* ONLY NEWSPAPER . { PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—Number 23. Prospects Gloomyj ffor County To Hold, to SI.OO Tax Rate Ai Budgets of Vari-| ohs County Depart idents Calt For High er Appropriations Chowan County CosHnusskun ers ail their meeting Monday re ceived and pondered briefly over the proposed 19WMS1 budgets of ( 'the various county deqpartments., In practically every instance thei budgets are higher than last year j ant while no estimate could be made, il is an almost foregone! conclusion that it will be ne-l ccssary to increase the present SI.OO tax rate. One thing is certain and that is that the special tax for rural fire protection will be increased; hum t cents to 10 cents. The major request for increased! appropriations appears in Ukm school budgets. The Eden tun I school budget calls fur $82,542 fur current expenses. $34,200 for capital outlay and $3,511.05 ft* debt service, or a total of $109.- 313.05. This is $13901.27 above last vear when the budget called fur 395,353.38. The rouoty senoo) budget is also 30.547 above last year. The budget calls for $38,000 for cur rent expenses. $13,303 for capital outlay, and SBOS for debt service, or a thtal of $41,253. Last year's budget called tor S33.iUS. Besides these two major items. Mrs. Williams, county ac countant. reported that the Iwtdgel for the county general fuud joohs like it will be about $3,000 .higher than last year. Joe Webb. D. H. Berryman, J. G. Perry, members of the Cho wan County Fire Commission, to-! gether with Fire Chief W. J.* Yatosj appeared before the Com-, lutsstoners m connection with the! Cress* Boads-Ccnter Hitt Firw Department The building at Cross Roads has been completed and an organisation effected, so Uwt the department is ready far fire fighting equipment It was pointed out that when the de partment at Cross Roads is equipped with recommended fire fighting equipment insurance rotes will stand to he reduced withip a radius of four miles. The (Commissioners delayed ac pn the type of equipment to buy until their meeting Mon day, June 30. when figures will be nreseuted and budget pre pared. E. W. Mooney of Elisabeth Oily, district forester, together with Roger Spivey. Chowan County forest ranger, appeared at Monday's meeting to present their budget. Mr. Mooney ex pressed his pleasure for the co operation of people in Chowan County in reporting fires and of fered: Jus cooperation to the new fire ’-station at Cross Roads. l«t year's budget railed for 52,- 275 on the county's part, while this year's budget calls for $2,600, whieh- does not include a new bark which Mr. Mooney stated is needed to provide efficient service. CewtimMdi aa Pay 3—Sacrioo 1 t 20 Years Ago . jurMptertaW IVCWmIM —.—; «»! ami Coemtr CtMtem-; m kt majority «*• wcto-; «d A* bom«A of mm fchnoli at Oak Gwa Ota! M 4 and Baack Fork. A tUm\ uiMlTlm- «* ■«* eothoriaod 4ka Da-i am w**m' n »* >||^ M l laa «•*««. aniiinil h* anMal act eel faa a aaaood art-' THE CHOWAN HERALD ! [ Vexing Meeting] V- •* Chowan County Commission- 1 on have a very trying meeting scheduled to be he.d Monday. June 20. By that time they will I have in hand figures for the 1980-61 budget for various coun- I ty departments, and will, after j thorough study, set a tax rate | for the fiscal year 1960-61. I With all budgets calling for I increased appropriations, the | Commissioners will, no doubt, juggle figures, rub their eyes and even scratch their head in an , effort to keep the tax rate as low as possible. OjViinsDies i From Heart Attack! Stricken While Visit- s ing at Nixon’s ( Beach The entire community was shocked late Wednesday after- f noon of last week when news | rapidly spread that Louis George i Wilkins died suddenly as the' result of a heart attack about 6:30 o’clock. He had not been' ailing, so that his sudden death caused no little distress among his relatives and many friends. ; Mr. Wilkins and his family ( had gone to the cottage of Mrs. 1 Wilkins’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. i