ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHER Hi CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XaVjJ.—dumber 18. Plans Now Shaping Up F Fish Hatchery Dedicatio n Monday Afternoon, May 1 £ Ross Leffler, Assist ant Secretary of the U. S. Department of The Interior to Make , Dedicatory Address; ' Fish Fry Planned ' Plans are rapidly being whip ped into shape for the dedication ■ of the new U. S. Fish Hatchery j which is scheduled to take place j Monday, May 16. Mayor John Mitchcner is tak ing the lead in arranging a creditable program for the oc casion and has a group of com-| miMccs at work in order to mgkc the event an impressive and successful arfair. After a string of headaches. Mayor Mitchcner has announced that a free fish fry will be served to the visitors who come to Edcnton for the dedication. Ms|ny invitations have been sent out to neighboring communities in the Albemarle area, so thatj with favorable weather a large crowd is expected to come to Edcnton for the occasion. A group of dignitaries is also . expected to attend the dedica tion, among whom will be Ross Leffler. assistant secretary of the U. S. Department of the Inter ior, who will make the principal address and dedicate the new hatchery. Also scheduled to be present is Waller A. Gresh of Atlanta, i regional director of the Bureau’ of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Mr. Gresh is in charge of the; activities of the Bureau of Sport 1 Fisheries and Wildlife in 12 southeastern states and Puerto Rico and the-Virgin Islands. He served with the ' TVnnsv Ivartia Continued on Page 7—Section I CIVIC CALENDAR j John A. Holmes High School Band will prosont its spring con cert in the school auditorium Friday night. May 6. at • o’clock. Red Cross btoodmobtle will he at the Penelope Barker house Friday. May 6, from 10 A. M~ to 4 P. M. Youth Week will bo observed at Center Hill Baptist Church Sunday. May 0. through Sun day. May 15. John A. Holmes ifigh School Band will play in a band fasti-! val in Elisabeth City Saturday’ Continued on Pm* 6—Section 1 Big Bonner For Congress Rally Scheduled For Friday, May 6 William P. Jones, J. Clarence Leary and Gilliam Wood, cam paign managers in Chowan County for Herbert C. Bonner in his race for re-election to Congress, announce a huge free Albemarle Barbecue For Bon ner rally. The affair will be held Friday evening. May' 6, at! 6 o’clock at the Scott-Habtead 1 Produce Shed, one mile east of j Elizabeth City on the Weeks villc road, Route 168. The rally is expected to at tract a huge crowd of Bonner followers. — Athletes Os John Holmes High School Honored At Varsity Qub Annual Sports Award Banquet Retention's Varsity Club's An . nu a I Sports Awards banquet was a very delightful affair Tues day night in the Masonic Tem ple when boy and girl athletes qf John A. Holmes High School were honored in the presence of a large number of relatives and xnenas. The principal speaker Air the A occasion was Coach Bril Murray, f Duke University's outstanding fbotball coach, who was accom panied by two AU-Araenoans, Mikb McGee. foptfaqU star of THE CHOWAN HERALD Mesdames Earnhardt, Copeland And Belch Take Top Honors In Woman’s Club Flower Sh6w Mrs. Jimmy Earnhardt, Mrs. Wendell Copeland and Mrs. Med lin Belch won top honors at the 1 Edcnton Woman’s Club Flower Show held Friday, April 29, at the Penelope Barker house. Mrs. Earnhardt’s entry was an Easter Mom iris, which was; judged to be the most perfect specimen of any flower of the show in horticulture. She was presented a silver bowl and blue j ribbon. Mrs. Copeland took the sweep stake prize for winning the most blue ribbons for her flower en- j tries in the show. Mrs. Belch had the best ar rangement in the flower show i Lions Sponsoring Oustanding Show Central Prison Varie ties Scheduled Sat urday, May 7 Sponsored by the Edenton Lions Club, Central Prison’s Varieties will present a program in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium on Saturday night, May 7, at 8 o’clock. The outfit is labeled North Carolina’s' No. 1 variety show and includes 30 of the South’s top stars. Leading features on the program iqphidc Hillbilly .Hot Shots, Buff & Bluff, Rhythm Masters and Mad-Cap Minstrels. The Lions Club feels very for tunate in securing this greatest array of talent ever to come from behind the walls and promise two hours of delightful comedy, dancing and novelty acts. Eastern Star Plans Covered Dish Supper Sponsored by Edenton Chap ter Na 302, Order qf the Eastern Star, a covered dish supper will be served in the dining room of the Masonic Temple Thursday night May 12, at 7 o’clock. Invited to the supper are East ern Star members and their hus bands or wives and Masons and their wives. Special music will be provided for the occasion and a major fea ture of the rally will be an ad dress by Edmund Harding of Washington, N. C., nationally known humorist A big motorcade from other counties will