i bis is the Law _ /v> K 7 LAUD TRANSFERS John Jones agrees in writing on April 1, ISO#. to sell to Ben Brown the property on which his home is located for 515.M)0. Brown is to pay for the property on June 1, and Jones is to dc li'eer to hint on this date ptxs~ session and the deed to the prop erty. Does Jones have the legal right to remove some of the bushes, shrubs and flower bulbs prior to June 1? No. Rose bushes, shrubs, flower bulbs, trees,, vines and other perennial plants pass with the title to the kind. The law considers the land and all peren nials attached to it as united. Is an oral agreement giving to Jones the right to remove rose bushes, shrubs and flower bulbs valid? No. There cannot be an oral agreement to except town the provisions of a deed perennials that are a part of the land to which they are attached. Con tracts relating to them must be in writing. Tlrere may. however, be an oral contract to except from the provisions of a deed annual crops that are growing on the kind. Although a deed passes the own ership of annual crops attached to the land, along with the title of the land, to the grantee in the absence of a reservation, an oral reservation of annual crops to the seller is valid. us suppose that Jones sells and conveys his farm to Brown, but at the tune of the sale there is an oral agreement to tlte effect that Jones may re turn in the fall to harvest his cotton and some apples from certain designated trees. The oral agreement is valid and en forceable m reference to the cotton but not the apples. Cot ton is a product of an annual plant, whereas apples are the product of a perennial. Alljpn conveys his farm by deed *to Butler, The deed is propeHy registered in the court house] At the time of the con veys rtfce Collins is in possession of the farm by virtue of an oral lease that he had made with Allen for a period of three years. The oral lease has two more years to run. May Butler require Collins to vacate the premises? No. The tenant has merely acquired a new' landlord. The lease is not terminated and the tenant is not deprived of any of his rights under the ora! lease. Irases for not more than three years from the mak ing thereof are valid though oral. Actual possession by the ten ant is treated as the equivalent of notice to the purchaser and as a substitute toe registration where the lease is for not more than three years. Taylor Theatre KDK\TO\, X. C, Thursday. Friday, and Saturday. Kay IMW<— Dick Clark. Michaut CalUn. Tuaaday WckL Victoria Shaw i«mn Daran. Duana Eddy and Rahats in “BECAUSE THEY'RE YOUNG" also “CIRCUS STARS" cdu ■— « j rJmdUy. May^S>lVlY Doris Day and David Nivan in "PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES" i—fupi OM*r ■> .... -Q ... ' ■ ■■ _k- s “ Kay 11-a- I * » 1 aaft «* * * tKa • ; *|BEHAGE THUNDER" j- Three P’s } tj PERSONAL AND | PRIVATE PROBLEMS w won mm MnM t* uiwei «mal mm* private ptobhan of 1* ■nvNOt ahe irialt their aaestieae t» thia whap Theoe laaairiee to ia tab haHr ari social tnibhai aae *ut caver cacstteas that cease sp la tU—Waa sasaalt ta Mtlstr; eceaeasic capsi bias tv tsilsts ailastaieat to basi tsas Wt ari careers. All theatrics (Htsasrisah ana as~w will he heU a the strictest cesiftacers. All lea Sil ts awl WMtWH vhecld be BdOrc-wMi is "Vhlee r»’‘. care el The f.howas •eeata. IbPsetse N. U. —VbsAristr t> OeUev. Oehaseler Dear Three P’s: My wife and I have the jit ters, we are both tense and we are continually picking on each other. The other night I came home in a rush and asked my wife where the brief case could he found with the papers in it about the No Nam e Society. She told me she did not have it and I could find it for my self. We do not have much time at home any more and we do not spend enough time with our wonderful children, they are being taken care of by baby sitters. 1 then had a confer ence with my wife, a wonder ful woman, and we found out what was eating us. I belong to eight organizations, an offi cer of three, and just a member of others. My wife belongs to five organizations, including a garden club. We have no gar den. but she has a few African violets in pots around the house. These organizations include church, business, social, civic and political organizations. Now I am asked *to join another or ganization to preserve suburban areas and to prevent annexation by adjoining cities. We have no time for ourselves. We want to be responsible citizens but is all of this organization business necessary? —Dubious. Dear Dubious: There is a serious epidemic di sease with which Americans are afflicted and it is spreading and