PAGE FOUR TWO KNOW m $M SEIMT John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security ' Administration, is in Edenton every Thursday at the North Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the Citisans Bank Buildng. Twenty-five years ago Con-: gress' enacted into law the So cial Security program. Tlie growth of social security has been achieved by extensive leg islation. The most recent chang es In the social security lawj were effective in the latter; quarter of 1958. Yet, for all the impact and importance that social security! has for millions of Americans, j there are all too many partici-; pants in the program who are r.ot completely aware of the 1 three-way protection this pro gram offers. Insured workers under social' security are protected in cases of retirement, total disability or death. Intelligence planning for. [ Merry Hill News 1 By LOUISE B. ADAMS Mrs. Gordon Lynch and chil dren. Carolyn. Ann and Rusty of Greenville. Mrs. J. E. Hughs and children. Tim. Ricky, Don na and Harlem, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lynch and family of Eden ton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Bunch and family on Wednesday. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., and Mrs. Virgie Baker were in Elizabeth City on Wednesday. | Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis visited Mr. Davis' brother and sister-in-law on Tuesday night. Miss Millie Willis of Edenton spent Monday night with her grandfather. B. G. Willis and Mrs. Willis. On Tuesday morn-, ing, Mrs. Bettie Willis of Mora head City, who has been spend ing some time with her brother. 1 B. G. Willis and Mrs. TVillis.' accompanied Millie Willis to her home in Edenton where she. will visit the Bert Willis family ! Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Keeter and' son. Scottie. Mrs. Ruth Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ka tana and daughter, Judv of Al buquerque. New Mexico, re turned home Wednesday after vacationing a tew days in Florida. | Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baker and son. Everett, spent the week-end with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Baker in Washington. D. C. i Mrs. Raymond Mitchell and children, Nancy and Nell Paige of Newport News. Va„ spent from Tuesday until Friday witn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Phelps, also her brother-! in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Daniels. Mrs. W. T. Davis. Mr. and' Mrs. Arthur Davis visited Mr.-v] Kenneth Spivey on Friday. Mrs. Nettie Bartlett and daughter. Patsv of Norfolk. Va.. is spending some time with her brother. George Cowand and children while Mrs. Cowand i a patient in Bertie Memorial Hospital. Windsor. Mrs. Viola Cowan was in ■M^y UmjAYSAU! ■U ?Al a > ■ i l l -I li j 1 FROM ONLY I SIZE 6.00-16 10.95 I P” ifiii=gsin9s i liSii J 111 6.00-14 I SIZE 6.70-15 14.9 S I ■■ ■ MACKWAU SIZE 7.10-15 17.95 ■ WIIK MgyloTu' i *™ 1,l . 1 .l < io!w] sut »niuMitT,H Um FABULOUS BUYS ON NEW CAR TAKE-OFFSI AN original •quipmtnt tires exchanged for premiooi quality KELLY CELEBRITY NYLON EXTRAS by diecrioH naling new car owners, who prefer the best. LIKE NEW...DRIVEN ONLY A FEW MILES foo Mwu/-foe& /wm l iy\ U9K fIR TVS SNR IF MUTT AT scon & ACKISS RtCAPPING CO. West Eden Street Edenton, N. C I future security can be made by your knowledge of what social ! security offers you in the way !of financial protection. You should know that social j security benefits are tax-free, j and are not affected by gny in ; come you receive from invest j ments, interests, savings, pen- I sions. etc. You should know | what your approximate social j security benefits may be when | you retire, become disabled, or | in the event of your death the ' survivor benefits payable to your family. You may write to your Social ' Security District Office at 220 ,W. Brambleton Ave., Norfolk j 10. Va,, on any matter relating jto your social security. Windsor Friday on business. ! Mr. and Mrs D. P. Mizelle, Mi. and Mrs. Kermit Mizelle of Edenton visited Mrs. Mizelle’s mother,' Mrs. C. T. Baker and 1 family on Fridav night. . D. P. Mizelle and children, 5 Betty and Charles T. of Eden . ton. also Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lart of Princeton visited in the j home of Mrs. C. T. Baker oil 1 i Saturday. J Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katona 1 and children, Michael and