' SECTION TWO The Roundup By WILBORIfE HARRELL A THUMBNAIL BOOK REVIEW—] An Bdenton man. Gurme Hobbs, 1 is making his initial bid for lit erary recognition in the recent _ publication of his first book.! ''Reflections in Lafayette Park, and Other Poems”. A first nov el is scheduled to follow the volume of verse. Mr. Hobbs' verses run the po etical gamut from the lofty phil- J osophical and analytical to the ” uninvolved and earthy, and are .written in blank verse, free] ’ vers* and standard metrical tech- : nique. His poems are soul- j searching and reveal a struggle ; to understand life through self- ] evaluation. Although all of his 1 poems contain a modicum of the 1 weaknesses and imperfectionsi that all poets perpetrate at times■ j in more or lesser degree, some j 1 of his lines contain a flash of insight and true genius. It is this reviewer's humble opinion that Mr. Hobbs' first poetical ottering will find its greatest re- < sponse and understanding among his fellow poets, and fall some what short of appealing to the ! general reading public. J The National Outlook A Financial “Miracle” By Ralph Robey | Wfc have just witnessed what property may be called a finan- 1 cial "miracle'* in connection with the federal budget. Last January it was estimated the budget for fiscal year' r iding June 30 would end up > with a surplus of S2OO million. I Although that was a Budget Bu- j • read forecast, and although there was only a little over five more months to go, it appeared that the figure was on the generous side. The next news we had was that corporation income.tax payments would be clown sharp ly, perhaps by seals a billion dol- ‘ lars. That meant, should it j prove to be true, that the fisca’ year would result in a deficit. Now we have the final account ing for the year, and it shows a surplus of sl.l billion. The figures on this budget 1 showing haw been widely pub- ] heued and we do not propose to i repeat them here. None the) there are a few items which deserve emphasis. First, the forecast on corpora tion income tax payments was wrong only in the sense that the decline was even larger than anticipated in the statement of < a few months ago. In fact, rev enues as a whole were below the January estimate. Second, the surplus was not the result of reducing military | spending. This item was up a quarter of a billion dollars from the January estimate, and at $41.2 billion was almost identical BUIE CROSS : msm I Senior ICmzEN NEALTM j MOIICTIM : t HOSNTU CAM R A ASSOCIATION J: THE CHOWAN HERALD | But, nevertheless, if you love poetry and whether or not you are a poet or an average reader, _ you will find pleasure and may ! hap some profit in reading "Re flections in Lafayette Park”. The role of a movie star is indeed a unique experience for Edenton, but with an actor’s debonair nonchalance the old town has taken it in its stride. The “Little Town on Queen ! Anne’s Creek,” the travelogue film being made of Edenton, may not win an ‘Oscar'’, but a I lot of Oscars and Joes and Marys I will view the film and the world 'will know we've got what it takes; and that with our many scenic, historical and economic advantages and offerings, we can build as good a mouse trap as any other locality in the coun try. THE WEST—One of the most colorful figures of the Old West was the traveling medicine-show man. He was usually known as Doc or Professor, and in away | he was a left-handed doctor, den- with military expenditures in the ] fiscal year ending June 30. 1959. , Third, the total spending was $3.4 billion below the 1959 level and the reduction, except for the j military, was scattered pretty | well across the board, j Finally, and most important i • here is definitive evidence that _ total government spending does not have to increase year after year. It may be granted that some of the reductions were not the result of anything which the Administration,.itself did. A per fect example was the large de cline in agricultural expendi tures. That came about because farmers did not make as heavy demands upcA the government as anticipated, and had they, made the demands there would have been no alternative under , the present laws but to make. larger payments. I The substantial drop In inter- I est payments on the public debt also was not because the Treas ury did or did not do anything. I It was the result of the decline 1 of interest rates in the open mar ket. j But, in general, it is accur late to say that the surplus is I the result of our having a pru- ( dent administration—an admini stration which is not only inter- ! ested. but determined, to spend COOL OFF!! MONDAY NI6HT, AUG. 8, NBC -TV WILLIAMS / 1 jk CYPRESS '\Mf GARDENS jKjsSy, joeyßop DICK POPE, THE AQUAMAIOS, THE AQUA MANIACS, CYPRESS GARDENS SKI BALLET, WORLD CHAMPION DIVERS, CYPRESS