ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—Number 19. Edenton’s “Festival New U. S. Fish Hatchery Will Be Dedicated At Celebration Tb Be Held Monday, May 16 Exercises Will Begin At 12:30 With Fish rry U. S. Fish Hatchery - ■— Plans have been virtually for the dedication of the*, new United States fish Hatchery which will take place Monday, May 16. Mayor John Mitchencr has announced the following program to bp out in connection with 1 the dedication: A • free fish fry for visitors will • be .held at the oid fish hatchery at 12:30 o'clock, with the invocation by the Rev. George Holmes, rector of St I Paul’s (Episcopal Church. At 2:30 o'clock a band con cert will be presented at the new fish hatchery by the John A. Holmes High School Band. The dedication service will be gin at the new hatchery at 3 f o’clock with the band playing „the national anthem. Presenta tion of the colors will then take j place by members of the Eden-, ton unit of the National Guard., followed by the invocation by the Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Baptist Church. Mayor John Mitchener will! serve' as toastmaster for the oc- j easion and will extend a wel come and recognize special guests present for the occasion. The principal speaker fer the dedication will be Ross Leffler, assistant, Birector of Fisheries of the U. S. Department of the In terior. Mr. Leffler will be intro- Continued on Pag* 3—Section 1 Tom Holden Plays * In Golf Tournament Friends will be pleased to know that Tom Holden, local golfer, played in the Member s Guest Coif Tournament of the -Country Club of Virginia. The tournament was, held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Wins Scholarship ■P [3® ■ jL_ , »- jttk !^s k Vs ; : , BE|r f ill L •. MISS~ IDA SMYER J. R. DuLaney. manager of Belk-Tyler's store, announced late last week that Miss Ida Grixselle Smyer ' was awarded a WOO Belk scholarship. r"'r *•"" - (S “Janes For Jones” Active In Edenton [ - s: THE CHOWAN HERALD J Alumni Speaker v <> JIM HICKEY Principal speaker at a reg ional meeting of University at North Carolina alumni to be held in Edenton Wednesday night. May 25. will be Jim Hickey, foot ball coach at the University. Ida Grizzell Smyer Wins SSOO Belk Foundation Scholarship Miss Ida Grizzelle Smyer has been awarded one of the twelve Belk Foundation scholarships which is worth SSOO. Miss j Mver was informed late last week of the award by J. R. Du-j Lancy. manager. of the Edenton Belk-Tyler store. Mr. DuLaney was notified of 1 the award by Ray A. Killian, i chairman of the Scholarship j Committee of the Belk Founda tion. who had this to say: “On behalf of the Scholarship Com mittee of the Belk Foundation. 1 am very pleased to inform you that Miss Ida Grizzelle Smy er of Edenton has been award- j Bray Resigns As Director Os Band j Action Stems From Adding a Course In ! Physical Education Dei-wood Bray last week ten dered his resignation as direc tor of the John A. Holmes High School Band. The resignation will go into effect June 30 at the termination of his contract. Mr. Bray has served as director for two years and in that 'time has developed a splendid musical outfit When he took over the duties there were about 45 band members whereas now there are about TO. New instruments have been purchased for -the band during his directorship, the band has won high ratings at the annual band festival at East Carolina College and many invitations have been received to play both in and out of town and on every Continued on Pago 3—Section 1 Edei u , Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 12, 1960. Scout Camporee At Camp Carter Perry Coming Week-end Outstanding Program Arranged to Enter tain All Who Plan to Attend According to Gene Trautwein, district Scout executive, the an nual spring Scout Camporee will ] be held at Camp Carter Perry,! near New Hope, this week-end, Friday through Sunday. The camp is being redone and readied for the week-end. A host of special interest merit badge features will be made available for the boys to see and sample. They include fishing, •cooking, camping, pioneering, Continued on Page 6—Section i ed one of the SSOO Belk schol arships. The winning of one of these scholarships is a great honor as there were a great number of outstanding applica tions. I would like to congrat ulate you personally on your recommendation of this individ ual and to thank you for your cooperation on the scholarship program." Mr. DuLaney was delighted to contact Miss Smyer and inform her of the scholarship award, and the latter, too, was delight ed beyond words as she thank ed Mr. DuLaney for the wel come information. | Long Session Os Civil Court Term Longest Term Since Bond Will Case Sev eral Years Ago Contrary to usual terms of (fivil court, last. week’s term of Chowan Superior Court lasted the entire week and was ad journed about ,2 o’clock Satur day afternoon. It was the long est term of civil court held since the Bond will .case several years ago. The major portion of the term was taken up by the case of Haughton Ehringhaus, - admini strator of the estate of B. D. Chambless vs. Virginia Electric Conlinued on Page 7—Section I “Janes For Jones” Named For Edenton Walter B. Jones of Farmviile, candidate for Congressman for the First District, has announced that Mrs. Elwood L. 