PAGE SIX -tjCTTOfrOWB SOCIETY NEWS ♦ To Visit In Virginia = :Miss Betsy Hardin will leave Friday to spend a week, in Floyd, Va, She will visit former resi dents of Edenton, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harry and Miss Nancy Vacationing At Beach Mrs. Anne Bootwright and children and Miss Agnes Chap pell are vacationing at Nagsi Head this week. Visiting In Washington i Misses Miriam Willis and Shar lie Faircloth are spending this week in Washington, D. C., as rts of Miss Millie Willis. At Fayettevile ? Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hassell and' Bans are spending a few days Fayetteville visiting Mrs. Has- Sll’s brother and sister-in-law, arrant Officer and Mrs. W. G. addrey. 11. Leaving For Oxford Mrs. H. B. Dickson and daugh tfr Dail of Raleigh will leave t (day (Thursday) for Oxford af wt visiting Mrs. Eugenia Shump Ssnd Miss Iva Mae Dail. Visits Daughter » J. Edwin Bufflap spent Sun-| day afternoon in Elizabeth City 4s guest of his daughter. Miss fcorothy Bufflap. Visit At Havelock 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harless. Jr., |pent the week-end in Havelock tp the guests of his brother-in kv and sister. Capt. and Mrs. Richard Jones. Week-end In Rocky Mount { Mr. and Mrs. John Shackelford and daughter spent the week-end th Rocky Mount visiting her par ehts. Visiting In Charlotte Mrs. George Lewis and chil dren are visiting relatives in Charlotte this week. Week-end In Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs. William Easter ling spent the week-end in Rocky Mount. They were ac companied home by their daugh ter, Kim, who spent the previ ous week with her grandpar ents. At Nags Head *Mt. and Mrs. Albert Holmes ♦f ■ Raleigh, Miss Mary Mac Holmes and John A. Holmes are Vacationing this week at Nags fiead. Returns From Battleboro * Mr. and Mrs. West Byrum. Jr., have returned home after spend ing several days in Battleboro vjsiting her parents. Their little daughter. Ginger, remained to spend the week wth her grand parents. Vacationing At Beach Dr. and Mrs. Ed Bond and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dick, Atkinson are spending this week at Nags Head. Georgia Visitor Gene Barnett of Douglas. Ga..| formerly of Edenton. spent sev-' eral days last week with Mr.j and Mrs. Medlin Belch. Baltimore Visitor Mrs. William J. Spencer of Baltimore, Md„ arrived Tuesday to spend a few days as guest at her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ladell Parker. o Going To Germany James Nixon, who has been a guest for several weeks of his brother- in-law and sister, Mr. apd Mrs. Ladell Parker, left 1 VUesday night for New York. | from where he will go to Ger many. Mr. Nixon was recently' xfktired from the U. S. Army. FINE CHINA i CRYSTAL ViTOYiOFE We Are Offering A Special Lot Os Patterns That Have Been Discontinued From Our Stock At This Drastic Cut! Havilland, Noritake and Franconia China Fostoria, Glastonbury Crystal Stem Ware, Salad Plates and Many Other Odd Pieces SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 21 SPECIAL PRICES ARE CASH Campen’s Jewelers Visits la Norfolk Mrs. Carroll Boyce spent the week-end in FVrfolk, Va~, visit ing with friends. At Carolina Bosch Mrs. C. A. Phillips and chil dren are spending several weeks at Carolina Beach. At Newport Nows Mr. and Mrs. Preston Roger son and family are visiting in Newport News this week. Return To Now Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. John Brabble and two children have returned to their home at Colebrook, N. H.. after spending two weeks with Mrs. Brabble's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Williams, on i Route 2. During their stay they also visited other relatives and friends. Brief Visitors The Rev. and Mrs. Harry C. Hand and children. Bill and Stephenie of Battleboro, N. C„ and tlie Rev. and Mrs. Donald Ferrer of Benvenue, N. C., visit ed Mrs. Hand’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on Sunday and Monday, returning home Monday afternoon. Suffolk Visitors Mrs. James W. Wilkins and daughter. Arie Lea and Mrs. Clyde Newton and two children. Michael and Diane of Suffolk, Va„ spent Tuesday with Mrs. Wilkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., on West Eden Street. They returned the| same day accompanied by her daughter, Candice Smith, and, Stephenie Hand who have been' visiting their grandparents for the past three weeks. Return