—SECTION ONE PAGE SIX Clinton Davis At “Cream Os Crop” Dinner At ECC East Carolina College’s "cream Os toe crop” in academic work were honor guests Monday night at a dinner in the New South Dining Room on the campus. Seventy-one students whose names have been included dur ing the 1959-1960 term on the Dean’s List of superior students or who have made the top mark of one in all courses taken were present for the occasion. Among 'those attending the dinner was Clinton O. Davis ofj Edenton. Edenton Students In j New Bern Drama East Carolina College will be! represented by both faculty, members and students in ihe| cast and on the production staff j of New Bern’s historical drama j “The Third Frontier” by Kermitj Hunter, to be presented each j night June 11-25 during the J 250th annivrsarv of the found- 1 ing of the city. Two Edenton students will participate in the production. Charles Ray T6Mey in a sup porting role and Leigh Dobson Will be one of the dancers. : Dr. Joseph A. Withev. director of drama and faculty member of the department of English ati East Carolina, will direct the) drama. Share And Shares Alike I know a gal who doesn’t care for a man's company—unless he • owns it.—Chicago Tribune. We Cut Your Meats While You Shop SHOP A T THE FRIESDLY D& M SUPER LJ 06 IVI MAR KET • PHONE 2317 • Tender Delicious CHUCK ROAST ib. 49c Fresh Ground 12-oz. Pkg. Jessie Jones Hamburger F ranks lb. 49c pkg. 39c WESSON OIL-Quart 49c " Red and White I 303 c,ns and White Tall Milk I 3 cans 41c | can 19c Red and White 4 Roll Pack I Red and White Tissue | Tea Bags p% 37c I count 49c Red and \\ hite Tomato Soup ... 9c 6-oz. Jar Red and White Mustard 10c Roval Puddi njifs 2 I>oxes 17c Fresh Country Eggs . . . dozen 39c Large Size Ivory Flakes 30c Frigidaire Appliance VALUES Thursday, May 12th Through Saturday, May 14th ALL NEW Automatic Electric Dryer. ...... $149.95 rigldaire Automatic Washers . $189.95 rnjSjj 40-inch Electric Ratige ........ $189.95 30-inch Electric Range . . . . . . $179.95 * Food Freezers ....... . . . . . $189.95 Refrigerators . . . H‘. £y . . $189.95 , TERMS: MB BUY THE BEST... BUY FRIGIDAIRE CW"Ralph E. Parrish, Inc. Ul v “ - vvl SpiHvAit • * I 9 WM m JHBhm * I VIOLENCE IN TURKEY —As the government clamped martial law on Istanbul, Turkish stu dents shouting "Freedom" clash with police in riots reminiscent of Korean demonstrations. TEA FOR SMITHS Directors of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce and their wives will honor Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith, Jr., at a tea Fri day. May 13. from 5 to 6 P. M., at Hotel Joseph Hewes. ATTEND AHOSKIE TEA Mrs. J D. Elliott, president, of the Edenton Woman's Club., and Mrs. Joe Thorud, District 16 Vice President, attended a tea Friday in Ahoskie honoring Mrs. Gordon Maddrey of Ahos kie, new State President of the N. C. Federation of Women's Clubs. The tea was given by the Ahoskie Woman’s Club for District 16. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 11, life Malcolm B. Seawell Speaks At Lions Meeting Monday Night Greeted by an almost 100 per cent attendance of Lions and a group of visitors, Malcolm B. j Seawell, one of the four candi ] dates for Governor, spolie at the X Lions Club meeting Monday night. Mr. Seawell was 'intro duced by Mayor John Mitchen er and was! accompanied by O. M. Dodson, a pilot who flew a plane to Elizabeth City, from where they motored to Edenton. Mr. Seawell stated that he had ■ no prepared speech, but pre ferred to speak “off the cuff.” He referred to industry promo tion in North Carolina, saying wild and expensive type of gov ernment is not unusual in any campaign, which he cannot go along with. He; said North Car olina has grown gradually and not on a start and stop basis, and that it has grown that way j because leaders realized that from the depth of poverty the J people must be brought up to a place of pre-eminence, for the ( state’s greatest resource is the 1 people. j Referring to education, he : went back to the days of little ! schooling. He pointed out that over the years 12 grades were added to the schools where ■ young people were educated to (a point they could reassert themselves. He said teachers j will receive a 5% salary increase but when it comes to a $100,000,- 1 000 school program, there will vbe a pay day, for it would be' j necessary to raise taxes 17.06%. j