main feature of this demonstration will be using a KG blade for destroying un desirable shrubs and trees. Mr. James H. Griffin of the Soil Conservation Service has arranged for this equipment to i)e used in demonstration work on this day. We will be de lighted to have as many wood land owners as possible visit this work during the morning and possibly all day’. The KG blade is used to destroy undesir able growth preparatory to re seeding or planting. In this [ area, the reseeding will most | likely be back to pine. j County NeWs j The Chowan Home Demon stration Club met Monday. April 11, at 2:30 o’clock at the Cho wan Community Building. Miss■ Pauline Calloway gave a dem onstration on "Strawberry De light" and importance of vita min C in the diet, Mrs. Roland Evans was in charge of the de votional reading from the 28th chapter of Matthew. A now member was added to the roll. Mrs. Fred White. The club paid $18.55 to Miss Callo way on tin- club headquarters building. Club memliers were reminded of -*lv' district, meeting on Tues day at John A. Holmes High School. The club planned to serve Rur turns on April 25.! Members were asked to be out | [at 5 o’clock with supper to be [ National Home FWeck will be observed the first i week in May. , ( j The club will canvass tor the. [ cancer drive. The dub . was told about the committee on Aging. It was announced that a recrea tional workshop will be held April 25, 26 and 27. , . Mrs. Roland Evans gave, a. book , review on "Pay, Paefc *ftd Follow” by Mrs- Ingiis Fletcher. . Mrs. H. W. Date, hpstess, serv ed. ham nuts, cookies and soft drinks. Mrs. E. N, Elliott ifc, pqprejepir ing the Chowap Cqimty.. Ffppa. Bureau on a study tour o|. Ken-i tucky and Tennessee. She left from. Raleigh on Monday and ex-' peels to. return to the state to day (Thursday). - The County TvM'U meeting, will be held at the Macedonia Baptist Church May 10. ■, / ■ dars. Elliott Belch, Mrs. Ralph' Goodwin, Mrs. Herbert Dale and Mrs. Palin Lane -attended the funeral of the Rev. Henry Na pier’s mother at Polks ton, N. CTj last week. The senior class at Chowan High School will leave for a trip to New York this week. The eighth grade at Chowan , High School took a trip to Ra- ;j leigh on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Forehand and family of Suffolk spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. F/ Perry. , . > Mrs. Minnie Corprew spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs.' Vernon Peace at Corapeake. The 25th District Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs met Tuesday of this week at the John A. Holmes High School,- The Chowan County clubs were hostesses. The meeting was very well attended. A group of Chowan County club women attended the, crafts man’s fair in Elizabeth City April 6 and 7. The Oak Grove Club had a booth showing how to lie seine and ways it can be used. , The Cross Roads community, progress program and fire dis trict met at the Chowan Com munity Building Monday night,', April 11, at 8 o’clock- Mrs. Ray Jones, Jr., of. Eliza beth City, a relative of Mrs. Roland Evans, who was visiting in New York last week, appear ed on the TV show "The Price Is Right” on Thursday morning, at 11 o’clock. She won a range, dishes for a 16 service and crate of frozen dinners and food. Hit CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1860. SOI CONSERVATION NEWS £ir JAMES H. GRIFFIN, Soil Conservationist 1 . . woodland site preparation field day will be held from 8 A. jM., to 5 P. M., Wednesday, -April 20, on the Sandy Point ngaf the Albemarle Sound *Rigflge on .Highway Vs. C r 37 in ’Chowan Gpunty, The field day if ,|>eing sponsored by the district sujjgrvisosGs of.,the Chowan Unit, Slbfntarte. Soil Conservation in .cooperation yith the ihiamsrUanieis Drainage Com- RfJW. .