* ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—Number 29. Rocky Hock Baptist jf hurch Planning 125th Celeoration Os Church Founding July 31 Dr. Stewart A. New man and Rev. Robert Harrell Will Be Spe cial Speakers On Sunday, July 31, a special day is scheduled to be observed at the Rocky Hock Baptist yChurch. The occasion will be the observance of the 125th an niversary of the founding of the church and will be a day of homecoming festivities. The day will also mark five years to the day that the congregation enter ed its education budding and it is hoped that on this occasion the remaining indebtedness of the building may be retired. The Rev. Thurman W. Allred,' present paslor of Rocky Hock Baptist Church, announces that an interesting program is being planned which is scheduled to begin at 10:30 A. M. Dinner on' the grounds will be served, around 12:30 P. M.. and will provide an hour for fellowship , and the renewal of old acquaint ances. The afternoon program will begin at 2 o’clock and the festivities 'of the day will con clude at around 3:30 P. M. JDr. Stewart A. Newman, pro essor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Wake For est, will be the featured speaker j of the day and will deliver the homecoming message during the afternoon session. The Rev. Robert Harrell, pastor of Brook side Baptist Church. Nashville. Tenn., and one of the Rocky Hock "preacher boys”, will bring the message during the morning worship service. Special music will be rendered by choral groups and the choirs of the church at both services. Rocky Hock Baptist. Church was organized in 1335 and during the intervening years has sent out at least 12 young men to-en ter the Gospel ministry. They are George W. White, deceased; tlie Rev. W. H. Hollowell. retired and living at Ayden, N. C.: Ihe Rev. Norman Ashley, pastor of Continued on Pago 4 — Section 1 j 20 Years Ago At Pound in tha PU«a of Tht Chowan Herald Th* local National Guard unit was planning to spand three waaks In camp in Louisiana and Mississippi daspita newspapers stories to the effect that Presi dent Frankrin Roosevelt planned to call out SO,OOO Rational Guardsmen far a year's intensive training. Millard F. Bond was elected ▼ice president of the North Caro-1 Una ABC Board at a meeting held at Wrightsville Beech. A Vacation Bible School closed •at the Baptist Church at which 1 ISt children were enrolled. | John A. Holmes, secretary, and J. Edwin Bufflap. president of the Eden ton Rotary Club, left for Atlantic Beach fa attend a Ro tary Assembly of the 100th Dis trict. V Chowan Woman's Club staged ' an all-day picnic at Cross Roads which was featured by two base ball games. Edenton Lions Club continued to hold the lead in the Edenton; softball league. Edenton Chamber of Com-| merce began a membership drive Continued an r aga a Bactfan 1 1 7-Foot 8-Inch Alligator KiDed Last Week In Pembroke Creek AH doubt that local people y*e seen alligators in waters Jltaabout was smashed to imUhereens Friday morning when a dead alligator was Iraught to the Edeoton Marina, the reptile was T feet and •; fetches km( «ad was estimated |»wei«h about 900 pounds. several occasions and at ~ Various times it has bean re- that M^^aMgntor^tots S| while those making the re *3te were very certain they ■Mr an aUigator. yet there were )' -JUmr who more or less scoffed r iboiit 1 * m ‘ THE CHOWAN HERALD J Here Is The Proof, Folks! - «*» That alligators have been seen in local waters can no longer be denied, for the one pictured above was shot Wednesday afternoon of last week by Carlton Nixon. After disappearing in the water, the alligator was found dead Friday morning by Frank Twiddy about 200 feet from where it was shot in Pembroke Creek above the property of me National fish Hatchery. The alligator was 7 feet 8 inches long and weighed approximately 200 pounds.— (Photo by Frank Twiddy). Mrs. Irene Dunbar Awarded Western Auto Store Plaque A handsome plaque recognizing! 