George Privott, at Nixon’s Beach, | Continued on Pago 3—Section I 1 Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr. Voted EdoHtoti Club Woman Os Vear Edenton Woman’s Club at its meeting Wednesday night of last week at the Edenton Restaurant vested Mrs. Wesley Chesson, Jr., club woman of the year. Mrs. Chesson is immediate past president of the club and will compete for the Carrie Earnhardt award for District 16. Mrs. Chcsson’s selected by club members was based on her out standing service to the club dur ing the year. Plans were made for the com ing year and the 1960-61 budget was accepted. Mrs, James P. Ricks. Jr., reported on the pro motional film for which funds jThreeContestsMi |ByCounty4HClubs Winners Named In Dress Revue, Health Parent and Talent t- _ ~ I The annual county 4-H dress i revue, health pageant and talent (show were held at the Advance ! Community Building on Wed nesday, June 1. Judy Haste, president of Chowan 4-H Coun cil. acted as mistress of cere monies for the events. fc I The first thing on the pro | gram was the health pageant, |with Leon Evans and Judy Evans | crowned King and Queen, with ! Thomas Pcele and Margaret 1 Tyneh being -the Prince and (Princess. The following Blue , Ribtx>n Club winners parlicipat ted: Margaret Tynch, Glenn Bunch, Jr., Jo Ann Bunch, Thomas Peele, Judy Evans, Leon | Evans, Mary Privott, Robbie ! . Boyce, Unda Byrum, Joyce Bass, Lewis Evans, Brenda White, ! Tommy Robey, Linda Ashley, I Cal Goodwin and Mary Louise (Perry. | The dress revue honors were (taken by Judy Evans, senior | winner, and Anne C&stelloo, jun- I tor winner. Other participants '{and their piacings follow: Sen — t COOK-OUT AT HYLAND i i The Ryland Community will ( have its monthly comrourrty de ' vetapment meeting on Tuesday ,' night, June 14, at 7 o’clock, tj A cook-out at Jimmie Byrum’s SIT-AtT * • Edenton, < 6 an County, North Carolina, Thursday, June 9, 1960. | Soil Conservation! Society Will Mee | ! InEdentonJune iV State Senator Henry G. Shelton of Speed Will Be Speaker For Occasion Soil Conservation Society members and their wives will meet at a dinner meeting in Eden ton Wednesday night, June 15, at 7:30 o’clock at the Eden ton Rastaurant.' Members from Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Gates, Currituck, Camden, Pas quotank, Perquimans, Chowan, Washington and Tyrrell counties will attend this meeting. State Senator Henry Gray Shelton of Speed, N. C., will make a short talk. Leslie Ruck er of Tarboro, zone chairman, j will be master of ceremonies. I | Visitors are welcome to this! meeting. If interested, contact i j James H. Griffin, Edcnton, phone |2484, for details. | The purpose of the Soil Con servation Society of America is “To advance the science and art' lof good land use.” Membership ' ‘is open to any person who agrees with this purpose. North, Carolina has about 450 members 1 at the present time. The state meeting of the so ciety will be held at Carolina , Beach on June 24-25. Zone! meetings are held over the state before the state meeting. Roger Spivey Now New Forest Ranger Roger Spivey, new forest ran ger for Chowan County, is now j on duty, succeeding the late! Frank V. White. Mr. Spivey; urges all forest fires to be re ported to him as soon as possi ble. His phone number is 3178. | are now being raised. The lifs | , saving film on mouth to mouth I respiration was shown, j The resignations of Mrs.' Earl | Goodwin, Mrs. R. H. Goodwin, ! Mrs. Richard Hines and Mrs. [ Ralph Parrish were accepted. | Mrs. West Byrum, Jr„ was re- I instated as a member and a year’s inactivity was granted to Mrs. Rodney Harrell, Jr. Guests for the meeting were Mrs. L. F. Ferguson and Mrs. I William Stanton. Council Institute will lie held | in Greensboro June 22 and 23. it was announced by the president, I Mrs. J. D. Elliott. 