SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS ' | By JAMES H. GRIFFIN. Soil Consarrafionisl j W. E. \ Bond, Edenton, select ed his jftobacco land this year using the’ soil survey may furn ish him ty the Soil Conserva tion Service through the'; local Soil Conservation District. He reports that this is the best to bacco crop tie has raised in sev eral years. He says it is one of the few times he has had his tobacco patch in the same type of soil. It works better and ripens alike. Mr. Bond ist revising his con servation farm; plan which was prepared in iSeptember, 1945. All the conservation practices planned then hi'.ve been carried out. Technical assistance in pre paring the conservation farm plan is furnished by the Chowan Unit, Albemarle Soil Conserva tion District. (Mr. Bond has planned a grass based rotation of wheat and fes cue for his toba&cco acreage. The wheat will be harvested and the fescue left on the land for two summers. Other conservation practices planned include operi. ditch and tile drainage, coastal bermuda grass add to his present graz ing program, contour rows and new field divisions to get each field as near the same land ca pability class as possible. Some of his present fields have as many as four land capability classes or soil types all on the same row. He says it’s impossi ble to fertilize and cultivate with so' many different condi tions in the field. Grass-Based Rotation Richard Jackson, Yeopim com munity, is starting a small grain fescue rotation for his tobacco this fall.. He will seed 20 pounds of fescue 1 per acre mixed with his small grain this fall. Next spring, he will harvest the small grain leading the fescue through the summer. According to a tobacco rota tion experiment being conduct ed at the Oxford Research Sta- f Mitchener’s Pharmacy ■i —♦ x ■. % Will Close This ’ F, Friday Night V At 7:30 O’clock i » i ❖ Support Edenton Aces Football Team H jll ■SB role^ ed WliiSlsfi^ 1 ; ri|: ts »*ctAK -“••”*» |9 H ■■l ' ►"<•"■“«' M '■= o**l9, *' '-£-^*.V»**T#*«BTtU,. l> vij _ .■a; * —»-/3 ■rrf :#? . \ 1 Kir H t >. ' * v***-"' ' _ ' ''• •' .r*' & \ ■ »*3-"5 *2S_J cods |ro. *53 ea&&&# . "* *' ’ "*’ tion. this type of rotation is worth over «SIOO per acre. It controls nematodes, improves the soil structure, increases the water-holding capacity, and con trols erosion. If you haven’t tried fescue in your tobacco rotation, now is the time to seed the fescue and small grain. Burnt Mill Creek Watershed E. C. Graham, SCS Assistant State Conservationist, Water sheds, and his party visited Burnt Mill Creek and Pollock Swamp last week following the hurricane. They reported no flood damage on Burnt Mill Creek and plenty on Pollock Swamp. The channels in Burnt Mill Creek were full but not| overflowing. Some damage was done by the hurricane such as trees falling in the channels and “washes” caused by improper alignment of culverts and inade quate surface protection. Mr. Graham and his party were well-pleased with the “test” on Burnt Mill Creek. *1 A contract for the installation iof culverts and preparing and seeding of the roadway beside the channels will be let within the next few weeks. Pollock Swamp Walenlhed The planning of Pollock Swamp Watershed has been moved up to October following the trip in the watershed last week. Wallace Goodwin, Chair man of the local landowners, and L. C. Bunch, Chairman of the Albemarle Soil Conservation District, were told by Mr. Gra ham that the SCS Planning Party was ready to start as soon as the local legal organization was ready. The local legal work is being stepped-up to meet the new deadline of Octo ber. Damage from flooding of cropland was heavy in the wa tershed. Water crossed the roads and several “wash-outs” oc- TKB CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1960. curred. Fish Ponds SCS Biologist Rhy Smith visit ed form ponds of M. D. Baker, Tyner, N. C., and A. C. Griffin, Edenton on Friday, September 16. Both ponds had lost most of their fish. A few bass were found in Baker’s pond. It was recommended that a stocking of large fish (Bream) be obtained this fall for Baker’s pond. Fer tilize with 200 pounds of lime and *2OO pounds of 8-8-2 ferti lizer. A. C. Griffin’s pond water was low in oxygen. It was rec ommended to apply 25-50 pounds of superphosphorate now and to use a motor boat to stir the water to increase the oxygen content. Merry Hill News By LOUISE B. ADAMS v 1— Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Smith of Colerain visited Mr. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Pridgen and children of LaGrange were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver and children of Cary, spent the week-end with Mrs. Oliver’s mother, Mrs. Sallie Adams and brother, Sammie Adams. The Rev. Wright of Windsor, pastor of the White Oak Meth odist Church, visited friends in the community Wednesday. W. T. Davis made a business trip to Norfolk, Va., on 1 Wed nesday of last week. Mrs. Chet White and daugh ter, Anna Raye, were in Eden ton on Thursday of last week shopping. The Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner and Mrs. J. D. Smith wick visited the Rev. and Mrs. Lamar Sentell and family on Tuesday of last Week at Bal lard’s Bridge in Chowan County. Mrs. Eugene Bowen, Mrs. Ma ble Wolfe and Mrs. Nellie Keet er of Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Winborne Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Claude Small, Jr., and children, Sheila, Karen and C. E., of Edenton visited Mrs. Small’s brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Chet White, Friday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Davis visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogerson in Edenton on Mrs. Milton Robertson •" of Rosemead spent Thursday night with her parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Chet White. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and children, Ellen and Edmund 111, made a trip to Norfolk, Va., Saturday to shop. E. J. Pruden, Jr., was in Ahos kie several days last week on business. Mrs. Raymond Outlaw was in Edenton on Friday afternoon shopping. t Mr. and Mrs. Don Ambrose and family of Portsmouth, Va., visited Mrs. Ambrose’s parents,| Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker on; Tuesday of last week. j Mrs. J. I P. Love and daughter, j Nina, were in Edenton Saturday 1 morning pn business. Tommie Cobb and son, Ken neth of Elizabtth City spent] Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. T. E. White and Mrs. Virgie Baker. J. P. Love and daughter, Nina, Becky Bunch and Charlie Bill Phelps attended the football game in Windsor Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwiek and children visited their daugh ter, Fonda at East Carolina Col lege, Greenville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Williams and daughter, Lynn, of Ahoskie spent the week-end with Mrs. Williams’ mother, Mrs. Lloyd Cobb. Harvey Williams of Ports mouth, Va., spent the week-end with his wife and daughter, who are spending some time with Mrs. Williams’ parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Elbert Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Chet White made a trip to Farmville, Va., Sunday to take their daughter, Anna Raye, to enter Longwood College. Mrs. B. G. Willis visited her sister, Miss Nancy Pruden, who is a patient in the hospital in Wilson. The Rev. R. T. Smith of Ashe boro is guest in the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner this week. Anna Raye, Martin ind Marion White and Ann Smithwiek at tended the football game in Windsor Friday night. Revival meeting is being held this week, beginning September 18, ending Sunday, September 25, at Capehart’s Baptist Church. The Rev. Grissom, pastor ofj First Baptist Church in Eliza beth City, is the visiting preach er. Services begin each evening at 7:30 o’clock. The public is' cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of, Windsor visited Mr. Davis’ par-i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis on Sunday. Mrs. Chet White and Mrs. Vi ola Cowan were in Windsor Monday afternoon on business. Three Fire Alarms Answered In Augustj Fire Chief W. J. Yates re ports that during August there were three fire alarms, two in Edenton and one out of town. | For the Edenton fires the! firemen were out one hour and 1 an hour and 10 minutes out of town. They were on the air 20 seconds in town and 15 seconds out of town. In Edenton the firemen traveled 5 miles and 40 miles out of town. Hose laid was 600 feet in j Edenton and 300 feet out of! CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone for the many beautiful cards and other kindnesses during my re cent visit to Chowan Hospital and the Memorial Hospital at Chapel Hill. pd —Philip* Smithson. I FINAL WEEK 1/3 OFF I TIRE SALE! PRICES SLASHED *l6Ssas OFF KELLY CELEBRITY NYLON WHITEWALL TUBELESS TIRES! ; SIZE MFGR'S LIST SUE PRICE YOU SAVE 6.70-15 35.95 23.95 12.00 t: 7.10-15 39.45 26.30 13.15 _43.25 28.85 14.40 8.00-15 48.10 32.05 16.05 SALE PRICES PLUS T>» END RETREADAUE TIRE TEED Ibudget terms? EADS uu v Ifcmiw. S? 1/3 DOWN small weekly * 7WS oavments HE TIRE PUJIIICIIIB fov M>vuf-foe& /jr £M y\ -Pwbu,... ( ) LOOK FOR THIS SUN OF QUALITY AT X/ Your Tir* Headquarter* . . ..Quality-Built Kelly Tire* in Ivery Size, Type And Price Range For Every Kind Os Car, Including Foreign And Compact Models. scon & ACKISS RECAPPING CO. s ». 1 ■ > ' , ♦ West Eden Street Edenton, N. C PHONES: EOENTOK 2*H—EU3ABETH CITY FBIS town. Thirty-one firemen re sponded for the Edenton fires and 20 out of town. Property involved in the Edenton fires was estimated at $43,000 and $5,000 out of town. Damage caused by the Edenton fires was estimated at $530 and S3OO out of town. Insurance in Edenton was SIB,OOO and $3,000 out ot town. The firemen held- one drill during the month and refilled 10 fire extinguishers. Legal Notices *NOTICE~ OF DISSOLUTION OF THE ALBEMaRE PEANUT COMPANY TAKE NOTICE That on the 29th day of Au gust, 1960, THE ALBEMARLE PEANUT COMPANY,- Edenton. North Carolina, filed Articles of Dissolution in the Office of the Secretary of State of North Car olina. and is now in the process of liquidation. This, the 31st day of August, 1960. (s) BENJAMIN M. BIRDSONG, President. 5ept8,15,22,29c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of the estate of Sadie A. Bembry, deceased, late of Cho wan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of August. 