GARDENS AQUABABIES. * —iiTrn atitpa Hit PIMP Hl* FlMtiiniYMtil HNlTrl) All i r i nilrVi n i r OUllllw 1 illli VjN / s tist, peddler, tinker, cobbler, ac i tor, magician and Showman ex traordinary. He doctored man •! or beast, sold Indian remedies • J that were guaranteed to cure j anything or your money cheer fully refunded—if you could find i him. At night, under kerosene • 1 flares, he held his audiences i spellbound with the rolling and I resonant tones of his compelling . | oratory, pulled rabbits out of a I I hat or teeth out of your head t with equal facility, and declaim |ed Hamlet apd Macbeth with the i aplomb and smoothness of a : Booth or a Barrymore. His visits were eagerly looked forward to by a ready-made audience un- I accustomed or surfeited with : i movies, TV, radio, Broadway shows and revues. And it’s my sneaking suspicion they got more real entertainment and whole some pleasure from these itiner ant shows than we do todaiy, de spite the abundance of amuse ments, in every shape and form, that clutter up our lives. No compromise with Communism no more than necessary. Os course the Administration was not completely successful in this effort. There is, and probably always will be, waste of enor mous proportions in our federal spending. At least in the past fiscal year, however, there was some need less spending eliminated, and for that we should all be thankful. It would be encouraging al most beyond words if we could believe that an equally good rec ord would be made in the current fiscal year. At the moment it does not appear that is probable. Already a needless and quite un justified S7OO million has been added for increased pay to gov ernment workers, and no one can know what will happen in the presumed brief session when the Congress reconvenes. We do know, however, that there are some enormous spending propos als on the docket, and back of that is a Democratic platform which, if enacted, would cost billions. The one great point to bear in mind is that there is no eco nomic necessity for spending this year to be above that of the fis cal period just ended. Some cate gories may need more, but other items can be reduced by more than enough to take care of these increases. 4 i The best security for people’s doing their duty is that they ! should not know anything else to do. —Walter Bagehot. ' ' UNDERWATERMELON Taking their watermelon in its natural environment, Ginger Stolz, left, and Mary Eagan dine at Cypress Garri<»T>* r »- j Weekly Devotional | Column By JAMfc.** MacnJSNZIK J RABBI, we know that ' thou j art a Teacher (Greek: Didaska-| los) come from God—John 3:2. ; The blind man said unto Him, Lord (Greek; Rabboni), that I might receive my sight—Mark 10:51. Here are three Greek words commonly used by the follow ers and friends of Jesus to ad dress Him—three terms that are indicative of three attitudes to ward Him still found among His followers and friends. The first word is DIDASKA LOS. It is the common Greek word for teacher, and nothing more. To call Jequs "Didaska los” is to look upon Him as a Person possessing a certain de gree of intellect and teaching ability, but nothing special, tt is easy to call Jesus DIDAS XALOS—a teacher. The world has had many tegchers, and even the most ungodly are will ing to surrender the Master Teacher a place beside Con fucious. Mark Hopkins, or Wil liam Dewey. The second form of address is RABBI. This is a higher form of address. The Rabbis were, of course, the master teachers of Israel. When the Temple fell into disrepair and disuse, and the people were scattered, synagogues (Greek: places where people come to gether) were established to teach the Old Testament Faith. These were presided over by the Rabbis, who were a step above the common run of teach er. The Rabbi was to the di daskalos what the college pro cessor is to a first-grade teach er (though, come to think of it, most first-grade teachers I know are a good deal better teachers ; K JH ■ fB § HR&v \ ■ :! « * \ .vgggjgMp™ <: : ,y. i | giLVER l i & Olenmort [ j i j I l 1 : m mr i than most college professors I j | know). To call Jesus Rabbi is j to concede to Him ability and I I learning above the average run] ] of teacher. I I The third word is RABBONI. I This is the worn Rabbi with I the personal Hebrew suffix “oni” which means “my own teacher". It is one thing to realize that Jesus is the Master Teacher of all time. It is an . other thing to say, "I will sit at His feet and learn of Him." Realizing that UNC is a great , university will never gain you an education—neither will con . fessing that Jesus is a great Teacher make us proficient in His teaching. One must ran. to Him and saw Rabbi. Thou 'iart Rabboni"—Teacher. Thou art I I my teacher. ,! To accept Jesus Christ vis Teacher demands complete sur render of the intellect. One cannot go to Him as one does to human teachers and accept or reject His teaching at will. To learn of Him we must be willing to empty our minds of . all pre-conceived notion-* and STOP ITCHING! fins MINUTES. After Osins ITCH-MK-.VOT. get vuttr ! IHr buck IF THK ITCH XKKDS I SCRATCHING. V..n fr.