15 years of service to the com-] munity has been awarded to Mrs. Irene S. Dunbar, former owner of the Edetilon Western' Auto Associate Store. The walnut and bronze wall] plaque, engraved with her name, j was forwarded from Western! Auto Supply Company's general! offices in Kansas City, Mo., and! presented through the firm's di-' vision offices which, serve this area. Recognition of community ser vice by local Western Auto As sociate store owners is given bv| the company at five-year inter-' vals. The honor indicates the Miss North Carolina I | Pageant Televised ■ Over Channel 9j Sponsored by the Charlotte Junior Chamber of Commerce, the 1960 Miss North Carolina pageant will be hel din Char lotte Saturday night. July 23. Master of ceremonies for the pageant will be held in Char- Helena, Ark., for ten years mas ter of ceremonies for Miss America preliminary pagents. He directed the Miss North Caro lina pageant in 1957 and 1958. j Over 70 local pageant winners ■from all parts of the state will j I partidipate in the contest. Miss\ . America will also be a special I guest for the event. * R. E. Leary, executive vice t president of the Edenton Sav ings & Loan Association, states that the pageant will be tele- I vised over the Geenville tele vision station. Channel 9, frorn 10 to 12 o'clock. The television program will be televised at the expense of the insured savings and loan association of the state. METHODIST MEN'S CLUB WILL MEET TONIGHT i The Methodist Men’s Club I I will hold a dinner meeting to | night (Thursday) at the church •j at 6 o’clock. George Lewis, the i, president, urges every member |of the club to be present. week, Carlton Mixon, an em ployee of the Edenton Marina, sighted the alligator up Pem broke Creek a little beyond the National Fish Hatchery prop erty. He used a shot gun and ! bit the alligator in the head, af ter which it floundered in the water and then disappeared. A search was made later Wednes day and Thursday but it could not be sighted. On Friday morning Frank Twiddy, an Edenton mail carrier, was riding in his boat in the vicinity where the alligator was shot and spied it on the opposite sltfMit MA fan* from ■jtlJlJl '4 sis ' ' " > Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday July 21, 1960. 'dealer has completed a specified I period of outstanding merchan dising service to his customers I and community, i The Western Auto Associate j store here is one of more than | j 4.000 home-owned and operated I retail stores and agencies 1 throughout the U. S., including i Alaska and Hawaii. The store distributes Western Auto's na-| ■ tionally advertised company owned and other national brands' in this trade area. The company! serves similar dealerships m Mexico, Puerto Rico and Guam. I The dealer program, started in ' 1035, will account for more than Continued on Page 3, Section 1 I Tyrrell Man Facing Manslaughter Charge I ' Julius Reynolds. 65. of Tyrrell County, at a hearing in Record- 1 cr’s Court last week was bound, over for trial in Chowan Su perior Court when probable causej was found on a manslaughter , charge. His bond was set at ; SI,OOO. , Mr. Reynolds and his wife, Mrs. Ida Reynolds, were riding south on Court Street Friday. June 24 and collided with a pickup truck traveling east on Queen Street, driven by Bobby Elam of Louisburg. Mi's. Reyn {olds was thrown from the car, sustaining severe chest injuries and died a few days later in Chowan Hospital. According to police. Reynolds admitted that he failed to stop 1 ' at the intersection and realized it after it was too late to stop. Elam was convicted of driving i with an expired operator’s li cense and was fined $25 and court costs. Talent Show Friday At Rocky Hock Friday night, July 22. at 8 o'clock young people of the Rocky Hock community will, present a talent show at the 1 Rocky Hock Community Center. I The show is being staged to help raise funds for the Community Center, so that a small admission will be charged. An interesting program is as- I sured including a variety of local J talent, and besides plenty of ! things to eat will also be on sale. | The young people are hopeful that a large crowd will turn out to enjoy an evening of whole some entertainment and as the same time help a worthy pro ject. Varsity Club Still Leads Little League The Varsity Club is again the No. 1 club in the Little League. During the past week of play they wpn two and lost 1. Their game on Monday afternoon was | very exciting when they were ' behind by a score of 2-L’ going i into the bottom o i the Wat in-! * finuimnil as ?n» It libMi « Chowan Clubs Win |Farm-Home Week 'Blue Ribbon Award Also One of 39 Coun ties to Meet Quota on N. C. Home Demon stration House Fund Delegates from Chowan Coun ty attending Farm-Home We-'k in Raleigh last week were th,di ed when