-WCTOff TWO PAGE SIX Chow^ News | By HARRY VENTERS Assistant County Agent If Four-H Club members, both Ws and girls, should now be their project record, Sbooks up to date. I know you 1 -are looking forward with much! anticipation to the opening of lichool. You're suddenly going -_to find yourself very busy. You can bring your record books up to date —some may even be completed —now. This will keep you from being rushed later on and you will be able to turn in a record book that speaks well of your efforts. Remember, a project record book is nothing more than a record of your ac complishments. The Edenton Lions Club and Rotary Club are again sponsor ing the Corn and Peanut pro jects. As in the past, all 4-H’ers einrolled in these projects and fathers will be honored aC a special meeting. Os course, each boy must satisfactorily complete his project, and this means a record book must be turned in. The members of these two civic clubs are in terested in you and in your pro gress. Otherwise, they would HQt be honoring you in this manner. They are not able to go out and see each boy and observe his project, but a good record book will tell them the story of your project. Won't you do your best to make this record as complete and accur ate as possible? It seems that Chowan County 4*H ’ers have been going every where this summer. First, we had 24 attend 4-H Camp at jifanteo in June. Later in the inonth over 20 attended the Dis trict Demonstration contest in Chocowinity. when Chowan came home with two district demonstration winners. In July, five 4-H’ers attended, and from what I’ve heard had a wonder ful time at the Senior 4-H Camp -Taylor Theatre I EDENTON, N. C. Thursday. August 18— LAST SHOWING Orson Wells in "CRACK IN THE MIRROR" ADI’LT ENTERTAINMENT o Friday and Saturday. August 19-20 Jerry Lewis in "THE BELLBOY" —aIso— "GOLDEN FISH" In (>l«r O Sunday and Monday, August 21-22 Lilli Palmer in "CONSPIRACY OF HEARTS" o Tuesday and Wednesday, August 23-24 DOUBLE FEATURE Rita Moreno in "THIS REBEL BREED" Lurens Tuttle in "MA BARKER'S KILLER BROOD" Coming, August 25-26-27 "HELL TO ETERNITY" /flfl Jr §v_ coJ at Manteo. The latter part pi July, five 4-H’ers wfent to State 4-H Club Week in Raleigh. Seven more also attended Club Week for one day. Last week the Center Hill Junior and Sen ior 4-H Club members spent a most enjoyable day at Lake Ahoy, near Suffolk, Va. The Advance 4-H Club members are planning a trip to Ocean View, on Friday, August 19. On Mon day, Roy Nixon left for a week at Camp Millstone. He will be attending State 4-H Forestry Camp, an all expense paid trip i won through his 4-H Forestry activities. So, you see, 4-H’ers really have some wonderful opportuni ties to learn and have fun as well. If you were not in on any of these activities, then make a resolution now to be ! come a more active 4-H’er. I know you will get a lot more out of 4-H if you will put just a little more work into it. And I know your efforts will pay vou big dividends in personal growth and development, such as it has so many others. Benson Speaker At Miami Meeting Tar Heel county agents will hear Agriculture Secretary Ezra Benson on November 1 during the 45th annual meeting of the National County Agents Asso ciation at Miami, Fla. The meeting begins October 30 and last until November 3. Some 6,000 county agents and members of their families are expected. The Agricultural Extension workers will discuss grass-roots problems, formulate policies, swap ideas and tour Florida's vast citrus, cattle and vegeta ble industry. A giant missile—such as those launched at Cape Canaveral, Fla.; —will ,be on exhibit. U. S. | spacemen will give the agents' a progress report on the space operation. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The healing power of spirit ual understanding will be ex plained at Christian Science churches Sunday in the Lesson-j Sermon on “Mind", which con-1 eludes the current series de voted to synonyms for God. Christ Jesus’ response to the centurion who asked help for his palsied servant will be in cluded in the Bible readings: ] “And Jesus said unto the cen j turion. Go thy way: and as thou j hast believed, so be it done un ,to thee. And his servant was | healed in the selfsame hour” I (Matt. 8:13). j From “Science and Health | with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy the follow ing selection will be read (180:25): “When man is gov erned by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with i God all things are possible. | The only way to this living Truth, which heals the sick, is found in the Science of divine I Mind as taught and demonstrat ied by Christ Jesus.” I IN MEMORIAM i In memory of our mother, Arelia Byrum Dail, who passed away August 16. 1953: Seven years have passed away, j But still we don’t forget. For in the hearts that loved you best , Your memory lingers yet. . —Her Children. | Minutes Os Board Os Public Works Edenton. N. C. August 2, 1960. The Board of Public Works TUB CHOWAN HERALD. BPCTrOH. NORTH CABSLfHA, THUBBDAT, APOtTST 11, 1960. • jlllll V,. X' IKUf /Hr /SXaoLtem. HOT TOOTSIES—Resting his weary feet, Olympic marathon runner John Kelley of Boston displays his blisters after winning the first annual "Milk Run” race in New York City. A field of 60, including all members of the U.S. Olympic marathon team, competed in the 16-mile race. met this day in regular session at 8:00 P. M.. at the Edenton, Municipal Building with the fol-; lowing members present: as C. Byrum. Chairman. Jesse L. Harrell. Ralph E. Parrish, J. 1 P. Ricks, Jr., and J. H. Conger. J Jr. | The minutes of the regular! meeting of July 5, 1960 were' read and approved. On motion bv Jesse L. Harrell., seconded by J. H. Conger. Jr.,l and carried. Clerk Ernest J- Ward, Jr., is authorized to re move from active records de linquent and uncollectable ac-' counts in the amount of §498.95,. a list of which is shown in' August report, page No. 58. On motion by Jesse L. Har-i reii. seconded oy J. P. Ricks.! Jr., ana carried. Electric & vva-j ter bins in tne amouni ot §17,- 1 590.89 be paid and in addition 1 to tnis that V.E.P. Co., bill be 1 paid upon presentation. Ot this §17,595.89. §15,042.35 was fom extension and the V.E.P.| Co., billing plus §2.553.54 was* tor general operational expense. Electrical Equipment Company.! Sboi.-to; wiluamslon Ottice Sup ply, §39.65; East Carolina Sup-: ply Co., $145.43: Gulf Oil Corp.. $81.95; Coastland Oil Co.. $15.57; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tol. Co., §46.50; Wm, F. Freeman, Inc., $767.83; Graybar Electric Co., Inc.. $8.32; Transport Clear ing of the Carolinas. $430; The Portable Light Co.. $29.70: Gen eral Creosoting Co.. §920.52: Ralph E. Parrish. Inc.. 53.25; The American City. $2.75: Town of Edenton. 5179.00; Tidewater Supply Co.. Inc.. §30.97; Bunch's Auto Parts. 23c: Ashley Welding & Machine Co., §67.75: Motorola IC. & E.. Inc.. §46.75: Parker Publishing Co.. §5.39: R. C. Hol land. Agent. $103.95: The Cho wan Herald. $20.75: Postmaster. $53.19: Peoples Bank & Trust Co.. $8.40: Edenton Office Sup ply Co./ 96c: M. G. Brown Co.. §17.00; Byrum Hardware Co.. $1.89: Huehes-Parker Hardware Co.. $13.06; T. A. Loving Co.. $14,274.52: Edenton Ice Co. $26.15: Jackson Radio & TV Service, $18.80: Virginia Electric &- Power Co.. $11,816.80: total. | $29,412.69. Salaries paid in July. $3.- Sn’t Be Old Fashioned EASIER TO HANDLE . . . CHOOSE YOUR OWN INSURANCE AGENT . . . LOW BANK RATES .. . FINANCE YOUR NEXT CAR HERE ■ j Peoples Bank and Trust Co. Consumer Credit Branch 210 South Broad Street E&ONTON, N. G ** Member FJXLC. 