-l the medlm tion lakr hold. Itrh amt bnriiinc <ll - appear! IV instant ilryins ITCII-MK-; I NOT day «r night tor enema, fine | worm, insert bites, loot itrh. other surface r-tslies. TODAY at— -1 pharmacy Don’t Lag—l>uy Olag dentists say "wonderful” . • "best I’ve ever used” .. . ; "best tooth paste on the market j prejudices, and allow Him to ' fill them with His teaching. This is what Paul meant when, he said, ‘Casting down imagi nations, and every high thing I that exalteth itself against the I knowledge of God, and bringing j into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Corinthians 10:5). Let’s face it—the Bible and j observation teach us that none 1 of us has a free mind. We are! all captive to influences, mores. | and prt/udiees that date back; beyond our faintest memories.) Our minds are captive to one 1 of two persons: God or Satan.' Each vies for your intellect and mine, and we think the thoughts] jof whichever to whom we) j choose to submit. The Master. Teacher still seeks scholars—and you are eligible. Colerain Man Is Named Outstanding ] Airman Os The Year Master Sergeant Elliott C.' Phelps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy I [ L. Phelps of Star Route. Cole-] . rain, has been selected "Out- I standing Airman of the year" Jat Air Reserve Recorr'-' Center jin Denver. Brigadier General J. M. Chappell. Commander, has ] announced. 1 Set. Phelps has been assigned ' to this organization since July, GOT A''“'A SUMMER COLD j TAKE j if? symptomatic 000 RELIEF ~* - *• ■ 3.i»*»r v ■ u# SAVE WHILE YOU WORK To Live As You Please What is your ambition? To retire some day and be vour own boss <— to have more time for travel, study, taking it easy? Then start a savings program now while you're earning and put aside every last dollar you can spare. In turn we’ll add generous interest so your dollars will make more dollars and one day give you a handsome retirement fund. • The time to start is now the place at this strong, friendly bank. P EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA 3% Interest Paid On Savings Accounts MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION DEPOSITS INSURED TO SIO,OOO Thursday, August 4, 1960 Edenton, North Carolina 1959. He is chief of the Selec tion Folder Branch, and is re sponsible for preparation of Re serve Officers’ selection folders for submission to promotion boards. This is a highly com plex function involving a de tailed audit of basic records. General Chappell’s letter nam ing Sgt. Phelps as outstanding airman points out that he has been rated “outstanding" on five of seven Airman Perform ance Reports, and “exceptional" on the other two. He is also commended for his sound judg ment. excellent leadership and initiative, devotion to duty, and participation in unit activities and community projects. He serves as a member of the Airman’s Council and is a key worker in fund campaigns at the Center. He serves as an officer in his church and is a member of the Council of Churches in Denver. He is married to the former Annie Ruth Baker of Merry Hill. His two childen are Elliott. Jr. 12. and Roy Keith, 7. TRY f HERALD CLASSIFIED REMEMBER on Save The Middle Man's Profit J. W inton Sawyer CEMETERY MEMORIALS 405 S. Road St. Phone 5995 ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Bright Chance Father Git yer jacket off, young man, an’ come wi’ me. Jock—Ay, but va aren't gonna whip me, are ya, father? Father I am that; didna’ I tell yer this mornin’ that Td settle wi’ yer l'er bad behavior? Jock—Ay. but 1 thought it was only a joke, iike whin ye tell the grocer ye’d settle wi' him. WAKE UP RAPIN' TO GO Without Nagging Backacht Now I You can ire* tne fast relief you need fmm flanging backache, headache aim musculai aches and pains that often cause restless nijrhts and miserable tired out feelinjrs. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or stress and strain—you want relief—want it fast 1 Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong: food and drink—often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan’s Pills work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. bv soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to Increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. jßnjoy a good night’s sleep and the fame happy relief millions have for over ft" years. New. largo size saves money, (let Doan’s Pills today ! Doan s Pills

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