114 Receive Old Age ! Assistance In May Mrs. J. H. McMullan, super intendent of public welfare, re- 1 ported to 'the County Commis sioners Monday that during May j 114 persons in Chowan County ] received old age assistance with 1 ' I $4,367.72 being distributed. There 1 c 'were 22 cases of aid to depend-1- ent children who received sl,- ' 530.68; 27 cases of permanently J and totally disabled received $!,-•: 783.44 'and six aid to blind cases 1 1 received s4ll. . |i j Two emergency assistance I cases required $23.26. Five cas- < es hospitalized in the county j i amounted to $509.78, of Which* the county’s part was $379.78; one ease hospitalized outside the county, $lB, and one burial lot in Vine Oak Cemetery, sls. COMMISSIONERS TO MEET WITH HIGHWAY OFFICIALS I Chowan County Commission-! ers are scheduled to meet with, State Highway officials this I (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Court House. The pur pose of this meeting is to con sider the budget for .Chowan County highway improvements. WORKING IN RALEIGH Bud Parker left Edenton for Raleigh Monday morning, where he has accepted a position as at tendant at State Hospital. He plans also to attend, a business school. LEGION MEETS TUESDAY Ed 'Bond Post No. 40 of the' American Legion will meet Tues-| day night, June M, at 8 o’clock. ( Commander David White ra-j £ Whopper Entered In Fishing Contest - / p I I i Above is pictured the largest rock entry thus far in the Edenton Chamber of Commerce fishing contest. Displayed by Rodney j Harrell at the Edenton Marina, the rock weighed 11 pounds and 6 j ounces. It was entered by R. D. Lowe of Colerain. who landed it I in Chowan River above Holley's Island.—(Photo by Frank Twiddyl. More Contributions Needed For Promotional Film On Edenton Despite reports that the full amount necessary to produce a film on Edenton and Chowan County has been raised, The Herald was notified Monday that this is far from being the case. While the Edenton Chamber of Commerce directors unani mously voted to appropriate SI,OOO and some money is in hand, still a goodly portion of prospective contributions is in way of promises or pledges. I While the Edenton Tea Party' Chapter of the DAR and James Iredell Association, sponsors of the drive to raise the necessary funds for the film, are very op timistic about the success of the drive, the members point out that the entire amount is not in hand and neither is it entirely subscribed thus far. More money i.s needed to meet the cost of the film. In fact, ■Jkol all business-.. concerns- -Wave-. Protest Against j Chowan Elections Board Dismissed Lack of Republican Ballots In Primary Election Termed in nocent Error’ At a meeting of the State Board of Elections held in Ra leigh Tuesday, State Republican Chairman William E. Cobb with drew a complaint against mem bers 1 of the Chowan County Board of Elections. Previously Cobb charged L. S. Byrum, 1 chairman of the local Board of Elections, with incompetence and asked for his removal because no Republican were distri buted at Chowan voting pre cincts in the May 28th primary election. Mr. Cobb informed Raymond Maxwell, secretary of the State Board, that he was satisfied the Chowan incident ! was an oversight and “an inno cent error.” Maxwell was informed by Chowan election officials that only 29 Republicans were regis- Continued on Pag* 3—Section ’ Mary Anil Hare And Miliy Price; Chosen To Attend Girls’ State _ Miss Mary Ann Hare and Miss MiHy Price have been chosen to represent Chowan County at Girls’ State, which will be held at the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina the week of June 12-18. Both girls are rising seniors at the John A. Holmes High School. Tthe American Region Auxili ary sponsors the girls’ week of study of government. Miss Hare, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Hare, served as marshal at commencement exer cises, was vice president of the FTA, is a member of the Na tional Honor Society, Tri-Hi-Y, Monogram Club, and plays first string on the girls’ basketball team. For the coming year shej has been elected secretary of the Student Council. Mias Price, daughter of Mrs. Myds W. Taylor, served as * been solicited, so tooi any con cern or individual who desires to take pint in securing this promotional film is requested to) i send their cheek immediately to Mrs. John Kramer. Mrs. Kramer reported ttu.. up to Wednesday morning that < about S6OO more was needed lo cover the cost of the film and that those who have made con tributions were the following: i Campon's Jewelers, Ross Jew-' 'elers. The Chowan Herald, The* Betty Shoppe, The Jill Shoppe, Sports Specialties. Belk-Tydcr’sJ Cuthrell’s Department Store. El- j liott Company, Edenton Cotton' Mills, Edenton Furniture Com pany, Colonial Furniture Com pany, Malone’s 5, 10. 