PAGE TWO uttCTtORTHWB The National Outlook Elsenhower’s Lecture To The Congress By Ralph Robey No one knows exactly when the present Congress will ad-J journ. July 8 is a frequently! ? mentioned date, and it will be| about that time in order for the members to get to their nation-] al political conventions. This does not leave much room for enacting badly needed 'legisla tion, and this presumably was one of the reasons for President Eisenhower sending a special message a few days ago urging those items which he believes are essential to the national wel afre. It is, of course, common prac tice for a President to send mes sages spelling out the desira bility of particular pieces of legislation, but it is highly un usual for him to transmit rec ommendations covering the same range of issues that were ad vised in his State of the Union and Budget Messages and his Economic Report. One should hasten to add, however, that it is also highly unusual for a Con gress to come to 'this late date ■Hi its final session with so little accomplished. Reasons for 'Poor Record' This poor record of output by this Congress has been primarily the result of the endless debate 1 VOTE FOR I C. V. HENKEL | North Carolina in the HHMBPnBHiI Primary j 1 = I Here Is His Background For Office j I LEGISLATOR: N. C. State Senator for j I the past five sessions; chairman of the j { committee on Conservation and Develop- \ | ment. j | MERCHANT: Since 1932, he has served | | at various times as a dealer in trucks, au- [ { tomobiles, farm machinery, feed, seeds, | | and fertilizer. Currently operates a feed ! } mill in Iredell County. 5 > |J { FARMER: He has been engaged in ag- \ j riculture all his adult life and presently | { owns and lives on a large beef cattle and ! | dairy farm. j | EDUCATION: Statesville Public Schools, i | Woodbury Forest School and the Univer- ! j sity of North Carolina. • EXPERIENCED • PROGRESSIVE (Political Adv. Paid for by Henkel Committee) ijjl Seagram^ Sea grams VO I m' ■ IMPORTED CAN AD LAN K iTJa > •'•“I HUCIW He ■ iyww «~D .LtNOtO —° t " jK| whisky n sttirtAts oia tpeJ.OO ■ 4/sot, ipi - " |on civil rights, phis the desire of the Democratic majority to j create campaign issues by pass !|ing bills which, in many in stances, it knows are contrary to !<the wishes of the 'Administra i tion and hence probably will be vetoed by the President. In his message, or “lecture", to the Congress the President used fairly strong language in taking 'the Congress to task for its devotion to politics rather than the well-being of the peo ple. The reaction of the ma jority leaders was as might be expected. Speaker Rayburn of the House said “it sounds to me like the Republican platform,” ' and Senator Johnson’s answer was that the Congress is “pro ceeding in good order to trans -1 act the public business.’ The nearest thing to a new suggestion in the President’s message was the broad outlines 1 of the Administration program for the care of our Older citi zens. Ibis is the hottest politi cal issue on Capitol Hill. It started with the Forand bill which would provide extensive medical aid to those under the Social Security system. Next came a compromise plan by Wil bur Mills, chairman of the T 73 CSC.TA3 TSSiXLD, ED2HTOH. SOUTH CASOLCfA, TKBMDAT. MAT 11, 1880. House Wlays and Means Com mittee. Then a group of “'lib eral” Republican Senators of fered their plan. And it has been known for some weeks that the Administration also would offer a program, granting it could get agreement within its own ranks. That agreement within the Administration has now been reached and the plan has been presented by Secretary Flem ming of Health, Education and Welfare. It is Still too early to judge what the final result will be, but it can safely be predicted that we shall have