pass through Eden ton on its way to the rally, so [that all from Edenton and Cho wan County who plan to attend are requested to meet not fetter than 4 o’clock to join -the parade, I which will be escorted by high-1 way patrolmen. a warm welcome and apprecia tion for the presence and inter est of so many friends. A de lightful dinner was served by members of the' Easton Star, with the invocation by Nick George. Mr. Murray was introduced by Coach Bill Billings and after humorously refenring to some in cidents in his vast coaching ex out at least four things abso lutely necessmr to become a food player and something worthwhile tor young people m Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 5,1960. and was presented a blue and * gold ribbon. 1 Mrs. Gilliam Wood, chairman, declared the flower show a success from all standpoints, j The chairman listed the fol lowing ribbon winners: ; | Roses (Tea), Mrs. Elwood Nix ,! on blue; Mrs. C. R. Mason, yel low. Rosebuds, Mrs. Elwood Nixon, [blue and red. | Climbing Roses, Mrs. Jimmy Earnhardt, blue; Mrs. James M. , J Bond, red and yellow, i Iris, Mrs. F. S. Hicks, two I blue; John Graham, blue; Mrs. | Frank Holmes, blue; Mrs. Jor ; Continued on rage R—Section I Youth Sunday At Center Hill Church Young People Sched uled to Fill All Of fices In Church According to the Rev. Henry Napier, pastor, the Center Hill Baptist Church will observe Youth Week beginning May 8 and continuing through May 15. During this week the young peo ple of the church will take pver the entire offices of the church. Edgar Ray Jordan will do the preaching at the 11 o’clock hour and E. C. Topping will preach “at' Wie ~ 8 o'clock, vserviee ■on May 8. Billy Whiteman will preach at the 11 o’clock hour and Lar ry Tupping will preach in the evening worship hour on May 15th. Sunday School superintendents Conlinuad on Page 7—Section 1 Rotarians Change Place Os Meeting Edenton Rotarians will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock. Attention is called to the fact that due to additions being made at the Parish House, the Rotary Club will meet at the Edenton Restaurant, begin ning today. President Jimmy Earnhardt urges every member to be pres ent. DAR Meeting Will Be Held May 17th Edentcm Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet Tuesday af ternoon, May 17. Mrs. John Kramer, regent, announces that the meeting was postponed from the scheduled 'time. May 11, and will be a dinner meeting at the Edenton Restaurant beginning at 1 o’clock. All members are es pecially requested to attend. i Jaycees Install Officers Bt. Jm I S A I mi flip km j|| \ & ■ B M n v 4ri' <>v *‘ H I *■- 1 : Jfl Above Bob Bryan of Ahoskie. District 10 vice president, is *own congratulating Jamas Parry and his wife, following Mr. Pinr'i m president of the Junior Chamber of Com* ffi**"' *** “* ta **" *“**' 11 Seabrook Receives First Peanuts 1 X, * 1 r ' m Hoove is pictured ifte nrst load of peanuts delivered Friday to the new Seabrook Blanching Corporation’s half million dollar plant on Edenlon's Industrial Park. The peanuts will be used for test ing equipment. Left to right are James W. Gardner, president* Elliott Belch, owner of the Belch Truck Line, which delivered the peanuts, and Keith Reeve, general manager.—(J. P. Ricks Photo). Spring Concert Os High School Band On Friday Night Highlight of Evening Will Be Presentation Os Awards to Band Members John A. Holmes High School Band will present its spring con -■eert•-on-*Fridny''*eveni»tg,-May 6; at the high school auditorium. Admission to -the concert is fifty cents. However, anyone aiiem*- ing the supper sponsored by the band that night in the cafeteria will be admitted free. The pro gram will begin at 8 o’clock. The highlight of the program will be the annual presentation of the band awards to outstand ing band members. The awards are the John Philip Sousa Award which is sponsored by the Eden ton Rotary Club and which goes to the band student who has contributed most toward the ad vancement of the band program, and the Achievement Award which is sponsored by the Eden ton Chamber of Commerce and goes to the student who has made the most progress on their instrument during the past year. The band has prepared a var ied program which includes mu sic by R. B. Hall, Hoagy Car michal, J. Olividoti, K. L. King, Merle Isaac, Clare Grundeman, Robert Dillon, Frank Erickson and Zimmerman. BANK CLOSED TUESDAY The Peoples Bank & Trust Company and the Consumer Credit Branch will be closed all day Tuesday, May 10, in observ ance of Confederate Memorial Day. I Give Blood i - Tom Ridgeway, Chairman of Chowan County's blood program, announces that the Red Cross | bloodmobile will be in Edentoa Friday. May 6. . The bloodmobile will be sta tioned at the Penelope Barker house from IS A. M., to 4 P. M. The county's quota is 100 pints of blood and Mr. Ridgeway urges people to cooperate by giving a pint of blood, which is so dras tically