Judy of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Mrs. H R. Outlaw visited I Mr. and Mrs. Katona's son-in * law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ! Junior Meadows Saturday in I I Roanoke Rapids Sonny Castelloe of Windsor, ‘ Fonda and Britt Smithwick and Jackie Britt spent Saturday at I 1 Nags Head. j Mrs. E. J. Pruden. Jr., and children. Ellen. Edmund 111 and , Vina Marie, visited her grand mother. Mrs. Lena Forehand, in ' Colerain Friday: also Mrs. Starkey Shaipe. Jr., in Harrells ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruee Barfield l of Gainer spent the week-end ■ ( with Mr. Barfield's brother and! sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Opuen Barfield. Marilyn Kayl Barfield returned home with her aunt and uncle, the Bruce Bar fields for a week's visit. | Mrs. John F. Hall of Macon, Georgia and Mrs. Jessie Perry : of Williamston were visitors of 1 Mis Perry’s bother-in-law and . sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pro-' den. Sr.. Sunday afternoon. > Marcia Barfield is spending a week visiting relatives in Kin ston and LaGrange. i Mr. and Mrs. Chet White and children. Anna Rave. Marion , and Martin, also Mi-s. J. P. Love ! and daughter. Nina and Mrs T. E. White were visitors in Eliz -1 abeth City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Barna-! ! castle and Mrs. Clyde E. Bunch jof Windsor, Mrs. J. D. Smith- ' wick were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner on Fri day afternoon with all enjoying barbecued chicken. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harrell and children of Edenton visited) Mrs. Harrell’s parents. Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Outlaw Sunday I afternoon. I Mr. aod Mrs. Milton Robert son of Rosemead visited Mrs. Roo. rtson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet White Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Davis visited her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogerson in Eienton or, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Lart of Prince ton is spending the week wit a her mother, Mrs. C. T. Baker and sisters, Mrs. Viola Cowan and Mrs. Louise Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wil liams and daughter, Julie Ann of Portsmouth. Va.. spent the week-end visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pierce and Butler Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams of the Mount Gould community visited Mrs. C. T. Baker Sun day. News was received on Fri day afternoon of the sudden death of Mrs. Virginia Bak* r Hoole of Norfolk. Va. She was the daughter of Mrs. C. T. Bak er. sister of Mrs. Louise B. Ad arms. Mrs. Viola Cowan. Mrs. Jessie Rhea Lart of Princeton and Mrs. Mattie Mizelle of Edenton. Funeral services were at Holloman - Brown Funeral Home. Norfolk, Va., Sunday af ternoon at 2 o’clock. I County News By MRS. ROLAND EVANS v : ~ ,» A revival is in session at the Rocky Hock Baptist Church this week. The Rev. Hoyle T. Allred of Albemarle. N. C., is the vis iting evangelist and the Rev. Thurman W. Allred, pastor of the church, is directing the mu sic. The Rev. Thurman W. Allred conducted the devotional on ra dio station WCDJ on Monday and the Rev. Hoyle Allred has conducted the devotional the rest of the week. A white Bible ceremony was , held at the Rocky Hock Baptist Church on Sunday night when YWA’s presented two YWA girls, ,Glona Bunch and Linda Spivey, who plan to marry in the near i future. The Rev. Alphonso Jordan j preached at Ballard's Bridge j Baptist Church last Sunday for | both services. Special music i featured the services. Tft»e Rev. Hoyle Allred and ’ • family are visiting the Rev. T. W. Allred and family this. weqk. | They are staying at Rodney Kar tell's cottage on Chowan River. Mrs. Lillie Saunders visited her mother on Sunday. Mrs. Rufus Smithson's son is a patient in the Chapel Hill hos pital. Mark White's grandson is a patient in the Plymouth Hos pital. Miss Anne Pearce of Rocky Hno< and Norfolk. Va.. will —— - Stujrams ' VO IMPORTED CANADIAN | o I ill ■ r»- 2 f r- BjlsiNcr i«st;jg ■ ■ 7 Setpatf^ I wbii^ I "*** 44 "‘" ,d I **tO AND MNOIO SBi —1 THf CAMAO*" &ov . Cl% O C I *"* is ta wa** u,, VeleUtJ I £?«•* ■>*" o •»,«.