only newspaper PU BUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume Four Contests Develop < || »r Chowan County Offices |j n Dem ocra tic Prim ary May z 8 Two County Commis sioners, Representa tive and Prosecuting Attorney Will Have Opposition i i With Friday of last week bc * ing (he final day for candidates to file for office in the Dcmo feratic primary election Satur day, May 23, four contests are now for Chowan County offices. The contests include. Represen tative in the General Assembly with Incumbent Albert Byrum being opposed by Ernest Leary. The office for County Prose cutor will be contested with Incumbent William S. Privott opposed by John E. Shackel ford. The two other contests are| for County Commissioners i These are in the Second Town ship, where T. O. Asbell and C. M. Evans are candidates. Ra leigh Peele was the Commis sioner from the Second Town-' ship, but decided not to seek re-election. Mr. Peele is the dean of County Commissioners, having served in that capacity for about 20 years. * The other contest involves Commissioner from the Fourth j Township, where Dallas Jethro. I Jr, incumbnt, will be opposed by Thomas B. Wood. Commissioners who will have no opposition are W. E. Bond, chairman, Gilliam Wood and Carey Hollowell. Other officials who will not face opposition are: Judge of Recorder’s Court— Weldon Hollowell. Register of Deeds—Mrs. Mau rice L. Bunch. Treasurer—George C. Hoskins. Coroner —Hubert Williford. J. Emmett Winslow of Hert ford and J. Elton Aydlett of Elizabeth City, will have no op position for Senators from the First District. Neither will there be any op- Continued on Page 7—Section 1 j . fVarsity Club Sports, f (Banquet On May 3] Edcnton's Varsity Club will * hold its annual sports award banquet Tuesday night. May 3, at 7 o'clock in the Masonic Temple. The purpose of this banquet is to honor boys and girls of John A. Holmes High School who participated in ath letics during the current school year. L A feature of this year’s ban quet will be an address by Coach Bill Murray of Duke Uni versity. Tickets are now on sale j fur the banquet, which may be! purchased from any Varsity Club member. During the meeting trophies will be presented to the most outstanding athlete in each sport, including both boys and i girls. Methodist Men * Will Meet Tonight The Methodist Men’s Club will meet tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 at the church for a dinner meet ing. The principal speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. R. L. Jerome of Elizabeth City, District Superintendent Presi dent Oscar Griffin urges every member of the club to be pres-, ent •. rn - " Bonner Eases Apprehension Os Fishermen In Chowan River **■ r ■ 1 I in a telephone conversation with Congressman Herbert Bon ner Monday afternoon, he made! It clear that commercial fisher men have nothing to tear rela jl live to relocation of the chan |TC»ei in Chowan River from Cole- Jfc rain to the Winton bridge Mr. Bonner stated that al though the channel haa been changed by U. S. engine** and THE CHOWAN HERALD Band Members Earning Money For Trip J | . j r ■■Mr Members of the John A. Holmes High Scnool Band are pictured washing cars Saturday mornings to raise funds for the band to par ticipate in the National Safety Patrol parade in Washington, D. C.. May 13-15. Busy scrubbing are. left to right Karen Hollowell. Diane Goodwin. Carolyn Stallings, Priscilla Bunch and Judy El liott—(Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr.) Edenton Entries W in Three Top Places In Annual Poster Contest Pupils from Edenton Elemen-: tarv School won one first place and two second places in the annual Albemarle Conservation Poster Contest which was held Friday, April 15, at Elizabeth; City. Carroll Lassiter, Edenton, won| first place in the fourth grade I competitions. Richard Saunders, | Weeksville. won second place., John H. Kight. Camden, won first place in the fifth grade and Ivy Faye Lowe, Edenton, won second place. Nita Nixon. Hert grade and Barbara waTTaice. Edenton. won second place. Trinkle Speaker At Lions Meeting i I Earl W. Trinkle of Norfolk, : representative of the Social Se- ‘ curity Administration, was the I principal speaker at the Eden-; ton Lions Club meeting Mon-' | day night. Mr. Trinkle very ably explain -Icd the social security program and pointed out that a great many people arc not receiving the social security aid to which! they are entitled principally be cause they have not applied for it He also stated that many: people are entitled to social se curity benefits but are not aware of it Mr. Trinkle is in the office of the North Carolina Employ ment Security Commission in the! I Citizens Bank building every Thursday morning and will be! ■ glad to furnish any informa j lion regarding social security ! benefits. Mr. Trinkle was introduced by Dr. A". F. Downum, who had I charge of the program. civic