25c Store, j Rose’s 5 and 10c Store, Euntw Bottling Works, Elizabeth City Coca-Cola Co., Edenton Restau rant, Colonial Restaurant. Ralph Contiwoed -da Page s—Section 1 ‘ Need For Midwives In Chowan County Is Now Pointed Out Commissioners Delay Decision Until Con ference With Hospi tal and Doctors Mrs. E. L. Belch. David War ren and Lloyd Bunch, members' of the Chowan Welfare Depart-J ment, together with Mrs, J. H.j McMullan, superintendent, dis-l cussed with the County Com-’ missioners Monday the ad visa- 1 bility of training midwives for, duty in the county. It was pointed out that mid-' wives in the county have prac- ! tically disappeared and that their services could bo very' val uable and less expensive in ease* of normal childbirth, instead of sending prospective mothers to. the hospital. It was pointed out that it was. not. the purpose to cut in on hospital business, but that in * many cases a person could raise,' say about $25 instead of ajxKit SBO, thus in many instances re-1 Continued from Page 8. Section 1 marshal, was treasurer of the Tri-Hi-Y, is a member of the National Honor Society, Glee Glub, Monogram Club, and was manager of the girls' basketball I team. She has been elected to serve as business manager of the annual for next year. Miss Jean Adams, daughter ofj Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Adams. I is alternate. Girls’ State is a program in which the girls leant by doing. It is a program of education by active participation and gives youth a proper understanding of American Government and the American way of life before the young people shoulder the adult responsibility of citizen ship. Quality, not quantity, is | the ideal the American Legion Auxiliary seeks in the Girts’ | State program Mrs. J. L. Chastnutt is chair man of Girls' State. , | Sheriff Goodwin Requests Roving ( Deputy For County j Believes San Will Aid | In Curtailing Some i Os the Petty Crimes ‘ In the Rural Area » - . J Sheriff Earl Goodwin at Mon . day’s meeting of the County ! Commissioners, requested the au thority to employ a full time deputy sheriff. The purpose of this deputy shci iff would bo to i patiol the entire county along : the same lines as Edentcn police patrol ail over town during the night. 1 Sheriff Goodwin reported a I number of recent break-ins and petty thievery latety and ex-j ; pressed the opinion that if a * loving deputy sheriff were put !on duty, it would help to reduce! | these petty crimes and pay fer itself in the course of time. Addition of a new officer! would, of course, call for an! added expenditure, so that the [Commissioners took the request! under advisement to be discussed later when thev compile the budget for the new fiscal year. Cullinher Manager Os Bunch’s Garage Albert Culhphcr has sold his interest in the Edenton Motor Company to Gene Perry and has rented Willie Bunch’s garage on North Broad Street. Mr. Culli pher will act as manager of the gaiage and Mr. Bunch will de vote his entire time to operation of Bunch’s Auto Parts. Little League. Pony League And Soft hall League Ready To Plav */ O' The Little League began its first day of play on Monday. June 6, This year the league isi composed of four teams with' approximately 15 members on; each team. A great deal of en- i thusiasm has been shown thus, far. This is exemplified by the large number of boys who reg- 1 istered. In the first game the Varsity i Club defeated the Lions Club by a score of 6-1. The winning pitcher was Dave Holton. The Using pitcher was Mike Smith. \ Coach Billy Hardison and the; Little League ptavers wish foj extend a note of thanks to Lu ther Parks and William Davis j for their efforts in getting the j Little League field in good play-; mg condition. 