infiltrating all phases of our lives: it is not a respecter of persons or of ages. As yet no foundation has been established to do research on this disease, and no charitable drives have been started to raise funds to . find out the causes and effects and the cure. Doctors, psychia trists. psychologists, socialogists, research agencies and the gov ernment have completely ne glected this field. In fact these .professional people often are the cause as well as the victims of this disease. This disease has been diagnosed by some astute people as “ORGANIZATION rns”. Let some individual start a Ail Conditioning-temperatures made to order-tor all-weather comfort. See The Dinah Shore Chevy Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV—the Pat Boone Chevy Showroom weekly, ABC TV. t^Saieigitedh *'—' ' . '■■■»■'■■ »i ■gaMgnasaßaPsSPgji^gg^^^^^^^^y Wm wjK Nomad 4-Dr. 6-Pan. Station Wagon. No wonder wagons are number one with so many satin-smooth, shift-free TURBOGLIDE*... and buyers of 1960’s number one seller! Count up a long list of Chevrolet delights like ROOMIER the reasons yourself: WIDEST CARGO AREA BODY BY FISHER. Your ot i onal .,. ltr . Cotl in Chevy’s field—a whopping 5H feet wide .. . dealer can show you that Mpaoww| FULL COIL SUSPENSION that rides right YOU CAN’T BUY ANY WTSfpvßniTrM loaded or light . . . BIGGEST CHOICE OF CAR FOR LESS UNLESS Ui ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS including IT’S A LOT LESS CAR. .-; t :';f- ■&-?•■ ■• ■ -; : ;■- -.'v-:. ' ■• Save —right now—during the Spring Fever Selling Spree at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's C *""* ******* * ™ - .............. **• *"**"“ l George Chevrolet Company, Inc. PHONE 4100 N. Broad Street Edcntoo, N^C. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDBKTOW, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, MM. “bubble”; he talks about it and interests his friends in the “bub jle”. The first thing you know a society is formed to become . Uteres urU »n his ottbbie”. men ,t is organized with a President, V ice ricsiaent, < Secretary ana measurer and it is bn its way „o be coming a great big “bal ,oon”. The detail becomes too great for the officers to handle 1 and they call in a professional, i and the elected officers become tummies to give the organiza-! tkm a front. The professional surveys the field and sees great 1 possimlities «ur him to r.ae tne uonxey and make a great deal of money. He works nard, es tablishes branches throughout the city and county and then tnrougnout the state. Os course, to do tms you have to have money, so it is arranged to have members pay dues, which are increased from time to time to pay for the expenses of the j growing organizations. The pro fessional then arranged for ad ditional help, office space and paid office workers. Then he goes to town. He travels around and arranges for the creating of branches in other states. In the meantime the professional or- j ganization growers and the dues j increased, for this takes time | and money. After the branches are established in enough states, the question comes up of es tablishing a national headquar ters in Painted Post. N. Y.. Lonely Hole, Missouri or in Washington. D. C. When the organization is de-j veloped to this point, the pro fessionals really take over. They - draw up a national constitution,! and each branch must draw up its own constitution based on the national constitution, they get national -and state charters, national by-laws written and each branch must fashion its by laws on the national by-laws. A National Magazine for the or ganization is established, and paid writers ar e Hired to fill it with hot and cold air, for winter and summer reading. Then the organization is exploited to get advertising, to get more money for the professionals. Often ar ticles are published in other magazines, such as The Leaders Digest. The professionals then develop an ovevr-all saccharin | philosophy and principles to jus | tify its existence. The pro ] fessionals provide a program for i the entire year for each branch, I which -Is - supposed to meet at least once a week. Then state conventions are planned and carried out, with regional offi cers and further paid staffs. Then there is a national con vention at least once a year, i The professionals always pick a place where tfhre delegates from 1 the various states will have a j good time; Miami, Atlantic City, | Hollywood and so forth. The! professionals make all the ar-j rangements, auditoriums, enter tainment, speakeis and ‘the en tire program. The delegates do not nave much to do