Hie Chowan Herald / Published every Thursday by The Chowan W Herald. a partnership consisting of J. Edwin i Butflso »nH Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South tttoad Street, Edenton. North Carolina. J. EDWIN BUFFLAF. -—Editor SECTOR LUPTON v* 'verttstug Manager SUBSCRIPTION BATES: One Year (oJtside North Carolina) $3.00 One Year (UkNorth Carohna)— $2.50 Shi Months - Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Menton. North Carolina, under the act of Mbroh 3. 1879. Cards of thanks, oi-tuaries. resolutions of re spect etc., will t>«- cnaiged for at regular ad vertising rates. M_n_r_n_r-run rirLTU _*u .-iroWuW^*ii*»“i*r THURSDAY. AUGUST 18. 1960. ‘ A LIFT FOR TODAY if If ye then be risen with Christ, seek tho6e things which are above. —Col. 3:1. EVERY CHRISTIAN finds a different way of .living and seeks first the urjierishables Love, ■Kindness, Gratitude and Unselfishness believ ing that all needful things will be added unto m'm wieanse our hearts of all that is earthly. O Lord, and clothe us with the new nature of Thy children that we may face life—and death—in-, tnurance of Thy love and Salvation through our Saviour Jesus Christ. Worth Considering Attention is called to the polio shot clinic which is sponsored by the Edenton Junior Cham ber of Commerce in cooperation with Edenton doctors. The clinic will be held at the Penelope Barker house Friday night, August 26,. from 7 to 9 o'clock. This clinic should not be taken lightly for polio, like all other diseases, is no inspector of persons. Last year 575 polio shots wdre ad ministered at the clinic, but there are far more than 575 people in Chowan County who could < he victims of polio, so that all possible precau tion should be taken. These polio shots are one of the best precautions’in the fight against, polio and more people should take advantage of this opportunity to be treated. j»As an incentive for more people to take these yjjnots, they are offered free to everybody under T|B years of age and expectant mothers. For others the charge will be only SI.OO. Who can say whether of* not they will be j Stricken with polio? It is worth taking the 1 time to take these shots which might prevent a long seige’ of illness and probably becoming a cripple for life. Good Friend Gone Edenon has lost a good friend a valuable cit»- sen in the death of William I). Fuller, who died as the result of a heart attack Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Mr. Fuller, like manv present Edentonians, adopted Edenton as his home about., two years ago. He was a ' frW banker and fihfinPfer'of' Philadelphia. Pa., and fell in love with Edenton •and its people. A friend of the editor, he often spoke about the friendliness and hospitality of Edenton people and, therefore, was happy in his retirement. He was vitally interested in the progress and welfare of Edenton and, but for his health, was anxious and willing to par ticipate more actively in those things which go to make Edenton a better place to live. He tpade many friends during his brief residence w Edenton who will be very sorry to hear of Bis passing. “Don’t Invite A Burglar!” Burglaries in the United States increased 13 per cent in 1958 over the previous year, reach ing the total of 679,787, according to the F. 8.1. Cities and towns of over 2,500 population, wish 30 per cent of the nation’s population, accounted Have you seen the liGW John Deere Combine W Don't mkt it .. . come in soon __ You’ll like the new John Deere Hi-Lo 45 Combine. It’t 8 feet * ' indies high ... has a new fok)-badt unloading auger . . . cylinder aiid concave spacing is controlled from the seat ... it Dti greater engine power—and a host of other new features for the grain, bean, and corn jp;f: - growers is area. Set it tfep week fir lure.. . vtt—^ JHobbs Implement Co., Inc. P C. HOBBS, "Vo* JUm Ovve twi,;: .foSNTON, N. C i* ij * -v ia s * < :-t I liMmsfri ix ~ * J4earJ & Seen By Buff |, i-i- > That people, other than Edentonians, are in terested in what goes on in Edenton is reject ed in a letter received this week from Virginia Washburn of Hopewell, Va. The letter, ad dressed to the editor, follows: “I have been keeping up