I Ms is i the Law tMSA By ROBERT i life' (For toe N. C. -«■ Association) VOTING RIGHTS What arc the qualifications for votin" in North Carolina? Only those persons who have previously registered are entitled to vote. To be a registered voter one be twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the ifnited and shall have resided in North Carolina for one year and in the- precinct, ward or other election district in which he offers to vote thirty days next preceding the election:] Provided, that removal frptn one precinct, ward or other eiecticr i ■ nmiM rimy ..j r^nsxt 'WOOD FLOORS and KITCHEN NHEDJJIFFERENT^CARE ' TV Kitchen Self-PolishingXlGGil for KITCHEN FLOORS V i At * ast> a true P a ste-type wax in self-pol -1 Jgjr ishing form. Keeps linoleum, vinyl, asphalt T and rubber tile beautiful without constant * S rewaxing. Dries sparkling bright, with a ’ -1: slip-resistant surface that remains lovely I I even after many washings. Ordinary dry f ' § ’ "topping removes scuff marks; improves the shine. Guaranteed to last longer or * IBV I your money back. \ «.lk»i 4 7» u ood t-sifei. . Preen * MSL ; Cleans as it waxes for WOOD FLOORS ■ ' This combination of "dry cleaners" and Wmmflm genuine paste-type waxes gives wood floors a rich, new beauty. It cleans and waxes in mMßfflplS: one operation. Dirt and old wtx come up on the cloth, new wax remains on the : freshly cleaned surface. Light buffing gives J Preen a rich, mellow polish that improves Jj'TS?®**’" each time it is dry-mopped. gallon 359 V 4 gallon 209 quart 129 FOR PIRFECTIY WAXED FLOORS - IUY «OTH , BELK - TYLER’S < - Edenton, N.C. YOUR FORD' DEALER Ah-h-h, say Doc... 'of course! He gives WHO stands you a WRITTEN solidly behind WARRANTY on the the USED A-1 USED CAR CARS he- you buy! FORD DEALER A-Ts USED CARS • ARE INSPECTED, I RECONDITIONED /JJ \ V9V IF * ROAD-TESTED S* \V 6 * AND WAMANTED IN .WRITING! f , . *,».«* SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER district to another in the same county shall not operate to de prive any person of . the right to - ic in the precinct, ward or • <n.her election district from j wnich he has removed until I thirty days after such removal ' Every person presenting him self for registration shall be able to read and write any sec tion of the Constitution in the English language to the satis faction of the registrar. There is an eyception applicable to certain persons under the so called “grandfather’s clause.” No person who has been con victed, or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indict ment, of any crime the punish ment of which now is, or may hereafter be, imprisonment in the State’s ‘Prison, shall be per mitted to vote unless such pier son shall be first restored to citizenship in the manner pre scribed by law. May the Legislature reduce the age requirement for voting from twenty-one years to eigh teen years? No. This can only be done by an amendment to the Con stitution of North Carolina. Is the payment of a poll tax a prerequisite for voting in North Carolina? No. Is it the duty of a registrar THE CHOWAH HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 21. 1960. j to request an applicant for reg istration to state his or her political party affiliation and to record this fact opposite the name? Yes. The registrar isn’t being I “nosey”; he is only performing a duty imposed upon him by law. If the applicant refuses to de clare his party affiliation or says that he is an independent, the registrar may register such ap plicant’s name, if found quali , fied to register, but he will be told that he cannot vote in any party primary election and only in a general election held there after. May a registered voter change his party affiliation on the reg istration book? Yes. But no registered voter is permitted to change his party affiliation for a primary after the close of the registration pe riod. In certain counties, where there is a full time and perma nent registration the change of party affiliation may be effect ed not less than 21 days prior to the primary election. Before being permitted to change his party affiliation, for the purpose of participating in a primary election, the register ed voter is required to take an oath of party loyalty to the par ty to which he wishes to now affiliate. He must solemnly swear or affirm to support the nominees of his new party in future elections. The oath of party loyalty is not required from one register ing for the first time. It is re quired only from those desiring a change of party affiliation on the registration book. Woelrlv devotional | Column Rv james Mackenzie 1 •Someone has said, “We have no right to offer Christ less than the whole of our lives. There can be no dedication to Him that is not complete in its surrender.” Too