PAGE SIX S—fCttOW OWE SOCIETY NEWS I WMk-nd Guest S*. and Mrs. Ralph Blades hadSas their guest this week end: Mrs. Blades’ mother, Mrs. Hints, of Williamston. J* Canadian Visitors )*. and Mrs. John M. Williams! and>slaughter, Margo of Mon-| treal, Canada, are spending this week with Mrs. Kathryn Good win. Guests of Parents Mr., and Mrs. Clifford Over man and children of Lee Hall. Va, spent the week-end with Mt. and Mrs. R. F. Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Overman. Leave For Chapel Hill Jimmie Johnston and Tommy' Rehayes left this week for Chapel Hill. Jimmie left earlv to begin football practice and Tommy will help with the orien tation . program. O ,■ Enters Nursing School Cynthia Spencer leaves next Sunday for Elizabeth City to en roll in the School of Practical Nursing. Elisabeth City Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mil'et and daughter of Elizabeth City 4pent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kehayes. O Here From Maryland Commander and Mrs. Hugh N. Nelson and son of Patuxent, River, Md.. spent the week-end) with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Par-i rish. Week-end Guest Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elkins i and daughter, Patricia of Gold-j Ston spent the week-end with Mr. afcd Mrs. Tony Miley. Visits Parents Miss Frankie Privott of Nor folk,- Va.. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Privott. Begins Teaching Clinton Davis left this week to begin his teaching career at Great Bridge, Va. Week-end Visitors Louis Sutton of Portsmouth, Va., and James E. Sutton of Newport visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Sutton over the week- Wa ... ~ ' - Here Over Week-end Rdfus Shaw of Portsmouth, ail#-firs. Thelma Leonard and' chifdrfen of Washington, D. C.,j visited Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Knq* river the week-end, j * - Week-end At Nags Head < Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond. Jr., spent the week-end at Nags Head. i i O— I Visiting Mother Horace Hurdle and son. Rob ert of Norfolk and Mrs. Sara, Everett of Manteo are visiting! Mrs. R. W. Hurdle. : NOW! Total Area Heating ...without Costly Ducts! OP All HEATERS MADE ... ONLY monoGßum can actually do iti Here’s the secret! Exclusive monoGßnm 3-Way Circulation >» 1. Warm air circulates from ’he top 2. Power Blower* spreads heat J ' blends and circulates air FEATURING THE FAMOUS * hro "' h# "' "lllftir JUHYCD” PIIDUCD Here’S the furnace type comfort at IHMwIV"IfUAH\ DUIMEK about 1/5 the cost! Continuous circula- Stion assures uniform warmth in every room. No hot or cold zones, no drafty areas. It’s TOTAL AREA heating! Floors stay warm as toast-always. High-style cabinets are in mar-proof - beige or brown tone porcelain enamel. nM hiUmW Y'nosmoki ... NOmr) LIBERAL TRADES • \ ...wo POOREASY TERMS Ipdenton Furniture Co. |*%joad Street PHONE 3216 Edenton, N. C. Florida Visitors Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hollowell, j Jr., had as their guests over i the Labor Day week-end Mr. ; | and Mrs. W. P. Franklin of Fort j : Myers, Florida. o Re-enters School I Joe Debnam left. Monday to i resume his studies at Patterson School for Boys in Lenoir. o Enters Boys* School Frank Williams, Jr., left Mon day to enter Patterson School . for Boys in Lenoir. i ’ o Returns From Trip Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips of Cary spent the week here 1 with their grandchildren while *! Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips j '|were on vacation. While away) they attended the wedding of. I Mr. Phillips' brother in Irving-j ton, N. J.. and then toured New! England and New York. | o ; Visit Grandmother Edward and Catherine Scott' of Greensboro spent last week with their grandmother. Mrs. L. A. Patterson. —— -o Durham Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Jones and children of Durham spent the week-end with Mrs. J. M. Jones. o Labor Day Guests Dr. and Mrs. Richavd Hardin j had as their guests over the! /Labor Day week-end Dr. Har j din's sister, Mrs. Joe Terry and j son. Rick of Oxford, Pa., and | his mother. Mrs. George Ricn \ ards of Dover. Delaware. ! j At East Carolina College The tollowing students left recently to begin studies at East Carolina College in Greenville: Peggie Elliott. Carolista Fletch er. Millie Willis. Carolyn Per kins. Clayton Letcher. Patricia Waff. Betsy Ross. David Fletch er and Robert White. Hospital Patient Mrs. John H. Asbell. Sr., is a patient in Norfolk General Hos pital for observation and treat ment. , —4> Returns From Connecticut Mrs. Henry C. Goodwin has returned home from Fairfield. Conn., where she spent 10 days as guest