calendar] V -I Edenton Woman’s Club will hold its annual Flower Snow Friday afternoon and night. April 29. at the Barker house from 2 to 9 o’clock. Rocky Hock community will serve a triad chicken supper at the Rocky Hock School Wednes day night. April 27. beginning at" 7 o’clock. ; John A. Holmes High School Con tinned on Page 6—Section 11 out, two-thirds of die river will! be available for fishing, while! the other third is reserved for] water commerce, thus the change! will not affect the rights oft fishermen one iota, for just as] much of the river area is re-] served for commercial fishing,! so that the change will not af fect fishing now or later, r "I am vitally interested in i Overall runner-up. a new award this year, was won by Shirley Staples of Currituck. She is a fifth grade student and had the best poster after the | first and second place posters j were selected. | This annual poster contest is I sponsored by the Elizabeth City j Chamber of Commerce in coop ■ eration with the district super visors of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District. Conservation posters were en tered from the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of Currituck. Cam derT”t,atfj uofemV, ‘ u'Tnia ns and Chowan counties. jMrs. B. E. Granl Special Guest At Auxiliary Meeting j The Chowan Hospital I ary will meet Friday afternoon,} 'April 22, at 3 o’clock in thef nurses’ home. A special guest at the meet-. ing wifi be Mrs. B. E. Grant of! Windsor, who will speak about: the eye bank and the great work! iit is doing. Hostesses for tea. ' will be Mrs. Thomas Elliott and Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Mrs. L. A. Patterson, presi dent of the Auxiliary, is espe cially anxious to have many members present at the meet ing. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men' | will meet Monday night. April I 25, at 8 o’clock. Guy Williams, j sachem of the tribe, requests aj large attendance. f r w >: ijip- I s *i JBB Wm&mSJMm a 4 ; JSP aMBMBl! mr* r B s 1 * 'Jr ~v>‘'' , *~ ».Js * Chowan County officials *w*opad down on a ssll in the Yeopim section Friday afternoon. TteOßl and was pSaT* copper woicar^^ne^uTeU^J^ mash -» m, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 21, 1960. District Officers Installed At Edenton Meeting j v .fleers for the 251 h Federated District of Home Demonstration were installed by Mrs. Gilbert English when the district met at Edenton for the annual spring meeting last week. Officers for 1961 are, left to right: Mrs. E. L. Belch, Chowan County, historian; Mrs. W. L. Forces. Camden County, treasurer; Mrs. John Hurdle, Perquimans County, third vice chairman; Mrs. O. C. Long. Jr., Cnowan County, immediate past chairman; Mrs. Gilbert English. Trinity. N. C, president ot N. C. Federation ot Home Demonstration Clubs; Mrs. R. W. Humphries, Gates County, second vice chairman; Mrs. John Yon. Currituck County, first vice chairman; Mrs. Reid Overman. Pasquotank County, chairman. Not present when the picture was made. Mrs. Joyce. Dare County, secretary. Baptist Men Os Region One Meet In Edenton April2s Between 400 and 500 Men Expected to At tend From 13 East ern Counties Men from the Baptist church es in Region One will hold their annual meeting on Monday, April 25, at the Edenton ar mory. Region One is comprised of Baptist churches in the fol lowing counties: Chowan, Per quimans, Hyde. Tyrrell. Dare, Pasquotank. Gates. Currituck, Camden. Washington, Hertford, Northampton and Bertie. The meeting will begin with sup per -hu-the -men m o'clock. Presiding during the meeting will be O. C. Long. Jr., director of Region One. The congrega tional singing will be led by the Continued on Pane B—Section 1 Baptist Fish Fry Scheduled Friday The Men's Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church will hold its annual fish fry Fri day night. April 22. The affair will be held at the American Legion building, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. All Sunday School officers and teachers are invit ed to attend. All who attend are requested to take tneir ownj bread. CHOWAN GETS 447.2 MORE COTTON ACRES FOR 1960 According to H. O. West, local: ASC office manager, Chowan, County received 447.2 acres of: cotton from the State ASC Com-| mittee to be reapportioned toj farms in Chowan County for the I 1960 crop year. Officers Destroy Chowan County Still j Recreation Leadership Training j Institute Planned At Oak Grove i | A Rural Recreation Leader- I ship Training Institute has been '! scheduled for Chowan County. Miss Pauline Calloway and C. \ IW. Overman, home economics and county agricultural agent, state that the institute will be conducted April 25, 26 and 27. lat Oak Grove Community Build-i ing from 7:30 until 9:30 o’clock i Lonnie Powell, staff member, of the North Carolina Reerea-J tion Commission, will conduct I j the three day recreation train i ing institute for