—Section two PAGE EIGHT Negro Home Demonstration News By MBS. OMNIB S. CHARLTON, Caaaty Nacr* Hmu Bmalw l|wt Six delegates from Chowan County attended the State Con ference of Farmers and Home makers held last week at A. and T. College, Greensboro, N. C. They were Mrs. Pauline Perry, Green Hall; Mrs. Clara Carter, ■ Warren Grove; Mrs. Valola Roun tree, Center Hill; Mrs. Fannie R. Parks and Miss Frances Wil liams, Hudson Grove, and Mrs. Mable B. Jordan, Edenton. J. B. Small and I also attended the conference. These delegates will give detailed reports on classes taught at the conference, in the home demonstration club meet ings, community meetings, by radio and through home visits. Classes for homemakers in cluded: “Take Time To Live," taught by Mrs. Corinne Grims ley. Extension Family Relations Specialist. Mrs. Grimsley point ed out that .“there are three things which do much to shape our lives time, energy, and money. Time is the most con-, stant and unchanging while there’s life, there’s always a 1 supply. Each day you have 1,- 440 minutes. What each individ ual puts into his time will de termine what kind of person he is, what kind of life he lives, what contribution he makes to the people around him and to the whole wide world.” Other interesting classes were: “Simplified Home Preparation to Survive the Threat of Radio Ac tive Fall-out.” Instructor, Mrs. Sara B. Weaver, Civil Defense Agency. “Current Trends in Fro zen Foods,” Mrs. B. B. Ram seur, Home Economics Special ist “New Furniture From Old,” 1 Mrs. G. K. Greenlee, Home Eco-. nomics Specialist and Miss Pau line Gordon, Extension Special ist in Housing and House Furn ishings. “Plain and Fancy Yeast Breads.” Mrs. B. B. Ramseur and Mrs. Rachel Ferguson, Ex tension Nutritionist. “It’s Nice To Know How,” Miss S. Vir ginia Wilson. Extension Nutrition Specialist. At the general assembly Wed-1 nesday. Dr. Emol Fails, Associ ate Professor of Economics. N.| C. State College, spoke on “Hu man Relations and Our Society.” | Dr. Fails held the attention of: all as he explained that human j relations deal with how to get along with people and that is based on the Christian religion. Some points I remember of his speech are: What ever you sow, you w’ill reap. If you smile at A person, he smiles back. If you srow& you—-will.- .get . .back a Trown. We must like people first if you want them to like you. We must appreciate another’s point of view. We must develop a sense of doing things to help others. To forgive is divine. When we deal with people, let's put ourselves in their Shoes. One should not be against things if he has nothing better to offer. When we think negatively we cause the attitude. Everything is-caused. Nothing just happens and as a man thinketh so is he. Individuals from Franklin. Bla den, Guilford and Mecklenburg counties, formed a panel to dis cuss “My Community and Its Progress”, at another assembly program. Our community groups here in Chowan are doing many of the activities discussed by the panel. When a community organizes, and all families in the community work together, there is no limit to the improve ments ‘that can be made by the families, on their farms and in their community. Dr. Warmouth T. Gibbs, presi dent of A. and T. College, and Mrs. Gibbs entertained the group TTI I E / OUAKANTHO "' RALPH E. PARRISH. INC. Phone 2421 “Your Frigidaire Dealer” Edenton, N. C. at ‘Tea” June 11. Informal rec ! reation was enjoyed at the gyro ] nasium June 16. A Dress Re i vue showing how one can be well dressed at small cost was ,j held Wednesday evening. || Hospital Notes ] > r> I VWHi; Hoorn: ln:W-l!:M A. M„ r. 6:«*-8:M P. M. | Children under It nut permitted : to visit patients. Patients admitted to Chowan! Hospital during the week of j Patients admitted to Chowan ( Hospital during the week of June, 13-19 were: Miss Janet Britton, Edenton: Raleigh White, Hertford; Jasper L. Wiggins, Edenton; Miss Penny Lynn Trotman, Hobbsville; Mas ter Louis Francis, Jr., Edenton;j Mrs. Carolyn Hollowell, Tyner; Russell Chappell, Edenton; Mrs. Blannie Copeland, Tyner; Mrs.! Nellie Pearl Byrum, Suffolk; 1 Miss Martha Jane Evans, Hert-j ford; Miss Jo Ann White. Merry Hill; Leroy Haskett, Edenton;! Mrs. Norma Griffin, Edenton; j George I. Dail, Edenton; Mrs. I Susan Nixon. Hertford; Miss Bet ty Jean Farless, Edenton. Negro George Wilson Felton, Hert ford; Sarah Wills. Edenton; Lula Mae Bond, Edenton; Myrtise