-Windsor, N, C*, and the tJfregoty-Boole Equipment Com pany of Raleigh- The K/G blade lor - special .blade will ’be used }for clearing the site followed byj a heavy disk to prepare the| land -’for planting loblolly pine seedlings in the*fall. All: of the salable timber and pulpwood has been cut leaving undersirable hardwoods and brush. - This material will be piled, in a windrow apd burned in llqt'e summer or early fall. Woodland site preparation, tree planting and tree thinning are parts of Conservation Farm Plan- No. 688 prepared by J. E. Debnani and Richard Jackson for technical assistance furnish-' | Lunch Room Menu ]| \ £ 4 | Menus at the John A. Holmes I High. School l-unch room for the week of April 19-22 will be as follows: | Tuesday—Fish sticks, cornfield ; pea, corn Bread, buttered pota-' toes, butter, peach halves, milk, j Wednesday Meat loaf with J rice and gravy, green string beans, hot biscuits, butter, cook- i ies, milk. Thursday—Corn beef with po- I tatoes -and gravy, green Lima beans, biscuits, butter, fruit jel lo, milk. Friday—Fried chicken, garden peas, candied yams, hot rolls, butter, vanilla ice cream, milk. •» , N.C.HIGHWAYS Raleigh The Motor Vehicles. Department's summary of traffic j deaths through 10 A. M., Mon day, April 11, 1960 Is as fol lows:,; —4 Killed To Dale 255 Killed To Date Last Year ... 310 1 _ V - gJt - • am&£:■;x.f&tn nrnfrf ’** * I*' "• **9or easy*tts *~ ® " ■ ed by the Chowan Unit of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District. A schedule was prepared in the Conservation farm plan woodland site preparation and tree planting to be done each year for the next three years. The public is invited to at -1 tend this field day by the Cho wan , County Supervisors. It will ’be located about six miles east of Edenton, N. C,, beside ;N. C. 37 highway. Equipment representatives and ’Soil Conser vation Service personnel will jbe at the site to answer ques tions concerning the operation. The Chowan County Super visors feel that we have too many idle acres. It is hoped that field days such as this one and the one planned for July Ist will show landowners how to put their idle woodland acres to work at a low cost per acre. This is the first time the K/G blade or special blade has been tried in this county for wood land site preparation to our knowledge. I TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED if Commissioner? 1 Proceedings v. . | The Board of County Commis ! sioners met Monday. April 4, 1960, at 9 o'clock A. M„ with I the following members present: I Chairman W. E. Bond, J. R. - Peele, C. J. Hollowell and Dal las Jethro Jr. I The minutes of the previous (nestings were read and approv led and tne following bills or dered paid: Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate Co., Inc., $73.50; Peoples Bank & Trust Co.. $520.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., withholding lax dept., $520.70; J. L. Cliest nutt. Postmaster, postage. $2.00; Peoples Bank & Trust Co., bonds, coupons and commission, $23,779.48; Nathan H. Yelton, | • HELPFUL INVESTMENT SERVICES APPRAISALS....QUOTATIONS.,.. SECURITIES ANALYSIS....FRIENDLY GUIDANCE | Call our Representative in this Areq Carolina Securities M - w^ rr s, n | Corporation I | noestmcnl? PHONE 2466 M £ Members Midwest Slock Exchange *§ ’f CHARLOTTI • RALEIGH > NIW YORK CITY | Director N. C. Public Employees, $57.00; W. P. Jones, mileage, ex-, pense and postage, $8.51; N. C. iDept. of Revenue, state with-T holding tax, $167.06; H. S. Small rent, $55.00; William Mayo, jani* tor service, $2,50;. Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co* ser vices, $9.20; Carolyn C. McMul-l lan, travel for Welfare Dept, $43.26; Hazel S. Elliott travel I for Welfare Dept., $56.30; Eden ton Office Supply, supplies, $3.50; Edenton Postmaster, post -1 age, $12.0Q; Byrnm Hardware -Co., Inc., $2.47; Bertram Byrum, care of prisoners. $250.24; Pau line Calloway, Home Economies Agept, telephone services and supplies. $32.60; Coastal Office Equipment Co.. $171.58; Coastal Office Eqaipment Co, $1.75; Charlton’s Funeral Home, $25.00; The Chowan Herald, $77.45; Chowan Hospital. Irtc.» for indi gent patients, $1,648.44; State of - C. Dept., of Conservation .<Sc Development $125.39; '..Eastern N. C. Sanatorium, $53.80; East ern Office Equipment Co., $4.46; Economy Typewriter - Co.,' Inc., $19.50; Edenton Ice Com-- 1 pany, $266.68; EdenfonOffice Supply, $4.25; General Services Administration, $9.15; Edwards & Broughton Co., 1nc.,.. $7.53; M. Earl Goodwin, Sheriff, -ser-, vices, $179.38: Hollowefljs'Rexall Drug Store, $3.54; Hughes-Park er Hardware Co., $9.68; ’ Fletch er F. Lassiter, County Agent. $2.25; R. iT. Mills Plumbing. $74.74; 'Mitchener’s Pharmacy, 69c Mitchell Printing Ca; $36.87; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., services for county offices, $81.10; The Office Supply, $14.65; C. W.