11. Negro Home Demonstration News |M»J MBS. OMNI* 8. CHARLTON, Oeaaty Ihfn Inn EmmMw i|ol H w Demonstration dub wo-, men from all over the county' asaembled at the Providence Baptist Church Sunday at 3:30 P. M., for a religious service in observance of National Home Demonstration Club Week. j Mts. Mable B. Jordan, presi-, debt of the County Council, ex-| plained in her remarks that among the many projects and activities done by club mem bers the spiritual side of family life is ever important and stress-, ed. Hence,, our meeting .to gether to gain spiritual strength to cope with our everyday prob lems. I Rev. F. H. LaGarde’s message' ci» “Steps To Progress,” was most inspiring, and informative. Steps To Progress Bp Rev. r. H. LaGarde, Pastor Providence Baptist Church V We are living in a progres sive Vorld; a world in which wants to be some body. 1. We are living in a progres sive world; a world in which everybody wants to be some-1 body. * ' A. Progressive World —(man's! Ingenuity). 1. Development of natural re sources—cures for diseases. % Life expectancy lengthened. 3. Better economic conditions in the home, community, etc. ) B. Everybody wants to be Somebody (Church dignity). j I. Tbis is one of the reasons why mankind is progressing at such a rapid pace, because ev-l erybody wants to be somebody. I (a‘ Countries —Nations (nation alistic trend*. -. j (b People want recognition, j 3. Thus, we strive with all that is within us to be some body who is respected. | £jja> We clean-up build-up and ftftop. | (b) We get educated, etc.; so that we will be respected peo ple and take our rightful places in society —full First Class Citi zens.: 11. !God intended from the be ginning that mankind should progress toward a better life. , A. God created within a man to Think, Create, Invent so that we could progress toward a better life. H 1 B. Jesus came that we might have “life” more abundantly.' His concern is for the whole' man. . , C. Man has used what God' has given him to further pro-| gress. We see many results—l Home Demonstration Club, etc.’ “But Yet There Is Something, Wrong.” I. Progress is very slow in some areas. v? At a standstill in others. jßDon’t blame God—we are in fjwt —God wants us to improve •our conditions and has made arrangements for it. 4. It is our fault, if we have unclean homes, curable diseases, unbalanced diets, etc. lit Though we aie living in a Progressive World in which Everybody wants to be Some body.t Progress is slow— at a standstill in some areas. Why? A. Economic Problem (money) When it comes to the subject of managing money we see’ Three Classes of People: The) Miser, ; The Spend-Thrift and The Economist. 1. The Miser keeps all to him self rather than put it to good use for the improvement of his condition and others. Jesus spoke about this kind of person when he said, “He who seeks to gain his life will lose it ... ” A miser hinders progress and is not respected. St The Spend-Thrift —. over £p«Mis. Those always in debt or ®on to be bankrupt. He strives for the luxuries of life not foe necessities He buys what he wants and begs for what he needs. He has a car but no home, fur coat but no dress, TV* but inadequate heat or clothes j for the children. The Bible] speaks about this kind of per-| son in the Prodigal Son story, i - J. The Economist is what we; all should ' be. He is one who uses what he has to the best ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE [ Having, qualified as adminis tratrix CTA of the estate of Lou Brown, deceased, late «f< JNorth Carolina,| the™; bf e piMd£T ujywriof ttfeir recovery. All perJss in t i . advantage. Necessities come’ ’ first—wants second. We can. im prove our conditions by using what we have wisely—balance', the budget. Jesus was an econ omist. After feeding the hun [ gry multitude they gathered ■ the fragments. I IV. Material progress toward the better life is good. But let us not forget about our spiritual progress—The Bridge that has, is, is able to carry us across ,the turbulent waters of eco nomic poverty, prejudices, in equalities, etc. For men shall not live by Bread alone—word I of God. V. Let us keep climbing The Step of Progress: A. First Step—“ Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God”—Seek His Will. B. Second Step—Be an Econ omist using wisely what God has given you. C. Third Step—“ Lift As You CMm(>” —help others. D. Fourth Step—Don’t give up tho’ sometimes dark your path. | Keep climbing in prayer—faith | and 'patience—eVer-striving to be , like Him who said ~O ome unto me all ye that labor and are laden and I will give thee rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of heart and ye shall find rest for your souls. I The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. 1 Pajttie Fayton. Secre-1 I'tary of the County Council.. Prayer given by J. B ; Small) and music furnished by the' j choirs -of Providence Baptist I Church under the direction of. . Mrs. W. M. Burke, organist. | 'Open Housfe Program! 