with what is going on in Edenton (through your paper) for several years now—and I was much distressed When I read the first article on the proposed sale of Joseph Hewes Hotel. “It is such a pity that this could not have been continued as a historic monument in the town. In the same issue as your editorial (Au gust 4) was an article describing the filming of historic and modern Edenton. Doesn’t if seem a little ironic that at just this time, the hotel should be sold for a- different- u-" 1 ’ “I agree with Mr. Ehringhaus that ‘for every birth mere is a death’ . . . but that is merely another so-called sign of progress in our na tion. You who live in and love Edenton are most fortunate that your townspeople are aware of the historical value ot the town and that they are trying to preserve as much of it as possible. Here-, where I live —in old City Point, one of she first settlements in Virginia—rich in hstory. AiUch of hstorical value has been destroyed. - Very near my home is a fort Constructed during the Civil War by Federal troops to protect Grant’s headquarters which were almost in my. backyard—yet our town fathers say: ‘Let’s bulldoze it down tor a ball park for our chil dren ... it is only a Yankee fort!’ When h>s -torical pilgrimages are made in and near the bid City Point—nothing is left-for people to see—or if it is here—no one knows much about it or where it is. • “Yes, your town is rich in your heritage and .you should be proud of it and I hope the next time I visit Edenton that nothing will, be much changed. Next to my own town, I love Williams burg and Edenton. Arid I am very interested in the growth and development of both. I hope to see your town prosper but I hope it will not turn into an industrial city. Keep the town fresh and clean—lt’s a jewel to be tret.—*\ed. “I enjoy your editorials and 1 hope you don’t mind, but I often quote you on mv radio show Homemaker’s Holiday, over WSSV, Petersburg. Va.” Lieut. Col. Ted Boutwell will leave Monday for a-16-months tour m Okinawa. The Marines do not allow families to accompany them, and Ted surely cannot come home over the week end, so it’ll- be a long time before the family can be’ together again. Here’s wishing him a bon voyage. One of the happiest mep in Edenton recently was John Owens, who became 65 years old and retired from his duties at the cotton mill. Mr. Owens received a letter and present from a son. Tommy Owens, who lives. at Belvedere. South Carolina. The letter was a splendid tribute to a father who has worked hard with his goal nothing special in life—but to have an earnest desire to live, let live, to observe the Golden Buie and treat his fellowman right. Due to un fortunate circumstances, he never received a formal education, therefore his livelihood did not come easy, but with so little he did so much. He has reared a wonderful family, which is most proud of him and grateful for the fine things he has done for them through the years. Son Tommy also had this to say: “You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubts; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fears: as young as vour hope, as old as your de spair. In the central place of your heart there is a recording chamber; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage, so long;, you are young. When, the wires,- are all down, and your heart is covered with snow of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then —-and then onlv —are you grown old.” And that’s a good philosophy for anvbodv. o Carev Bunch has moved from the house at the old fish hatchery to a new house at the National Fish Hatchery. Carey likes his new quarters very much except for one thing. He has lived for 61,105 or 9 per cent of the 1958 burglaries. The remaining 91 per cent of these crimes were committed in towns below 2,500 population and in rural areas. When you go on vacation, discontinue deliv eries of newspapers, milk and mail in advance of leaving, and ask your neighbors to report to the police any suspicious persons that they see about your home. There is no better “give away” that you are away than an accumulation of newspapers or milk bottles on your porch. trij fcHfrWAIT