often, 1 fear, wc limit our “religion” to a small part of our lives. Monday is wash day, Fri day is shopping day, and Sunday is religion day—if we can think of no other way to spend it. We ignore the injunction of our Lord: “Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, »n«P with all thy mind, end with all thy strength.” Or should I call Him “our Lord?” The wgrd “Lord” means “slave-master,” and its New Testament correlative,' “servant,” means “slave”. Further, the Greek word (doulos), translated “servant” in the New Testament refers to the lowest kind of slave—the one whose entire body and soul are in the hands of his master to do with as he wills. If we do not cherish a relationship to Jesus Christ that Pm!, THANK YOU <>». Douglas MacArthur, 80; is shown in New York City after : his extensive hospitalization. owns Him as complete Lord and Master of our lives, our thoughts, words, actions, we speak a lie when we call Him “Lord”. If He is not Lord OF all. He is not Lord AT all. Thomas Huxley, an atheistic evolutionist who devoted his mis-spent life to attacking the Bible as the Word of God, made at least one true statement in his time. H c said, “It doesn’t take much of a man to be a Christian, but it takes all of him there is.” William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, when asked the secret of his success, answered, “God had all of me there was to have.” D. L. Moody, perhaps the greatest evangelist America has produc ed, became a mighty force for God when challenged by the words, “The world has yet to see what 'God can do in and with and through a man who is wholly yielded to Him.”| Moody resolved within himself,, “I will be that man,” and went on to turn this nation upside down (excuse me, rightside-up) for Christ. Enthronement of Jesus Christ aS 'Supreme and Only Lord is always the key to success in the Christian life —and nothing else deserves to be called “The Christian life.” A half-hearted allegiance that relegates God to a small segment of our lives, honoring Him and serving Him on our own terms, when we please, as we please, and if we 1 please, is a sham, a fraud, and a hollow mockery of true 'Chris tianity v Salvation d£u<;nds not only on true in Christ as Sa viour, but also as Lord (Acts 16:31, for example: “Believe on the LORD Jesus Christ and thou shalt he saved”.) If we do notj give Him complete control of our lives, we just aren’t really saved. Many, I fear, are trusting in an emotional experience they had at some revival meeting oncc„ in church membership, in baptism, who have never really surrendered their lives to Li I Am Now In Business for Myself Your Business and Patronage Will Be Appreciated! Eddie Wheeler Exterior And Interior Painting 313 N. Granville Street PHONE 3103 EDENTON WlfDOMf ojfktCUf&A— Ik Iffe “/ know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people them selves Reputation, 100. is promoted by actions and not words. We are content to be judged by our method of conducting a ceremony and by our man ner of service. ' Funeral Home| I HO W AL &t MAffLt ST iQI EDENTON N C 1 24" M R A v cyt AIBEMARix Mutual KiRIAL ASSOCIAI ION —and who arc therefore lost, j hell-bound sinners. IV~-Jesus Christ is not your Lord, neither is HE your Saviour. Dear] friend, He knows more About; what’s good for you than you' do. He made you for 'Himself, las Augustine used to say, and Jyou will be restless until youl. find your rest in Him. Now,|' as you read these words, 1 urge you to surrender completely to moment passes. KNOW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY Earl W. Trinkle, representative of the Social Security Administration, is in Edenton every Thursday at the North Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the Citizens Bank Building. “I just had my appendix re moved, can I get disability pay ments from social security?” This question and many of a similar nature are often asked of the Norfolk Social Security Office. The answer is generally no. In order to receive benefits from social security under the disa bility provisions of the law, a person must have a serious phy-| sical or mental impairment thati is expected to continue indefi nitely. Temporary disabilities are not covered in the social security disability program. The ailment must be one of long duration, and it must be of such severity I that no substantial gainful work can be done. Disability payments are made to persons over 50 years of age who have been disabled for at least six months and whos« phy sical or mental impairment is expected to continue indefinite ly. This provides partial re placement of the income the person has lost due to his or her disability. In addition to meeting the dis ability standards, a disabled per son must have worked for at least five out