lICTIOM TWO PAGE SIX p Three P’s B PERSONAL AND Brivate PROBLEMS |p muu win niwpt tw mm jlwul wad private problem• at ia ■fmaala who vwlxnlt their eaeetinn ■Killla ralama. Three laqalrle* to la- MH family and eorial prebleme and «■ cave* qaeation* that come ap la I MBaatlag oaeaell to vorlety; economic, pppattwaa te include adjavtmral to baai-! iflla life and career*. All Inaairlea: mmnnTi ana aameo will he held hTthe^vlrlctevt coafidenre. All Inqalr- It* nod qaentlon* ahoelri he »d<<rrmf If "Three PV. care of The fhowaa Itecald. Kdentoa. N. *3. —Vladimir T» Koilov. tloaaaelor Dear Three P’s: Several articles have appeared in my local paper indicating that there has been an increase in business bankruptcies as well as in personal bankruptcies. l While the articles did not say, outright that these failures 1 might be a forerunner of more than a business adjustment, it was stressed that the increase in the individual, personal bank ruptcies was a new factor in the economic picture. Could these so-called business adjustments in dicate that, there might be- a recession similar to the 1929 de pression? —Daniel. Dear Daniel: It would be unwise for any' commentator, because of one! sign of weakness in our eco JUST UNPACKED! If A Real “Scoop” Purchase Summer Piece Goods Last week Belk-Tylcr’s buyers made a sensational purchase ot over 50,000 yards of lovely new cottons for the summer at ri dieulously low prices. These sroods come from some of the best mills in the country and represent real values. Make your plans ri«:ht now to buy your summer piece goods at lielk-'ly ler’s and save from 15c to 25c on every yard ... Be at ★ FINE PRINTED MUSLINS MKuBS LYLLLIS ★ CRISP LAWN PRINTS JHii rHSTSiS ★ LOVELY NOVELTY PRINTS SSSS3 ★ DRIP DRI PLAIN FABRICS Regular Values Tu SI.OO R€g " la^ lues si.99 rt TOMORROW ' Remember . . . You Ahoavs itiADMtvr l ? 1 Save at BELK-TYLER’S MORNING! yd. r ica c«„* Dept.! COOL PRINTED COTTONS I Fine quality Sheer Cottons in Printed Muslins. Full 36 indies wide, first quality. These come in a large of patterns including children’s types, lingerie designs and novelty prints. You’ll want plenty of these goods at such a low price! REGULAR VALUES TO 69c llNmmr SALE 39c 1 nri it rfvi DULilv a 1 I LE/K u jnomic picture, to yell fire and create an atmosphere of minor panic. It is true that there has been an increase in business bankruptcies as well as individ-! ' ual bankruptcies, which is nor | mal on an expanding economy. | However, the increase in individ ual, personal bankruptcies is a ! new factor in the economic pn> | ture. Individual bankruptcies I used to lie a rarity, and indi-i viduals seldom followed this! procedure to be rid of their per-l sonal debts, feeling that this was dishonorable. One of the tragic anomalies of the 1929 depression was not a failure of the industrial capacity' of the country to produce, for! there was an excess of products j on the market in the way of, 'food, clothing and other neces-' sarv items. The failure was in j ! the inability of the consumer to, : purchase. This was duo to over, production, over speculation in! the stock market to take ad vantage of the presumed future profits of industry, sending stocks i up beyond any reasonable re turn on the investment. This brought about the crash in thCj stock market and the forced li quidation of debt and many failures. At that time there was not available the personal credit which is now available in the amount of millions. The situation is similar in one 11 respect. Since the end of the r| recent war, the productive ca-j ! pacitv of industry has increased > | tremendously, and the inventive -1 genius of industry has produced • .many new and improved pro . ducts, outmoding all of the pre-j . vices standard products on the i market. There developed great ' advertising campaigns to entice 1 i the consumer to buy the many, I new and improved products on j ! the market. There developed’ I greater production than the con sumer could absorb in the ner-| mal way. There developed new means of credit with small or no cash down payments, and the 1 monthly installment payments ! was well on its way to move i the great production into the j hands of the consumer. 1 1 The government helped in the | easier financing of home pur- I chases through the FHA and , the many veteran plans of easy \ credit. This stimulated the con-> struction of homes which was badly needed after the termina tion of the war. The FHA is still continuing and with the aid of the many Federally char tered savings and loans assoeia | tions it is not too difficult to finance the purchase of homes, < In other times it was normal , for an individual to tinance the ■ purchase of a home; however, * the individual did not furnish : h:s home on a financed basis. ■ Tt« CHOWAH MMUOP..