needed. Girl Scout Court Os Awards On Mav 10 j Tuesday evening. May 10, at 6:30 o’clock Edenton Girl Scouts will hold their annual Court of Awards. This most important event will be held in the Ele mentary School cafeteria follow ing a mother-daughter banquet. The Court of Awards cere mony terminates the Scouting year and rewards the girls for their hard work and endeavors luring the year. Richard Baer, II Philpot Manager Cloyd Philpot of Lexington mnounced Tuesday that Richard P. Baer. 11, will be his cam paign manager in Chowan Coun ty for the office of Lieutenant Governor. Mr. Philpot stated that he was happy to have Mr. Baer as his manager and that he is of the opinion he will be a big asset in his campaign for votes. Fashion Show At.PTA Meeting Monday night. May 9, a fash ion show will feature a meet ing of the Chowan High School Parent-Teacher Association. The fashion preview will be present ed by Mrs. Loraine Rogerson’s -home economics classes, with each student modeling a gar ment she has made. President Winborne hopes a large crowd will turn out for j the meeting. “Belles For Bonner” In Chowan County Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner has announced that Mrs. E. N.‘Elliott and Mrs. W. J. P, Earnhardt have been named co chairmen of the "Bells For Bon ner” organization for Chowan County. Mr. Bonner expressed delight in having these two outstanding club women to handle the la-j dies’ department in his campaign l for r•Htatipa to Coofroa. West Byrum Buys Wm. J. Berryman Insurance Agency Now Occupying New And Spacious Office Located at 403 South Broad Street West W. Byrum. Jr., has pur chased the W. J. Berryman In surance, Inc., and effective May 2, the W. J. Berryman Insurance. Inc., will be known as West W. Byrum Agency. Inc. Mr. By rum wishes to, take this oppor tunity w thank the public for their past support and promises continued efficient service of all insurance needs. A new spacious air condition ed office at 103 South Broad j Street has been acquired to en- i able Mr. Byrum to serve his, customers better. New equip ment has been purchased to: make service faster. "I invite each and everyone of you to come by and visit our new facility," says Mr. Byrum. "for we stand ready to service your insurance requirements in a personal, courteous and effici ent manner." County Officials Dinner Guests Os County Council Chowan County Commission-! ers and other county officers j were dinner guests of the Home! Demonstration County Council! Monday afternoon at the Ad vance Community Building with a delightful meal served by food and nutrition leaders and club! presidents. Mre. C, W, Overman, president \ of the County Council, presided i over the meeting and recognized and welcomed the guests. Mrs. Lester Copeland at the, outset reviewed activities and* accomplishments of the County Council during the year, after; which reports were presented by j representatives of other clubs in i the county. These reports, all reflecting a great deal of activity, were pre sented by the following: Beech Fork—Mrs. W. H. Satin-] ders. Byrd—Mrs. M. T. Barrington. Center Hill—Mrs. B. P. Monds Chowan —Mrs. Roland Evans. Colonial—Mrs. J. L Chestnut! , Enterorise —Mrs. Wallace Good win, Jr. '• •” j Oak Grove Mis. Wallace! Peele. Rocky Hock Mis. Thurman j Ashley. R.vland —Mis. Glenn Langley, j Yeopim—Mrs. Vann Small. Gum Pond—Mrs. Levy Nixon. Band Still Working On Washing-ton Trip The John A. Holmes High j School Band is still in the pro cess of raising funds to com-; pletc its 1959-60 budget and to finance its trio to Washington. D. C„ on Friday, May 13. There are some businesses and | ’individuals who have still not j made their usual contribution to. the band this year. It will be very much appreciated if these contributions could be made be fore the 13th. All contributions are deductible from state and federal income taxes, and a re- 1 eeipt will be available from the band office for anyone needing' them for this purpose. FIREMEN MEET TONIGHT Members of Edenton's Fire De partment will hold their month- 1 ly dinner meeting tonight! (Thursday). The meeting will be held in the fire station at 7 o'clock. 20 Years Ago ] Aa Final {■ th* FBaa al Tho Chowan Herald t Following agitation and eon sid oration of tmtal yMis' standing. Chowan County Com missioners definitely decided to place a eew roof en the Court House. The estimated goal of the now roof was SIA92JM, W. C. Bunch, superintendent of the tJ. S. Fish Hatchery, re in the peat year. Petite the $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Plans Progressing For Edenton’s Big Festival Os Values •* 1 Chairman J i ~ Br jl • T 5 V *** ; . 1 >) I' . f <■ j t I MRS. WILLIAM BILLINGS Residential Chairman for Cho wan County's Cerebral Palsy Campaign is Mrs. William D. Billings, who urges volunteers to contact her a* once. Mitchener Cerebral Palsy Chairman Announcement has been made by Frank McGuire, head basket ball coach at the University of North Carolina, and state chair man for the cerebral palsy cam paign, that Mayor John Mitchen er has been appointed general chairman for the 53-minute march for Chowan County. I Mr. Mitchener says the march will be held in the countv Mav 23. 