legislation in this field before the Congress adjourns. Whether what is passed will be signed by the President is another mat ter, and will depend upon just how the program is set up. An Important Reference Not new, but extraordinarily important, was the President’s reference to Labor Secretary Mitchell’s recent statement that minimum wages can be increas ed moderately without disrupt ing the economy. A “moderate” increase would be from the pres ent SI.OO to sl.lO or $1.15. Granted this would be better than lifting the minimum by 25 cents 'an hour, Which is what labor union officials have been urging, it. skill remains true that raising the minimum by 10 or 15 cents an hour will disrupt the economy at many places. But with the Administration sup porting an increase, it must bej assumed that we shall have leg-j islOtion to that effect by this Congress. None of the other recommen dations is of ‘any particular sig nificance from a legislative viewpoint. All in all, therefore, while it was a well worded mes sage, it probably deserves to be called a “political lecture”. Center Hill Reports On Various Projects The Center Hill Community Development Program Commit tee met at the Community Building, Tuesday May 10. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Emmett Jones, with eight leaders present. Each project leader present named their goals for 1960. Youth Activities Leader Mrs. Marguerite Jones, reported (1- a house-to-house campaign by the young people of the com munity to help finance the fire station; (2) securing la picnic ta ble for a suitable location; (3) planting shrubbery at fire sta tion. Community Project Leader Mrs. Cameron Boyce, named as her goals: (1) all families working together completing fire station; (2) better telephone service; (3) securing a lot for community building. Mrs. Selma Privott, whose project is participation in church, school, other organisations and activities, named as her goals: (1) organizing baseball team for the young boys of Center Hill; (2) completion of .(Renter .Hill Baptist Church Cemetery’ wall; (3) organizing new Sunday School class; (4) increasing Sun day School enrollment; (5) or ganizing Intermediate Choir; (6) religious census to be taken; (7) at least one parent of each school child visit classsroom at school; (8) church ground im provement; (9) church literature to be placed in homes of tout ins. The next meeting will be held at the Community Building June 14 at 8 P. M. Marine News Pays Tribute To Bonner Congressman Herbert C. Bon ner, and the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee were honored with a 'Salute by the Marine News, in its % editorial this month. { I The editorial points out that the wofk which the House Mer chant Marine and Fisheries Com mittee has accomplished in the 86th Congress has contributed immeasurably on a national level to aid the national defense (from a commercial standpoint) and promote 'the country’s economic growth. Representative Herbert C. Bonner, chairman Os this im portant House committee was es pecially praised by the editorial. The editorial says this is the result of Congressman Banner’s leadership in the House Mer chant Marine and Fisheries Com mittee which 'the Marine News salutes with a: ‘‘Well Done and Carry on”. FUNERAL FOR twins Graveside services were held Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock in Cedarwood Cemetery, Hert ford, for the infant twin son and daughter of Carl and Louise Jordan Woolard of Route 2, Edenton. They -died in the Chowan Hospital. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mark Woolard, pastor of the Church of Christ in Creswell. Survivors besides their parents are one sister, Donna Woolard, [ and two brothers, Michael and David Woolard, all of the home; their maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Jordan of Hertford; their paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Woolard of Washington, N. C. Legal Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of J. A. Webb, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, 'this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within 'one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immedi ate payment. This 6th dav of May. 1960. L. D. WEBB. Executor of J. A. Webb Estate. May12,19,26,June2,10,19c ~ ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Hayirtg qualified as adminis tratrix CTA of the estate of Lou Brown, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their reeoveiy. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of April. 1960. SARAH B. SUTTON. 205 Dogwood Drive Chapel HilL N. C. Administratrix CTA of Lou Brown Estate. AprU,2i,2B.MayS.l2.l9cJQ NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ;; >Ubfter and •bV i wlitue : '<M‘%ie power and authority conferred upon me by the Chowan County Board of Commissioners by a resolution duly passed on the first day of February, 1960, I will offer for sale, for cash to ■ the highest bidder, at the Cho wan County Court House door, on June 13, 1960, at 11:00 A. M„ a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Chowan County in the Third Township, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a certain post on a big ditch bank thence along said ditch in a Southerly direc tion to the former Ezekiel Evans line, thence in a Easterly direc tion along said land to the form er Ezekiel Evans line; thence in a Northerly Course along said line to another post thence in a straight course to the point of beginning, and being the same land conveyed to Sheldon White by deed recorded in Chowan County Register of Deeds office in Deed Book K-2 at page 248, and containing 2 acres more or leSS ' JOHN E. SHACKELFORD, ■ County Attorney. may12,19,26,June2 NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred upon me By the Chowan County Board of Commissioners by a resolution duly passed on the first day of February. 1960. I will offer far sale, for cash to the highest bidder, at the Cho wan County Court House door, on Jun* 43, 1960, at 11:00 A. M.. a certain tract or parcel of land situated in Chowan County in the Third Township, formerly occupied bv W. E. Elliott, and adjoining the lands of Joe Fore hand. and being the remainder of ail lands owned bv Elizah Elliott in Chowan County at his death, containing 414 acres more or less. JOHN E. SHACKELFORD, Countv Attorney may 12,19,26. June 2 ■ vhtue of Proceeding jT band, C. B. Morris, F. Wenriik Holloman and wife. Betty Jean Holloman, Grace F. Brown and husband, Marion Brown, Bessie F. Brown and husband, A. L. Brown, Dixie F. Howerton and 'husband, Lloyd Howerton, Rose nell B. Clark and husband, James A. Clark, Jeannette B. Copeland and husband, R. C. Copeland, Felton Barker and Wife, Dora Barker, Shirley Bark er and wife Anne Barker, Ger aldine F. Page and husband, Douglas Page, Violet F. Harrell and husband, Willie Harrell; Barbara F. Jernigan and hus band, Ed Jernigan, Ruth B. Whichard and husband, W. A. Whichard, Melvin Brock, minor, by his Next Friend and Father, Herman Brock, Tommie Ann Felton, minor, by her Next Friend and Mother, Anne M. Barnes, and Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Edenton, N. C., Executor of Estate of Victor Inez Felton, deceased, - - - - Ex Parte to the Court,” the under signed Commissioner will , offer for sale at public biddings, for cash, to the highest bidder at the Courthouse Door in Dare County, Manteo. North Carolina, at 12:00 o’clock noon on Sat-i urday. May 28, 1960, the real: estate In Atlantic Township, Dare County. North Carolina, to wH: Ail that certain lot of land ly