Heavy taxes, he said, will not lonly keep people from coming i i into 'the state, but it will pre-1 j vent industry from locating here, 1 | which is a source of per capita j income. He pointed out that the state under present condi tions will realize enough money ro concr.oe the various ser vices. • . ' ,• l The speaker also stated that 1 North Carolina is one of only 17 states to lira within its budget. All others are in the red. he said, and some have exhausted their credit, but North Carolina has been living within its means for a long time. He said North Carolina is 45th in per capita income, but 7th in the amount of money used for schools, and has been able to pay off bond- Jed indebtedness when it comes | due. -Ttae date has a triple A bond rating, he the dtighest lin the land- V 1 .-The* speaker pointed out that I per odp. - | ita incomer- buVihat vefewto M* | want industries looking- for- aik give-away. He recommended in dustries which use products rais ed locally, referring to (the starch concern to locate in Washington County. Such industries, he pointed out, not only increases income, but raise income for farmers. He also stressed 'the advantage of industry in East ern Carolina due to the water and labor supply. He said im proving ports and highways, too, would help industries to focus attention to this 'area. | Episcopalians Plan Picnic Next Sunday The annual spring picnic for the families of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church will be held at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, May 15, at Sandy Point Beach. All are asked to bring food and share with others. No swimming is planned for the children at this time, but games will be conducted as well as other activities. All laymen and Young Church men are asked to cooperate in the details of the picnic and may volunteer their services to Dr. E. G. Bond, J. H. Conger, Jr., R. D. Dixon, Jr., or J. M. Johnston, Jr. 20 YEARS AGO Continued from Page I—Section 1 Mrs. M. M. Perry was second and Mrs. Hazel Davenport of Creswell third. Chowan County Home Demon stration Clubs held a fruit and vegetable canning contest at the Chowan Club's community build ing. Following a disastrous fire at Chestnutt Cleaners the ruined building was being torn down by John F. White, owner, who planned to rebuild. Directors of the. Greater Al bemarle Association a i a meet ing held in Edenton pecided to continue the association follow ing the death of its secretary, iW. O. Saunders, who was a leader in forming the organiza tion. Chowan County Democrats at the county convention by a vote of 22 to 7 gave full en dorsement for a third term for President Franklin D. Roose velt. A new registration of voters in Chowan County, showed a drop of* a round-700 formerly on the books, according to L. C. Burtons chairman of the Board of Elections. New figures of registered voters in the count was 2,341. Disturbed Methodists were pleased to learn that file pipe organ got a thorough overhaul ing which drove out swallows and bird lice. Mrs. D. M. Reaves resigned as president of the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association short ly after she was elected. The Edenton Garden Club, at a meeting held at the home of the president, Mrs. J. A. Moore, voted to become a member of the N. C. Federation. Scout Camporee Over Week-end Continued from Page 1. Section 1 soil and water conservation, for estry area demonstrations, wild life management, bird study, safety, a special Scout marks manship feature, rowing, life saving with water safety pro grams. A special feature will be added 'to the camporee, survey ing. A. E. “Lucky” Wood, district activities chairman, (announces that in addition to the special features that each area will be under the best specialist in that field of the Albemarle area. There will be opportunities for patrols 'to have their camping skills tested and blue, red and yellow ribbons will be awarded for patrol participation. The judging will be under the direc tion of the Order of Arrow. An award will be made for each boy attending. Saturday night will'feature a special fish fry for all Scooters at 6 o’clock. Reservations may be made by calling Ray Collier, District Scout Commissioner. The public is cordially invited to participate in the big campfire at 8:15 o’clock Saturday night and witness ‘the tapping out of the