it was announced that 'Chowan County won a blue rib bon for its publicity book and was recognized as one of the 39 counties having completed their quota on the N. C. Home Dem onstration House Fund. Delegates from Chowan Coun ty were given a guided tour of the new Home Economies De partment and Home Manage-; j ment House at Meredith Col-' I lege. They attended a tour of the] Governor’s Mansion, were very' i impressed with N. C. Art Mu seum, attended a tea at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cald well. Chancellor of N. C. State College, and attended various classes on home economics subj ests. The group attended the 34th annual meeting of the N. C.j Home Demonstration Clubs Pr«-| day and a luncheon in honor of the newly appointed Dean of the! School of Agriculture, Dr. H.l Brooks James. Those attending Farm-Home; Week were Mrs. M. T. Bar-] rington. Route 2. Edenton; Mrs.l J. F. Phillips, 207 W. Queen! Street, Edenton. and Pauline Cal loway, home economics agent. j Mrs. J. F. Phillips modeled a hat she made last spring in the hat, show while in Raleigh. RETURNING TO PULPIT The -Rev. Ralph Fowlkes, pas-1 tor of the Edenton Methodist! Church, is expected to fill the I pulpit Sunday morning. Mr. i Fowlkes had the misfortune to break an ankle on the Fourth of July while bathing in Albe marle Sound which prevented, him from preaching since then, j RED MEN MEET MONDAY i Chowan Tribe of Red Mon; will meet. Monday night, July 25. at 8 o’clock. Alton Shaw, sachem, urges a good attendance. 1 James H. Griffin, New President | Of Lions, Appoints Committees, | James H. Griffin, new presi- Constitution and By-Laws— 1 dent of the Edenton l,ions Club. 1 William S. PrivotL Ralph Par-; has announced the following 1 rish arid W. J Taylor, committees to serve during the) Herbert Hoilowcii. second vice! year: 'president, will have charge <>t | Under John Mitchener, first these committees: vice president, will be the fob, Sight Conservation 1. F, Fol lowing group of committees: iguson. A. E. Jenkins and J R. Attendance Claude Griffin. Byrutn. T. B. Williford and H. J. Cuth- 1 Health and Welfare Richard | rell. 'Hardin, M. A. Hughes and 1., S.: Finance—Jesse Harrell. Allen Byrutn. Boyd Harless. Jr., and Wiltner . Agriculture—Joe Thorud, L. 11. Malone. - , Haskett and Percy Smith. Membership Guy C. Hobbs.' Boys and Girls —AI Phillips, :Oscar E. Duncan and Claude Gene Petty and Haywood Bunch. Griffin. i Community Betterment—J. R. Program Rupert Riley. Al DuLaney. John L. Goodwin and Phillips, G. Medlin Belch and A. Ralph E. Fowlkes. F. Downum. i Continued on Pag* B—Section 1 , ’ MASO William H. Coffield. Jr.. Post A stated communication of. No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. A-1 Wars, will meet Tuesday night, A. M., will be held tonight i July 26, at 8 o’clock. Command- (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. McKay er John Bass is very anxious to Washington, master of the lodge, j have a large attendance. urges a large attendance. . .'rrr zzczzzz ———- y Crow Gun Now Part Os Farm Equipment j s,— ———— —— Above is pictured e crow gun. now bring used rather extensively by farmers in Chowan County fa cut down damage to crops caused by crows end other birds. The contraption makes s loud explosion something like s shotgun, which is caused by water dripping on carbide, farming a gas and discharging at intervals which can bo | regulated by th* owners. The gun it now on the market and Leary I Brea. Storey* Company rjyartsnavinf alraady sold M as th* rig*. A • Celebrating 125th Anniversary ? ■■K The congregation of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church, pictured above, will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the iounding of the ; church on Sunday. July 31. The celebration will be featured by ] homecoming festivities beginning at 10:30 A. M. and continuing j unul about 3:30 o clock in <hc afternoon. Watershed Project For Pollock Swamp Section Is Accepted Watershed Planning Party Is Expected to Begin Work By Jan uary l, 1961 About till landowners in the Pollock Swamp Watershed met with Soil Conservation Service personnel Tuesday of last w -ok and voted to accej t the water shed project L. F. Thompson, head of the Watershed Planning Part v for the Soil Conservation Service in North Carolina, presented the proposed plan, estimated cost, and the percentage of