■>f 4/SQL I ~ KMim-mtuum cswn».tr.awiM99f, cuirh tusn-i »uw...s<mtt»«ii ■■*■'■■ ■ ; - . ■ ■»■ ■■ .jut . THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDEWTptr. WQItTO CABOfcIMjL THURSDAY. AUGUST 25, 1960, I marry soon. Miss Peggy Halsey will wed Wendell M. Ginnings on Sep tember 7. Roy Nixon of Oak Grove 4-H Club attended 4-H forestry camp August 15-20 at Camp Millstone near Rockingham, N. C. The trip was awarded Roy as Cho wan County winner in 4-H for estry project work. Mrs. Merrit Hooper, Jr., is vis iting her mother and Mrs. Roland Evans a few days. A • revival is in session at the Macedonia Baptist Church this week. Jce Tynch is on the sick list. Weekly Devotional j Column H* JAMh» MacAENME | ! Have you ever noticed the absolute surrender Jesus de ! hnanded of those who would fol low him? Martha complained that Mary had left her to do the household chores alone to sit at Jesus’ feet, but Jesus an ! swered that “Mary has chosen ! the better part.” Christ comes before a woman’s household du ties. The young man said, “Suf ler me first to bury my father,” but Jesus responded, “Let the dead bury their dead.” Christ comes before a man’s loved ones. To Matthew at the cus tom desk He said, “Come, follow Trie.” Christ comes \ ref ore a man’s business. To Andrew and Peter fishing He said ‘'Follow me.” Christ comes before a man’s vocation. To the rich young ruler He said, “Sell that thou hast . . . arid follow me.” Christ comes before a man’s possessions. He demands first place in your life an 4 mine. If He is not Lord OF all, He is not Lord AT all. He should be Master of all our lives, in complete possession of all that we have and are. General Gordon refused the in vitation of the Belgian govern ment to head the Congo; he refused to be viceroy of India. Instead he turned, his face to. the Sudan because the voice of Christ came to him and said,! FAST ACTION FROM WANT TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED AND GET QUICK RESULTS ! “Follow me.” This was more than the voices of kings and powers to him. It is fitting that at the foot of his monu ment should be etched the words: ! This man was not great by royal state, j By sharp sword or knowledge of earth’s wonder, | But more than all his race, He saw life face to face, And heard the still small voice of God A'bove its thunder! God has a place for each of His blood-bought children —His voice comes to each of us, “Fol low me.” Often we would rath er He led us elsewhere, but no Christian can be truly happy unless he is in the place God wants Him. to be. An infidel army surgeon watched an ( ' American missionary bind the. wounds of a mutilated Chinese j soldier. “I wouldn’t do that for! a million dollars,” he comment- j ed. She smiled and answered, “Neither would I." , I said, “Let' me walk in the fields." ' | He said, “No, walk in the - town.” | I. said, “There are no flowers there.” He said ,“No flowers, but a crown. ” I said, “But the skies are black, There is nothing but noise and V. din.” And He wept as He sent me back — ‘ t"There is more,” He said, “there - is sin.” I said. “But the air is thick, And fogs are veiling the sun. He answered, “Yet souls are sick, | And souls in the dark undone.” ( I' said. “I shall miss the light, i And friends will miss me, they; say.” He answered, “Choose tonight I ; NEW - USED Pianos - Organs TERMS- RENTALS CONRAD N. PLYLER PHONE 2636 GATESVILLE M. G. BROWN CO., INC. WE SELL ONLY QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS FREE LOCAL DELIVERY I We Deliver Elsewhere For A Very Small Charge __— | Ask About Our Millwork Department I Windows & Doors We Build Odd Size Cabinets Storm Sash D ‘’ m h dow i 8 Glass o and other Millwork screens -any item built to Counter Tops Blinds vour specifications. Mantels MODERN EXPERT SHOWROOM HELP job done economically. I Benjamin Moore Paints 1 Inside - “NONE BETTER” - Outside Ornamental Iron Porch Columns And Railing I “DO-IT-YOURSELF” AND SAVE “HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS” I Phone 2135 ~tl Edenton, N. C i If I am to miss yoy or they.” ; I pleaded for time tp be given. He said, “Is it hard to decide? It will not seem hard in heaven !To have followed the steps of 1 your Guide.” I ’ I cast one look at the fields, | Then set my face to the town; He said, “My child, do you yield? Will you leave the flowers for the crown?” Then into His hand went mine; And into my heart came He; And I walk in a light divine, The path I had feared to see. (Poem by George MacDonald. This series of columns on the Mastery of Christ were adapted 1 from a book by Louis Evans: | Youth Seeks A Master). I - , • Legal Notice? i_ r , NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION North Carolina In The ! Chowan County Superior Court Donald M. Fraser, • I Plaintiff, vs. Hayesel B. Fraser, Defendant. To: Hayesel B. Fraser: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief ’ against vou has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief be ing sought is as follows: Plaintiff seeks an absolute di i vorce from the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing be tween the plaintiff and tne de fendant on the grounds oi sep aration for more than two years next preceding the commence ment of this action. You are required to make , defense to such pleadine not ■ later than the 12th dqy of Oc tober. 1960, and upon failure to , do so the party seeking service against you will apply to * u e Court for the relief sought. I This Bth dav of August. 1960 TOM H. SHEPARD, Clerk. SuDerior Court aug 11.18,25,septleWH ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE xutviiig uuaiuied as Admini strator of the estate of Mrs. H. ; n. Jones, deceased, late of Cho wan County. North Carolina, i mis is to notify ail persons hav ■ mg claims against the estate of said deceased to present them t.o the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or , same will be pleaded in bar of . meir recovery. All persons in ’ debted to said estate will please 1 make immediate payment. Tnis 11th day of August. 1960. W. P. JONES. Administrator of | Mrs. H. B. Jones Estate augll.lß,2o.septl.B.lsc EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Aubrey D. Liles, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, Norm arolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims! against the estate of said de-| 1 ceased to present them to the: | undersigned within one year, from date of this notice or same! I will be pleaded in bar of their j j recovery. All persons indebted ( Ito said estate will please makej immediate payment. This 28th day of July, 1960. ROY E. LEARY, Executor of Aubrey D. Liles Estate july2B,aug4,ll,lß,2s.septlc NOTICE OF RESALE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina. Chowan County. Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to the under signed by Marvin P. Wilson and wife, Sarah B. Wilson, dated May 10, 1954, and recorded in DT Book No. 67. pages 230-231, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and pursuant to an or der of Resale entered bv the l Clerk of Superior Court of Cho-, wan County on August 15, 1960,! the undersigned, Trustee, will of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina at 11:30 A. M.. 1 REMEMBER | You Save The Middle Man's Profit i J. Win toil Sawyer CEMETERY MEMORIALS 405 S. Road St. Phone 5995 ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. Saturday on the 3rd day of Sep icmper, 1900, the real estate in caowan County, North Carolina, to-wit: t>eg inning at a point on the Soumern side of tne Edenton utruord highway (highway No. 11) at L.,a. Deeses line, run ning thenie in a Southerly ui lecuon along the L. A. Deese ime to the Deese-Davenport cor ner (now Deese-Parrish); thence in an Easterly direction along the Davenport (now Parrish) line to a comer in said line; thence in a Northerly direction along I Parrish’s line to a corner in said line; thence in a Northwestward ly direction along the said Par rish line to the Edenton - Hert ford highway (Highway No. If); thence along said highway in a Westerly direction to the point of beginning. containing ii ■ 4 i acres more or less; and being j the same property conveyed to ! the said parties of the first : by A. _C. Boyce et ux by deed I dated January 21, 1947, and re i corded in Lie Public Registry for Chowan County in Book 6 at page 4','2, to which deed and the deeds mentioned therein ref erence is hereby made for fur ther description and chain of title. The opening bid will begin at $8,371.25. Dated and posted this 15th day of August. 1960. NELL N. POWELL, Trustee. Aug2s.Septlc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of Sadiet A. Bembry, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to She undersigned within one year from date of this notice or Scpne will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of August. 1960. MABEL B. COLLINS. Administratrix of Estate of Sadie A. Bembry. aug18.25,5ept1,8,15,22c

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