but nave a good time. Os course, the National officers are on the plat form and get their names in the papers. Then as the organiza tion grows more powerful it restricts its membership as to number and qualifications. This makes it more interesting and other people then become de sirous of becoming members. This all helps the professionals to strengthen -their position. So it goes. These organizations cov er social, professional, business and political life and it is a great big business. The Income Tax Department of the govern ment cannot give you any fig ures, because they are all tax exempt, and ostensibly establish ed for charitable purposes. If you want some fun and that is all, join -them, but do not take any official responsibility, be cause if your reports to Nation al Headquarters are not satis factory, the professionals will hound the life out of you. Os course, no one knows what they do with these reports as to pro grams, policies and other trivia, except that National Headquar ters is always zealous -to see that it gets its share of -the dues and the subscription for the maga zine. If you do not get any thing out of them, do not join them, especially if you belong to several organizations. There is one new organization being formed in which you might he interested. It is the organiza tion “For the Protection and the Prevention of Abuse to Baby Sitters”. Dear Three P’s: My husband is becoming very annoying. Sometimes he will sit SIOO will buy a brand new gas range from Western Gas Service, Inc., and with Green’s Fuel gas to burn, your cook ing problems will be over. Depend able, economical, service that runs all your gas appliances. See our com plete line of appliances at 313 South Broad St., Edenton, N. C. Plione 3122. in ithe chair and not say a word. Then When I get -busy cooking dinner or washing -the dishes, he comes out -to the kitchen 'and puts his arms around me from behind and kisses me on the nape of the neck or under the ear. It is very disturbing. What shall I do about it? —Felicia. Dear Felicia: Apparently your husband is a very knowing man, for he knows where to kiss a woman to arouse a very pleasant favor able emotional reaction. No doubt, you do not dislike it as much as you think. If I were you, I would encourage it and delight in your emotional dis turbance. Hall Is Transferred To Greenville, N. Cl Ralph Hall of 29 Westover Heights has received notice from W. P. Butler, personnel officer of United States Information Agency, that he is being trans ferred to that Agency and would report to Greenville, N. C., May 16 th. Hall has been with the Navy- Department for the past nine years as chief inspector of con struction for the eastern part of North Carolina and has been stationed in Edenton. Mr. Hall has sold -his home in Edenton to the Rev. James MacKenzie and has bought a new home in Greenville where the family will move when school is out. The Halls have lived in Eden ton for 10 years and have made many friends 'here and are look ing forward to coming back to Edenton for retirement. SCRATCH-ME-NOT WITH ITCH-ME-NOT Apply ITCH-MK-NOT. In 15 minutes if the ilrli needs scratching, get you) 48e hack. You feel the medication tak hold to quiet the itch In minutes watch healthy, clear skin come o* Get ITCH-A1 K-NOT from any druggist ; for external skin irritations. NOW «i I MITCHENER'S PHARMACY Elementary School Lunch Room Menu y qqiri .tAHririaaWriri.t ■ ■— Menus at the Elementary School lunch room for the week of May 16-20 will be as follows: Monday: Luncheon meat, toss Salad, sandwich bread, green beans, Cheese slices, block cake and milk. Tuesday: Hamburgers, gravy, school baked rdlls, apple pie, creamed potatoes, turnip greens, butter and milk. Wednesday: Pork and vege table pie, candied yams, corn bread, butter, chocolate pudding and milk. Thursday: Tuna salad, gar den peas, potato chips, butter, vegetable salad, school baked rolls, fruit jello and milk. Friday: Chicken pan pie, but tered corn, carrot sticks, pine apple, combread, butter and milk. LEAVES FOR HAWAII Marine Lance Cpl. Iven T. Nixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nixon of Route 3. Edenton, departed San Diego, Calif., on April 21, aboard the transport USNS Barrett with -an overseas draft bound for duty in Hawaii, The draft consisted of re placements for personnel with the Hawaii-based First Marine Brigade who are scheduled to re turn to the states in the near future. .J>chenlei] SOSO X PINT I I flpfpfffl FIFTH 1 IvH J oj&xW y HfiiL/ sft*t*tf\r. PA, mala JflV % 1 Sanaa wHWKY.oseaoof.eeqfc grain neutral spirits »schcni£y