To Washington Mrs. Dale Evans and daugh ter Sharon, of Tacoma. Washing ton. who have been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Spruill on West Eden Street, 1 left today (Thursday) for their home. Florida Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Flynn of St Petersburg. Fla., are visit ing her sister. Mrs. Seldon Bass and her mother, who has been very sick in Chowan Hospital. James H. Griffin Names Committees Continued from Pago L Section I Civic Improvement Allen Boyd Harless. Jr.. Jimmie Par tin and L. F. Ferguson. Greetings—J. Clarence Leary. John Mitchener, L. H. Haskett and T. B. Williford. Dr. A. F. Downum as third vice president will be in charge of the following committees: Convention T. B. Williford. Hector Lupton and L. H. Has kett. Sight Conservation—L, F. Fer guson, A. E. Jenkins and J. R Byrum Education—Cecil W. Fry, N. J. George and G. Medlin Belch. Safety N. J. George, W. J. Yates and Joe Thorud. Citizenship and Patriotism— Burley Niblett, G. M. Byrum and Ralph Parrish. Bulletin—James Griffin. Allen Boyd Harless. Jr., and Ernest Ward. Jr. Den Committee John Good win. Burley Niblett and Percy Smith. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. A1 Owens. JrJ of Elizabeth Crtv amounee the birth of a "-pound, la-ounc? son. l AI Owens 111. born Thursday, I July 14, in Albemarle Hospital. Mrs. Owens was the former Miss Lillie Owens of Merry Hilll. United In Marriage Saturday / The Edenton Baptist Church was the scene of a wedding Sat-j , urdav afternoon at 5 o’clock, j - when Miss Imogenc Rogerson ( became the bride of Billy Bunch. 1 The bride is the daughter of' ’I Mr. and Mrs, Shelton Rogerson I ’> of Edenton and the bridegroom) *1 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hay- M wood Bunch. The Rev. R. N. Carroll per formed the ceremony in a set ting of mums, gladioli, palms, and spiral candelabra. The dou-i ble ring ceremony was used. i Earl Harrell, organist, present- 1 > ed the nuptial music and ac-j .icompamed Miss Jane DuLanev.' -! soloist, who sang "I Love Thee.” | The bride, given in marriage l by her father, wore a gown of! chantilly lace over white satin fashioned with an empire bodice. ' ■ The neckline was imbedded with I ! seed pearls, and the full skirt 1 formed a chapel-length train. , Her fmcer-tip veil of imported ' silk illusion was attached to a j tiara of seed pearls. She car | ried a bridal cascade of white , 1 butterfly roses, stephanotis. cen-| I i tered with two white Royal | Bousnot orchids. Miss Rosa Hollowell of Eden ton was maid of honor. Shcl wore a dross of pink organza, j fashioned with a wide hem. short* sleeves and a scooped neckline. She wore a matching headpiece , of shirred organza with a short attached veil. She carried aj double wedding ring bouquet of Crabtree Completes Course In Plumbing Sheppard AFB. Texas—Airman Third Class Allen R. Crabtree, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crab tree. Jackson Street. Edenton. was graduated recently from the plumbers course at Sheppard Air Force Base. Texas. 1 Airman Crabtree was graduat ed from Rocky Mount Senior; High in 1950 i Airman Crabtree came to Sheppard AFB from Lackland (AFB. Texas. Sheppard AFB isi one of the 26 bases comprising Air Training Command. Third | largest of the major air com . 1 mands. Air Training Command ■ trains personnel for America’s . 1 expanding aerospace force in . which manned aircraft, missiles and spacecraft provide the world : with its best guarantee at peace through deterrence. TUB CHOWAN HERALD, EDtHTON, NORTRI CABOLBfA, THPMPAT, JULY 21, IMP, , pink roses and blue delphinium. ! Miss Janet Bunch, sister of the I bridegroom, and Miss Ruth Stokely were bridesmaids and 1 wore dresses identical to that at ' the maid of honor. I Haywood Bunch was best man ! for his son. Ushers were Bruce Sylvia of Richmond, Va., Ray Rogerson, Clarence Lupton and Errol Flynn of Edenton. For the wedding Mrs. Roger son wore a dress of champagne ! lace and a corsage of green cy j bidiums. The bridegroom’s mo [ ther wore a white lace over I blue taffeta dress and a corsage ' of pink cybidiums. I Mrs. Percy Smith was mistress I of ceremonies. