PAGE SIX uiacrioiT pint SOCIETY NEWS Gu«st of Mother Miss Louise Smith of Green-] vilie was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Harry Smith, Week-end Guests Mr. and Mi's. Byron Kciiavcs of Durham spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kchaycs. Visiting Sister Mrs. G. A. Helms, who has] been the guest of Mrs. R. H. Hurdle and her friends, left Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. Hannah Parker in Gates, before leaving for her home in Kentucky. Week-end At Beach Mr. and Mi-s. J. H. Conger, Sr.. Mr. and Mi'S. Junius Davis. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. Douglas Conkwright and Mrs. L.l A. Patterson were at Nags Head for the week-end. Return From Convention Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hollowed and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Harrell returned from Rooky Mount Wednesday, after attending the Great Council meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men and the Degree of Pocahontas, Returns From Florida Mrs. Scldon Bass has returned' home after spending her vaca tion with her sister. Mrs. Rufus Flynn and Mr. Flynn at St. Pet ersburg, Fla. She also visited Silver Springs, Cypress Gar dens and a tour of many of the Gulf beaches. n With Eisenhower Party Mrs. Thomas L. Barnes and two children, Judy-Byrd and Tommy of Falls Church, Va„ are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith. Mr. Barnes, who is representative of the American Cable and Radio Sys tem in Washington, has gone to Paris with President Eisen hower's entourage, and will handle the cable service at the Summitt Conference. ' THE WORLD CAX EE. YOI'RS //• Y(H JEST REM'If FOR IE! O' THIS MOST IMPORTAXT DAY IX YE>( R YOEXG LIVES, WE FXTEXD OCR HEARTY COXGRATI I.ATIOXS AXI) WISH YCH A FETERE FILLED WITH SEECESS. aP f t Cool Hn-sso to liter zc you V. ( . x through Ihr summer . . Impressive our siimnu'r (hr* ti l S/sf I A collection . styled to bn-oze you a'l 'fX t h rough warm davs in a cool, at- / x. / C tractive manner' 1 ' Ij ( - VX|t> \*'yr Necklaces. bibs, pins. In are Sy « lets and canines in a won- t iUr^ fP rlerful selection Stone-set jewelrv. pearls, crystal p >rr *. /0 through summer m combinations, cold and sil- om . ligbu luscious 1 insene vet- metal stvles. that practically takes »t#of itself! All so prettily trim med. so fresh and feminine ... and wonderful travelers. * ’ J too! See. select now. LADIES' WARDROBE Big roomy carry-all smooth non-snag hansers !t?l to carry all her clothes. wrinkle-free! WB- V 1 LADIES' PERSONAL NYLONS O'NITE .. , perfect over- A gift is particularly priz- HANDBAGS nißht case or companion Many. ntanv handromc styk* piece to other Samsonite. ' „ _ to choose from. Shanes and tL- w,UI a c,fl of G,en Rave " sizes of every descripUon .. . Deep pockets and divider stockings ... in her own Leathers, straws, failles. p*t of rayon faille. individual leg type. eOC under-glass and Alumesh. Black, navy and popular col ors. <Bl©©®© Wf . Edcnton, N. C» j |( p ' ) Ahoskto Visitor* j Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Goodwin ' of Ahoskie were guests of Mr. and Mi's. H. S. Ziegler, Sr., on Monday. A Durham Visitors Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Brooks of Durham visited Mis. Brooks' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ;;md Mi's. Sydney Smith, last j week-end. I - Attend Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Hol lo well attended the celebration of tile 25th wedding anniversary i of Mr. and Mrs. Medford Taylor at Conway Sunday afternoon. —o Return From West Virginia The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph F* Fowlkes and children have re turned from Huntington, West • Virginia, where they attended • the funeral of Mr. Fowlkes’ grandmother. Mi's. W. R. Kerns. Norfolk Visitors Mr. and Mi's. 1. J. Moran of 1 Nortolk visited friends and re'la -1 tives in town Sunday. * t~* Indiana Visitors Mr. and Mi's, diaries K. I-ay den of Morristown. Indiana, an' the guests of his sisters, Mrs. I L. C. Burton and Miss Aurelia Laydcn. o Return From Convention Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Twiddy and Mi-s. Clay Rochelle have re turned from Fayetteville where j they attended the Jayeee con vention. Visit In Virginia Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Ferguson and Mi'S. Myda Taylor spent. 