ing and being in Atlantic Town- Ship, Dare County, N. C., known as, designated and being Lot No. 10, in Block 19, in Section “A” of the revised map, or plat, of the subdivision known as Kitty Hawk Beach. Said revised map, I or plat, of the subdivision known as Kitty Hawk Beach by J. D.i Foy, Registered Surveyor. June 1947, and duly recorded in Map' Book No. 1, page 141, office of the Register of Deeds of Darei County, N. C. Reference to I which is hereby made for a more particular description 1 thereof. Being the same real estate conveyed to Carl C. Houghton, Jr., and I. H. Hay wood by Kitty Hawk Beach Realty Company, Inc., by deed ated April 24, 1948. and re-] corded in Book No. 34. page 51,1 LI TO THE VOTERS OF THE SECOND TOWNSHIP 1 I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner from the Second Township, sub- ® ject to the Democratic Primary May 28, 1960. ® YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL § BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! ' i C. M. EVANS j Notice Os Sale Os Property For Delinquent 1959 Taxes . »T_ order of the Town Council, the undersigned will, on Mon day. June 13. 1960. at 12 o'clock noon, at the Court House door, offer for sale to the highest bidder all property on which the 1959 taxes have not been oaid. The following is a list of all delinquent taxpayers, the property to be apld and the taxes, costs.' etc., by each taxpayer: WHITE DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS Edenton Veneer Mill, Building and Veneer Mill .0307.42 Habit’s Grocery Store. Store, 205 S. Broad St 105.13 Habit’s Motor Court, Motor Court, N. Broad; House, Peter son; House, 511 N. Broad; Apt. House. 101 W. Peterson ... 392.50 M & W Construction Co., Lots 48, 50-51-52 and Buildings; Lots 53-54-55-56-57-58-59-60, Cypress Lodge 849.52 J. H. Allsbrook, House, Lot, Albania Acres 77.21 .C E. Bass. House, Badham Road 40.75 Alfred Bateman, Lot and House, W. Hicks St 19.28 Junius Britton; Lot, House, Jackson St 34.26 ,John Byrum, House No. 7, Morris Circle .....v L•. 52.09 .% gddie Cahopn, Lot No. 90. N. E—... X 5.73 S. s. Campen, House. 505 N. Broad St.' - 65.63 Arthur and Hattie Chappell, House, 203 E. Eden St 59.55 Emma Chesson Est., House, 111 W. Church St 56.07 Mrs. J. A. Davenport Est.. House, Hertford Highway 51.82 Lawrence and Jeanette Dowd, House, 32 Morris Circle 37.00 ' Great News! TIRES reduced am FROM NOW UNTIL BHI JUNE 4th W 6.70x15 Rayon Safe-Trac.... $11,95 (00x16 flayon Safe-Trac.... $10.85 (70x15 Nylon Safe-Trac.... .$1135 7.50x14 Nylon Safe-Trac.... $14.95 (tubeless) (ail prices plus tax and retreadable tire) KELLY i wovy-4m V vDie J j MTTtICKISS MM in the office of toe Register of Deeds of Dare County, V. C., and being die name real esUte conveyed by deed dated October 18. 1949 by Carl C. Houghton, Jr., and wife, Viola D. Houghton end I. H. Haywood and wife, Cottie 'Haywood, to Victor Inez Felton and recorded in Peed Book No. 36, page 332, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dare County, N. C. Refer ence to which is hereby made for further description and chain of title. A deposit of ten per cent in cash of the purchase price will be required qi the successful bidder or bidders at the sale. All bids will remain open for ten days from date of sale far raised bids as required by law. Purchasers of the land will have immediate possession upon ac ceptance at bid and delivery at deed. This sale is made sub ject to all lawful taxes find as sessments against said lands far the year 1960. Dated and pasted this , 27th day of April, 1966. WEAPON A. HOLLOWELL, Commissioner May5,12,19.2«cWHC - ; SCRATCH-ME-NOT - WITH ITCH-ME-NOT Apply ITCH-HE-NOT. la U ilvvstramhff as Ort ITOH-ME-NOT from nr MUtbt for extern*! ikla iirtfaUinnii. NOW at MITCHENER'S PHARMACY Notice To Voters Os Chowan County: I am a candidate for the Chowan County School Board. Your Vote Will Be Appreciated! O. C. Long, Jr. Lywrenpe an# Jeanefto Dowd, House, 180 Count St—. ... 