«PEWTWr. CAHOtIWA, TfflmtPAT, JUNE j. IHO. ■ He bought What he could with j cash and did without until the cash was available to buy what was needed. This is not true to day. As soon as one purchases j a home he then makes ar-1 ’ rangements to furnish the new home on a credit basis, so that he owes for everything that 1 went into the hofcse as well as \ the purchase of an automobile ! This has led to an enormous in dividual debt amounting to bil lions of dollars. In addition to | this type of credit, there de veloped the small loan indus try which makes small loans to people already in difficulty at very high rates. These finance companies have grown up like mushrooms and their annua] profits are tremendous. Some of these finance companies have, their stock listed on several of! the stock exchanges. It is this tremendous debt that is becom ing burdensome to the average person and in many eases is be yond his ability to pay. A loss cf income or a loss of a job may mean the collapse of the house that credit has built. This ac counts for the increase in indi vidual bankruptcies, so much so that credit managers are lcoking at the situation with a juandiced eye. In a sense the situation in the stock market is the same. Forji a number of years now, econo- i mists and those who claim to know have been advising the purchase of anything and every thing on the theory that this I* country with its rapidly increas ing population and new com modities is facing a tremendous boon which will reach its peak sometime in the next few years. Stock market investment is not based on the return of the in vestment but on the speculation that profits will increase, that there will be an increase in capital worth and numerous stock dividends. To a certain extent this has happened, but ■there is a question if the pace has not been too fast and that the fall in prices on the various exchanges is not discounting the situation. The stock market certainly has been uncertain {since the first of the year, and there appears to be a limit to;, the increase of profits and stock dividends. Anyone who is at all conservative should watch the credit structure. Banks have entered into the picture to com pete With the small finance com panies, by making available a revolving credit based on a man’s salary. He can draw a check against this credit when even he needs the money and j pay it back on a monthly basis. j There is developing a great deal j of 'criticism of banks making this' ' I ca4y credit available when a I great many people are heavy in debt. So the increase to busi ness bankruptcies is due <to the expanding economy, and the in crease in individual bankruptcies is due to the over extension of easy credit which is now begin ning to pinch the consumer who bought anything and everything on credit. Dear Three P’s: While I never have been sus picious of toy husband he is now giving mfe some concern. I have been reading about these men who have 'had two wives in separate towns and the school teacher who had two wives. My husband travels and very fre quently he is away for long week-ends and he says he is never in a position to let me know where I can get in ‘touch With him. I do not want these suspicions to grow and I wonder BELK-TYLER’S __ I lli I jiHv House Dresses SALE! 1. Special group women’s house dresses ala large reduction .. .AL ~ great selection of fabrics, styles. fflrL jl Priced at a large, savings. Assort- Jf cd colors and styles. REGULAR $3.99 SELLERS 5a1 «52.97 M 2. Racks and raek& of women’s gB spring house dresses. Cool, crisp, summer cottons. Sizes 10-20 and REGULAR $2.99 SELLERS S*'< S K 97 ... M Tyf J I .jv.v , J Jr Li I l I \ I • i\ v what I should do. —Too Trusting. Dear Too Tnisting: "With 'the ease of travel today what you complain of is becom ing rather common. In fact two plays ‘have been written On toe subject and have had successful runs. You might actually face him with your suspicions and bring it out to toe open .which is the best way; you could also suggest that you go with him oh some of his long extended trips and see what results. Kept His Promise Bride Men are brutes. Myj husband promised me a surprise if I learned to cook, so I toqk lessons. Friend—You did! And what was the surprise? Bride—He dismissed our cook. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. —Franklin D. Roosevelt j NOTICE Western Union has been moved to the Bus Station. Hours B:3* A. M., to 7:00 M. Sunday 9:00 A. M., to 1:00 P. M. PHONE 2181

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