‘ Overman, County Agent, telephone services and supplies, $28.00; Ricks Laundry & Cleaners, $3.67; Roses’s 5-10 & 25c Store. $6.00; Eowsom & Blair Funeral Service, $90.00; Tbrri H. Shepard, CSC , services, $19.95; State Commission for the Blind, $143.52; Stello Products, Inc., $2.37; Town of Edenton, E&W Dept., $72.24; J. T. Twine, $5.00; Western Gas Service, Inc., $7.00; Worrell-Consolidated Lab oratories. Inc., $26.18; District Health Dept., appropriation for March, 1960, $1,006.77; Orthoped ic Clinic, appropriation for Feb ruary. 1960. $15.00; H. S. Small, rent, $25.00; Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate Co., $60.00; Elton | Forehand Ins. Agency, rent, - $30.00; general salaries for! month of March, $4,640.15. / On motion of Dallas Jethro, 1 Jr., seconded by J. R. Peele, and duly carried that at least two members of the committee which was appointed by the Commis sioners to review old papers, be ’ requested to Met’: with Adm. 'Patterson whenever any disposi | tiorn of ~ these papers is made in Connection with any request by Adm. Patterson for the Dept, of History and Archives. Oh motion of Dallas Jethro, Jr* seconded by J. R.. Peele and duly carried that Sheriff be re lieved of fire tax, amount $7.91 for year 1959. Edenton* Develop ment Corp., error in listing. : On motion of C; J. Hollowell, seconded by J, iR. P-eele and duly carried that the County will be responsible for expenses >of extraditing Daniel Hassell ifrbm Philadelphia. \ On motion of J. PL Peele, sec onded, by Dallas Jethro, Jr., and ’Unanimously carried that James P. .Ricks be appointed Civil De fense Coordinator for \ Chowan County. , ; : A committee composed of C. J. Hollowell and Dallas Jethro.; Jr., was. appointed toy the Com missioners to review the proper ty of L. fl. Haskett; they (went •oyer, this property, and won ■ their recommendation, we do not ,feel justified in making any jp -duCtion in valuation at this titrte- The following names wore’ drawn to serve as jurors fWrj ’’May term of Civil Court: i Robert Oliver Evans. Curt® Andrew Twiddy, J. Preston Rog ‘erson, Soloman J. West, Isaac-.l Franklin Voliva, William Cullen Baker, Milas E. Bunch, Roy R. •Newsome, H.< C. Byrum, Jr.. Wheeler M. Harris. J. F. Dail, Donald W. Morgan, Johnnie Paul Bunch, Bryant White, Les lie R. Jordan. Haywood Thomas Hollowell, Haughton Ehringhaus.j George W. Comer; C. D. Sawyer, | Louis George Wilkins, Hoskins) Bass, Gurnie C. Hobbs, W. L. / J c|^" 1 pWr fijiurm. 1 EASTER fASHIOHS , For you who wear women’s sizes. Easter parade of the latest fashion news, in dresses,- suits, coats and costumes especially styled to fit and flatter you. You’ll love the more-feminine look of these lieanties ... the youthful, vibrant colors . . . the fine fabrics. See them here! jlwßi fll smartly styled to help /f ’ m you look your best on !/ /j IHA w-fwl' every occasion. M Jf/kokHL- H? I Look sprightly for Easter in suits as no a—. »’ l as the season! distjnc jf live suits from' our AN RASTER HAT BOUQUET \ Comg pick a pretty hat from our V “flower show” of winning styles. It V" q/\ will freshly top your Easter ensem- ( -r 1 ble and crown your shining hairdo \ F with unexpected elegance. \ Jf HANDSOME HANDBAGS . . . M I n the Easter picture • . . handbags with the emphasis t# simple inil elegant shapes and slen der look that's veiy deceiving be capacity. Here's your, chance to have a com- jV| ivjjl plete glove wgrdrotoe. at low, lpw I l\VSt cost . . . Conte in and choose now. I ’ * i. JBa BKk J .-vW Jj Jk ,COSTUME JEWELERY ... Earrings, bracelets, necklaces and S ’ : IMeces in gold, silver and Bfl M I novelty materials . . all are new spring styles. Miller, , ! E. M. Howell W. B. Roseveai', Thos. B. Wood, James Edward, Yates, J. H. Lester Jones, Johnnie Bjwji Charlie T. Dixon, Jr., (Rufus*®. White, David L. Hudson, Murrell Talmadge Smith. S. F. Srmll. Otis R. Chappell. The following reports were ordered filed: Pauline Calloway, Home Economics Agent; Cather ine Aroan, Assistant Home Eco nomics Agent; C. W. Overman, County Agent; Harry Ventets, Assistant County Agent: Fletch er F. Lassiter, County Agent; Chowan County Welfare Board: Treasurer; Sheriff; a report Os microfilming records by State Dept, of Archives and History: Onniie S. Charlton, Negro Home Economics Agent. There being no further busi ness. the meeting was adjourned. W. E. BOND, Chairman ! BERTHA B. BUNCH, ■ Clerk Halsey’s Feed is selling all kinds of Flower Plants Bulbs and Garden Seedsjt Peal Moss and Vigoro^ IF WE DON'T: HAVE IT . . . HAVE TRUCK—WILL TRAVEL THANKS... FREE Easter Rain Hat

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