govern ment assistance. Included in the proposed plan were 21.8 miles of channel im provement. This is the sane amount as the local people asked for in their plan. Total rost of the project is $120,631 not including the cost of organizing a drainage district or legal local organization to car ry out the proposed project. Lo cal people's share of this is 44 ■'ontinued on Page 4—Section 1 Mrs. C. C. Wiggins Resigns From Local Employment Office Tenders Her Resigna tion After Serving Eight Years; Family Going to Swansboro Mrs. Virginia L. Wiggins last week announced her resignation from the Edenton office of the Employment Security Commis sion. where she has been em ployed for eight years. Mis. Wiggins has been employ- Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Five Chowan County 4-H ers To Compete In State Contests Five Chowan County 4-H'ers and the assistant farm and home agents will attend State 4-H Club Week at N. C. State Col lege. July 25-30. along with ap proximately 1.21*0 other 4-H ers] front the other 99 counties in North Carolina. This week is a high point in the l-H careers for these hoys! and girls. Thev will be par ticipating in many activities de-j i signed to develop leadership and' [other desirable personal eharac 11eristics. Some of the highlights for the, | week include the State 4-H dress | revue schduled for Wednesday i evening, the, State 4-H Health Forest Ranger Spivey Names Fire Wardens j Roger Spivey, new forest ran ger for Chowan County, an nounced last week the appoint ment of six district fire wardens I to serve in the county. Those appointed are: Lester j Copeland, Rviand: Carroll By } rum. Cross Roads: Frank L. Wil- : j liams. Yeopim: Vernon Asbell. Center Hill: Frank White. Jr., end Sherlon Layton, Rockyj ’ Hock. In reporting fort'st fires. Mr. •Spivey says the telephone num-, jher is Sunbury 3178. Although he lives in Chowan County, his telephone exchange is Sunbury. j In addition to Mr. Spivey’s forest fire duties he also is re-, quired to work on insect control. • planting pine tree seedlings and 1 timber marking. I | Development Meeting! In Ryland Community’ j Residents of the Ryland com- j munity met Monday night. July 18. at 8 o'clock in Ralph Ward's warehouse for its regular month ly community development meet ing. There were 35 people present. Hubert Byrum, chairman, call ed the meeting to order and the group sang “God Bless America," led by Miriam Byrum. Little Charlene Byrum repeated the 100th Psalm for the devotion, after which Nina Byrum led in prayer. The project leaders made a re* Continued on Peat f lartton 1 $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina Shooting Scenes Os Promotional Film To Start Very Soon I Resigns v yj • I 1 MRS. VIRGINIA WIGGINS j After being employed by the Employment Security Commis sion for eight years. Mrs. Vir-i ginia L. Wiggins last week ten-! dered her resignation prior to , leaving to reside at Swansbcro. 1 | Boyce Speaker At Lions Club Meeting' Carroll Boyce. Jr. Cub Scoutmaster, was the prin-j cipal speaker at the Lions Club nocting Monday night, at which time he very interestingly spoke about the activities and value of Cub Scouts. Mr Boyce was introduced by John Miichener. first vice presi dent. who presided in the ab sence of the president. James It. Griffin. The next meeting of the club will be Monday night. August 1. pageant Thursday evening and the state talent parade Friday evening. Recreation follows each of the evening programs. Four major masses will be con ducted during the morning each' day on 4-H Record Keeping, The 4-H Club Meeting. Careers for 4-H'ers and Personal Improve ment. Harry Venters. Assistant, County Agent, says he wishes allj of the 4-H'ers in Chowan could. 