PAGE EIGHT —SECTION OMR 'Wy . ■ ■ —— ■ f ■ . . SOCIETY NEWS Return To High Point Mrs. B. W. Harris of High iToint has returned home after Visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. R. A. Tgrkington. M; O Attend Graduation . Trot Leary, Louis Leary and (fyetr mother, Mis. Lee Leary at tfhded tile graduation cf her son, Douglas Leary, at East Car olina College Sunday. Returns Home i Mtss Rebecca King has rcturn jfll from High Point where she Aent the week-end with her Mrs. B. W. Harris. Week-end At Home §4trs. J. M. Jones, who is abending the summer at Nags 4dad. spent the week at her (pane on Blount Street. Guest of Parents | Billy Sutton of Mount dbent the week-end with his par «jts, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sutton. Visiting Sister ; Mrs. R. E. Leary left Satur day to spend several days in Aberdeen with her sister, Miss Molie McDonald. Williamston Visitors 5 Mrs. S. R. Biggs and Mrs. Wheeler Martin of Williamston j spent Wednesday with Mrs. R. P. Badham. o *— Visit At Beach Mrs. Eugenia Babylon, Miss Marian Robertson, Miss Agnes Robertson and their guest, Mrs. Dorothy Pritchard of Washing ton, D. C., spent the week-end it Pamlico Beach. Return From Chadbourn Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Phelps have returned from Chadbourn where they visited Mrs. Phelps’ brother. Nolion Long, who is quite ill. Visits Aunt Miss Lena Jones had as her guest over the week-end her niece. Miss Faye Jones of Ports mouth. Va. At Legion Convention Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnut't are attending the American Le gion Convention in Asheville this week. f. ~ O Week-end Guest Miss Nancy Pruden of Wilson was the guest of her brother-in law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Willis over the week-end. Florida Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Malachi Hough ton. Mrs. Helen Hartridge Mc- Millan and Mrs. Katherine Tren holm Hull from Jacksonville, Fla., were the week-end guests of Mrs. George C. Wood, Mrs. J. C. B. Ehringhaus and Mr. and ■Mrs. Ernest Leary. Sunday At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Graham Earless and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ash ley spent Sunday at Nags Head. Visits Son Mrs. William Whito spent a few days in Norfolk, Va., visit ing her son. David White. Q Visit In Coinjock Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Spires spent Sunday in Coinjcck visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Midgctt. Visits Relatives Andrew Arnold of Plymouth spent several days this week visiting relatives. I SPECIAL ON TIRES I I 670x15 $1 2*95 - P l ** tax II (WITH RECAPPABLE TIRE) I TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED I | 49c value ESSO T-SHIRTS (sizes 3to H).... SPECIAL 19c 1 I WILL ALSO HAVE 1/2 GALLON THERMOS JUGS I I SPECIAL PRICE $1.29 each . I .e % V H ~ iS i* 'r \ *'*"•'* J-» v ~ HI I Bridge-Turn Service Center I H ■' , : I I JAMES DAIL, Prop. PHONE 9710 M gjjiK ; *? ;jvc. tfkWi, , . .V. v ... * .■•*■• i _ ... - .3,1 —.L\. ." ! Zl?l*%V£C _ ~ "-* •*' . Visiting Mother Mrs. Luther Keeter and daughter Sharon are spending a few days in Elizabeth City with her mother, Mrs. L. L. Simpson. Gueet of Parents Miss Hazel Elliott of Rich mond, Va.. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Elliott. Visits Parents Miss Anna Williams, student nurse at Parkview Hospital in Rocky Mount, spent the week end as guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Williams. Week-end Guests Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kerr, par ents of Mis. James MacKenzie and son, Allen of Wyandotte, Midi., and James Kcmlcr of Ro chester, Mich., stationed at the Norfolk Naval Base, were week end guests of the Rev. and Mrs. James MacKenzie. New York Guests Mr. and Mrs. R. Frederick, Jr., formerly of Scarsdale, N. Y„ are the guests of Miss Marie H. Bradlee of S. Granville Street They will spend the summer in Bayville, Maine. Long Island Visitors Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Beasley of Long Island, N. Y„ visited Mr. Beasley’s brother, R. A. Beasley, over the week-end. ■ o Here From Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Roger Seheifer and daughter, Cynthia of Nor folk, were guests of relatives in Eden ton Sunday. Guest of Parents Airman 3C Steve Hopkins, who is stationed at Hunter Air Force Base at Savannah. Ga., spent the week-end as guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hopkins. ATTEND 