a selected ! group of leaders from 4-H Clubs, j Home Demonstration Clubs, and .other organizations working Edenton PTA (Directors Os Bank C* Meet In Edenton Groups Merge | In a very harmonious meeting J held Tuesday night in the Elc- : Jmentary School auditorium, ■members of the John A. Holmes : High School Parent-Teacher As- | 'sociation and the Elementary. School Parent-Teacher Associa- I tion almost unanimously voted Ito merge the two associations. ; 'Following a discussion of the' i plan, a vote was taken and only ; , one dissenting vote was cast j ; against merging. While the name of the new j association was not definitely.: arrived at, it will in all probab j ility be known as the ‘Edenton ! Parent - Teacher Association.” j The final decision will be made when a committee will rewrite the by-laws and apply for a : charter. I A feature of the meeting was' i a very delightful program pre- I , sented by children of Mrs. John \ Ross’ kindergarten class and j | Mrs. John White's third graders. ! ! The program was entitled "The | 1 12 Months of the Year,’’ and re- Continued on Page 2. Section II -jwith rural people. Leadership ( training in social games, ntust cal mixers, eas.v-to-make game boards, relay and active games. ' I magic and quiet games and > | leadership techniques will be . presented. :j The N. C. Agriculture Extern . ■ sion Service of North Carolina . i State College, in cooperation . | with the North Carolina Recre •j at ion Commission, has conduct .led these rural recreation lesad ; j ership Institutes throughout .: North Carolina • for the past lj eight years to aid rural Headers , 1 with the promotion and organi [ zation of recreation activities in > their communities. | Directors of the Peoples Bank & Trust Company held their j monthly meeting in Eden; on | Wednesday of this week. The ! group met at a dinner meeting |at the Edenton Restaurant, with ; approximately 30 directors of the various branches in attend ance, j i Various branches of the Peo-j I pies Bank & Trust Company are | located in Rockv Mount, Xash- Jville, Whitakers, Zefeuton. Pine-' j tops. Middlesex. Battlefeoro, En field. Sharpsburc. Henderson. Hertford and Edenton. Miss Barbara Allred In Honor Fraternity The Wingate College chapteri ,of Phi Theta Kappa, national; | honorary scholastic fraternity.; | had its initiation cemnonies re- : ! centlv for students who have ! achieved academic excellence in ! their work at Wingate College. ! ! For a student to be elected to | Phi Theta Kappa, he or she must have an academic average jof 3.5 on all subjects taken at ! Wingate. I Among those elected to mem-! ] bership in the fraternity wasi I Miss Barbara Allred, daughter ofi I the Rev. and Mrs. Thurman W.; 1 Allred. Firemen Called Out Two Times Monday 1 Edenton firemen were called lout twice Monday, but both I fires were of a minor nature j The first alarm came from the Ryland section, where a grass fire went out of control and threatened the house on the Will Eason homcplace. Xo dam age was done. | ' An afternoon fire occurred on; Paradise Road at the home of, ((Maggie Stanley. A couch wasj ; ignited by a cigarette, but little, ' damage was done, I - County Committee On Aging Meets Tonight The Chowan County Com mittee on Aging, cooperating with the Governor's Committee.! will meet tonight (Thursday» at! 8 o'clock at St. Paul's Parish] | House. Further plans and objectives j will be considered by the com mittee and the public is curdi | ally invited O' attend. The com mittee is looking for suggestions from the public as to how the committee might be botpful to I ll»MB. 1 -r- - —i a n — -m—q - 1 ■ $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Plans Completed For Flower Show |By Woman’s Club |; Have You Seen? I V •—-—~ r Many Eden'on yards and gar , dens axe places of exquisite i beauty at this lime and are well ■ worth seeing, just to point out j a few are: Mrs. T. B. Willi ford s yard. Mrs. T. C. Byrum's | yard. Mrs. Thomas Elliott's foundation planting. Mrs. J. A. ; Poweil's side yard. Mrs. W. B. 1 Rosevear's borders, the Episco- I pal Church yard. Mrs. S. W. Tay ! tor's vard and a number of others. It you haven't seen the many I places of beau*y, get in your car j and drive around on a very pleasant sight-seeing tour. Jaycee Officers Installed April 28 J Ladies’ Night Will Be Held In Connection With Installation Officers tor the Edenton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce will j be installed Thursday night. April 28. When the Jaycees will, observe Ladies' Night. The' meeting will be held at the American Legion building, be ! ginning at 7 o'clock. : The installation ceremony will lbe in charge of Robert Bryan of Ahcskie. Mr. Bryan is the! , newly elected vice president ofj | the Tenth District. i Chicken Supper At Rocky Hock 1 , '' I .J The Rocky Hock Community wlit hold a fried chicken supper at the Rocky Hock Community j Center Wednesday night, Aprill 37. beginning at 7 o'clock. . j Tne supper was arranged in ‘ order to help raise money to 1 be applied toward the cost of (purchasing the Rocky Hock , School property. The chickens will be fried out .of doors, so that thev will be served hot. Free door prizes will also bo awarded. The plates win be sold at SI.OO for adults and <5 cents for chil li dren. Anyone who desires to attend {the supper and has not been * contacted is requested to phone Mrs. W H Saunders. 