I Taylor Theatre I L EDENTON. If. C. o _ [ One Night Only! j i Thursday, May 26 I Imn— I|3a»««SHOCKSHOWS!i| i jjfcL^ \i : 411 : § Hi ||3|*l*Ji]~ vfH: | 1»IjH : || 1 Hejd Chopped , i *'** i in»*« rh. pupii" .. . | UHIL.InM.mN r *m m«i ihi »tw «w £-* »| : 1 irVuwG snanta] j IjXSHWNITN KEAB t 11 »i in u- UM .1 * V |: f | OX THE SC KEF.X | | Guy Medison. Virginia M<ivo j and G«orq« Raft in “Jet Over The Atlantic” 1 ADMISSION: | Children Under 12 2Sef | All Over 12 75cj o I | Open B:3o—Feature 7:00 j | Stage Show B:3o—Feature 3:45! TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED Schenley Golden Age Gin 94 Proof t x,*3- fr&qt *2Hpt nau»i«w I lll— >m II imill in inat I CIVIC CALENDARj Uousutd tram Pag* 1. Section 1 ,A. will be held tonight | (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. ! Center Mill community will I hold a tried chicken supper at the Center Hill Community I' Building Saturday. May 21. from 1 S to 8 P. M. The proceeds will | be for the benefit of the Center ’ Hill-Cross Roads fire station. Chowanoke Council No. 54, j Degree of Pocahonta. will hold a bake sale Saturday morning. May 28. in front of dm Hughes | Parker Hardware Store. t Piano students of Mrs. C. B. Mooney will present their an j nual spring recital Monday night. ; May 23. at 2:30 o'clock in the I Elementary School auditorium. Wards Home Demonstration Club will hold a bake sale Fri . day afternoon. May 20, begin- Ining at 2 o'clock, in front of the Belk-Tyler store. Awards Day will be observed iat the Edenlon colored high school Wednesday afternoon. May 25. at 1 o'clock. Enterprise Community will > hold a community development ‘ meeting Tuesday night. May 24, * at 8 o'clock at the Advance Com munity Building. Edenion's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Edenlon Restaurant. Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will meet Friday afternoon. May 20. at 3 o'clock in the nurses' home. Edenlon Lions Club will meet Monday night at 1 o'clock. Chowan T*>be or Red Men will meet Monday night- at 7:30 o'clock. William H. Coffield, Jr. Post I No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Elementary School 1 Lunch Room Menu ’ A <* Menus at the Edenton Elemen : tiny School for the week of May 23-27 will be as follows: Monday: Meat balls and spa shelli, carrot sticks* cheese slices, hlackeyc peas, school baked ■ mils, peach pie, milk, butter. Tuesday: Pork and vegetable ' pie. milk, candied yams, apple , sauce, ivm bread, butter, cheese i slices. Wednesday: Tuna salad, gar den peas, potato chips, pineapple, school baked rolls, butter, milk. , Thursday: Barbecue, i-ole slaw, : grei n l»» aits, milk, corn bread, f rice pudding, butter, cheese I slices. | Friday: Sliced ham, potato i salad, turnip greens, milk, school i baked rolls, school baked cook , les, fruit jello, butter. CARD OF THANKS It is with humble hearts we i write this note of thanks 'to the ; people of Perquimans and Cho ■ wan counties, that helped in the seaivh of ,our loved one, Troy David Chappell. To Sheriff Kelly White and Sheriff Earl Goodwin and their helpers we extend especial thanks. Also to the Rescue Squad that stood by so patiently. Then to the many ’ that have remembered with , prayers. . flowers, visits, food, phone calls and notes of sympa thy, we are most grateful. Each kind deed that was done helped tighten our load in our sorrow. 1 May our Great Master richly ) bless each of you is our prayer. I c THE FAMILY. THE CHO.VAK HERALD, EDENTON, WORTH CAROLINA, TKORSDA?, MAY Id, i 960. County Democrats Choose Delegates Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Griffin; vice chairman, Mrs. E. N. Elliott and secretary, Tom Shepard. The following were elected as delegates to the State Conven- Ition which convenes in Raleigh today (Thursday): Lloyd E. Griffin, A. B. Harless, Tom H. Shepard, Mrs. Raymond Carr, Philip S. MeMultan, E. R. Bunch, E. W. Spires, B. W. Evans, Mrs. E. N. Elliott, T. L. Ward, George Alma Byrum and Mrs. B. W. Evans. Alternates are Ernest Leary, W. A. .Hollowell and James Bond. The convention passed a mo tion that Chowan’s delegates at tend the State Convention tin instructed. Before the convention adjourn ed a resolution was passed in appreciation for the past services of E. W. Spires. 