100th BIRTHDAY Mrs. E, L. Belch, Thomas and Sarah Belch and Mrs. Shelton Goodwin spent Sunday in Eller be. N. C., with Mrs. Belch's grandmother, Mrs. Lou Lisk. who was 100 years old May 22. About 200 relatives and friends attended this celebration. Mrs. Lisk received separate birthday greetings from President and Mrs. Eisenhower, besides the other cards and gifts she re ceived. NEW DEAN AT ECC Dr. Robert L. Holt, registrar of East Carolina College and for mer vice president of Mars Hill College, has been appointed dean of instruction of East Carolina and will take over his new du ties immediately. President Leo W. Jenkins has announced. Dr. Holt replaces Dr. Jenkins, former vice president and dean . of instruction who was elected president of East Carolina by the Board of Trustees January 5. ATTEND CAPPING EXERCISES " | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams . and Mrs. Percy L. Williams at tended capping exercises at Parkview Hospital in Rocky Mount Friday night. At the exercises Miss Anna j i (Williams, daughter of Mr. and! :iMrs. Percy L. Williams, was! capped as a nurse. TIB CB«VAir HERALD, EPEWTON, NpgTN CAROLINA, THPEjPAT, MAT », IMP, 1 Engagement Announced ,: vt J 1 J* . - |g| - mvr * | > * r- i- • MISS UNDA LEE LEARY Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Leary of Edenton announce the-engage ment of their daughter. Miss Linda Lee Leary, to Theodore Wayne Beach. Mr. Beach is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Beach of 1603 Beaumont Drive. Greenville. N. C. The wadding will place Saturday. August 13. - Commencement Will Begin Friday Night Continued from Pag* 1. Section 1 Hospital Auxiliary. Miss Colecn Ward, girls' bas ketball coach, will present a tioplvy to the most valuable girl 1 athlete, while Ccach Bill Bill ings will present a trophy to the most valuable bov athlete. Hiram Mayo, principal will pre sent the award for outstanding senior activities, as well as vari- • ous scholarship awards. Pianist for the program will be Jo Ann Leary. The Commencement sermon will be preached by the Rev.. George B. Holmes, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Mr. Holmes will be introduced by Janies Johnston, Jr. The invo cation will be bv the Rev. Ralph Fowlkes, pastor of the Methodist Church and the Rev. E. C. Alex ander. pastor of the First Chris tian Church, will read the Scrip ture. Special musical numbers will be presented by the Senior High School Chorus with Jane . DuLancy as soprano soloist. Mrs.; Mary L. Browning will be di- j rector of music and Jo Ann Leary and Roger Lamb will be pianists. The Rev. James MacKcnzie will open (he graduation exer cises with the invocation and af ter a number by the Treble Clef Club, the graduation speak er. Dr. Robert L. Holt, registrar of East Carolina College, will be| introduced by James Johnston, j Jr. The graduating class will be presented by Hiram Mayo, prin cipal, after which the diplomas will be presented by Superinten dent John A. Holmes. Mrs. Browning will direct the music and Jo Ann Leary and | Roger Lamb will again be the I pianists. This year’s graduating class ! includes 50 students, with James Edwin Byrum, Jr., being vale dictorian and Patricia Waff" - sa lutatorian. : ; Members of this yearns gradu ating class are: Lloyd .Vaughan Adams, Judith Minlec Acjgms. Joseph Franklin Alexander, James Ronnie Bass, Norma Louise Blanchard, Harriet Vann I Bond. Joyce Wilma Bond, Sue Frances Boyce, James Edwin Byrum. Jr.. Percy Wilmer Dail, Jr., Alice Jean Davenport, Jane Holland DuLaney. James Henry Ellis. Donald Myles Pairdoth, Roland Lee Farless, Johnny Na than Forehand. Lewis Adolph Goodwin. Anthony Bryant Grif fin, Oscar Lee Hall Robert Wayne Halsey, Billy Lane Hardi son. Mary Pearl Harrell, Zackie Webster Harrell, Woody Marshall Hoggard, James Marion Johns ton, Jr.. Terry Haywood Jones, Sarah Rebecca King, Beagle Marie Lawrence. Henry Eugene Layden, Kay Lowe, Lucy Pearl Owens, La Dell Parker, Jr., Lloyd Thomas Parrish. Richard. Albert Pate. John Frank Philips, Jr., Betty White Privptt, Elizabeth Ross. Minton Carroll Small Ida i Grizzellc Smyer, Cynthia fian ces spencer, Viola Christine Stroud, Raymond Ashby Tark ington. Jr., Lois Jean Toler, Johnny Earl Twiddy, Peggy Eleanor Twiddy, Patricia itan ! Waff, Percy Ray Ward, William Barrow White, Patricia Lorean ; Wright, Ruth Elizabeth Wright. Besides the valedictorian and , salutatorian there are eigh&ojtti- 1 'cr honor students in the -upper 120 