SECTION TWO JgM \ * » / By WILBORNE HARRELL I have never seen a Walt Dis-| ney movie I didn't like, whether j cartoon or live. And to create' a character as well-loved as! Mickey Mouse, and to reach the hearts of a million kids (and adults), as Disney most assured ly has, should be success and happiness sufficient for any man. I don’t envy any man his lot," I don’t care for a seat in the] White House; Just give me the genius of a Disney ,’ And let me create a Mickey Mouse. THUMBNAIL BOOK REVIEW—' If you like the robustness and earthiness of the Western story —or the pioneer story—read: The Way West, by A. B. Guth-j rie, Jr. It is the saga of a triumphant wagon-trek west-) ward to Oregon. The author, ini CH°w^& News! By HARRY VENTERS Assistant County Agent I have just received word! front Bobby Smith saying that 1 he will be able to be in thisi county on Friday, April 29. Miss Aman and I have not NOTICE is hereby given that applica tion was made on the 4th day of April, 1960, b*y the West ern Union Telegraph Com pany to ,thc Federal Com munications Commission to close the telegraph office lo cated at 115 East King Street, Edenton, North Carolina, and to provide service at Carolina Trailways, located at 322 South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina, who will act henceforth as agent of the Telegraph Company, If the application is granted, substi tute service will be available from 8:30 A. M„ to 7:00 P. M-. Monday through Saturday and from 9:00 A. M.. to 1:00 P. M„ on Sunday at the agency telegraph office located at the Carolina Trailways, 3Xt South Broad Street, Edenton, North Carolina. Any member of the public desiring to protest or support the closing of this of fice may communicate in writing with the Federal Communications Commission, Washington 25, D. C, on or before May 3, 1960, irTn .rrm fjr^ i / *7< is always raster la be lieve than to demy” Mny ptopl* sha*a the briW tktt 'wa »rt not only c«p«bl«. but faithful in tho parform one* «i ««t tnnt ■eJZRZSWI The Way West has written the ultimate story of this genre, and in him, as Bernard de Voto writes, "The pioneer West has found its novelist at last.” The Way West is written in a simple, free and easy, almost "homey” style. And the author thumbs his nose at the literary purists by using cliches and the simplest language now and then —if they seem to serve his pur pose best. The book is full of sights and sounds and smells' of a wagontrain on the march;! and runs the gamut of all the emotions of a bunch, of people 1 thrown together by circumstance and necessity far from the fa-! miliar spot home. There is keen life and the pathos of death; the brightness of sun- 1 streaked dawns, and star- 1 studded and sometimes storm-1 streaked nights. There are! rattlesnakes. Indians and stam-l | scheduled the 4-H Countv Coun jcil meeting, waiting to get the j date he could meet with us. •The Council voted at their last | meeting to invite Bobby down ,’ to tell us his experiences as an (IFYE delegate to Burma. Bobby Smith of Belvidere {Perquimans County) was cho- I sen as one of seventy young " people from throughout the | United States to participate ini "the 1959 International Farm] j Youth Exchange. This program, i 'called IFYE. is conducted by the | National 4-H Club Foundation. I The delegates live and work I with farm families in the coun-' tries they visit, therefore theyj are able to become acquainted with the basis of the civilization {of the country. Each delegate spends approximately six months in his host country. Bobby had some very inter esting- experiences during his stay in Burma, living with 13 families. I'm sure you will be interested in hearing these ex. periences. therefore w e are in viting all 4-H'ers to this Coun ty Council meeting and your parents. Let's have a big tum to hear this outstanding' * would represent 7.3 percent of the estimated $5lO billions of; gross national product for the year. "THE ASCENSION" FOR FRAMING I The vivid drama of Jesus’ last appearance on earth is beautiful fully expressed in “The Aseen j sion“ by Renaissance painter I Andrea Mantegna. You can gel ; your full color copy of this mas- | PERFUME OF THE AGES 1 NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU f '‘Oil Os Gladness" | is a fragrance recreated from the Bible and contains f precious oils imported from all parts-of the world. | Phis comes to you in a handsome me dram Gift- Pak. Also an interesting booklet The Story of the | Oil of Gladness.” | Both for SI.OO 1 2 "7 hov 'lnvest righteousness. and hat- t ;.■/< .( ■ 2 7 here toi l (out, thy doit, hath dvnoinler/ th- . ;vit/i r| the Oil oj Gladness a/iirv thy i< '/<>:. I | —l’sAi Ms -15;7 ! Z, \ Semi < .islt, ( heck «»r lloiiev (tr i 1315 N. La Brea. Hollywood 28. Calif. ! ] terpiece ready for framing in I lire April 17 issue of the Ameri j can Weekly with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN ' cn sale at your local newsdealer . Don’t Lag—Bay Olag dentists say "wonderful” . - _ tj "best I’ve ever used" . . . ’best tooth paste on the market