24 and 25. Mr. Mitchener points uui that a palsy baby is born every 53 minutes, which is the result of damage or injury to the brain. I It can happen to anyone at any time, before, during or after birth. There are no two cases! alike and can affect any or all, parts of the body depending on j 'Continued on Page 6—Section i j - Sea well Speaker At Lions Meeting! Malcolm Seawcll of Raleigh, one of the candidates for Gov-] ernor, will speak at the Lions) Club meeting Monday. May 9,! at T o'clock. President T. B. j Williford Urges every member I of the club to be present to hear! Mr. Seawell. Ski Show Sunday Afternoon | Pleases Large Number People A very large crowd was on ’ hand Sunday afternoon when a i free water ski show, sponsored by the Edenton Marina, was] ] held m front of the old U. S. 1 ] Fish Hatchery. The Fish Hatch * ery grounds were filled with people, boats lined both sides of j the creek where the show was! in full sight and even the creek bridge was lined with people watching the performance. The show featured the Outer j Banks ■ Ski Club, members of which performed many difficult • This \Y erk Is Demonstration Week i This week. May 1-7, is being j observed as National Home Demonstration Week with Cho- Iwan County Clubs arranging a| number of features in connection t with the observance. ’j On Sunday afternoon a county-! j wide music festival was held at j i Chowan High School and on ! Monday county officials were] ! guests of the County Council at) a dinner held at the Advance! Community Building. Wednes day a County Council meeting] i was held which featured a sash- j > km show and hat show at the! i Chowan Community Building. Advance, Boland, Oak Grove, i * FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK N< f, 27 Merchants Are Co 'i operating By Offer , ing Many Very Spe- I cial Values For Event ' | Plans are progressing by the Chamber of Commerce Mer chants Committee to observe "Festival of Values,” a sales pro motion for Edenton Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 12, 13 and 14. J. H. Woolard. Chairman of ‘ the sales promotion subcommit tee, says that 27 merchants have joined in staging the event and that during the three days many j bargains will be offered shoppers ! who take advantage of the many I largest number of merchants ever to participate in a sales promotion program. Merchants who are cooperating in the event, for which the en tire area will be circularized, in clude the following: Byrum Hardware Co.. Western Auto Associate Store. Tots & Teens, Cuthrell's Dept. Store, Belk-Tyler's, Elliott Company, Sears Catalog Sales Office. Hol iowells Rexall Drug Store, Mitchener’s Pharmacy. Ralph E. Parrish. Inc.. Colonial Furniture Co.. Edenton Furniture Co., P & Q Super Market, Phthisic's Super Market, Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., John J Ross Jewelers, Griffin’s Musicenter, Malone’s 5-10 c Store. The Betty Shoppe. The Jill Shoppe. Cam pen's Jewelers, The Rug Shop, Rose's 5. 10 and 25c Store. Bell's, S. Hobowsky. Western Gas Ser vice. Inc., and Quinn Furniture Company. Jffivcees Install New Set Officers Officers for the Junior Cham ber of Commerce were installed at a ladies' night meeting he! J Thursday night at the Ameri can Legion building. The in stallation ceremony was in charge of Bob Bryan of Ahos k’C. vice president of the Tenth District. The officers installed were: President, James Perry: vice president. Billy Gardner; second vice president. Rudolph Dail; treasurer. William Easterling; secretary. Allan Harless: corres ponding secretary, Bobby Bunch; state director. Tom Ridgeway. A dance followed the meeting which was very much enjoyed. 13 and 14 i stunts and the graceful art of '] skiing. Thrillers in the show )j included barefoot skiing, slalom j skiing, pyramid formations, a j kite skier and many other events tj which delighted a big crowd and iiwon rounds of applause. '] The show aroused a great deal :|of interest in skiing and the '( Outer Banks Ski Club offered | its cooperation in teaching the art of sking as well as the or ;;ganization of a ski club in : i Edenton. Gum Pond and Enterprise Clubs held meetings during 4he week and programs during the week were pi-esented on the Nancy Carson show on radio station WCDJ. | The 'theme of National Home ; Demonstration Week is “Today's Home Builds Tomorrow’s World.’’ , Mrs. Elizabeth H. Hughey, ) State Librarian, says: I “A little thicker in thought’* : : describes the trend in reeding | among North Carolina Home ; Demonstration Club women and their families. Current report*, show an increase in fee reading . Conlinuad on L Mon *

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