809.46. Received for current,, water and merchandise. $31,781.81. Disbursements in excess of re-' 1 ceipts, $1,440.34. | Ralph E. Parrish was re , quested bv Chairman Byrum to ! contact the Edenton School of | ficials and make specific ar- I rangements for the furnishing of | lighting for use during the com- I ing football season. RALPH E. PARRISH. Secretary. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1. LESSON I l> | Continued from Page s—Section 2 ; driving do not mix—they never i have, and they never will. The I drinking driver is an even ; greater menace than the drunk en one, if statistics are to be | believed. ;j All this reveals something of what the citizen caring for the i good of his community is up against. It also indicates to I what depths self-indulgence can ; sink us. The results of self-in ! diligence in personal life are an . open book for all to read. Some ' people seem to have the ability ! to use alcohol or to leave it ! alone. Some are not so equip : ped. and there is no sure and ; positive way of predicting which 1 drinker will get sick with al . coholism. When one finds he i has no immunity against the i compulsion to drink, it is : too late. He has already become j an alcoholic. I And although self-indulgence t barms the body, it is even more -j hurtful to the mind and heart, j When a person is under the in ! fluence of alcohol, wrongs do . not appear as ugly as at other • times. Also, because he feels [ that his ability to face life is not as inadequate as it first appeared to be. bis need of -! God seems to be not as great. » jf i| tMiiiiH This attitude is fatal to vital religion. In. this sense, there fore, self-indulgence is a religi ous issue. To Cain’s classic question, “Am j I my brother’s keeper?” Chris tianity responds with a resound ing “Yes”. Not only does self-| inuulgence in alcohol encourage! others to drink; it also supports! a gigantic industry that seeks to make social drinking a glam orous way of life to youth and young adults. In the early church some Christians were troubled in conscience because they had eaten meat offered first to idols. This did not trouble Paul, who could eat the 1 food with a clear conscience; but because he was eager to make life less difficult for his comrades, he was willing to stop eating meat. Should not we Christians do at least this much for our brothers who may! not have the immunity against alcohol which we claim for our j selves? There are many reasons why Christians should forsake self indulgence. Love for others cer tainly should stand at the top of the list. There is no rea son for anyone to feel em barrassed at refusing a drink proffered at a social function. Every man has the right to his own convictions. Rather should! we take pride in the fact thati we are considered “different”, 1 and wear the nomenclature proudly, as one would a badge of honor. (These comments are based on outlines of the Internationalj Sunday School Lessons, copy righted by the 'lnternationa) Council of Religious Education • and used by permission.) r r ' r_ii_ % Town Council Proceedings Edenton, N. C. July 21, 1960. The Town Council met this day in special session at 8 P. M. Members present: Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., J. Edwin Bufflap, George A. Byrum, C. A. Phillips and R. Elton Fore mand. Motion was made by J. Edwin Bufflap, seconded bv R. Elton Forehand, and duly carried that the 1960-61 budget which was approved on June 27, 1960 be adopted. There being no farther busi ness, the Council adjourned. ERNEST J. WARD, JR... Clerk. Edenton, N. C. August 9, 1960, The Town Council met this