1 1959 Taxes Collected I Arc 95.08% Os Levyl Sheriff Earl Goodwin reported to the County Commissioners on Monday that 1959 tax collections during May amounted to $13,- 198.48. Total 1959 taxes collect-j ed to date totals $199,275.40,1 leaving a balance of $20,729.20; uncollected of the 1959 tax levy of $220,004.60. The May collec tions of 1959 taxes is 05.08'i cf the total levy. Delinquent taves collected dur ing May amounted to $977.26. in cluding taxes for the years 1949 through 1958. The balance of uncollected taxes for this period still remains at $61,378.38. Sher iff Goodwin also collected pick up taxes in the amount cf $12.13 for the year 1948. Joint VFW And Auxiliary Meeting William H. Coffield. Jr.. Post No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the VFW Auxiliary' will hold a joint meeting in thej post home Tuesday night, June M. at 8 o’clock. Dinner will be' served by the Auxiliary mem bers. so that all members of both groups are requested to be pres ent. " 4 CALLING FOR BIDS Chowan County Commission ers will award a contract for furnishing oil for the county to the lowest bidder. Bids must be presented prior to a scheduled budget meeting on Monday. June 20. RED MEN MEET MONDAY Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night. June 13, at • oV»ock. Guy Williams, sachem of the tribe, urges e large at- $2.50 Per Year In North Carotin* Meeting Os Pollock Swamp Watershed Called For June 15 I . . d \ ; Identified For the first lime since il was built, Jhe high school on Hicks Field is now adorned with a name, so that folks who pass by will know the name of the I I school. Late last week the name "John . A. Holmes High School" was . placed on the front of the build . ing so that it can easily be seen from Broad 1 Street. The letters , are 18 incites high and made J stainless steel. The work was I done by the Edenton Constru:-! I tion Company. j Chowan 4-H Group | At Manteo Camp 24 Youngsters Left) Monday Morning to , Spend Week Twenty-four 4-H Club mem- 1 hers along With Miss Catherin:| Aman. assistant home economics' agent, and Harry Venters, assist-■ ant county agricultural agent, and Mis. Carlton Perry, local 4-H Club leader, left Monday morn ing to si;end the week at Roa- ; noke Island 4-H Camp at Man teo. Continued on Page 6—Section I ; A Pony League will be start- ■ ed in the next few days. All • j boys between the ages of 13-16 , ' who are interested in coming out j for the Pony League should ’ j come out and sign up sometime ] ,on Thursday or Friday cf this week. Plans are nearly completed for ; a softball league. This softball I program is sponsored by the ! Varsity Club. The league thus far is composed of four teams which are the Varsity Club, Jay j cees, the Red Men and a P & Q team. A schedule has net yet [been worked out but tentative plans have been made to play | four games a week, two games j cn Tuesday and Thursday nights] |of each week. Play is scheduled , I to begin cn June 21. \ I Donors Os Blood Go J i To Plymouth Today < Tom Ridgeway, Red Cross i blood program chairman for Chowan County, announces that 1 , those who will volunteer to do- I nate a pint of blood in Plymouth ’ I today (Thursday) will meet at ' the Chowan Hospital this (Thurs- ; day) afternoon at 1 o'clock. ' Transportation will be provided 1 for those who volunteer. > I Last week Mr. Ridgeway is sued an appeal for at least 19 ’ pints of blood from Chowan County people in an effort to : 1 save the blood program for the 1 county. Chowan is 19 pints ' ' short of its quota and this blood ■ must be forthcoming if the blood 1 program in the county is to be ! continued. I Mr. Ridgeway is hopeful that at least 19 people will show up at the hospital this afternoon to go to