: KNOW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY John T. Grooms, representative of the Social Security Administration. Is in Edenlon every Thursday at the North Carolina Employment Security Commission office in the Citizens Bank Buildng. people have been the subjects of many jokes in America. It seems that many of us find something humorous in an individual’s lapse of mem ory. yet many of us are also guilty of these same lapses. i ■People who would not dream of going off to the theatre or the homecoming football game without tickets or reservations, op who would not dare visit Aunt Ida without taking, a little &ppe; tobacco for Uncle Torp, of tfSi 'go to their social security OtJßtie ..to file for benefits 1 com pletely.. unprepared. ? ’^Actually,' preparation .forthe firpi visit is a simple matter ahd can hasten the processing ‘ offcthe .claim considerably. This pffpiratidri depends on the type pf benefit for which the individ ual plans to file. In all cases lit claimant should bring-- his | social;- security card, since the number assigned to him when h* first applied for his card may i be; the only means of identify ing. his records. The importance Os this item of evidence is self- ; evident. ■ Individuals who are planning t* file for retirement benefits should 1 bring proof of their age. An. old, written record is desir SENATOR 1 SAM ERVIN * SAYS * JBSU .• m.m I ■■■»■ -4 Washington—The defection to < Soviet. Russia by two code] clerks employed by the Nation- 1 al Security Agency has aroused l the country. There is sufficient: cause for concern. ,A' full in vestigation is justified. , Inquiry Their defection is bad enough. The fact that the clerks were employed in 1957 and retained in the agency un til their defection this summer needs to be carefully probed by Congress. I think it will be in order for Congress to learn what influence the United States Suprerfie Court decision has had pn bfhe retention of security risks 'in * the federal ■"'service. That split decision of June 11, •1956 (Cole V. Young et all held in • substance that the federal government could not fire a se curity risk unless the perso.i was -employed in sensitive work. To me “if is incredible' that se curity risks can b e retained in the federal service with adverse information in their personnel records. Soviet Propaganda —Our gov- fL > >: If, f riflflHt 1 JOE THORUO SAYSi how jjjr to keep your HOME IN 4 ! | THE FAMILY j and your FAMILY IN I I j J«* tm you Nationwide aaa 1 and ask for • Mortgtgt Ctm ttlUUut plan. Hem’s realty low cost assurance (has your mortgage will be folly paid smiom*tic»Uj if yon’m Ml kern to do it. Check Nation wide - the company with new ideas far s new ere. . # ' JOE THORUD PO4 Rank pi EdMlon Kdj. P. O. Box 554 PHONE MM ■Mftl V:.. 1 ■ I AT ION MID B able, the older the better. A birth certificate is not required, but should be brought if avail able. They should also bring a record of their latest earnings, a wage statement (W-1) from an employer or a copy at last year’s tax return if self-employed. This may- be needed in determining whether or not the work re ruirements are met or in de termining the amount of the benefits. Those who. plan to file for disability benefits /'.should bring any medical information . they may have, if the/ have beeh found disabled by any other’or ganizatioo,*'’ This Evidence will not necessarily mean that they will be found to be disabled un der the social security law, but it will assist in developing their claim properly. • Regardless of the type of benefit for which a person may be eligible, he should call the nearest social ; security district office if he has any questions about the proofs that might be quirements are met or in de ; not delay in filing his claim or go to any great expense if he doesn’t have these proofs. The social security office can sug gest where the proofs may be obtained. emment has suffered a continu ing series of reverses in our fight for survival in the cold war with the Soviets. These unfortunate events have been exploited and distorted to the disadvantage of the United States before the world. As a consequence, it is a .time for concern. Although it had" been known for a month that the two