day in regular session at 8 P. M. Members present; Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr.. J. Edwin Bufflap, George A. Bvrum, Lu ther C. Parks. W. C. Bunch. Jr., C. A. Phillips and R. Elton Forehand. The meeting was called to or See the Chevy Mystery Show in color Sundays, NBC-TV . , i „ ~ ■ ■ jjj « lUflnß j JWW^.iTS4:^ '.Sk-seSl ■ - . ■i^BMß^Wfe , <li|ffiaßl)MpM^J|<m«REW|BraES^? WORTH MORE BECAUSETHEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLET STURDI BILTUtUCKS ■* * 1 Trade now during your heal authorized Chevrolet dealer’s Truck Value Roundup / . —-——»— —— - : -..: ■ . ■ : _ vicorfif6 Chevrolet Comosinv Inc - MT- * - * PHONE 2138 . 1100 N. Broad Street Edeatoa. N. C* ■•■- r * •'•■ ' , /•”*:"•• - . -*' k ■ - <±-.. mtateliii m derby Mayor Mitchener and tne invocation was given by Er nest Ward. 1 | me minutes of the July meet lings were approved with the j i following amendment to the minutes of July 12 regarding the Willis warehouse property: I that the offices in the Willis | warehouse be rented to Spedic [Food Products.'* ! Mr. A. C. Tumage. District Engineer with the N. C. Stream Sanitation Commission, met With the Council to discuss the status of the Town’s plans for a sew age treatment plant. Mr. George Freeman of Wm. F. Freeman, Inc., presented a i drainage study for the Coun cil’s consideration. 1 Motion was made by George • A. Byrum. seconded by J. Edwin Bufflap, and duly carried that a leaf and litter collector be, purchased from Tarrant Manu facturing Company at their low bid price of $2,281.30 delivered to the Town of Edenton. Motion was made by Luther C. Parks, seconded hy C. A. ! Phillips, and duly carried that the following insurance bids be ' accepted for the fiscal vear be- I ginning August 28, I 960: 1. Compensation (Workmen’s) Employers. Liahility, . Na-. (ionwide Insurance Com-J pany, $2,913.95. | 2. Comprehensive Automobile Liability, bodily injury $50,- 000.00 per person, $100,000,00 per accident; property dam age. $15,000.00 per accident, - Nationwide Insurance Com pany, $740.66. 3. Comprehensive General Li*, j ability, premises-operations exposures limits of $lO/20,- 000.00 bodily injury and $lO/25,000.00 property dam age, Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate Co.. $914.26. Motion was made bv R. El- Forehand, seconded bv Lu ther C. Parks, and duly carried that Electric and Water Depart- I ment bills in the amount of j $29,412.68 he paid. , Motion was made bv W. C.j .Bunch. Jr., seconded by J. Ed win Bufflap. and duly carried; that the following Town of j Edenton bills in the amount.of! $4,415.94 be paid; The Norfolk & Carolina Tel..' Ac Tel. Co., $2.35;- United States* Pencil Co.. $36.86; The Chowa.nl Herald, $118.65; Bill Perry’s. l $20.88: The Norfolk Ac Carolina 1 Tel. Ac Tel. Co.. $8.55; Gulf Oil | Corporation. $240.19; R. J. Boyce, $22 66; Albemarle Motor Co., !$1.00; Byrum Hardware Co.. ♦■>79- W. F. Miller $25.00; Gulf Oil Corp.. $3.51; Geor«e Chev rolet Co, $5.90:- Twiddy Insur ance Ac Real Est»*e Co.. Edenton Auto Parts. $3? TJiirthes-Parlrer H" "Ha-qro Pn,[ *9 14; Rnlnh E. Parrish. 90n; Ricks Laundry Ac Clean°rs. $6 00; Pvfum fTqrdwßr® 00. I v or ( o iv p. Omfina T*i' 4, Te’ I r *o, C91.8P- Welding JK Machine Co, $1.00: Gulf Oil Corn.. American - Atlantic P'.rpm’v Co., $5.09: Motorola C. Ac E.. STOP ITCHme? IN 15 MINUTES, After using ITCH-ME-NOf, get yonr 48c back IF THE ITCH NEEDS SCRATCHING. You feci the medica tion take hold. Itch and burning dis appear! Use instant-drying ITCH-ME NOT day or nieht for eczema, ring-i worm, insect bites, foot itch, other surface rashes. TODAY' at— MITCHENER’S PHARMACY I Inc., $30.00; Volunteer Firemen, $50.00; Bunch’s Auto Parts, §oz.dq; Buncos Garage, $18.91; Gulf Oil