HgBALP, EPEHTOW, NORTH CAHBtfltt, TOMCAT, AUGUST 18, I IIP. ,(•"■ f -'jp' ■* w mk ’- v ■* . HIP - ’ -f- K ~ .. jFMF- ■ 1 SWEET VICTORY— Among the happy fans that cheered Don Bragg to a world pole vault record of 15-9 in Stan ford, Calif., Olympic trials was his fiancee, Terry Fiore. She ran from the stands into his arms alter be made bis mighty vault in, the oi l fish hatchery house so long that he’s used to the way things are arranged, and one thing is different in his new home. Most all of his life the toilet paper in the bath room has been hanging on his right side, but in- U«e new house it is on his left side. He’s right handed but now maybe he’ll have to learn to do some things let't-handed. ——-6-—— Jimmy Oglesby of Elizabeth City and - Emmett Wiggins drop pea in the office Wednesday morning. Jimmy paid his sub scription ' to The Herald and Emmett gave m e a piece of marble which he salvaged from a vessel sunk at False Cap.-, Va., in 189-*. About 125 tons of marble had been salvaged until > a storm grounded Em mett’s boat. Big Wig Anyway. Jimmy looked at my desk and said. “That piece of marble wilt be just another item you car put on vour desk. Maybe you’ll be able to find it to show some body." The mean thing! o Not Only are the Edenton Aces going through practice ses sions to develop a good football team, but the band, cheerlead ers and majorettes are also practicing to hold up their end of the sport. At the practice session Tuesday night the soft ball park looked like a lake and it would have- been more comfortable for: thdeboys to take' a swim than to go through the sweat-producing drilling. 1 The other group practiced on the football field and indications are that the cheering squad, band and majorettes will be on a par with the Aces. IncidentaJK the Jaycees are now selling reg ular and reserved seat tickets so if you don’t want to stand in line and be sure of a seat, why not prevent it now bv buy ing a ticket? The school also needs the dough, Candidates Named For ASC Election Continued from Page 1. Section 1 ton Monds, J. B. Hollowell, Earl Bunch. Community C—E. M. Howell. Ralph Hollowell, E. G. Blanch ard, A. D. Ward, Randolph Ward, Ernest E. Boyce, Tom Corprew, Lycurgus Perry, Beecher Ward, Wince White. Every farmer should famili arize himself with the slate of nominees for his respective com munity so as to be able to cast a vote for those who will be most capable of assisting in the administration of all ASC pro grams. Community Committee men, when called upon, assist in the Administration of ACP Pro gram, Price Support Program and Acreage Allotment Program, Soil Bank-Program and others. Election for ASC Community Committeemen -who will take office on October 1, will be held on Thursday, September 8. 1960. Polling places are as fol lows: Community A—C. T. Dixon’s Store, H. A. Perry’s Store, Grov er Cale’s Store. Community B—Earl Smith’s Store, Melvin Evans’ Store M and R. Service Center. Community C—H. R. Peele’s Store, 'Morris and Hinton’s Store, L. C. Briggs' Store. Ballots will be cast between the- hours of 8:00 A. M., to 6:00 P. M. „ ~ J CIVIC CALENDAR^ Continued from Pago 1. Section 1 Auguf 28. with sendee* *»'-H . night beginning at 7:30 o'clock: Anther cancer clinic will be held. - el- the Elisabeth City Health Department Friday, Sep tomlur.l .. It •rival services wili begin at the Macedonia ■ Baptist Church Meodey evening. August *2. at • o’clock and continue through Sunday. August night (Thumday) at I o’clock in ft* Court House in connection with Go-Kart racing. Revival services began at the Yeopim Baptist Church Monday night of this week and will con tinue through Sunday night. August 21. Services begin at 8 o'clock each night. Revival services will be held! at the Rocky Hock Baptist Church beginning Monday night. I August 22. through Sunday j night. August 28, with ser [ rices held every night at 8 o'clock. William H. Coffield, Jr.. Post No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock. Edenton's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Beech Fork. Rocky Hock and, Gum Pond Home Demonstra tion Clubs are handling the sale of a book of poems. "From the’ Glass House," of