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Barker house. I The bride is a graduate of John A. Holmes High School and Richmond Memorial Hospital in the field of X-ray technology. The bridegroom attended the University of North Carolina and j at present is serving with the | j United States Army. , Immediately after the recep- 1 tion. the couple left for a south ern wedding trip. For traveling I the bride wore a green linen j sheath dress with white aoces ' series and the orchid lifted from her bridal bouquet. The couple will make their home in Augusta, Ga., where Mr. j Bunch Is stationed at Fort Gor ' don. k.C. NIdHkAYS Raleigh The Motor Vehicles Department’s summary of traffic deaths through 10 A. M., Mon j day. July 18, 1960 follows: ; Killed To Date s§7 * Killed To Dale Last Year 592 I SloKroom supplies No matter what you may bt needing in the way of sickroom supplies, always turn to .this ‘'Re liable” pharmacy. You will find this an excellent source, too, for vitamins and other nutritional aids, including special items for the baby and special geriatric needs for older persons. And, of course, we hope you will make it a point to bring u< your Doctor’s prescriptions. We are prepared to compound them promptly and precisely as di rected. You will appreciate Oar courteous service and our uni fonoly fair prices. HOLLOWEIX’S Rexall Drug Store f ntm am —w. Deliver Fashion Innovation ; Announced By Sears An innovation in high fashion was unveiled today. It is a “trim-it-yourself” cashmere coat, offered in five colors beige, black, medium gray, light fawn brown and medium blue. For a “custom-designed” look, there is a choice of mink, blue fox and beaver collars in colors to harmonize with the coat. ‘The result,” says William C. Bunch, Jr., manager of the Sears, Roebuck and Co., store in Eden ton, “is a fur-trimmed coat dis tinctively designed in style and color to match the individual personality.” Untrimmed coats and collars also are offered sepa rately, he added. The new look in fashion" is featured in Sears 1960 Fall and PHTHISIC’S Super Market 51 I SKY HIGH QUALITY ... DOWN TO EARTH PRICES Gwaltney’s Country Brand Whole Mar 'JD hams u>69 Rib^ U. S. Choice ■■■ MT Round Beef Steakib. 79 c >b v9 c Home-Cured Smoked 1-Lb. Cypress , LB ’ SICKAL Side Meat Sliced Bacon Sausage »>-45 C j LB. 39 c k 31 c SMALL TYPE , , 12-oz. Jesse Jones Stewing Hens i 2 6-oz. French’s SKY HIGH DUALITY... Vienna Sausage •Qc DOWN TO EARTH PRICES W' V *enna jausage... w m..| -, - No. 303 Rosedale ■ Waldorf, pears 2 I 39<= 4 rolls 35c —————————- Sqo T ssiio© 2 rolls 25c Long Green n llt n: to Cucumbers3:lo° vlll*Kllß® 1-Lb. Fresh Crisp pkg.27c Carrots \ lQc ETIL. 3129 c >igtoH33e —KoSTrooSpAiE— • DAIRY FOOD TOP VALUES • . • wm mmmmi ■ i-OZ. SOUTHERN ROLL Winter Garden (2 pak) .Turkey & Chicken OLEO roil 8 C Pot Pies :29 c - " " ‘ " “ 6-oz. SunKtet ~ \ CHEESE—«S7 c Punch ,g : l()c 14-oz. Del Monte i u>. nbc Catsup .. bot. 19c Cookies.. rSfe'.... 3k Winter general catalog, which now is being distributed in this area. Mr. Bunch said average prices in the new catalog are nearly one percent lower than those ii the 1960 Spring and Summer general catalog, and are virtual ly unchanged from prices in the fail-winter book last year. 20 Years Ago Continued from-Page 1, Section I with 100 members sat as flia goal. Mrs, J. H. Conger received word that her mother. Mrs. George A. Rose, died suddenly of a heart attack at her home in Henderson. An organizational meeting of the Lions Club was held dur ing which President Geddee Pot ter named his various commit-1 tees. With spaed laws being fl*-{ greatly violated. Chief of Me* George Holme annenwcod Hat the police planned (6 creek down Mrs. Toman Moore. SI. died at bar home in North Edenton attar being partially paralysed for about two years. A report of the Bank of Eden l ton showed total assets at SI.- 552.752JM. Chowan County ehetrred Ru ral Mail Box Improvement Week with ipany patrons making do- 1 cided improvements. A motion was passed by Town Council to furnish the state high-, way patrolman a city tag to din-1 play, on his car as a means toj advertise Edenton. The health) officer was abo directed to en force the sanitary ordinance to the best of his ability. Edenton Bey Scouts and mem- Camp Leech under the directlm ) of Scoutmaster Wade Leary and ’ Ba»| Director C. L. McCnUata. All the strength and force of man comes from his faith in things unseen. He who believes is strong; he who doubts is weak. —James F. Clarke. UNA’S Beauty Nook For Appointments Call 2218 MONDAY THRU S A TURD AT 9:00 TIL 3:30 UNA WHITE

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