1 attend these four classes. He feels they will be very infor- 1 | malive and will enable all who attend to become better 4-H'ers. 1 Two special classes, recreation leadership and song leadership.. Continual! on Pag* 3—Section 1 TOBACCO BARN BURNED West Byrum. Jr., had file mis fortune to lose a tobacco barn I Monday afternoon about 2 o’clock. The barn, filled with tobacco, caught fire and was a total loss. Edenton firemen re sponded to an alarm, but were ' unable to save the building or any of its contents. It was re ported that the blaze was caused by a grass fire near the barn ROTARIANS MEET TODAY j Edenton Rotarians will meet | this (Thursday' afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restau rant President Elton Forehand , urges every member to be pres i ent. The program will be in 'charge of Jimmie Earnhardt. North Carolina Banks Major ! Lenders To State’s Farmers North Carolina banks were I j serving farmers with 21 per centj j more production credit than a> I year previous on January 1 of, (this year, according to Richard S. Atkinson. Jr., vice president j of the Peoples Bank & Trust j Co., who represents the North} Carolina Bankers Association as; Chowan County Key Banker.) Dunn 1959. the state's banks, maintained their leadership inj I farm credit services. Based on the 19th annual farm ‘ lending summary of the Agricul ' tural Commmission of the Amer i ican Bankers Association, Mr. A»- | kinson reported that "at the be- I ginning of the year. North Caro ; Una bankers were supplying .farmers with 48 per cent o t the] fight cancer WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK j Two Representatives j Expected to Arrive In Edenton to Go Over Plans Mrs. John A. Kramer, regent of the Edenton Tea Party Chap ter of the DAR. this week re ceived a letter from M. Bishop Alexander, to the effect that arrangements are all complete for him and Jack McGowan, 1 president of Guided Tours Pro • duct ions, who will make the pro i motional film of Edenton and I Chowan County, is scheduled to ! arrive in Edenton this (Thurs -1 day) afternoon. I Arrangements arc , being mace ]>o meet Mr. Alexander and Mr. McGowan to spend a few hours I going over the plans for the I Edenton film. Mr Alexander I said he. as well as Mr. McGowan I are personally very anxious for I the Edenton picture to be an biffs ! standing one. Thev desire to ' meet a group of Edenton peopie to discuss preliminary plans and I go over ideas for the story board | ;nd script. Mr. Alexander expressed his > appreciation for the fine hack ! ground of material about Eden j lon already furnished him He I pointed out that there will h? | plenty of time fop the script »s I it is seldom written in complete I form until the film is shot, edit •ed and assembled. The immedi • ate needs will he a storv board sequence of scenes and a bare skeleton idea of serint as a '•pn tiunity guide. It is Mr. McGow an's plan to start shooting some scenes as soon as possible after meeting with the Edenton group ! the latter part of this week. He j will do much of the filming of the Fdenton picture personally but will bring others of his or-'-. ] eaoization to Edenton to help ] with the work Weather per mitting. it should be possible to eoirtplrie .practically all shout ing before the month ends, ae ] cording to Mr. Alexander Continued on Page 4 —Section I J CIVIC CALENDAR ] Mambers of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church will observe the 125th anniversary of the found ing of the church Sunday. July 31st. Young People's Choral Groups !of Rocky Hock community will sponsor a talent show at tbs Rocky Hock community Cent*? Friday night. July 22. at 3 o'clock. A stated communication "f UnanimTy Lodge, No. 7. A, T\ ;8c A. M.. will be held to night (Thursday). 1 Chowan Tribe of Red Men ■will meet Monday night at 3 o'clock. William H. Cottield, Jr.. Post No. 9280. Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The Rocky Hock baseball team will play Cross Roads on the Chowan High School diamond I tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock , and on the same diamond w l ’’! j play Riddle Saturday night, July 23. at 8 o'clock. t Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon - at I o’clock at the Edsniss 1, Restaurant. The Methodist Men’s Club w?!! i meet at the church lenighi i (Thursday) at 6 o’clock. | production credit provided by I institutional lenders. Total bank i credit to the state's farmer* , stood at SBS million. 14 per cent more than a year previous. The I total included $43 million in | production loans and 542 million iin farm mortgages. At the same : time. $36 million in farm loans | were held by insurance com ' panies: S4B million by Federal i Land Banks; $37 million by Pro duction Credit Associations, and $36 million by the Farmers Home Administration.” Mr. Atkinson reports that “more and more, the banks to North Carolina find that fanners ne«d a new type of credit to hdp finance fan® capital ra*

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