candidates to the Order of Arrow Lodge, an honorary camp ing and service fraternity. A special Indian ceremony will be witnessed then. Sunday will feature a special Scout Sunday worship service. Catholic Scouts attending will attend mass at St. Elizabeth’s in Elizabeth City. The Boy Scouts of America is an agency of the Pasquotank United Fund and is supported in the Nprth Carolina Scout Fund of Gates, Chowan, Cam den, Currituck, Dare and. Per quimans counties. RED MEN MEET MONDAY Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night, May 16, at 8 o’clock. Guy Williams, sachem] of the tribe, states that this! will be a very important meet-1 ing in that drastic action will | bo taken regarding members who 'are delinquent with their ( insurance and dues. member is urged to attend. '' Seagrams VO IMPORTED CANADIAN * llrr- IL. ■)• : : : ® f:,Lii3i JTMPQBjLSB^ Seapwß^l I wistf** I I „ a lulls I IV, •'*• "Hem *'*^* > t* I I “» «««• jjJs< I <fcti I ««*«-*•» | h&Si-sas*]- ■■ “• •*«' , *355, * ■• *c ■ -; vjpj • r - ; - - - _ ' - 1 ( Minutes Os County [ Board Os Education May 2, 1960 The Chowan. County Board of Education held its regular meet ing Monday May 2, 1960 at 10 A. M., with the following mem bers present: G. B. Potter, Gar land As bed, Eugene Jordan, Mrs. F. A. Ward, Marvin Evans and Sherlon Layton. Mr. Potter, as chairman, call ed the meeting to order by re questing the secretary to read the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were adopted by Mr. Asbell’s motion, seconded by Mr. Jordan and duly passed. ‘ ‘ The Logal School Fund Treas urer’s Report for Chowan and White Oak Schools, along with the County Treasurer's Report, .were.presented land same adopt ed by a motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mrs. Ward and duly The bills paid during the month of April were read and a motion was made by Mr. Evans, and seconded by Mr. As* bell, and duly carried, that same be approved as follows: White Oak Special Building Fund, $1,249.12; Capitol Outlay Items, $509.90; Teacherage Fund Items, 488.72; Veterans Depre ciation Fund Items, $47.44; Lunchroom Program Funds, $410.82; Current Expense Items, $2,572.86; total, $4,878|86. The superintendent reported that Board had a good op portunity to sell the 1941 Army dump truck for S6OO or S7OO and that a good second-hand dirt dump truck could be had from the State Highway Department for S3OO. The lighter truck would be more satisfactory for school purposes, and less ex pensive to maintain. Mr, Jordan made a motion that the superin tendent be authorized to make the sale and the motion was seconded by Mr. Layton and duly carried. The Pilot Life Scholastic Poli cy for studente was discussed and Mr. Layton made a motion that the contract 'be renewed at the premium rate of $1.25 per pupil. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jordan and duly carried. The District Committee report ed that it re-elected all teachers, principals and other personnel, in a meeting held April 26; 1960. The action of the commit tee was approved by a motion made by Mr. Jordan and second ed by Mr. Asbell and unanimous ly adopted. Mrs. Hattie Byrum and Miss Grace Whitehurst did .not ask for re-election. The committee reported that, these two resig nations were accepted. -■ The Board received a letter of resignation from Lester T, Cope land, a member of the district Committee. A motion wds made by Mr. Asbell and seconded by Jfr. Evans that Mr. Copeland’s] resignation be accepted. The motion was duly carried. ToJfill 'the vacancy on the committee, a .'motion was made by Mr. Asbell, that Willie- Joy- j ner <tf TySer'be appointed to fBl Cl assi ft e d Ads OLD SAYING “A clean tooth never decays.” Buy super-clean ing OLAG Tooth Past* at the drug store. Wanted ladies for Fashion Show Director for Sarah Coventry Costume Jew ■ elery: Car necessary. Write Box 165, Edenton. may12,19,26c HELP WANTED MALE OR female in Edenton. No strikes or lay-offs. A better than average income year-oround. ' .Full or part time, men or wo men. Investigate Watkins Rro • ducts, Inc., today. Write 5071, Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. expJune2p •4- - HELP WANTED RETIRED’ Supplement your Social Se . icurity or other income with <*part time Rawleigh business "••in < Chowan County. Write Rgwleigh’s, Dept NCE-210-824, Richmond, Va. Mayl2,26p VACATION PLANS AHEAD i>'.