Corp., $361.78; Trans port Clearing of the Carolinas, $2.50; Ashley Welding & Ma chine Co., $24.13; Edenton Trac tor & Imp. Co.. $26.25; Para mount Chemical Co.. $58.75; The Nortolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $9.25; Hobbs Implement Co., $60.30; J. D. McCotter, Inc., >18.00; M. G. Brown Co., $10.92; Albemarle Motor Co., $15.60; Keystone Brush Co., $958.50; Byrum Hardware Co., $47.42; Edenton Ice Co.. $2.25; Elizabeth City Brick Co., $100.80; N. C. League of Municipalities, $110.00; Dewey Bros., Inc., $9.50; E. J. Smith & Sons Co.. $42.46; Eden ton Bay Fish Co., $99.00; Nor folk Southern Railway Co., $49,44; Daly-Herring Co.. $643.50; Buffalo Turbine Co., $67.12: Su- JOE THORUD SAYS: A NEW IDEA FOR 4 NEW ERA ! HOMEOWNERS i "PACKAGE” I INSURANCE ! VfdHjEji qq fjfSf 7\Z/ li ArPY All the protection you 1 need for your home is in this one low cost Nation- J wide plan. Ask for the : Homeowners Policy—for convenience . . . and for real savings (as much as 40C£ over separate cover ages, depending on where you live). • JOE THORUD j 264 Bank of Edenton Bldg. P. O, Box 504 j „ PHONE 2429 : Mia j |f ATIONWIDE If MUM. FIRE IHSVRANCE CBMFMT '•w:' IMI mtci: CilmHi, in “These trails would shake the cab off an ordinary truck...but not our Chevy" Few trucks are subjected to the body-wracking beatings that are part of a day’s work for this Chevrolet Series 60 pulpwood hauler. It’s owned by J. E. Fox, North Carolina logging contrac tor. As Bobby Fox, a partner in the business says, “Loaded with pulpwood, we drive over stumps and potholes you’d think would tear the truck to pieces. These trails would sluike the cab off an ordinary truck, but not our Chevy. We can average an extra load a day .. . make $ 45 to 950 a day more with this Chevy than toe can with the others .” * £y In every weight class these Chevies are doing more work at less ex pense than trades have ever done before. Drive one at your Chevro let dealer’s. It's an experience that could pay you big dividends. 4 “That 6-cylinder engine really per forms,” says Bobby Fox. ~lt's got the lugging power we need in the woods and walks right dong with a full load m dm highway.” » perior Stone Co.. $159.43; ton Auto Parts, $14.05; Gulf Qil* Corp.. $41.53; Bunch’s Autui Parts, $13.79; Bunch’s Garage, $166.50; Edenton Insurance’Agen- X cv, $249.80; West W. Byrum. Agency, Inc., $5.00; The Chowan : Herald, $41.70; Ernest J. Ward, 1 Jr., $16.87; Edenton Insurance Agency, $67.15; Ernest J. Wai3? Jr„ $57.83. • ! There being no further busi ness. the Council adjourned. ERNEST J. WARD, Jr. Clerk. OH, MY ACHING BACK Mow I Yon cut r*t the fast nHcf roe need fran nactins bnckeche, heedeehe end muscular aches end peine that often cause restless nixhte end miserable tired | eut feeUnss. When these discomforts I com# on with over-exertion or street end strain—you want relief—went it fasti - I Another disturbance mar be mild bladder 1 irritation folio winy wrong food and drink—often set tiny up n restless un* ! comfortable feeling. I Doan's Pills work fast in S separate | ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action i co ease torment as nsitint backache, headaches, muscular aches and Paine. 2. by soothins effect on bladder irrita tion. 8. by mild diuretic action tendiac to increase output of the It miles ot kidney tubes. % Enjoy a rood nisht'a sleep sad tbs seme happy relief millions have for evOr 60 years. New, large else eaves money. Get Doan's Pills today I 9 Doan s Pius : BLUE CROSS • ... . ? v- : ->Xv • sm i l Citizen i HEALTH ! : PROTECTIOH • No Age Limit! • Writ* or Coll I HOSPITAL CAM J ASSOCIATION DURHAM, N. C. William B. Gardner P. O. Box 548, Edonton TELEPHONE NO. 6490

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