1 Sunday with Mi's. 1. Judson Peale in Churchland. Ya. Return From Honeymoon < The Rev. and Mrs. James MacKenzie have returned from their honevmoon and are now | residing on West Queen Street * Extended. _ Return Fran Beach Mrs. Lynn Bond and Mr. ant | Mrs. John M. Bond have return led after * week's stay at Nags Head Sunday At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Luther Keotci 1 anil daughter, Sharon, spenl Sunday at Nags Head. Visit In South Mills Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Spires spent Sunday in South Mills visiting Miss Elizabeth Jacobs. nor tot k Visitor Mrs Ike Laydcn of Norfolk was the Sunday guest of Mrs. L. C. Burton. e- Week-end At Beach Mi-s. Hazel Keener and Mrs : C. D. Hollows'll spent the week ; end at Nags Head. Idaho Visitor Mrs. W. R. Ester es Moscow' ldah<\ is the guest of lier par ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Partin ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Norris Waltei . Jarvis of Seafood, Va.. have an nounced -the engageuient of iheii daughter, Shelba Jean, to James Ellis Ross of Newport News, son of Mr. and Mrs. J J Ross ©I Kdenton. A June wedding is . j planned. Commencement At Chowan High School Wifunri.rf«w a ■ ffn Contiwuad horn Pegs 1. Saction I Bunch Toppm, Elvin Clarence Toppin. Kathryn Marie Tynoh .'Frank Jefferson Ward. Jr., Haft ress Ivey Ward, Iris Jean White. James Timothy White and Wil liam Edward Whiletnan. ATTEND YON FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrell ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodwin Mrs. R. E. Leary and Mrs. T. J Wood attended the funeral ol ; John Yon. held in Elizabeth i City Wednesday afternoon ol ■ last week Mr. Yon w-as promi II pent in Masonic and East err I Star circles. THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTOtf. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1»60. , Harless Is Campaign Manager For Larkins 8 Never before in the history of North Carolina have Tar Heel voters had the opportunity to - vole for a man for Governor t who has had as ‘ much experi ! enee in State Government as ' John D. Larkins. This statement is emphasized ' by A. B. Harless, who is man ' aging Larkins’ campaign in Cho- I wan County for the Democratic * gubernatorial nomination. ’"One single fact will suffice to back up that statement,” Har less said. “Larkins has served nine terms in the General As sembly as a State Senator. No previous gubernatorial candi date in the history of the State ever had that much legislative background and training. “In addition. Larkins (has srrv • ed two terms as i ©airman of -the State Advisory Budget Commis sion. which prepares the state’s budget for each biennium. No other candidate for Governor in - this state ever had 'that experi ence. He knows intimately the . workings of everv single State . i Department, agency and insti , tution. He has visited all of r them. He has helped prepare I1 budgets for thi-ee state admini jj st rations. “1 could go on and on," Har || less said, “but the record of Lar | kins’ public service is long and the experience already listed jj w ill suffice to show he is the 1 hest qualified man to serve as .'Governor.of our State.” — U Sfft. Lula Smith In Firing: Contest Sergeant First Class Lula M- Smilh. of Edenton, is one of Khe 185 pistol competitors enter ed in the 1960 First U. S. Army • rifle and pistol championships at Fort Dix, New Jersey. ‘ The best of the Army’s shoot - 1 ers from New York. New Jer sey, and the New- England states ' are firing for individual honors ' in this title meet, the “blue rib bon” event of military marks manship in the Northeast Unit .ed Statr-s. Competitors are the survivors of previous qualifying tests in the First Army area in j w inch nearly ten thousand shoot ers fired. Sergeant Smith, whose par ents, Mr. and Mis. Henry Smith, live on Route 