men had fled the United States via Mexico and Cuba, when the news conference by them was held in Moscow, the administra tion in Washington seem&d to be, unprepared to meet the propa-l ganda. It now appears that the ■authorities were aware of derog atory information on the two code clerks but this was re leased after the propaganda value had been achieved by the communists and only after prod ding by newsmen and Congress men. Our government must be more alert in the propaganda battle. [County News 1 [ By MRS. ROLAMB EVANS J Chowan Home Demonstration jClub will meet Monday night' at j 7:30 o’clock at the Chowan Com munity Building with Mrs. A. S. 'Bush as hostess. Mrs. Edith F’erry will be 'hos tess to the Annie Hollowell Circle on Tuesday night, Sep tember 20, at 8 o’clock. The Chowan Home .Demonstra tion Club was hostess at the , County Council meeting held last Wednesday? afttroboh. Mrs. Sara, HarreH is a patient in a Norfolk hospital. Mrs. Charlie AsbeU is on the i sick list. A WMU leadership institute was held at Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church on Tuesday at 2 and 7 P. M. Mrs. Hercules Bynun passed away on Sunday in the Albe marle Hospital, Elizabeth City. ■ The Brotherhood of Rocky Hock Baptist Church will have a supper meeting tonight (Thurs day). . Joe Hollowell has rasumed his ] studies at State College. Junior GA groups 1 and 2 will .meet at Rodney Haireß's cottage Friday afternoon at 4:30 ojclock. A picnic supper should be taken by those attending. Mrs. Hubert Lowe of Whaley ville, Va., visiter her mother on Monday. The Annie Leary Circle and Bertha Dale Circles will meet with Mrs. Effie Evans Wednes day night at S o’clock* An Associational Training Union meeting was scheduled on Monday night at tfie Bethel Baptist Church. An annual Sunday School meeting will be held at Sandy Cross Baptist Churdh on Sep tember 35, beginning at 3 P. 11. Sunbeams of Rocky Hock Baptist Church met Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. “Yee,” she replied. | where’s <*» freight TO* CHOWAN H2ltAU>. EDEWTOH. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, 1960. TEMPLE OF THE GODS —This architectural masterpiece of an ancient culture is the 1,000-year-old Tajin Temple, mighty remnant of Mexico’s Totonac civilization. Excavated and restored, the towering stone temple is located near Papantla on Mexico’s east coast. The temple was the site of the Voladore Rain Dance, an ancient Totonac. religious ceremony appealing to the gods for rain. ’ Mrs. Satterfield Dies | After Long Illness Mrs. John T. Satterfield, 90, died Friday morning at 6:30 o’clock at her home on Gran ville Street after an illness of, two years. She was a native of Perquimans County but lived in Edenton 50 years. Surviving are a son, C. R. Sat terfield; two daughters, Miss Celia Satterfield and Mrs. C. E. Byrum, both of Edenton; nine grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. She was a mem ber of the Edenton Baptist Church and the Woman’s Mis sionary Union. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the home. The Rev. R. N. Carroll officiated and bur ial was in Beaver Hill Ceme tery. Pallbearers were Robert Smith, Lloyd Bunch, Paul Partin, Phil ip McMullan, R. E. Leary and John Mitchener. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE How freedom from the bond age of sickness and sin can be gained through wholly spiritual i means will be emphasized at Christian Science churches Sun day. Readings from the Bible in the' Lesson-Sermon entitled “Mat-i ter” will include Luke’s account | ,of the healing by Christ Jesus J of the woman “which had a : spirit of intirmity eighteen I years” (Ch. 13). One of the passages to be read from "Science and Health >"ith Kev to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy is the follow ing i2z8:20): "If we follow the command of our Master, 'Takej no thought for your life’, wej shall never depend on bodily | conditions, structure, or econo my, but we shall be masters of the body, dictate its terms and form and control it with Truth.” The Golden Text is from John (6:63): “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh pro fiteth nothing.” Wm, Ralph White Dies In Hospital William Ralph White, 