'Nixon, Mrs. Warren Twiddy- and Mrs. Frank Holmes 'have been named as co chairmen of the “Janes for Jones” organization for Chowan County. Mr. Jones stated that he -was happy to have these three out standing civic minded women to handle the ladies’ department and that he is of the opinion that they will be a big asset in his campaign for votes. cmc calendar! x m ml " At commencement exercises t Governor/ Clyde R. Hoey ad dressed the graduating class at Edenton High School and Dr. J. L. Carrick was the speaker at Chowan High School. Mrs. Willie White was winner in a subscription contest con ducted by The Chowan Herald. Continued o» » Section ’ $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Merchants Present Long List Bargains During 3 -Day Event Retires CAPT. B. G. WILLIS After almost 60 years in trans portation service. Captain B. G. Willis last week relurncd to spend time on his Bertie County farm. next vea r should produce one cf the best bands Edenton lias ever had. At . the conclusion of the pro gram two trophies were aw aid ed. These went to Bud Sk;k‘- and Mack Privott. Skill's won the John Philip Sousa trophy, sponsored by the Edenton Ro tary Club. This was awarded for the band student who has shewn tile most interest and ef fort in making the band a better organization. The trophy was presented by Bill Cozart. Mack Privott was awarded the Chamber of Commerce ach ievement award. This went to the band member making the most progress during the ye.:: on an instrument. Privott plat s a trombone and the trophy was presented by J. P. Partin. Drive For Cancer Fund In Chowan Is Badly Lagging Mrs, Toni Hopkins, Chairman, Reports Less Than Half of Quota Collected Mrs. Tom Hopkins, cancer chairman for Chowan County, reports that contributions have not even reached the half way mark of the county's quota. Early this week Mrs. Hopkins reported that about SB3O had been turned in toward the quo ta of $1,900. Os course, some canvassers have not been heard from and Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Women Workers Plan Rally -' MwBmBII^^^^BmMBBMMBBK— . ■ -.*' .* . _* *- ; “tt-. T-,.*. f x FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK 27 Merchants Cooper ating In Event to In crease Sales Promo tion In Edenton Everything is in readiness for • the observance of Edenton's "Festival'of Values'' which will be held Thursday. Friday and Saturday. May 12. 13 and 11. During these three days 27 coopei ating in e r chants have planned to offer many outstand ing, bargains. u men will make it woiihwhi.t to siiop during these three days. The event has been highly advertised with an eight page set Hon <•; Ine Herald sent to all parts of tile Albemarle set l ion. The event is sponsored by the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, w.,;i John H. \V< >iard. chairman of the salts promot.on subcom mittee, in charge of arranging and publicizing tile festival'. Alt stores wi j ivavv special prices and discounts during the three days, s< ■ : hat \y th *fav< rabie weamer :: is expected that many : • S ;. the t -<.■ w... Ktke advantage of ihe sav ings ix•: n g oi Ired. 1 .aiv -* oot t'l'di.nji \v. ing Quinn Fu utu t C By rum Hardware Companv. Western Auto Store. OuthreU' parinit'r.t Store, Seal's Cat a!■ Sa i - Office Hollow.. - ; D. u« S:v. C on .; F . ■ ■ • •vVmpar.v. Hughes-Parkt r Hard ware Cohipany. Edenton Furn - Hire v. inpany. Pinhisa- Super Market Joim .1 i\o>s Jewelers, Gr ft ns Musk-t me Rise's 31» 3: 25c S:ore. Western Gas Ser vice, Inc.. The Betty F.r p>, Tots ft Teens.'s K - iiott Company. Mitchen< 's Ph ■- nnicy. Ralph K i'.,ri. . In. , P (t Q Super Marsel. M:. one s 5-10 c Store; The Jill Shoppy Camper, s Jewelers. Trie 1 ■- S : tp. Bell's .nd S ii j Scholarship Winner] JHRF MISS PATRICIA WAFF A senior at John A. Holmes High School. Miss Patricia W’aff, last week won two SIOO scholar ships. One was a resources scholarship at East Carolina Col lege and the other the Albe marle Schoolmasters' Club schol -