4024. or Mrs. Flot'ine Nixon. 3051. If any atv not Interested in eating with a group, the plates can be tak en home. Those in charge are hopeful that many will patronize ! the supper. 20 Years Ago j As Found in the Files of The Chowan Herald X »* As a gesture of neighborliness and good will, about 25 car loads ot Edenton merchants and business men formed a motor cade to visit Columbia. Creswell. , Roper. Plymouth. Williamston, Windsor. Colerain. Harrellsville. Cross Foects. Sunbury. Belvidere and Hertford. The group was accompanied by the Edenton High School Band. Edenton High School Band was awarded a beautiful 18-inch mahogany trophy at Washington. N. C- tor being the best band to participate in the Tulip Fes tival. Continued on Page 6—Section 1 . Colonial Restaurant And Motor Court Again Open For Business Announcement is made of the| opening of the Colonial Restau-i I rant and Motor Court near the; .(city limits on U. S. 17 north.) (The new proprietors of the Co-, | toruat are Joe Stone, Bill Gard-' • ner and Frank Habit, who open-1 Jed the establishment for busi-j ness Wednesday morning of this j week. The restaurant will be open! from fi:3o A. M., to 9:30 P. M..! and will feature a business! I men's special lunch. Charcoal! 1 starts wd seafood will tUao be FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Affair Will Be Held In Barker House Fri day, April 29 From 2 To 9 P.M. Next Friday, April 29. the i Edentqn Woman’s Club will pre sent its annual flower show in i the Penelope Barker House. I The show will be open to the public from 2 o'clock in the af i ternoon until 9 o'clock at night, and exhibits are required to be entered between 8:30 and 11 o’clock in the morning. In connection with the show, I Mrs. Gilliam Wood and Mrs. T. C. Byrum. Jr., co-chairmen of 1 the flower snow, announce the following rules will be carried out: Competitions are open to resi dents cf Edenton and Chowan I County. | All exhibits are to be entcr ' ed in owner's name on blanks i furnished for this purpose. Exhibits shall be received be j tween 8:30 A. M„ and 11 A. M.. 1 on April 29th. All exhibits must be removed by 10 P. M.. Fridav night„ April 29th. ' The committee will take re sponsible precautions for the safety of the property of the J exhibitor; but will not be re >ponsib!e in case of loss or dam age. I When judging is being done only judges and proper offi cers will be allowed in the 'show room. Prizes will be as follows: First | prize, blue ribbon: second prize, j red ribbon: third prize, yellow ribbon: honorable mention, pur ple ribbon. Judging will be done by the i merit system. Joe A. Webb Dies In Hospital Friday i j Joe A. Webb. Sr.. 78, died Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock in Chowan Hospital after sev eral years of failing health. He was a retired farmer and held the distinction of having served as County Commissioner for Chowan County for 37 years be fore he resigned a year ago. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Creecy Webb: three son-, L. Douglas Webb. Joe A. Webb. Jr., and Carlyle C. Webb, all of Edenton: two daughters. Mrs. Frank Suttenfield of Leaksville and Mrs Sidney S. Cantpen of Edenton: a brother, John D. Welsh of Edenton: a sister. Mrs. D. E Williams of South Mills and eight grandchildren. He was a member of the Yeo pim Baptist Church, where fun eral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. A. J. McClelland officiated and burial followed in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Carlton Jack son. George I. Dail, Shelton Moore, William Corprew, W. E. Bond and Tom Goodman. Walter B. Jones Ruritan Speaker Walter B. Jones of Fannville, i candidate for Congressman in > the First District, will be th<’ i guest speaker at the Ruritan Club Ladies' Night on Monday 1 night, April 25. at 7 o'clock, i He will be accompanied by , his wife, a former resident of I Edenton. Doris Long Jones. Friends of Mr. Jones are de lighted to have him visit in ! this area again. | featured. i The new owners hav e acquir 'ed the services of J. A. Brick -1 house, Jr., as chef. Mr. Brick - I house comes to Eden ton from ■ the famous Steak House at Vir | giniq Beach. i The restaurant and motel : rooms have been redecorated, i fully air-conditioned and a ! television set has been added to every room. The trio Os new ! owners extend a cordial invita- J , tion to their friends to *&*» »t m ti«M.,, ;T< •