47, of .the Hobbsville section died Wed nesday morning of last week at ,5:35 o’clock in Chowan Hospital Edenton Bonded OWNED AND OPERATED BY Leary Bros. Storage Co. EDENTON, N. C .. • are approved to handle A and B cot ton for Government purchase and loans. We are in position to buy your cotton when you present your Grade Card to us ... Your County Agent and ASC Office will give you the proper infor mation you need. We also can give you the same infor mation if you see us. after an illness of one month. A native of Gates County, he was a son of the late Penelope Bunch and Ervin White and was an employee of the State High way Department. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Erma P. White; two brothers, Lawrence White of Suffolk and Fentress White of Hobbsville. He was a member of the War wick Baptist Church, where fun eral services were held Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The pas tor. the Rev. R. B. Cottingham, olficiated and burial was in the family cemetery in Gates Coun ty- Pallbearers were employees of the State Highway Department. Information Please The big railroad terminal was crowded when a shabby indivi dual approached a wicket and peered inquiringly at the young woman on duty behind it. “Excuse me, miss,” he apolo gized, "but do you represent the Travelers’ Aid Society?” Legal Notices NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF THE ALBEMARE PEANUT COMPANY TAKE NOTICE That on the 29th day of Au-j :«ust, 1960. THE ALBEMARLE! | PEANUT COMPANY, Edcnion, 1 'North Carolina, filed Articles of■ Dissolution in the Office of the] Secretary of State of North Car-j I olina, and is now in the process: ; of liquidation. | This, the 31st dav of August, > 1960. j (s) BENJAMIN M. BIRDSONG, I President. 5ept8,15,22,29c i Administrator’s notice Having qualified as adminis ! tratrix of the estate of Sadie A. Bembry, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the I undersigned within one year I from date of this notice or same I will be pleaded in bar of their I recovery. All persons indebted i to said estate will please make j immediate payment. This 18th dav of August. 1960. MABEL B. COLLINS, Administratrix of Estate: of Sadie A. Bembrv. aug18,25,5ept1,8,15,22c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having Qualified as Admini strator of the estate of Mrs. H. B. Jones, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of; said deceased to present themj to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th dav of August. 1960. W. P. JONES. Administrator of Mrs. H. B. Jones Estate augl 1,18,25,5ept1. 8,15 c TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust exe cuted and delivered by Walter KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PRQQF silver m j Glentnort; j j : ; I: S; oia riiM-SHii- * ] U S. Pierce and wife, Grace M. Pierce, dated the 2nd day of May, 1960, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chowan County, N. C., in Book 77, at page 102, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and Holder of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in tke county court house of Chowan County, in the city of Edenton, N. C„ at 12 o’clock, noon, an the 12th day of October, 1960, all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Chowan County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 412 feet on the Southwest cor ner of Harrison A. Valentine property and cornering with Lot 6 on the South and Valentine Avenue on the West. This be ing the point of beginning. Thence East 92.25 feet along Lot 6 which property is Harrison A. Valentine to a point; thence North 75 feet along property of Johnson-Wynn Estate to a point, thence West 92.25 feet along other property of Harrison A. Valentine; thence South 75 feet along Valentine Avenue to a point of beginning. This being and containing one lot 75x92, more or less. Subject to unpaid taxes and assessments lor paving, if any. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as by law required. This 6th day of September. 