per cent These, alphabeti cally, arc Harriet Vann Bond. Jane Holland DuLaney, Mary Pearl Harrell Kay Lowe, Betty White Privott, Elizabeth Ross, Patricia Lorean Wright and Ruth Elizabeth Wright James Johnston. Jr., is presi dent of the class, James Edwin Byrum, Jr., is vice president and Patricia Waff, secretary. The mascots of the class are Teresa 11 "Dixon and Marty Deßlois. Mar shals for the exercises or Jim -1 my Rogerson, chief, Mary Ann Hare, Bin Goodwin, Joan Gar nett, Erwin Griffin, Milly Price, (Billy Cates, Ellen Basnight and Bobby Stokely. ‘civic calendar] V- -w> HWWIWIIXIW-WIIIIIIWIIW,' Continued from Page 1. Section 1 (Thursday) at 7 o'clock at the Edeuton Restaurant Beginning Wednesday. June 1. Mac James, local automobile li cense examiner, will he in his office at the Edenton Police Sta tion from 8 A. M„ until S P. M. Edenton's Lions Club has call ed off its meeting Monday night. May and will meet next on j Monday night June 6, at thei Edenton Restaurant Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon el 1 o'clock at the Edenton ReetauranL Chowan T-ibe or Red Men meet Monday night at 7:30 Vclock. William H. Coffield, Jr. Post No. 0280, Veterans of Foreign Wort, will meet Tuesday night $ o'clock. -■ T TKY J HERALD CLASSIFIED • UNA’S Beauty Nook For Appointments Call 2218 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:00 TIL 5:30 , UNA WHITE «. -i r -- n_ ij-unjnj- XL>T,r_r_r_ -j-_r j , , .vjjjjjjjj j ._ rrj . j j . Phthisic’s I We Suggest Top Quality Ruby Red Beef for hl-i in/m« mnk Hearty Meals and Cookouts, Too! J— DfcLK M>US ,WK Z ~ 1 . • 4 TO 6 LBS. GWALTNEYS SMOKED ’ » j. u. s. choice n* • i Os (cube STEAKSib-83c ‘ 35 c ■; ( To P Quality Sausage 29c FRESH GROUND zSgQy?.- O 1-LB. CYPRESS SLICED BEEFib.«lc Bacon ■ 35c ■ • For Cookouts or Quickly Prepared Meals— PD A IkTVC! p Jk f SMIIT'S PREMIUM ALL MEAT rtvAINIVO 5 frO C «> ■j 1 ‘ —' ’ W4>z. swift s Large Grade A Fresh Country PREM can4s c EGGS - dozen 39c I M COUNT HUDSON'S WHITE TABLE n c? d-L. n ii * • ' _ _ o-oz. Southern Roll .Napkins pkg. He lOLEO . pattie l-LB. HARRELL'S yr „ V*? ir* ■ ¥ A T\ -f New Local Grown # LARP pkg - 1 Snap Beam 2 ! 29c { I MO. 303 WHITE HOUSE l» ■■■ .Apple Sauce.... * 13c I NO 303 wigwam cut M fkf Morton’s Lg. Lemon ¥ ’ O i1 O pli i w%nrw banana & Chocolate S Vjreen Deans .... b [ CREAM PIES J Kotex Napkins .... 2 pkgs. 49c 55c | Waldorf Tissue .... 4 rolls 35c y W 9. PERSONAL 4bM« f K Span .. . pkg. 29c ly ™y Soap ... 27c 4 'Soap . > 4 bars 30c i ii ii ii CENTER HILL CLUB MEETS i Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club met Tuesday night , May 17, with Mrs. E. P. Jones. ! Mrs. B. P. Monds, president presided over the meeting. Fi nal plans were made for the fried chicken supper to be serv , ed at the Community Building. This supper was sponsored by the Center Hill Development Committee and all proceeds will be given to the Center Hill- Cross Roads Fire Station. Hie menu was also planned for the Ruritan dinner May 30. 'Mrs. Hallett Hobbs, family life leader, gave the -demonstration on “Working and Playing To gether As A iFamily.” Members were told that the best place in the world to learn how to get I along with other people is in the family and that shared re M AMERICA’S TOP-RATED V This power-packed radio performs even where many B’s fail. Take it on a trip...try it in a car...its long distance sensitivity will bring in sta tions even miles from “no where.” And once you hear its exceptional'll want one for your very own. • Plays for hundreds et knurs on 1 set as lew-cast batteries. • 6 matched transisters. 1 UJf Compl*. with I«th., ease, , " earphone/ ana other accessories. GRIFFIN’S MUSICENTER EXCLUSIVE DEALER 405 S. Broad St. PHONE 2528 Edenton, N.C. ——Eg sponsibilities make life easier and happier for everyone. Mrs. ‘ Hobbs, in concluding her talk, ’ said, “It is well for us to take , slock of ourselves occasionally to • see if we, as parents, are con ' tributing happiness as well as - \ Our very beat wishea t ——^\ for your commacd 1 rfelitilati'M ~~£S I * we ate prepared 1 u, compound vour Doctor s Vo | prescriptions with promptness and puUdoaj j to fill your requirements for drags, health mas and j sickroom supplies. i Hollowell’s 4 4 Rexall Drug Store Prompt Service Dial 2127 lifts. Melvin vrai he hostess at the June i-- money to our families." Self-knowledge, humility *#4 love are divine strength. —Mary Baker Eddy.

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