'At White Oak School I | The annual open house day' program observance will be heldj |on Sunday afternoon, May 1, at 3:30 o’clock in the auditorium of 'the White Oak Consolidated School.. The program for this occasion will consist of musical | l-enditions by the choral group I and rhythm band as well as a ' choral speaking number by a , group of third graders. The themes for the classroom displays will be in the areas of' social science and the language 1 ' arts with particular emphasis in * the areas of science and mun ' bers. ~ The general-public, friends and i patrons of the school are invited to attend. " “ * e u•on y• v « Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department’s summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M., Mon day, April 25, 1960 is as follows: Killed To Dale 309 Killed To Date Last Year 361 For Sale Seven Aluminum Awnings... At Our Cost! INSTALLATION OPTIONAL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate, Inc. 103 E. King St.—Edenton PHONE 2163 —,■* *v* • Sfagratnii | Seagrams «9B| Vw 1 ml l H Canadian ■ IMPORTED CANADIAN Hg ▲ blend ' |H °* "»»« KiccTce «“*“ ,s H| H •minto. «u aao MN«o uno* , 3". I nB or THC Uwft» ctw**"" |ES| WMismf n sa n*»s u lO Eh - IK? j.,,. •««»»«» «omro»* „ lirD tsSfk i fCce H 1 ... ; SO.OO 111 •‘•rr. 4/5 Ot. BttMM MTHuncMMT.a.fCMMir.ciaMM«Mn-iiUH.. taru*sai^^Q E£ “ “ •• • ••'••- • • tat Chowan hCßald. edenTok. north caRoLWa. Thursday. April 28, isec. Walter L. Rountree Dies In Portsmouth | Walter L. Rountree, age #4, | | died Thursday morhing at 10:45 1 o’clock in Mary view Hospital.! Portsmouth, Va., after an ill ness of two weeks. He was a i j native of Gates County and was ; employed by The Growers Ex change of Berkley, Va. He is survived by his wife, Minnie Rountree; one son, Bill | Rountree of Elizabethtown: one| daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Twine of Norfolk, Va.; one brother, L. H. Rountree of Corapeake; one sister, Mrs. H. C. Price of Hobbsville; one half-brother, S. R. Rountree of Gatesville, and one half-sister. Mrs. G. M. Curl of Holland, Va. * Funeral services were held j ( .. sofesl and say* Retired Merchant , •/ n4sh to express to yon and your organization my deepest ap preciation and gratitude for the Blue Cross benefits given in my hour of need. The protection is. I feel sure, the safest and best that money can bay and the promptness which you show is courteous and considerate .*’ r. Lewis "* Minneapolis, N. C. Bine Cross protection is available to any North Carolina resi dent, in reasonably good health, regardless of age. Apply today for your family. OURHAM : WILLIAM B. GARDNER j O. Box 548. Edenton I NOTICE TO all! 1 DEMOCRATSi i:: I '<> The Democratic Precinct Meetings will he held at the $ j | following locations in the various precincts of Chowan v I! County at 3:00 o’clock P. M., Saturday afternoon, ’T&ty | o V; i%(J( for the purpose of perfecting the precinct or- J j;; ganizalions and the election of delegates to the County t !! Convention: | | I! East Edenton Precinct Chowan County Court House !| jo West Edenton Precinct Municipal ILplding | o Rocky Ilock Precinct a Cnion Store % i I - -w" * WK-w**. - « W —# o Center Hill Precinct Ross Hunch’s Store $ v It Wardville Precinct If. R. lVele’s Store $ . > ■I! Veopim Precinct Harry A. Perry’s Si ore t •• ‘I o The County Convention will he held in the Court House %' at Edenton at 3:00 o’clock P. M., Saturday afternoon, | o May 1965, for the purpose of organizing according t lo to the Plan of Organization of the Democratic Party and % ■ If for the election of delegates to the Stale Convention. !£ if ? <> f *i The State Democratic Convention will he held in the | I Auditorium in the City of Raleigh at 12:00 o’clock noon, | on ThtHbday, May 1-#; 1960, I , L ¥ V - | ALL DEMOCRATS ARE % CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND! \ X < > X <> X < > J* :: Chowan County Democratic! ; > Y Executive Cmmittee f * 1 i Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at Sandy Cross Baptist Church with the Rev. John D. Hemingway, pastor of Eureka Baptist Church, officiating. He was a member of the Broadmoor Presbyterian Church and burial weis in the family cemetery. I NOTICE To Voters Os The 1 Fourth Township Chowan County: I am a candidate for the of fice of County Commissioner i for the Fourth Township. Your vote will be greatly ap preciated. • Thos. B. Wood Flfr'Sj n ; .,*THljo^wii*AWK |L BELK -TYLER’S of Edenton t SALE “Snark 22” Inch w/B 11 ■■ Bv perb Rayon! I Assorted colors . . . al- Iflk J ™ ™ ® ™ Msiz(s . i\v^ > uniiicDc values to 29c IV% |U| IIUU■■ B# * ydpjyL Here's Hit biggest mower value In Eastern Carolina! We've sold thousands t i theta to satisfied customers! Lillies* Cotton jfl £S: S BRAS » ••• is «ir cooled and 111 . 47 c 49.9 9 Men’s “Archdale” SALE! National Brand Os SPORT LADIES LUGGAGE Button down and regular collars! These *come in tolid ■ colors, stripes, prints and ' checks! Fabrics by Dan River and Goley & Ford! q l’' v « 3 for $5.00 L v/j Ij A matched set consisting the Train Case 21 inch Weekend I 0* f a y k i^frin«i or' a Birr fToo cose and 26 inch Pullman Case covered with sturdy textured . SALfc! vinyl plastic! Four fashion colors! NYLON HOSE ¥d „, rt SO 00 All first quality in plain knit or mesh! Spring’s newes w IK JK colors! Usually $1.00! SI2.W and mere! 69c or 3 for 52.00 O # m SALE! n=l W> sdtF Ivl Brand New 1 "' 1 IM dresses ir _. \\\ Our atoclc hat never been V \ I \ 1 than now ... be \V mßk * i i i I sur * t# •" n * w I jaßrOl \ M I dresses that are 111 1 ' V now stock! They're so 8^ '* r 9* *ssortment of lY W‘ I * this big sale! Juniors, Miss- IJttle Bovs' mem J\ i n lMmmW] •* and Half Sices are be- *^ QISm Vah “** SHORTS I Jjj m\ a bevy •fidSA.Y?! Sizes 3to 7 iJr fL. fashion (if- Polished cottons, plaids as m colors! f j ■■! a well as cords! Sizes 3to / Tbo newwt Ij 11 )\ lla Values to $1.99 if which to w f/ M (h H ft r v 1 slaOO|| i-SECTIOIf TKREJt PAGE FIVE