29.11 Lawrence Dowd and Frank Habit, 2 Lots, 82-83. Johnston Street - 12.22 Mrs. J. W. Dowdy. Lot Freemason St- 7.78 B. W. Evans, Boiler Boom Building; Gin Building; Ware house; Plywood Machine; Planing Mills; 2-story Of fice and Warehouse Building; Lumber Stock Sheds; Building Site •—-- 421.13 B. W- Evans. House, Cabarrus St 42.55 George Gelbach, House, 305 E. King St—(Hal.) - 46 88 Frank Habit B Si B Venetian Blind Building 86.68 N. Broad; House, 101 E. Carteret; John Habit fest 1 As*. Houses. M. Broad; 1 Ant House, N. Bfett* and rtflk jKeT I Jk. House. Atoefi jfoftte. Park Ave.; House, Carper f*ark Ave. and AMaMi; House, Johnston wt; Duplex, Bark Ave.; House, John ston St 881.66 i E — 5 p Richard Hallowelljifouse, 268 & oaSm st::::.:::::::::::::::::::::: Annie W. Jolly arid Lucille West House, 806 W. Gale St 86.48 Fred Keeter, House, 812 Johnston St - 86.06 Albert Lassiter, House, 301 W. Gale St - 62.02 Irvin Lassiter, House, 109 S. Oakum St M. 23 James K. Dayton, House. Second St—(Bal.) 34.47 C. 'B. and Vivian Mooney, Huse, 302 S. Oakum St 90.50 C.’ B.“ Mooney Est, 8 Lots, 36-38-40 and Creek House 32.88 Mrs. Gladys Outlaw, House, Lot, 209 S. Oakum St 32.77 A. L- Perry and' Wife.' Shop and 2 Lots, Johnston; 2 Lqts ' and House, Comer First apd Bond St .. .................. 118.52 Watford Phelps. House and Dot, 309 Park Ave 83.95 J. F. PhflKps, Hpuse; 207 W. Quern ; 68.79 John J. Ross, House, 306 W. Church St 37.66 E. M. and Josephine Sehuman, Dot and House. Pembroke Circle. 70.48 Everett Small, Lpt and House, Highway 17 26.23 Leohce Spruill, House, 813 Cabarrus St; Lot. Woodley, Ca barrus; Dot, Jackson, and House- 156.68 Joseph Swanner, House, 820 Johnston St 68.88 A. P. Twiddy, Lot, Jackson Street 7.34 Albert Twiddy. House, Jaokson St - 44.30 j Curtis A. .Twiddy, House. 1101 N. Oakum St. .. 48.37 (Herbert Twiddy, Lot and House, Jackson St 13.46 !V. E. Tynch, House, 106 W. Church 46.83 JW. R. West, House, 207 Court St 33.39 Earl White, House, Jackson St.—(Bal.) 29,27 iD&v|d White. Lot, Jackson St 17.0.4 T. L. White Est., 4 Lots, Eden Heights. 213-214-215-216 37.66 Emmett Wiggins, Lot 'and Shed; Lot and House, Pembroke.... 27.67 Etta M. Williams Est., Lots 1-2-3, House, Dixon Subd 4121 Marvin P. Wilton, House. Lot U. S. 17 44.46 COLORED DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS % Walter Askew Est., House, 214 E. Hicks St $ 9.64 William Backus, Shop and Apt, 110 W. Carteret St 23.91 Shelton Badham, 216 E. Gale St 9.85 Amos Baker, Lot No. 184, E. Hicks St 8.46 Bertha Baker, House. 214 E. Gale St 9.50 Mamie Banks, House, 213 E. School St. 12.48 Theodore Belote, Dot and House, 136 E. Albemarle St 73.61 Jerry Bembury Est., Lot, 217 E. Hicks St 4.24 John T. Bembury, Dot Albemarle St - 3.05 Pearlie M. Bembury, House. Lot, Albania 36.89 Rosalina Bembury and Mlary Horton, Lot, E. Church St 3.43 Sadie Bembury, House, 312 W. Church 5t.—(8a1.)......, 22.88 W. M. Tlembury, House, 114 W. Albemarle St. - 19.02 Joseph and Eleanor Bennett, 204 N. Oakum St 45,00 Miles Blanchard Est., 2 Lots, Eden Heights..... 3.31 Aiphine Blount, Lot. Albania, 32x100 3-31 Elijah Blount House, 209 W. Hicks St 25.09 John H. Blount. House, 202 N. Moseley St 15.2-1 John R. and Mary Blount House, 215 E. Peterson St.