of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Warden. I Enters School Os Nursing I Miss Judith Adams, daughter ;of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adams, left Tuesday for Norfolk, where she entered the Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing. Rocky Mount Visitors | Perry Newell and Gus Tullus jof Rocky Mount spent the week-end as guests of Bubba ( Hopkins. Perry plays halfbacKj |and Tullus quarterback for the' ■ Rocky Mount Blackbirds. THE CHOWAN HERALD, fTOfaffOW, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY SEPTEMBER t. IMS. — \ Engaged |j m- ' * ■ MISS LINDA LOU SPIVEY Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Spi ' vey of Edenton announce the | engagement of their daughter, ! Mi is Linda Lou Spivey, to Dan , ny Gray Nixon, son of Mrs. Le : vy Nixon and the late Mr. Nix -lon of Edenton. The wedding will take place Sunday, Octo ber 9. 'in the Rocky Hock Baptist! Church. Visit In Kinston Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Clements spent Wednesday and Thursday in Kinston visiting relatives. Georgia Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bunch of Fort Gordon. Georgia, spent the I week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Bunch and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Rogerson. Here From Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. C. Donald Fry! and daughter, Sandra of Raleigh' spent the week-end with Mr. and Mi's. Cecil Fry. O Guest of Parents Miss Deanna Hollowell of Watts Hospital in Durham spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hollowell. Resumes Teaching M iss Mary Mac Holmes re-| turned to Rocky Mount this week to resume her teaching du ties. " O Maryland Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Obe D. Brown I and children of Dundalk, Md.,| visited Mrs. R. T. Pickier, Mrs. \ Mamie Norris and and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton over the week-end. Labor Day Guests Mr. > and Mrs. Fred. Barr of Silver Springs, Md.. spent the Labor Day week-end visiting Mrs. Barr's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Smith at their cottage at Nags Head. Visit In Norfolk Mrs. V. E. Tynch and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perry spent Sun ! day in Norfolk, where they I visited Mrs. Harvey Porter and ' Mrs. Mollie Peatree, who is a \ patient in DcPaul Hospital. Return To Culpeper ! Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Furgiuele ! returned to their home ih Cul peper. Va., Monday afternoon after spending the week-end as guests of Mrs. Furgiuele’S par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wood- They were accompanied home by their two daughters, Martha Jane and Harriet Randolph, who spent the month of August as guests of their grandparents. Visit In Washington j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyce I and Eleanor spent the week-end | jin Washington, D. C., visiting! the Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Har rell and Sandra Boyce. o Visits Parents Ladell Parker, Jr., of Raleigh spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaDell Parker. Week-end At Cottage i Mr. and Mrs. George Dail , spent the week-end at their summer cottage near Washing ton, N. C. Week-end At Beach Mrs. Norfleet Pruden and chil dren, Norfleet and Helen spent the week-end at Nags Head as I the guests of Miss Margaret Pruden. _ O Visits Daughter Mi's. Inez Moran spent the week-end in Scotland Neck as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Bill Brotton. Guest of Mother Mrs. D. W. Redfield is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mary L. Browning. o I Attend Funeral Mrs. J. T. Phillips, Mrs. Carey Phillips and Mrs. J. J. Ross at tended the funeral of Mrs. Ross’ uncle, R. L. Butler in Washington, N. C., Saturday. o- Visits Parents Mrs. Dick Jones has returned to her home at Cherry Point after being the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Harless. o Returns From Camp Miss Sara Relfe Smith has returned home from Elko Lake Camps at Parkville, N. Y„ where she has been a counselor jin training for two months. I Suffolk Visitor Mrs. Nellie Barnes of Suffolk • spent the Labor Day holidays as guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Tynch and other relatives. O Visiting In Norfolk ‘ Mrs. R. L. Williams is spend- I ing several days in Norfolk. Va.. ! where she is visiting Mrs. Mollie Peatree. who is a patient ini ; DePaul Hospital. | a figure f \ | that looks ' X \ ' EXTRA xvV #- r \ dreamy NEW !