2. Edenton, is a member of the WAC Detach ment Service Trv-ops, stationed at Fbrt Dix. RED MEN MEETING Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night. May 23, at 7:30 o’clock. A report of 'the Great Council meeting in Rocky Mount will be presented by Le roy Harrell and Clyde Hollo well, so that Guy Williams, sachem, urges a large attendance. Going \ fl^ishingj Add to the fun, and keep posted on the weather, traffic, and news. —2*|| CHANNEL MASTER < TRANSISTOR Portable Radio ns a»m 4 il-ZKi SPECIAL THIS WEEK Plays Nutt Wherever M Sees GRIFFIN’S MUSICENTER Exclusive Dealer «K S. Broad Haw UK EDENTON. H. C. Ryland Community Considers Projects A community development meeting of the Ryland communi ty was held May 5, with Harry Venters and Miss Pauline Callo way explaining the development program for 'this year. After deciding to participate in 'this year's develop merit, the follow ing were elected as leaders: Vice Chairman, El wood Cope land; Secretary, Miriam Byrum: Reporter and Publicity, Jean Copeland; Photographer, Celia Rae Copeland; Youth Chairman, H. Ivey Ward; Vice Chairman, June Carolyn Chappell. The following project leaders were elected: Increasing Income Lester Copeland. Home Improvement Rubic By rum. Youth Activities Bernice Langley. Community Projects—Mrs. It. H. Lane. Participation in church, school, etc. Nina Byrum. Each of those leaders are to select two or three other peo ple in -the community to work with them and select the pro jects for the year. A motion was made to have the next meeting June 14, at 7 UNA’S Beauty Nook For Apnointmcnts Call 2218 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:00 'TIL 5:30 UNA WHITE adorit miss ourjlay j C FRESH LEAN 4-6 Lb. Fresh Lean PORK « |SpPICNICS ib-2 9c Sjteaks i FREE KITCHEN TONGS WITH k f U c ' 1-LB. LUTER’S Mk 1 aliKt y FRANKSpkg.49 c BACONpkg.JJc FREE! 100 Extra «TT C%f\ ' Top Value Stamps lVI£Ald • • • • • ®»9 Redeem Your Free no. 303 delmonte sliced or halves £‘ | 12-OZ. TnEASUnE ISLI Follow The Leader 9 Sri Sc bait . epunons a*, phthisir's *eacnes .. • , HbQC . f2B-OZ. KRAFT'S DOTTLE UXllj Bar-B-QueSauce 49< pktr ACkc 1-LB. HARRELL'S PURE bit A, 1 1 10-o*. PKG. RICHFOOD LAKU..... pkg. 1 r?” LIMA QUICK AND REGULAR QUAKER tICRIIS Hominy Grits 2 \ 23 c pk „ 1Q C ALL FLAVORS MY-T-FINE (1 free) Pudding....4i29 c p ldenRipeFirm f Sweetmilk and Bultarmilk .^)R.IIa.IIR.S DTCn Tirpn CUT THIS COUPON 1 mciLUllo .. *9 ' 1 FREE -30 Stamps I a X\ J C I WITH THIS COUPON AND | fjv CRISP LARGE CALIFORNIA | I PURCHASE OF ONE BOX | I Giant Size Blue Cheer 1 Ron LcttllCC I EXPIRES MAY 25, 1960 | Cf JL Ht 1/ OOldW I ® Name S . Lll, I pattie Q c hs 19 C i PHTHISfC 9I Q super market A JL A JL 1 AAkJA V/ jJ PHONE 3331 EDENTON i Store Open Until 7:30 Friday and Saturday P. M. o’clock, with a cook-out at Jim mie Byrum’s Bar-B-Que pit.. The community is invited. VFW MEETING William H. Coffield, Jr., Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night, May 24, at 8 o’clock. Command er David While requests a full attendance. MASONS MEET TONIGHT McKay Washington, master of Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M., announces that a stat ed communication will be held tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. He is very anxious to have a large attendance. -/T&a' ate l The state o? your health ! is a matter of first J importance. If you are • not feeling perfectly • well, go to sec your J Doctor without delay. And when you have the Doctor’s ; ! prescriptions, do be J sure to bring them « to us for ptompt ! and precise J Compounding. IIOLLOWELL’S Rexall Drug Store Two Krjiklfrrd rharmuriM* Phone 2127 We Deliver Featured in our Bridal Registry REEB &■ BARTON Sterling , Brides-to-be! Won’t you stop in soon to register your favorite sterling pattern? A wide selection ol famous designs by Reed & Barton and other silversmiths to choose from. Prices shown are per 6-pc, setting. Fed. tax ine. BYRUM'S GIFT SHOP CONVENIENT TERMS PHONE 351 S EDENTON tlttl $33.90 $3*75 $33.90 Sitvw Clonic Fronti, S«tv«c $3479 sculptvro *ot. Tint Wheat Tow

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