which Mrs. 1 Thurman Allred is the author. Peanut Production Is Above Average The first forecast of peanut production in North Carolina for 1960 is estimated at 315,950,000 pounds by tne North Carolina Crop Reporting Service. The es-J timate is based primarily on condition reports from growers] as of August 1. Current prospects point to a] production above last year and I considerably above average, j Stands are mostly good and vine growth is above average. Yield per acre for the crop is fore cast at 1,775 pounds, which, if realized, would be 195 pounds above 1959 and ts 325 pounds above the 1949-58 average of 1,450 pounds. Growers are expected to har vest the 1960 crop from 178,000 acres, the same as was harvest ed in 19P3 Individual farm acreage allotments are virtually unchanged from last year. MASONS MEET TONIGHT A stated communication of Unanimity Lodge No. 7. A. F. | & A. M., will be held tonight] (Thursday) at 8 o'clock. McKay I Washington, master of the lodge,' invites all Masons to attend. Local Police Arrest -52 People In July, Chief of Police George 1., Dail reports that Edenton police made a total of 52 arrests dur-| ing July. Os those arrested, 50 were found guilty as charged. I The arrests included 22 white' males, three white females, 24 colored males and three colored females. Fines amounted to $157.50 and costs $496.85 for a total r.fl $654.35. ‘Of this amount $178.50J was turned back to the town in way of officers' fees. Police activities during the month included 59 calls an-1 swered and investigated, three i nyiom mm FABULOUS BUYS ON NEW CAR TAKE-OFFS! All anginal equipment tires exchanged for premium quality KELLY CELEBRITY NYLON EXTRAS by discrimi nating new car owners, whe prefer the best. LIKE NEW .. . DRIVEN ONLY A FEW MILES fco Wovty /umi |y\ T?/UtMA£. . . f J L9M fit TN«S SNR Os ItMLITY AT SCOTT & ACKKS RECAPPW6 CO. West Eden Street Edenton, N. C PHONEB: EDENTON 1888—-ELIZABETH CITY 7813 automobile accidents investigat ed, one automobile reported stolen, four funerals worked, 23 courtesies extended, 20 doors found unlocked, one fire call answered, 28 lights, reported out] and 585 traffic citations issued. The police made 1,051 radio j calls ■ and were on the air one | hour, 27 minutes and 35 seconds. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of Sadie A. Bembry. deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having! claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year, from date of this notice or same! will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of August. 1960. j MABEL B. COLUNS, Administratrix of Estate! ot Sadie A. Bembry. i 1 aug18,25,5ept1,8,15,22c ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE ] Having qualified as Admini strator of the estate of Mrs. H. B. Jones, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one ' year from date of this notice orj same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in- 1 debted to said estate will please' make immediate payment. This 11th dav of August, 1960. W. P. JONES. Administrator of Mrs. H. B. Jones Estate j aug11,18.25,5ept1.8.15c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor jof the estate of John George ! Fletcher, deceased, late of Cho wan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this not'-ae or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of July. 1960. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Executor of John George Fletcher Estate. .iu1y14,21.28,aug4.11,18t) ~~ EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Aubrev D. Liles. 1 deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty. North arolina. this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted, to said estate will please make immediate-Wavment. This 28tfi dav of July, i 960. ROY E. LEARY. Executor of Aubrev D Liles Estate july2B.aug4,ll.lß,2s.septlc NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina In The Chowan County Superior Court Donald M. Fraser, Plaintiff. vs. Havesel B. Fraser. Defendant. To: Havesel B. Fraser: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against vou has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief be ing sought is as follows: Plaintiff seeks an absolute di vorce from the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing be- tween the plaintiff and the de fendant on the grounds of sep aration for more than two years, next preceding the commence ment of this action. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 12th day of Oc- COME AS YOU ARE . . . SHOP AT VOUR FRIESDLY NEIGHBORHOOD DO li>r PHONE 2317 OC IVI ON ORDERS OF $2 OR SUPER j MORE EVERY DAY! MARKET FOR FREE DELIVERY FRESH GRADE A FRYERS WHOLE ONLY lb. £ 7 C TRY OUR TENDER DELICIOUS CHUCK ROAST 1b.49» Gwaltney's Cypress Brand 14-os Bottle Argo BACON CATSUP lb. 39c 2 bottles 29c No. 2>2 Cans Red 8t White 8-os. Can Hershey’s PEACHES COCOA SLICED OR HALVES can Zyc rea-v Regular Sire can 29c tide box 3ic 303 Cans Red & White Apple Sauce .... 2 cans 25c No. 2 Cans Red & White Crushed Pineapple, can 27c Classified Ads M. G. BROWN COMPANY NOW. buying logs and tracts of tim ber. Highest market prices paid. Phone 2135, Edenton. tfc FOR SALE—I9S7 FORD 4-DR. Fairlane 500. Priced to sell at below wholesale. See M. i B. Tynch, phone 3200. ltpi HELP WANTED MALE OR [ female in Edenton. Full orj part time. Age 21-70. Better | than average income. No ex- 1 perience necessary. Clean, j pleasant business. No lay- 1 offs. Car or light truck! needed. Write today Watkins | Products. Inc., Box 5071, De-j partment S-3, Richmond, Vir ginia. auglß,2s,septlpl FOR SALE SPINET PIANO, j Do you have a child starting piano lessons this fall? We rent Spinet pianos for as little as SIO.OO a month and the rent applies on the purchase of a new piano when you buy. Come in and see our com plete selection of new and reconditioned pianos. W. C. REID & CO.. 143 S. Main St.. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. Phone Gibson 64101. expSept29c FOR RENT OR SALE—TWO bedroom house at 132A Morris Circle. Storm windows, in sulated. Large yard. Seei James Bond or call 3305. Auglß.2s,Septic SALESMEN WANTED BEj your own boss. Earn morel selling Rawleigh Products —1 everybody knows and likes j them. Work part time ati start, if you are dubious. Seej for yourself. Vacancy in! Edenton. Write Rawleigh. De-j partment NCH-210-16. Rich-] mond, Va. aug4.lßpj CANCER PROTECTION POLICY NOW AVAILABLE Salesman It Salesladies Needed To Handle Unprecedented Demand Write P. O. Box 3055 Wilson. N. C. augi. 11,18 c FOR RENT OR SALE—2-BED room house in Albemarle Court. Stove and refrigerator furnished: also floor furnace Phone 3122. tfc PICTURE FRAMING—FOR THI best In cuatom * cture framing tee Joan R. Lewis, at the Eden ton Furniture Company.. Cone plea line of moulding to choom 1 trw» - . *<*] PAGE THREE —sEcnojr e** tober. i 960, and upon failure tp do so the party seeking serving against you will apply to Court for the relief sought. This Bth day of August. 1960- TOM H. SHEPARD, Clerk. Superior Court : augll, lß,2s, septlcWH 1- v jTARTAR REDUCED BY SALT in OLAG Tooth Paste. At all drug stores. HOUSE FOR RENT—TWO BED roems; refrigerator and stove. Newly painted. Call Dr. A. F. Downum, 3218. $45 month. 1 Mayl9tfc (COTTAGE FOR RENT KILL i Devil Hills. Electric kitchen, hot water, three bedrooms and I screened porch. J. L. Chest nutt, phone 2389. Aug2sc WA NT El) ! ISO Used Refrigerators i TOP PRICE j Colonial Furniture Co; Edenton, N. C. augll. 18,25 c ! FOR RENT OR SALE TWO and three bedroom houses. Electric stove, refrigerator, hot water heater. On school bus route. Terms can be arfang* ed. L. E. Francis. Route 3, Edenton. Phone 3472. WATCH REPAIRING - JEWEL* ry repairing and engraving . . , Prompt service. Ross Jewelers. Phone 3525. tfc FOR QUICK AND~EXPERT service on your radio and phonograph, call the Griffin Musicenter, phone 2528. We carry a complete line ol phono needles. (FOR SALE—GOOD USED GAS t ranges as low as $35.00. West -1 ern Gas Service. Phone 3122, J Edenton. june2tf 1 BULLDOZER WORK LAND j clearing and dirt pushing < Phone 2936, Clarence Lupton ! tfc j Industrial Equipment —for— Wheel Tyoe and Crawler Tractors Backhoes, Dozers. Trenchers Crawler Tractors With Winches Loaders, Landscaping Rakea S„ ot Call Hobbs Implement Company Y PHONE 3IM

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