- . /. earn a (rood Income close to "home representing Avon Cosmetics. ' Friendly, pleasant Mid profitable work quickly .puts SSst In your pock ,'ets. Openings at Valhalla and Ry j land.' _ •'ij DINING ROOM SUITE FOR i sale immediately; includes all glass china closet buffet, ta ,‘ble and six chains; also an tique sideboard' and safe and two large tables. > See Mrs. yJ. t C. -Forehand, Route 1, Tyner, 44 mile from Cannon’s Ferry. ltpd' WANTED —MALE OR FEMALE Representative for Charlotte Liberty Mutual - Insurance Co., established debit ’with good base pay, bids commission. If • interested call' 3510 or call at office, room 312 Citizens Bapk Building, between 3 and 5 P. M., Saturday, 8 to 11 A. M„ Thursday. . Mays,l2p WILL TRADE 3 LOTS FOR property or cottage at Nags Head or vicinity- Lots are on Jackson Street. Paved street and city water. F. P. Murph, Plymouth,. N. C. . 'Phone 2865, Plymouth. Mays,l2p FOR SALE HOUSE, WITH 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, copper plumbing, storage basement, fenced pet yard. Cypress Road. ’C. C. Wiggins. Call 2822 before 5:00,, 2059 after 5:00. may12,19,26jun2p Industrial Equipment Wheel Type and Crawler Tractors Backhoee, Dozers. Trenchers Crawler Tractors With Winches Loaders. Landscaping Rakes ( Swot Call I •" I Hobbs Implement ‘ Company PHONE 3112 Edenton. N. C. 5 Homes For Sale FINE GROVE TERRACE, U. S. J? ufoith, J jhriiles tram Edenton. A lcrAety home with|3 bedrooms. FMdMtife- Mw .eshdtOoa. A hMSMaitat 41*5600. 'mmvcym ju*A&A — sW rooms. • ; Recently built. Excel lent oondWen. Priced to eeH. he E. QUEEN STREET l- O tame. An eocceptiocud fu ture investment Seduced ter Uk sets So settle eetete: *4*». PILOT'S POINT (Nixon Beech). S-bedroam cottefe with ell mod- jthe vacancy. The motion was seconded and unanimously car ried. There being no further busi ness, the Board adjourned. G. B. POTTER, Chairman W. J. TAYLOR, Secretary FOR SALE 5 USED GAS ranges, as low as $35.00 West ern Gas Service, Inc., 313 S. Broad Street. ltc FOR SALE -'5-ROOM HOUSE and bath. 1101 North Oakum Street. Phone 3160. mays,l2c WANTED: 'Judge Malcolm B. Seawell For Governor Apr21,28May5,12,19,26 (Paid Political Advertisement) FOR RENT OCEAN FRONT cottage at Nags Head. Four bedrooms, two baths and hot water. Call Mrs. Joe Conger, Jr., phone 2669. mays,l2c “King of Swine” Mammouth meat type OIC. Grand champion blood lines. Service boars, gilts and pics. Minton’s Ranch, Merry Hill, N. C. expMayl2c FOR RENT OR SALE TWO and three bedroom houses. Electric stove, refrigerator, hot water heater. On school bus route. Terms can be arrang ed. L. E. Francis, Route 3, Edenton. Phone 3472. BULLDOZER WORK LAND clearing and dirt pushing PJione 2956, Clarence Lupton tfc FOR SALE OR RENT Ah ideal home for small family. Very low cost. Contact Mrs T. R. Boutwell, phone 3561. Mar24tfc WATCH REPAIRING—JEWED ry repairing and engraving . . . Prompt service. Ross Jewelers. Phone 3525. tfc PICTURE FRAMING—FOR THE best in custom , _>ture framing see John R. Lewis at the Eden ton Furniture Company. Com* plete line of moulding to choose from tfa FOR RENT OR SALE—2-BED room nouse in Albemarle Court. Stove and refrigerator furnished: also floor furnace. Phone 3122. tfc FOR QUICK AND EXPERT service on your radio and phonograph, call the Griffin Musicenter, phone 2528. We carry a complete line of phono needles. APARTMENT FOR RENT 3 bedrooms, downstairs. See C. W. Swanner, 217 East Queen Street. Phone 2544. Dec2Btfc MOTHERS IN CHOWAN, BER TIE, PERQUIMANS, WASH INGTON, TYRRELL, counties needed full or part time. Car necessary. Pleasant work. No delivery. No collecting. $4.00 per hour. Write P. O. Box 165, Edenton, with full direc tions to your home. may13,19,26c BEACH LOTS FOR SALE— Three, 75-foot lots at- Pilot’s Point (Nixon’s Beach) on Al bemarle Sound, short drive from Edenton. Nice trees. Excellent buy at $1,200 each. Contact E. W. Spires. mayl2,l9c FOR SALE L. C. SMITH - "St&ndard typewriter in good condition. Phone 2559. ltp SUNOCO Service Station For Rent U. S. 17, Edenton SUN OIL COMPANY will train you to operate this profitable downtown loca tion . . . pay you $102.50 per week while training': assist you financially if you have a moderate capital in vestment. FOR PARTICULARS Call or Write Sun Oil Co.. .. VV .a*; v & ZaSfelM U ISO tmili Mate fftritt j

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