20 YEARS AGO Continued from Page 1. Section 1 Club! "Open house" was held in Chowan County giving citizens an opportunity to inspect seven WPA projects by which the county greatly benefitted. The projects included the Edenton school library, commodity sur plus. a cleaning project at the Edenlon school, the colored school library, lunch room pro ject, canning and gardening at Chowan High School and a fed eral writers project at the Court House. Clarence Parson, famous Negro radio singer, presented a pro gram at the colored high school. Chowan County Chapter of the Red Cross was requested to raise SSOO for the relief of refu gees in Europe. Over 100 children enrolled in the daily vacation Bible school at the Methodist Church. The Rev. Andrew Stirling, pas tor of the Assembly of God Church, accepted a call lo the Elizabeth City Church. Chief of Police George A Helms killed two mad dogs. Mayor J. H. McMullan select ed Miss Janie Mitchensr to rep resent Edenton at the annual Ki wanis Festival in Ahoskie. Much favorable comment was made regarding the beautifica tion of the colored cemetery on Granville Street. Relatives ! o(..Thomas 8. By rum held a family reunion at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Taylor at Nags Head. Charles Wales was elected as sistant scoutmaster for Edenton Boy Scouts. Edenton's soft ball league opened with the league com posed of Lions. Masons, Rolar ians and Red Men. ** * r >'“"'l Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department's summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M„ Mon day, Mav 16, 1960 is as follows: Killed To Date 378 Killed To Date Last Year 420 jT^SERVICE^ ' YOUR CHEVY WHERE THEY KNOW YOUR CHEVY uy George Chevrolet Company, Inc. 1100 N. Broad—Edenlon, N. C. RHONE 2138 ... ■ VMt •• . ■*i •' " 4 YAWN, ANYONE? —Try staring at this photo of a yawning ■Dolar bear in Paris zoo. Can you resist doing likewise? Music* Festival Was Big Feature Os Demonstration Club Week Chowan County Home Dem-j onstration Clulw enjoyed the | county music festival at Cho wan High School as part of their annual observance of National Home Demonstration Club Week. Each Home Demonstration Club, was responsible far one or more j groups to participate in |he festi-| val. Selections utid groups were as follows "Thy Will Be Done,’’ Kay and Nelia Lowe accompan ied by Patricia Waff; ..“At Cal vary'', Lynn Allred, Susan Har rell and Patricia Tynch, accom panied by Miss Beulah Evans; “The la,rti Is My Shepherd,” the Rev. and Mrs. Thurman Allred; “My God And I”, C. W. Over man, accompanied by Earl liar rell;” "My Father Watches Over Me." Center Hill baptist Church. Choir with Mrs. Thomas Roger-' spti as soloist; “Tjie Love ,ul'j God,” Mrs. Norman Hollowell I and Mrs. C. J. Hollowell, aecom-i panted by Mrs. Edita Asbell;! “Living For Jesus,” Mrs. W. W. i Poter. accompanied by Kartj Harrell; "Dear To The Heart of, the Shepherd,” Becky Harrell, Mary Alice Perry, Esther Layton j and Loretta Bunch, accompanied | by Mrs. Lynn Perry; “There's' No Friend Like Jesus”, Peggy Bunch, Carol Haste, Belinda Per-1 ry and Delores Fulcher; “Is 11 j Well With Your Soul,” Carroll! Evans, Jack Evans, Charlie! Peele and Melvin Harrell; "All: On Tjie Alter” and "Never! We Cut Your Meats While You Shop SHOP AT TUP. FRIEXDEY • D& M SUPER u IVI MARKET GRADE A— WHOLE FRYERS lb. 29c LUTER'S GWALTNEY'S FRANKS Smoked with FREE Saim-iw Kitchen Tools sausage I-49c 3;$1.00 12-oz. Red & White Peanut Butter . . 29c Qt Cates Whole Sweet Pickles 35c 12-oz. Red & White Luncheon Meat.. 39c TOMMY TUCKER Orange - Grape { MF\A/ and Fruit Punch I DRINK H " up V 2 gal. 39c | 2 Quarts Clorox 37c Phone 2317 For Free Delivery Plenty of Free Parldng Space 1 Alone”, J.-Jacks (Judy Evans, June Carolyn Chappell, Annie I Ruth Nixon, Carolyn Evans, Kathryn Byrum, Sandra Baker), accompanied by Jakie Boyce; "I Will Arise and Go To Jesus”, Young People’s Chorus, Rocky 1 Hock Baptist Church, aceompan- I led by Miss Beulah Evans; I “What A Day That Will Be", 1 Byruni Brothers, (Jessie, Hubert. Rubie and King George), accom panied by Mrs. Hubert By rum: “Blessed Redeemer”, Mrs. Mel vin Copeland, accompanied by Elwuod Copeland; and "The “Lord’s Prayer” by l’liilip Smilii Soil. Mis, (W. OvH inait, County Council piesidenl, presided. Earl Harrell played for the group •'singing-which was Iyd by C. W I Overman. The Rev. Thurman I Allred, pastor of the Rocky I Hock 1 Baptist ’Church, gave the ! invocation. There were approxi jmafely 275 persons presiml for ] this music festival, according to ! Miss Pauline Calloway, home ' eeuiiomics agent. 