Plymouth to donate a pint of blood which will be credited ' to the county and save the im ! porlant blood program. j \ civic calendar! jv — •> i Soil Conservation Society mem bers from 11 eastern counties and their wives will meet at the Edenton Restaurant Wednes day night, June IS, at 7:30 o'clock. Landowners of the Pollock l Swamp watershed will meet in 1 the Court House Wednesday morning, June IS, at 10 o'clock. Chowan County Commission ers will meet in special session; Monday, June 20. to compile the county budget for the fiscal year 1960-61. Hyland community will hold Us monthly community develop- Continued on hgt s~Boctton t I FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK -• ■ ■■ ■ ■ ! All Landowners In the I Area Are Requested i To Meet at the Court J ! House at 10 A. M. 5 | 5 j J. Wallace Goodwin, chairman f of the committee appointed by the landowners in the Pollock I Swamp watershed, has called a > ! meeting of all landowners in the s | watershed for Wednesday morti cing, June 15. at 10 o’clock at i the Chowan County Court House 5 in Edenton. ’ • The purpose of the meeting is 5 i to prepare the plan of improve ' | ment for the watershed. The committee of J. Wallace Good ; win, B. W. Evans and J. C. Hall | met with L. C. Bunch, chairman of the Albemarle Soil Conserva tion District; C. W. Overman, county agricultural agent; Don ald W. Norman, FHA super visor; Fletcher Lassiter. Negro 'county agent, and James H. I Griffin. SCS technician. Wed nesday of last week and pre j pared a recommended plan of [ improvements for the water shed to be presented to the mass landowners’ meeting Wednes day, June 15, for approval. | The watershed is located about three miles north of Eden tan on N. C. 32. Improvement;, are to begin at N. C. 32 and ex tend to W. B. White's farm near Mavaton. It includes the com munities of Greenhall, Paradise ; and Enterprise. •' Mr. Goodwin urges every landowner to be present at this meeting. He hopes that every landowner will assist in prepar ing the type of watershed p.an needed. | Flooding and drainage are the main problems in the watershed. The committee proposed plan in cludes the main channel from N. C. 32 highway through W. It. White's land near Mavaton. Nine laterals are included, too, Farms Measured ; For Allotted Crops Nine Reporters Now In Field to Help Farmers i H. O. West, local ASC offic» manager, announces that during the next three weeks reporter; will be visiting every farm in the county to measure allotti d crops. This year the boys will ask each farmer to assist them in getting the farms measurer!. This is a new rule, since in the past reporters were allowed to have a boy to help pull the tap«\ but it has been round to be to the farm operator’s advantage to assist the reporter by going to each field of allotted crops and helping him get accurate farm ! reports from each farm, i "So. when the reporter first visits your farm,” says Mr. West, "please go with him or have your representative accompan' him as soon as possible. If you delay the reporter, that means your measuring and notification of measurements will be de layed. | "At present we have nine re porters in the field. A few pho tographs have been turned in the county office and the com putation of acreage work is pro gressing. “Information will nol be giv en out prior to mailing notices concerning the measurements of your farm. Your written notice of measured acreage will be mailed to you immediately upon completion of measurement. Continued on Page 3—Section 1 40~JAILED IN MAY Jailer Bertram Byrum reports that 40 persons were placed in , jail during May with confine ; ments ranging from one to 31 days. The expense amounted to 1 $344.48, which included jail and turnkey fees, telephone and ' soap. J JAYCEES MEET TONIGHT Eden bun’s Chamber of Com , merce will meet tonight (Thurs day) ot 7 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant President James Perry urges o 100 per cent i meeting. _ , 0

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