1960. DANIEL J. WALTON. Trustee. WAYNE M. BRENDLE Attorney at Law, 104 Latta Arcade, Charlotte, N. C. sept 15,22,290ct6c ON SALE AT BELK-TYLER’S EDENTON. N. C. # II DAYS ONLY ...SEPTEMBER 15-24th A I g&mlm J Jf EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED FIRST QUALITY! fl 4fl LUXURY-SHEER 60 gauge, 15 denier it '/ I GUARANTEED full-fashioned twin threads I I NEVER-RUN full-fashioned mesh J BAREIEG seamless, reinforced heel, toe I y' SEAM-FREE MESH, reinforced heel, tea Jr A sale so special, it happens iust twice a year! All styles, all shades ... our entire Heiress brand nylon stock slashed to BBe. Pick the style, the color that flatters you most, the length that fits you best! Save more—box of 3 pairs THIS WEEK 2.50 BELK-TYLER’S EDENTOIN, N. C NOTICE OF SALE OF , REAL ESTATE j By virtue of a mortgage exe- j cuted by Leonce Q. Spruill and wife, Mattie L. Spruill to R. C. j Holland, Mortgagee, dated March ; 28, 1957, and recorded in office iof Register of Deeds in Chowan ! County, North Carolina, in RE j Book No. 71. pages 434-435, de- 1 fault having been made in the ! payments of the indebtedness se- I , cured thereby, the undersigned | , will offer for sale at public bid- j 1 dings, for cash, to the highest | bidder at the Court House door ! in Chowan County, North Caro- ! Ihna, at 12:f)U noon on Friday, 1 September 30, 1900, the real es ! tale in Edenton. North Carolina, ! j to wit: 1. The lot with all buildings I and improvements thereon be ginning at a point, a stake, on I the western edge of Norfolk ; Southern Railroad right-of-way, j | said point constituting and be ! ing a distance of 872.8 feet from j the center of North Carolina j I Highway No. 32; thence north I 77 deg. 30 min. West 175.4 feet along line of Junius F. Britton j j lands to a stake on eastern edge , ol Jackson Street; thence north I l 12 deg. east 65 feet along edge i ' of said street to a stake: thence i south 77 deg. 30 min. east 175.4 i leet along line of M. W. Jackson ! iand to a stake on western edge jof said railroad right-of-way; 1 thence south 12 cleg, west 65 i leet along edge of said railroad i right-of-way to tile point of be ; ginning. j 2. That certain lot with all buildings and improvements ) thereon located on the west i side of Cabarrus Street, and j designated and described as Lot I No. 50 on plat of North Edenton | recorded in .office of Register of I Deeds of the aforesaid county in | .Deed Book I. No. 2. page 565. ! 3. That certain lot with all i buildings and improvements | thereon located on the west side Os Cabarrus Street, and desig- —SECTION TWO PAGE THREE I nated and described as Lot No, 1 49 on plat of North Edenton re corded in office of Register or ' Deeds of the aforesaid county, in Deed I No. 2, page 565. * 4. The lot with all buildings: and improvements thereon b*-. ginning at a point in the west ern edge of Cabarrus Street 250 i feet from the intersection ofc- I Second and Cabarrus Streets, thence northwestwardly 11712 (feet to an alley; thence south ; westwardly along the eastern | edge of said alley 50 feet to a" j point; thence southeastwardly j 117 *2 feet to Cabarrus Street; I thence northeastwai dly 50 feet, along the western edge of Ca , barrus Street to the place of be ginning. and bemg Lot No. 48 as designated and described oq plat of North Edenton recorded in off ce of Register of Deeds in aforesaid county in Deed Book I No. 2. page 565. j A deposit of ten per cent foe (the highest bid offered for the I above described property will be required on day of sale and the balance of the purchase price iwill be paid on delivery of the ! deed. ' ] Dated and posted this August ! 30, 1960. R. C. HOLLAND, ' ' sept 1,8,15.22 c Mortgagee. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anv. me can l>uv DIRECT fi i'ii l S GOVERNMENT SUR PLUS DEPOTS. l*y mail for your self or fur resale. Cameras, binocu !a r.s. curs, jeeps. trucks, boats hanlu.t! olfuv machines and e<iLi' m• ■ 11' tents, tools and tens of th usantls of oilier items at a frac ti n us their original cost. Many item- bicr.ti idw For list of hun- I •ds of U. s Government. Surplus Dt pots. Ipealtd in every State and overseas with pamphlet “How Gov ernment Can Ship Direct To You " plus procedures. HOW TO BUY and h to l i FREE SURPLUS mall to SURPLUS SALES IN FORMATION SERVICES. P.O Box No. ISIS. Washington 5. D C

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