—(Bal.) 16.29 Leander Blount, House, 104 W. Peterson St 18.87 Vannie Btount, Dot E. Freemason St 4.55 George W. Bond, House, 206 E. Gale St I*lß Hattie Bond, House, 202 N. Oakum St 49-44 Roxanne Bonner, House, 211 W. Albemarle St 9.23 W. H. Bonner Est., House, 120 W. Carteret St 23.86 Winston 'Bonner, House, 413 N. Granville St 15.82 Alberta Branch, House, Oakum and E. Freemason 13.82 Hubert and Dorothy Bunch, House, 218 w. Efafa St 11.24 Miss Willie Bunch Est., House, 214 E. Albemarle & 10.52 Emma Burke Est., House, 211 E. Albemarle'St - , |i.ft Horace Burke, House, 201 E. School St 7,84 Oliver Carter, Jr., 2 Lots, House, Eden Heights 18.35 Roea Chambers, House, 138 E. Albemarle St 15.87 Edward Cherry Est., Lot Ryders Lane 11.91 William Collins, House, 309 W. Church St; House, 121 E. Albemarle St 46.72 Emma Cox Est., House, 105 W. Carteret St 18.83 William G, Cox, 614 acres, Davenport-Holland , 18.91 Beatrice Dix Est., Lot, E. Hicks St ... 2.33 Geraldine Edgerston, House, 133 E. Gale St 39.67 J. -C. Edney, House, 137 E. Church St 20.92 Sam D. Felton, 2 Lots, House, Albania 10.81 Sammy Lee Felton, Lot, Albania 2.70 Lynn Ferebee, 2 Lots, Coke Ave 7.38 Wißfam Foxwell, House, 212 E. Hicks St - 10.67 Lee Freeman, . House, 204 W. Gale St 24.01 W. E. Goodman, House, Coke Ave. JL 17.16 Miles Goodwin Est. House, 120 E. Freemason St 16.10 Sarah (Jordon, Dot, E. Hicks St 855 Moses Grahby. 14 acre, Albania 11.34 Laura'and Euiabeth Griffin, Lot W. Gale St 2.59 Mary Glissom Eat, Lot, Church St , 2.13 Herman Mid ’ftjyep. 24, Oak- Percy Halsey, Lot, Ryders line 6.83 James Harden, House, 212 W. Gale St 16.03 James and Mamie Harrell, House Bapttiam Road 1*62 Frank Hafris, House and Store, W. Carteret St * 44.82 Wadqs and Mildred Hathaway, House. 216 W. Gale Et - • 28.60 Hattie Hawkins Est, 602 N. Oakum St - 7.05 Beliah Holley, V* acre, Albania and House...; 29.99 J. B. Jenkins Est, Lot, W. Albemarle St.'— 3.72 Hunter Jernigan, House, 410 N. Oakum St 10.78 Tiney E. Jernigan, House and 3 Lots, 400 N. Oakum St.; Lot, T. Jernigan 24.01 Louise Johnson, Hohse, 123 W. Albemarle St- :J 12.63 Earl Jones, House, 115 N. Oakum and Gale; Garage 76.23 John Jones, Sr., House, 104 N. Oakum St , 21.90 William and Ophelia Jones, Lot 414 N. Grab villa St 5,89 Erie Jordan, 1M W. Freemason 14.02 George B. Jordan, House. 121 W. Petersqn St..._ 20.41 James iff. Jordan, House, Albania and 2 Lois 22.47 Josephine Kelly, House, Albania 7.18 John E. Lowther, Lot, Hicks St 9.28 Charlie Mayo, House, 561 N. Oakum St 8.51 William Mayo, House, 208 E- Albemarle St 8.96 Clarence McCleese, Lot Oakum St. * , 5.99 Edith Nixon, House. 108 W. Carteret St * v *4.99 Milton Nixon, Lot, 120 E. Peterson St— ?. .'. 6.81 Hattie Norman, House, 203 E. Albemarle St 15.10 Walter J. Norman, 214 Lots, Building, Edep Jjfljghfrs 21.05 Oscar Overton Est, House, 121 E. Church st, v —— 76.39 Isaac Owens Est., 2 Houses, Granville gnd Hicks Sts. •_ 31.84 People’s Consumers Mutual Association, Store Budding; 2 Apartments, Church and Oakum 5t5..;.,. - 02.23 Claudme Perkins, Lot, Hicks St r — ;v — 460 Robert Perry Eet, House, 108 E. Freemason 5t....... 11.66 Elusious Piero*, Albania and Blount 16.06.. William Pierce, acre and House, Albania 1644 Lamar Redman, 2 Houses, 219-223 E. Church St 66.10 Carrine Reid, Apartment House, W. Freemason Et 35.30 Elbert Riddick, Lot, Cemetery St _..., Elijah Robinson, Sr., Lot Albania - 14.60 Weston Satterfield, Lot E. Carteret - 5.90 ®A S Sffid, 2 H^. E l 2 M Batty Sawyer Eet. House, 107 E. Alfagmarie St M.lO Charlie Sessoms, Lot, Coke Ave :..i 8.25 Thomas f. Sharpe and Wife, House. 11l E. CMe Bt 81.40 Thus. W. Spruill and Wife House. 108 W. iWiason 9.83 Chariie Sellings, Lot, Albania 3.31 Sasa, ZJSH . ii so William Sutton,' Lot, 129 W. Carteret MJ3 Mary Taylor Eet., Lot, Ryders Lane— 3.72 Josiahlhamwon Ekt, 2 Lots, Albania - JM umvZxS' We "Ga* st::::.:: ::::::::::::::::::::: At W A. VaTSSne. N. Oakum St 4.70 a j-u- - wr„ j,,.,,-!, n trj, f -T of- ( M Ctofao No Ha' bias C\ Rfiiifrr fTraTuHUs* T jftT dr M IpVttlSr p’ r9WL T— —• J'® lOg E. Albemarle St'::::: 2927 j 1 WiiSDii tiki ObiHifi Lot, E. Churdi St %.\Z

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