of the ten years prior to the beginning of his disability. This must be work covered by the social security # HELPFUL INVESTMENT SERVICES APPRAISALS....QUOTATIONS... if SECURITIES ANALYSIS....FRIENDLY GUIDANCE |1 Call our Representative in this Area ™| Carolina Securities M barren m Corporation 1 TWiWr /bTSecurfy PHONE 2466' || Members Midwest StocV Exchange gss CHAKLOTTI • RALEIGH • NIW YORK CITY FILTER-FLO WASHER /ffijfjks Model WA-650S REMOVES LINT... AUTOMATICALLY! f- ■■ - One Simple Dial To Set! You l ,avc a choice of either a normal wash cycle (ftoCVni r~ * ‘ y- 1 for regular family wash or a short wash cycle ,aTi *-*»*•••« m for delicate fabrics. The normal cycle gives you L a choice of 1 to 15 minutes—you wash most of _=r- I. your clothes on this cycle. The short cycle, from _ ~...^ ===== - 1 ] to 4 minutes, is for items such as lingerie, syn ~ / / thetics, woolens, etc. Saves Hot Water 3 Ways... . / 1 New choice of wash water temperatures offers tempera lures. 2 —You can select warm or cold rinse water for I a further economy. i ' 3—Water Saver offers a saving of up to 20 gal ' lons of water on small loads, much of winch is hot water. A lull tub of wash water circulates and filters at the rate of six gallons per minute. The Gen eral Electric Filter-Flu Washing System cleans . and recleans wash water lo give you cleaner . clothes, l int is caught in the moving filter . . . . ■ not mi tile dollies. How The Filter-Flo Washing System Works: 1. F.vcn "ground-in" dirt is loosened and carried j away as clothes are washed p.ece by piece by Activator Washing Action. j s - , 2. Lint and soap scum arc carried out of wash 1 * basket as wash water continuously over j; flows into outer tub. 3. Heavy sand and silt are swept from bottom aAMa of waslibaskct by special fins on the Acti vator washing post. i -*• Pump continuously circulates water up and 1 • nJufflllJ through filter, cleaning and recleaning it at I vCFASv/ the rate of <1 gallons a minute. 5. Only cleansed, sudsy water flows back into the washbaskel. NO LINT FUZZ ON CLOTHES! ONLY $209.95 with trade SEE IT NOW AT YOliR GE DEALER QUINN FURNITURE CO. BROAD STREET EDENTON, N.C ! Him. Do not trust that God ' will save you if you are what is called “a worldly Christian.” | There is no such animal, for you ; cannot be worldly and Christian •at the same time (I John 2:15 I and 16). Only complete surren der to Christ as Lord as well as Saviour will make you a [ Christian, and you should make that surrender before another . law, either as a wage earner, lor in a self-employed occupa tion that requires social securi ty to be paid. If you feel you might meet the Social Security Administra tion’s definition of disability, you should contact your social se curity district office or your lo cal field representative. Officers For MYF Elected At Rally Perquimans - Chowan Metho dist Youth Fellowship elected new officers for 1960-61 at its spring rally meeting at the Edenton Methodist Church Mon day night, April 11. Brenda Kaye Smith of the Oak Grove Church, was elected president. Other officers are: Verna Ann Perry, Anderson Church, vice president; Janice Raye Stanton, Epworth Church, secretary and Reed Mathews, Anderson Church, treasurer. Another highlight of the rally was summer activities available for youth in the way of camp ing, conferences and assemblies. The president, Carroll McDonald, urged all local chtirches to se lect their representatives from their churches in the .near future for registration. The group also voted to go back to the regular monthly meeting instead of the rally meeting on trial for this year. The Edenton youth entertained all present after the meeting with recreation, sandwiches an’d drinks. Another Cancer Clinic On May 6 The Northeastern Cancer Clin ic will be held on Friday af ternoon, May 6, with registra tion beginning at 1 o’clock. A chest X-ray will be given to anyone wishing it along with the. examination of the five areas of the body where can cer is most easily found and cure*}. There are no limitations as to mu jpf Wenmort) I STRATH* t-»BCTK>XTWI PAGE FIVE • sex, race, physical or etcohontW status at the center; howevefe I women should be 35 or morjt men should be 4J or over | less referred by a doctor, or u • less cne of fu “Seven Dang ' Signals” or “sympxcui*” > a , present. j Oniv 30 people can be sec at the center each month di j to hmited facilities, so it is suj I gested that anyone who wish! j to be assured of an appointmei . should write the Cancer Cent* | Health Department, Elizabet I City, N. C., for a priority; Ej J aminecs are asked to bring robe or housecoat with them, j j Who hath not known ill forj -1 tune, never knew himself, or hip own virtue. H —David Mallet.

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