*' J ys) maiaentpm PRE-LUDE" PADDED For naturally beautiful curves that need not necessarily be your very own ... here’s a truly flattering bra: Pre-Lude Padded, with that magical contour band that curves under-and-up i between the cups for perfect uplift and separa tion ... hugs you snug... never shifts or slips on your figure! Now ... with the added illusion of shapeliness given to you by an unsuspected, undetectable -foam rubber lining! White em broidered broadcloth, AA. A and B cups 3.00 •non. u.s. pat. opp. srm\ J!/tSrßw{ wlr VV INr llw wf i *l/ Ei>nrroit,'ii. c. I) § i- . - ——* Ms w . 1 : ■ ' • ' • *■ - Recent Bnde V I_ 4' ’v' Kll** ,» - », p _ MRS. WENDELL GINNINGS The former Miss Peggy Ann Halsey of Edenton on Wednes day, September 7, became the bride of Wendell M. Ginnings of Greensboro, in a ceremony held in the Edenton Methodist dhurch. —(Photo by J. P. Ricks, Jr.)' K Plymouth Visitors Mr. qnd Mrs. Cliff Rasberry of * Plymouth were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, H. Havins. o Visits-Daughter J. Edwin Bufflap spent Sun day afternoon in Elizabeth City as guest of his daughter, Miss Dorothy Bufflap. Guest of Parents Robert Boyce, Jr., of Norfolk spent Friday and Saturday in New York City and Monday in Edenton with his parents. Week-end In Edenton Miss Sara Miller of Golds boro spent the week-end in Edenton. Visit In Lumberton Mr. and Mrs. Hartford Ivey visited relatives in Lumberton during the Labor Day holiday week-end. Leaves For New York Mrs. Harry Ferguson, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Marriner, left Wednesday to spend some time in New York. • —-o ' Visits Mother I Jimmy Baker was the week i end guest of his mother, Mrs. I Willetta Copeland. . ■ ll 11 .. '"ip ” Returns To Massachusetts Miss Fran Ferguson left Wed nesday to attend a house party in Worchester, Mass., before en tering Wellesley College. Elisabeth City Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Manning and . children of Elizabeth City spent Sunday in Edenton visit ing relatives and friends. o Return To Tenneakee Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Downumj have’returned to Memphis, Ten-j nessee, after visiting their par-' ents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Down-j um and Mr. and Mrs. John Bunch.' | To Enter College Ida Smyers left today (Thurs day) for Greensboro where she| will enter the Woman’s College of the University of North Car olina. 0 Enter wake Forest Johnny Phillips, Edwin By rum and Dallas Stallings left Tuesday to enter Wake Forest College. Go To State College Minton Small and Zackie Har rell left this week to enter the orientation program at State College. 'J — . . <5 /ftj Pl sfe c ’ s Top Value Fresh Meaty Pork Neck JO, BONES Rib Steaks Aged To Perfection U. S. Choice MlWfc ROUND , .... ‘Y’lc STEAKSi79° Of JEW Saturday, September 10. 1-Lb. Signal Sliced 2-Lb. Topping’s BAG Bacon ®47 c Franks^^ c 10 to 12-lb. Harrell’s Tenderized HAMS sss. 4 sc""“^9c5 c ""“^9c ay CAKE MIX i lQc Mrs. Filbert’s Mayonnaise » i29c Comstock Pie Sliced Apples il9e box Quakers Grits 2 boxes 23c h%°J * Self Raising Flour b„ $ 1.69 i TEA BAGS i 49c ST Tulip Bulbs box 94° RedGlo Tomatoes case 0f24 , s *2-69 1-Lb. Mrs. Filbert’s Old Fashion Mtkl Cheddar OLEO I 24° Cheese * 53 c Pink Ripe Firm Sunkist California 3 for Tomatoes3l 29 c Oranges -29 c Hr Mr. and Mrs. Warren Twiddy and family spent the week-end at, Nags Head. Week-end At Baach Mr. and Mrs. Elton Forehand and family spent the week-end' at Nags Head. Visit In Ithaca Mr. and Mrs. David Bateman and daughter, Lisa, have return led home from Ithaca, New | York, where they spent the La ' bor Day week-end as guests of j Mr. and Mrs. Durward Bateman and daughter, Cihdy. ! Week-end At Beach | Mr. and Mrs. John Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keeter I spent the week-end at Nags ' Head. O t Washington Visitors I Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Pratt of| Washington, D. C., spent the week-end with Mr. Pratt’s mo ther, Mrs; R. L. Pratt. 1 o i Week-end At Beach Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hobbs and family spent the week-end at Nags Head. O Virginia Beach Visitors Mr, and Mrs. Harry Spruill of Virginia Beach visited with Mrs. Jessie Spruill and Mrs. R. W» Hurdle-over the week-end. o i Return Home Dr. and Mrs, Henry House re turned Sunday to their home at Chapel HUI after spending i the week-end as guests of Mrs. House's sister, Mrs. Henry Gard ener. Hiey were accompanied home hy their son, Charles, who had been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Herbert Leary. POCAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o'clock in the Red Men hall. Mrs. Ber nice Brooks, Pocahontas, urges all members to attend. UNA’S Beauty Nook For Appointments - Call 2218 MONDAY THRU SATURDAY J- 9:00 TIL 5:00 v UNA WHITE

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