Ward, Edenton; Vivian Creigh ton, Edenton; Sarah Collins, Edenton; Phylis Ward, Edenton; Lemuel Boone, Hertford; James Harris, Edenton. Discharges during the same week 'were; White Master Wayne Owens, Hert ford; Miss Janet Britton, Belvi dere; Mrs. Marjorie Davenport, Creswell; Master Louis Francis, Jr.. Edenton; Miss Jo Ann White. Merry Hill; Master Joe Phelps, Creswell; Mrs. Carolyn Hollo well, Tyner; Leroy Haskett, Edenton; Bobby Hall, Greenville; Miss Jane Evans. Hertford; Miss Penny Lynn Trotman. Hobbs ville; Mrs. Blannie Copeland, Ty ner. Negro Iredell Hoffler, Hertford; Geo. W. Felton. Hertford; Sarah Wills, Edenton; Vivian Creighton. Eden ton: Mary Stallings. Hobbsville: Phyllis Ward. Edenton: Joe Leary, Edenton: James Harris, Edenton: Lula Mae Bond, Eden ton; Sarah Lawrence, Edenton. Births Births aT"the hospital-dHTtrv?' the same period were: Mr. and Mrs. David Hollowell of Tyner, a daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Byrum of Suffolk, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Dorus Copeland of Ty ner. a daughter. Poverty is a teacher of all the arts. —Plautus. WAKE UP RARIN' TO GO Without Nagging Rarkarta Now ! You can ge*, the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache ana muscular aches and pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tired out feelings. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stros anti atrain—you want relief —want it fast ! Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink—often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan’s Pills work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache headaches, muscular aches and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. S Enjoy a good night’s sleep and the same happy relief millions have for over AO years. New, large sixe saves money. Get Doan’s Pills today ! . Doan s Pills r— ———— —■ [SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Confin'd, from Pago 3 Suction it iit A listener who hears the best ought to do the best. To hear the right but do the wrong, to sec the beautiful but choose tlie -ugly, to know the true but choose the false is gross sin. Such timbers in your house of personality arc like termite eaten beams. Such structures cannot stand. In the parable of two sons in Matthew 21:26-32. we have a typical response to a father s re quest. One son sr.vs, ”1 will,” but does not. The second son says. T won’t,” but does the father's will. Some religious folks simply do not grow. They arrive at a certain point and are satisfied. This is stagnation. Some, how ever, yearn to be better than they are. James. John. Peter. Mary, Zaceheus and countless others who took the teachings of Jesus seriously all came to a new life. They learned to de pend on themselves. They soon discovered that there was a power not their own that helped them work righteousness. When someone raised the question concerning work and fair play, Jesus seized the op portunity to tell a parable about laborers and their hours of work (Matthew 20:1-16). Some men were hired early in the day and did a full day’s work; some were hired half way through the (day; still others were hired al most at the end of the day; yet their employer paid each man an equal amount, • This system did not suit all. Those who had done a full day’s work felt it was grossly unjust. But the employer, apparently recogniz isng the need of such man and the hunger of his household, felt he had a right to pay as ho saw fit. So Jesus refuted the merit system—good works as a means TOWN OF EDENTON, N. C Assessment Roll Albania Street And Notice of Public Hearing . WHEREAS, under and by virtue of a resolution adopted by tlie Town Council of the Town of Edenton. dated September 19. 1957. published as required by law, and to which reference, is hereby made, the Town of Edenton has provided, constructed, es tablished and completed asphalt surfacing for said 1 Town or that portion of Albania Street being between Dickerson Street an'ff U. S. Highway 17 as set out and described in said resolution; AND WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Edenton has computed and ascertained the total cost thereof; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Coun -eit of the Town of Edenton hcrebv makes an assessment of fifty per cent of the total cost of said improvements upon the lots abut ting directly upon the street or portion of the street described, according to the extent of their respective frontage by an equal rate per foot of such frontage and in accordance with said resolu tion, and hereby makes out an assessment roll as follows: I.OT NO. UWSI.It KOOtAGE TOTAI, 3t l\ K. PrUchurd and wife.