The Chowan Herald mifakl Tbwsky hjp The Ckma , awk * ptwnto cakirtm at J. GMi N MCfer. and «23 : 4K South a, n>vw tunuF **« «£CTO* UJTTOft i wtMwMiMm SUBSCRIPTION iATES; On Yew tjMtside North v*ml«k RJJ Un Yew Go North C*»aS-.a> «-» Sw *1.50 fcatamt w seeowl-etass matter August 9h IWA. «t uk Pest Otfrce at North Carolina. «Mder the act at Mw«» X l«l Curb at thet**,. resolutions of re* apart, etc. will be educed tor at regular ad- WBBNt rate. J '' THURSDAY. MAY* XA ISM. JJJjrrrrr .V ~UST FOk ' TODAY * A «MN that tritwh must show himself fritWly. -(Proverbs lt&L THERE IS NOTHING so *re«t that 1 fear to do it for toy tlrwnd; nothin* so small that 1 will disdain to do it for him. —Sir Philip Sidnev. O God. $m us from saltish thoughts and deeds ltd create within ns an understanding of the needs and problems at others- r t ' Good Slices Os Publicity 'Edcmtun dki itself pruud Monday in con nection with tW drdkatitat of the National Fish Hatchery , when a sntwwth-worting pro gram was carried out without a hitch. It was no easy job arranging a program and es pecially a fish iry for the visitors. However. Mayor John Mhchener. who spear-headetl the dedication cerenatnies. tailed to give up when the task at first seemed unsunttountahle. He worked like a Trojan, ami is very appreciative for the ovperation he received from those he called to shoulder varkms responsi bilities. That the dedication was a delightful suc cess is reflecyd in the omunent heard from many of the visit ms. especially fish ami wild life officials from. Washington. Atlanta and the State of North Carolina. They expressed their pleasure for the sort of dedication cere ntony arranged for the occasion ami were very well pleased with their visit ami the friendliness and hospitality received on the part oi Edenton officials ami citizens. The dedication, aside from being a detight ful affair, brought Kdenton a great ileal ot favorable publicity. so that what little expense and effort was involved was very' worthwhile. And speaking about publicity. Kdenton was the recipient of two other good slkes during the week. In the May special vacation issue of Hodge News Magazine, a beautiful colored picture appears showing little Brabble Norman War ren serving Penelope barker tea cakes at the Charlton house, together with Mrs. T. C, By rum. Jr., ami Mrs. Bruce F. Jones, all dress ed in colonial attire. A story also appears with the picture which (aunts mil some of the facts about Kdenton. The magazine has a wide circulation, so that Kdenlonians shim Id appreciate lie publicity which will result. Then another piece of publicity is the re sult of the visit to Washington. I>. C.. of the John A. Holmes Band. The local outfit par- Jeipated in the huge National Safety- Patrol I'arade and although over m) bands were in the line of nvarch from all over the eastern part of the country-, the Kdenton band was awarded first place as the best appearing unit in the fifth division. The parade was five hours long, so that there is no way to estimate how many people saw the Kdenton young sters perform, Obviously their a|ipearance ami their perfiunmaner brought queries as to where the "band was from, so that Kdenton is bound to have had favorable publkity. Some people may think publicity isn't worth very' much, but who is there who can esti matc how much good has ami will result from favorable publicity?' Consider The Soil With the observance of Soil Stewardship Week May 22-id, the following should be considered: The soil lies as far as the eye can see. It covers millions on millions of acres around *the globe, yet it is a rare thing and cannot be replaced. This soil is a living thing, yet it can be destroyed. This soil is fruitful, yet it can become ’l. This soil is find s gift to mankind, given unto our Stewardship. Yet it can be despoil ed and wasted. This sod produces crops and verdant grass and trees. It cannot be duplicated by chemis try or physics. This soil is an intricate house of myriad elements. Yet it is so commonplace as to be known as dirt. It fills the fiower pot in Manhattan, serves ns a garden in Minnesota, and produces an orchard in California—this thing called soil. It is the spectacle of the Grand Canyon, the flatness of the Plains, and convolutions ~ It is the source of our nourishment: it pro vides the means of our protection God h*s willed we can live with it; we A 1?.... aft Consider this soft. Consider it weft! FAMtLtSQtATB* t) Father, who created ns oat of .. ' IJdeard & Seen A very important film on the Jamestown area will be presented at today’s Rotary meet ing. The film was shown to a selected group at the Parish House Monday morning and again at the Legion meeting Tuesday night. It is an award-winning film describing the hardships and victories of America’s colonial settlers, and re-enacts America’s early his tory as staged in Virginia during the 350th anniversary op 7 the settlement of Jamestown The film has been awarded the 1958 Free doms Foundation George Washington Hmioi Medal for outstanding achievement in bring ing about a better understanding of the Amer ican way of life. It is hoped that everybody in Kdenton during the next few weeks will see this film, which was secured by G. H. Harding, and that it will arouse enough interest in Kdenton to have a film made of Kdenton s past in the early days of the coun try. If made, it is estimated that 30.000.000 people will see it the fink year and that as a result manv tourists will come to Kdenton. ’ _ii. o_ , Mr. and Mrs.iHarrv Smith. Jr., packed tip bag and baggage and left Edenton fpr theil] home in Detroit Tuesday. Harry drop ped in the shop so say goodbye just before he left and the regret of his departure was mu tual. Harry said he and Mrs. Smith made many friends while in Edenton and that they will ever remember the friendship and hos pitality of Edenton people. #!ut the old say ing is that "money talks” which is the pri mary reason for Harry leaving us as "head knocker" of the Chamber of Commerce. All of his Edenton friends wish him much suc cess in his new position with the American Power Boat Association. o— Here's one who was very happy to witness the dedication of the new National Kish Hatchery Monday. However. I’m one of many who will be disappointed over the fact that the fish hatchery will not propogate speckled perch (crappie to be hifalutin’). And besides, some of the big shots at the dedica tion told me no federal hatcheries propogate speckled perch. What in the dickens ails 'em? How do they expect the great number of speckled perch fishermen in this neck of the woods, as well as elsewhere, to be able to catch a mess once in a while? Speckled perch fishing provides as much (and more in my case I sport as any other kind of fresh water fishing, so here's hoping the powers that be decide to hatch some so that a fellow don't forget what a speckled perch looks like. But then maybe they have the some opinion as the iate Tom Wilder. Tom used to tell me he saw no need of having a limit for fish ing. for the Lord would see to it that as many fish were hatched as were caught. Well, here of late I’ve about proved Tom’s opinion wrong, for it's been a long, long time since I've been able to catch anywhere near the limit. Maybe the Lord has been too busy with other tilings to bother about the speckled perch. o And speaking about the fish hatchery dedi cation. about the first to arrive for it was a group of game wardens. One of the other visitors noticing the fellows, wanted to know if we were advertising Edenton’s wildlife. o One of the visitors at the fish fry Monday was very much delighted with the corn bread and was commenting on how good it was. A friend asked. "Don't they make corn bread where you come from?” Alter gulping down a big mouthfui. the reply was. “Don’t they make it? Why they don't even know how to spell it.” And incidentally, Mayor John Mitchener was highly complimented for spear heading the celebration, but don't forget those guys who cleaned the fish, cooked ’em and made the corn bread, slaw and did all the other menial tasks that go with a fish fry deserve a lot of credit, too. —— —o Tom Ridgeway. Chowan Hospital Admini strator. was just about the happiest guy in town the other day when he received a check for $30,000 for the hospital. The check came from the Z. Smith Reynolds Founda tion and is to pay the remaining indebtedness on the hospital's air conditioning unit and for other expansion. Tom says, that in even looking at the pipes he already feels cool. the earth and breathed into us Thy spirit, keep us mindful that, although we are from the earth, we have been created in Thine image. And though we have sinned against Thee, we have been made heirs to heaven through the suffering and death of Thy be loved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Teach us to be good stewards of Thy land while we are here. Help us to remember that the soil we till is Thine and is to be used by chil dren yet unborn. When we sin by misusing the soil, grant that the minister 'of Thy Church may lead us to mend our ways and enjoy Thy forgiveness. Thjs we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Lorayof us and of few* Mrs Earth. Amw/N. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA. THVRBDAY. MAY 19, 19W, And then Tom, too. feels so' very grateful to employees of j the Electric & Water Depart- j ment and firemen, who did | such a tremendous job in I pumping water from the hos- [ pital during Edenton’s recent i flood. Tom also says that" quite a few others offered their assistance, but under the cir cumstances the only thing to do was to hope that the pumps would work faster. —o So complete was Mayor John Mitchener s arrangements for the fish hatchery dedica tion Monday that he even had an ambulance and the emer gency fire truck on hand at both the old and new fish hatcheries. Fortunately, neith er was needed, but had they been needed a lot of valuable time would have been saved. In fact the whole affair work ed like a well-oiled machine. Out at the ball park the 1 other night two spectators; were engaged in a conversa-' tion about the qualities of their, mother and father. One said he had the qualities of his father, which caused the other to reply. "Well, according to niv wife. 1 have the had quali-i ties of both my mother and j lather.” j Awards Day May 25 At Colored School Awards Day will be observed j at the Edenton Negro High School on Wednesday. May 25;, at 1 P. M. The speakeir for this j occasion will be the newly elect- ' ed president of the Vstudcnt ! Council. Miss Marie Jordan. She will be presented by Miss Klen- | da Mayo, the outgoing president. | D. F. Walker, principal, will j deliver the welcome address and i remarks. Music will be fur- j nished by the high school choir under the direction of Miss Trevor Summev and the high school band under the direction of Richard Satterfield. The pub- j lie is cordially invited to attend, j ROUND THE WORLD-The U.S. nuclear submarine Tritwi traveled around the w'rid completely submerged. It made the 36,000-mile voyage in St days. It ;s shown deporting from Groton, Conn. Skipper is Capt, Edward L. Beach, author el books on the submarine service. M ... 