1 Edenlon Gets Good Slice Os Puhlicilv Conlinudd from Page 1, Section 1 I Barker House on the Edenton I waterfront, and a host of other ! beautiful buildings dating back jto pre-Revoiutionary days. The ! site of the King residence in which t'he tea party was held is indicated by the Tea Party Marker (a bronze teapot) on Edenton Green. Many memen tos of the Barker family are owned by present-day Edenton residents. ‘‘Known as Ljueen Anne's Towne until 1722, when its name was changed in honor of Royal Governor Charles Eden, Edon ton was at one time capital of I the Colony of North Carolina! and residence of the Colonial Governor. Edenton’s merchant prince, Joseph Hewes, was one of the three North Carolina WHO? ... will be the lucky graduates ... the huge clocks in our window with pic tures of graduates of the Chowan and John A. Holmes Schools are wound to run about 8 days; when they run down the graduates indicat ed by the hands w ill receive a beau tiful watch —a gift from Campen’s Jewelers C ]& l Mr | NATIONWIDE’S Ml W BUDGET m MASTER mini i hoshtal >jJIL m K4&(& INSURANCE! TAILORED TO FIT YOUR NEEDS AND BUDGET! YOU choose the cash benefit s nou want n om the P.uihh i Master's complete Hospital Protection plan. In< I n«i«--- up to $7500 for Dread Diseases! Your budget determines your cover age and premiums! Cash payments ,<ie niaile directly to you— and are not reduced because of othei In main <• \nu may i any' Call your neaihv Nationwide Agent lot lull deiaiL on the BUDGET MASTER Policy' '* " NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO NATIONWIDE lift INSUIUNCr CO Joseph M. Thorud NATIONWIDE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO HOME OfflCE COUNIBUS, OH.l) Edenlon Tel. 2429 REGIONAL OFFICE RAIEICH i ECONOMY J x i . IfflM IMir—i PURE gasoiines' hold more records* for performance than any other” Get PURE-PREMIUM j SSf ...it’s super premium now CAM. AAA. inAC~*CCA. [3 MOV Winslow Oil Company 'Mryl Phone 3335 Hertfoid : signers of the Declaration of In dependence and placed his ships i at General Washington's dis posal. “The picturesque city is on U. S. 17. the Ocean Highway. Edenton and the surrounding j Albemarle countryside are fea i tui ed in historical novels by Inglis Fletcher, who lives at ’ nearby Bandon Plantation.’’ j J i Bigger Figures It’s getting so that school children will soon need an adding ! machine to do a simple sum in arithmetic. PAGE FIVE i—SECTION OHB ’ RESOLUTION OF RESPECT 1 j Whereas, during recent years the ranks of the Democratic 1 Party of Chowan Countv have ! been reduced dv the death of i nianv of its valiant members a Ltd devoted workers: and Whereas, this assembly in reg j ular convention desires to ex . press its appreciation for the ■ lives and activities of such de ■ ceased members: Therefore, be it resolved that j this Democratic Convention of I Chowan Countv hereby express 1 its regrets at the death of: David Q. Holton. J. N. Pruden, T. W. Jones. W. H. Gardner. Frank V. White. L. W. Belch, ! W. A. Everett. D. R. Baker. Miss i Louise D Coke. W. O. Speight, i Marvin P. Wilson. W. W. Bvrum. Sr.. R L. Pratt. J. A. Webb. R. F Tuttk\ J. E. Bunch. Ezelle j L. Ward. Frank A. Hughes. Miss Inez Felton. Miss Louvenia Brown. Mrs Gertrude C. Wins j low, and all other members of ‘ the Democratic Party who have passed to their eternal reward jduiing the past several vears. Be It Further Ra»alved, that ; this resolution be spread upon the minute-; of this Convention: j that a copv thereof be forward j ed to rue family of each of the I above deceased members: and | tha* a copv be turnished to The | Chowan Herald for publication. I This the 14th dav of Mav, 1111,'ll. CHOWAN COUNTY I DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION I Bv: Llovd E Griffin, C-liainnaii . AiIOnI ITv ::i M Slitrpai vi. St*t l i lixi V

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