--- 155.3 $ 100.48 ’ -of 28 23 unit 30 R, G. Wlttis and wife™ - 150.0 97.05 27 and of 28 K. G. Harrell and wife-, 90.0 5*.23 26 .fosse t.. Harrell and wife.— 60.9 .78.82 21 through 25 R. P. Parr and wife.- . JOO 9 134.19 19 Eugene Carpenter and wife 60.0 78,82 20 H. M. Phthisic and wife.-.——-—— 60.0 3§.£S IS V. B. Jones 68.5 44.32 14, l.», is and 17 R L. Taylor and wife. Myda P 202 0 155.04 12 and 17 R- P. Raer and wife.--.;* 126.9 81.52 11 .1, H. Griffin. —— 63:0 107$ 10 and i. of 9 M. G. Brown Co. 94.5 61.14 8 and l of 9 Raleigh B. Hollowell and wife ... 94.5 61.14 7 J. H. Allshropk and wife 630 40rt6 5 and 6 H. M. Phthisic and w ife I.* 143:0 92.53 TOTAL 1.T79.8 $1,151.52 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE FOREGOING AS SESSMENT ROLL be deposited in the office of the Town Clerk for inspection by parties interested, and that there be published in the same manner as the order on resolution authorizing such work, a notice of completion of the assessment rolls, setting forth a de scription in the general terms of the improvement fixing the time of the meeting of the Town Council for the hearing of allegation and objections in respect of the special assessment said meeting to lie held at the Municipal Building in Edenton, North Carolina, on July 12. 1960. The above resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Edenton, N. C., on the 14th day of June, 1960. JOHN A. MITCHENER, JR., Mayor. Attest: ERNEST J. WARD. JR.. Clerk. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDEITTORr IWRTJI CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, UM. of gaining spiritual values. Regardless of. when a man starts working in God’s vine yard, each man receives the same sense of inner peace, poise and power. He who is a doer of the Word finds the same inner 'qualities of life regardless of longevity of service. God is a loving God; and his love is ex pressed as a father to a son, not as an employer to his employees. So ought we to treat our broth ers, sons, of God. (These comments are based en outlines of the Internatienal Sunday School Lessons, copy* righted by the International Council of Religious Education, and used by permission.) Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Louis George Wilkins, deceased. late of Chowan County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. < This 16th day of June, 1960. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY,: - Administrator of Louis ■ George Wilkihs. June23.30,Ju1yT.14,21,28c • ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator CTA of the estate of Issac Jordan, - deceased, late of Chowan Countv. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate 'of said deceased to present them to the undersigned Within one year| from date of this notice or same; will be pleaded in bar Os their' recovery. All persons indebted, to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th dav of June. 1960. WELDON A. HOLLOWELL. Administrator CTA of Issac Jordan. june9.16.23,30. july7,l4c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Hfcving qualified as adminis -1 trator of the .estate of Deborah R. Elliott' deceased, late of Cho -1 wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having Claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar Os their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 9th day of June, 1960. LOGAN R. ELLIOTT, Administrator of Deborah R. Elliott june9,16,23,30,ju1y7,14c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Emma N. Chesson, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of June, 1960. ROBERT L. CHESSON, Administrator of Emma N. Ches son. . June 2,9,16,23,30Ju1y7 North Carolina In The Chowan County Superior Court NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Shelby Spencer Bridges, Plaintiff, vs. Richard Alien Bridges, Defendant. . To: Richard Arlen Bridges: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in • the above entitled action. The nature of the relief be ing sought is as follows: Plaintiff seeks an absolute di vorce from the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing ‘between ■the plaintiff and defendant on the ground of separation for more than two years next pre ceding the commencement of this action. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 21st day of July, 1960. and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court foi the relief sought. This 20th dav of June. 1960. LENA M. LEARY. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court, i une23,30, Jhly7,l 4c Ufc SCIENTIFIC If PEST ni |K CONTROL BfJL. HOMES WFK INDUSTRY FREE INSPECTION - PHONE 3223 IsiUkw. .. . ■ .>■'< 1 fsgssSHSwSSgfiSF wW C jjsg| J.. 'y\ »Ni ' kvv*, i, v WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLET SIURDI BIUTRUCKS ' • * . • v ■:■ ? i ' \ See your heal authorized Chevrolet dealer ; George Chevrolet Company; Inc. PHONE 2138 1100 N. Broad Street EteftM, N. C. jtowActurer’s License No. 110 D " l * M NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Cnowan County. Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under signed by Marvin P. Wilson and wife, Sarah B. Wilson, dated May 10, 1954, and recorded in DT Book No. 67, pages 230-231, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured ‘by said Deed of Trust and said instrument be ing by ,the terms thereof subj ect to a foreclosure, and the holder of the indebtedness there by having demanded a foreclos ure thereof for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness, the undersigned. Trustee, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, « ' ' N .. . x JBi, ■K- "f - v V, JOE THORUD SAYS: > I NEW IDEAS FOR A NEW ERA , ANNOUNCING ’ - ft' invincible 1 • V ■ • * 1 •• , 'O’ .V ►A f PROTECTION ... a low-cost accident and sickness plan by Nationwide. Offers seven hospital, medical, surgi- - cal coverages to choose from . . . cash benefits . . . uorld-wide protec | tionl Contact: JOE THORUD 204 Bank of Edenton Bldg. P. O. Box 504 PHONE 2429 l llVationwide MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Columbus, Ohio * * * *» * 4.- • - North Carolina, at 11:30 A- M.. Saturday on the 9th d*y of July, 1960, the real estate in Chowan County, North Carolina, to-wtt: Beginning at a point on the Southern side of Um Edenton - Hertford Highway (Highway No. 17) at L. A. Decse’s line, run ning thence in a Southerly di rection along the L. A. Deese line to the Deese-Davenport cor ner (now Deese-Parrish); thence in an Easterly direction along the Davenport (now Parrish) line to a corner in said line; thence in a Northerly direction along Parrish’s line to a corner in said line; thence in a Northwestward ly direction along the said Par rish line to the Edenton- Hert Seagrams VO IMPORTED CANADIAN RysiNct Seaptii^ warns** I (|% C U IBIS " H ISM IS SIX >TA*S I «1l« 1.111 l t Dta *** I —Of 0 And sow * p *’,|. , l‘j I 4/5 Qt, p-.’— l lUSSIM OISTIUtIS COMPMY.II.Y.C. 16.1 PROOF, CMMHM frHIS*Y-MIUIO...Si«YUIS«I». ford Highway (Highway Not 17); thence along said highway to a Westerly direction to the p<%* of beginning, .containing o, acres more or less: and’ feeing the same property conveyed to the said parties of the .first part by A, C. Boyce et ux by deed dated January 91, 1947, and re corded in the Public. Registry tor Chowan County In Rook 6 at page 472, to which deed and the deeds mentioned therein ref erence is hereby made for fur ther description and chain of title. > ■ * Dated and posted this 4th day of June, 1960. NELL N. POWELL . Trustee. JunelM3,So,July7c OUT WHERE THE COUNTRY CAN TEAR A TRUCK TO NECES- Chevy middleweights get x /i more work done in a day! When they used to deliver 2,300 gallons of liquefied petroleum gas in other trucks. Petrolane Gas Service of Long Beech, California, can now deliver 3,500 gallons a day! That’s 7 days a weak usually, over back traits and up into high rock country with maximum GVW loads. And with Chevy’s Torsion- Spring Ride paving every foot of the way! "You don’t get any more rotting on washboard roads than you do in a passenger cor, or any sidesway on curves." toys driver Bcrnie Stone. *7 used to take some rough roads at from 5 to 8 miles an hour. Now 1 can go 30 over them.” Petrolane has over 200 Chevrottts hauling for dram. If you think we’re excited About Chevy’s independent front suspen sion, you ought to talk to the truck owners who are profiting.by it. They’ll tell you Chevy’s torsion spring design is the hottest-thing gan. Drive one—that’s STprooi, short and sweet. f .

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