'AW / J ' ■ \ What’s for * snack? ■ Absolutely nothing when we drycleen your garments. Every garment is carefully drycleared professionally finished plus you get these alUimportant FREE extra services: Your garments are protected against moth damage Your garments are protected against perspiration odors be tween drycleanings Your garments are protected against mold and mildew Your garments are protected against bacteria with the new , sanitizing additive, Den* EUiotteteaners Phone 2616 EDENTON, N. C. 1 e—~ ■ ■■ -w IppjplfWjl i AFKID | j| By T«d j; Why is the great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) that in habits the southern waters of the outer islands off the Florida coast, Cuba and the West Indies considered poisonous at tunes j and edible at other times This] question has been a controver-j sial subject for many years] among sport fishermen. | “In the seas of the world there . are a number of fishes that have their flesh more or less permeated with poisonous sub stances. which take the form ■ of alkaloids of a particular kind] ij called leucomaines,” writes Pro- ' . I fessor J. R. Norman of the Brit , | ish Museum of Natural History. This may be regarded as a spe-j ' cial form of self-protection, poi- • j soning the fish’s enemies. The. ■ | great barracuda is the only spe-1 I cies of barracuda that causes la tingling sensation, gastric dis-j I turbance, weakness, diarhea, I coma and even death at times. | We are careful to say that 1 this poisonous reaction does no!' | exist in all fish caught of this| particular species, but only ini a certain number of fish caughti from various areas. There is no | known method to identify a poi-, ; sonous barracuda other than bv | feeding it to animals first, states Robert D. Hall. Salt-Water • J Fishing Editor of Snorts Afield ! Magazine. There are a great many oon i tradictory opinions among ahg lers who have caught and eaten 1 barracuda. Some hae been poi ! soned. while others have not. 1 Barracuda taken from the wa ters in one part of an island /may be safe, whereas those I caught only a short distance j away are poisonous, j The greatest amount of ovi i dence suggests that barracuda • and other piscivores become poi | sonous as a result of their food. I If we assume that barracuda bc | come poisonous as a result of ‘ j their food and the food chain, ft is possible to explain why only large barracuda are poi- 1 j sonous. The food of the young, I nontoxic barracuda differs es sentially from that of adults. ! However, barracuda weighing’ more than three pounds move jHiigis?: LOOSE’STEERING US DANGEROUS YES NO Q Q Do you fight your steering wheel? , |~l Q Is steering loose or noisy? Q Q Do front wheels pull to one side? D D Do front tires show excessive wear? Q Q Are front wheels loose or sloppy? Us eyr experts check the steering W wheel olignmenf on your cor_ Y ou itZilv driving and gel belter economy in a Chevrolebscrvtccd cor. # George Chevrolet Co., Inc. 1100 N. Brtfttd St. PHONE 2138 Edenton, N. C. Deeler's Franchise No. >69 •loffshore mvthe coral reef hath : tat. where they teed upon poi ;] sonous filefish, t rig serf tsh. cow j fish, and puffer. | These groups may occur in non j’feef habitats, but they are not 1 generally considered poisonous i:: , lin these areas. In the-area along the Florida Icoast and keys, the flesh of. the . 1 barracuda is held in high esteem , for its very fine flavor. Also, the Texas Game and Fish Cotn j mission states that no poisonous I harraeuda has even been report- I ed taken from the Gulf of Mexi ! CO. We are indeed Very fortunate i that the I" S. Bureau of Com mercial Fisheries and the U. S Food and Drag Administration are doing such an outstanding job of protecting' - the health of consumers of seafood, wish their I painstaking research and strict control over the commercial I catches reaching our food mar . , kets, that we can enjoy any ; species of fish without the least > fear of poisoning. ] Seif denial is an indulgence of I j a propensity to forego —Ambrose Bierce. Re-Elect As Solicitor (how an l{<‘ronh*r\s (oiinlv Court }\ K NOTE AND SITPORT Will. Hi: SINCEREIA' VPPRKI IVIED WILLIAM S. PRIVOTT AN APPRECIATION The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Fish i Hatchery in particular desire to express then- appreciation and gratitude for the splendid cele bration in eonneetion with the dedication of the new National Fish Hatchery Monday. Es pecially is this thanks directed to Mayor John Mitchener and members of Town Council for their interest and efforts in ar ranging the celebration; High More receive ’ HF Bulova 4,mr than any other fine watch A tiny 21 watrh lit *ith tnr f.r« of 2 ESsI I**” * A hi*h styled wfttftrpr*** BBC-V* \ wi cast, supfr-thin. v\^/ i' & ' ,omp A classic ha*««ony fl \\ resistant. CAM PEN’S JEWELERS Edenton, N. C. *. - - PAGE THREE ?—SECTION elrt government officials also stal d they were very well pleased w h the celebration. W. C. BUNCH, Superintendent GUN SHOW JUNE 3-4 An invitation has been ct lended to people of this area to attend a gun show which will be held in the ballroom of the North Carolina State College. The show is sponsored by the Sir Walter Gun Club and will be held June 3 and 4.

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