1960. MABEL B. COLLINS, Administratrix of Estate of Sadie A. Bembry. aug18,25,5ept1,8,15,22c North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in and the authority conferred by that certain Deed of Trust executed by Curtis A. Twiddy and wife, Elma A. Twiddy, dated the 11th day of October, 1958, and re corded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages No. 73, at pages 507- 508, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and said Deed of Trust be ing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure and the pow er of sale having become abso lute, the undersigned Trustee named in said Deed of Trust will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., Monday the 17th day of October, 1960, the prop erty conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the Town of Edenton, Cho wan County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: That certain lot or parcel of land with all buildings and im provements thereon being known as Lot No. 1 in the Division of Lot No. 36 of the North Eden ton property and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of North Oak- um Street and running North 41 deg. West 103.8 feet to an alley; thence along said alley North 50 deg. East 31.2 feet to the line of Lot No. 2 in the Division of Lot No. 36 of the North Edenton property; thence along the line of Iw>t No. 2 South 71 deg. East 75 feet to Oakum Street; thence along Oakum Street South 19 deg. West 79.5 feet to the first sta tion. And being the same prop erty conveyed to the said Cur tis A. Twiddy by H. B. Bat ton et als by deed dated Sep tember 16, 1946 and duly re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Chowan County in Book of Deeds No. 6, page 498, said deed and those instru ments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further descrip tion and chain of title. Dated and posted this Septem ber 15, 1960. R. C. HOLLAND, Trustee By: W. S. PRIVOTT, Attorney 5ept22,29,0et6,13c TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL - ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust exe cuted and delivered by Walter S. Pierce and wife, Grace M. Pierce, dated the 2nd day of May, 1960, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chowan County, N. C., in Book 77, at page 102, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secui ed and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and. pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the county court house of Chowan County, in the city of Edenton, N. C., at 12 o’clock, noon, on the 12th day of October, 1960, all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Chowan County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described WAKE UP PARIN' TO GO Without Nagging Rackacht Now ! You can gee the fast relief you need from nagging backache, headache and muscular aches and pains that often cause restless nights and miserable tired out feelings. When these discomforts come on with over-exertion or Btress and strain —you want relief—want it fast 1 Another disturbance may be mild bladder irritation following wrong food and drink —often setting up a restless un comfortable feeling. Doan’s Pills work fast in 3 separate ways: 1. by speedy pain-relieving action to ease torment of nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains. 2. by soothing effect on bladder irrita tion. 3. by mild diuretic action tending to increase output of the 15 miles of kidney tubes. 4 Enjoy a good night's Bleep and the same happy relief millions have for over 60 years. New, large size saves money. Get Doan’s Pills today ! « Doan s Pills MR. FARMER Let Us Gin Your Cotton ❖_._ We have thoroughly conditioned our plant and ean give yon service so yon will get the most money for your cot ton crop. The Government price will he based on grade ~. Our extra cleaning equip ment will give you better grades. Our bonded sampler Mill draM samples from each bale and send to Raleigh for Government classing. You M ill receive a green card on each bale about the third or fourth day. With this card v, e can give you settlement in full. Gov ernment price as of today on middling 11-32 staple is $34.89. We will buy seed cotton and cotton seed... Thanh you for your patronage. B. W. EVANS, GIN EDENTON, N. C. B. W. Evans and Leslie Blanchard, Mgrs. OFFICE PHONE 2426 RESIDENCE 2934 as follows: Beginning at a point 412 feet on the Southwest cor ner of Harrison A. Valentine property and cornering with Lot 6 on the South and Valentine Avenue on the West. This be ing the point of beginning. Thence East 92.25 feet along Lot 6 which property is Harrison A. Valentine to a point; thence North 75 feet along property of Johnson-Wynn Estate to a point, thence West 92.25 feet along j other property of Harrison A. ! Valentine; thence South 75 feet j along Valentine Avenue to ' a IT’S HERE...THE NEW UNIFIED , HOMEOWNERS POLICY PROGRAM • Th# new, improved Homeowners Policy provides the basic average Homeowner needs on his home, personal property and personal liability. What's more, it cart be tailored to meet individual requirements. For example, the Homeowners Policy may now be written to cover a summer borne or other secondary residence. One policy provides the same coverage as four separate Contracts Fire, Extended Coverage, Comprehensive Per sonal Liability, Theft and costs 15 to 30 per cent less. Why wait? let ws tell you about it todoyl R. ELTON FOREHAND 407 S. Broad St.—PHONE .1114—Edenton. X. C. REMEMBER You Save The Middle Man's Profit J. Winton Sawyer CEMETERY MEMORIALS 405 S. Road St. Phone 5995 ELIZABETH CITV. \. C. PAGE SEVEN i—SEcnvri GIvTT I point of beginning. This being and containing one lot 75x92, , more or less. Subject to unpaid taxes and i assessments lor paving, if any. i This sale will be held open ' ten days for upset bids us by lav/ required. This 6th day of September, 1960. DANIEL J. WALTON. Trustee, l WAYNE M. BREN.DLK Attorney at Law, 104 LutLi Arcade, Charlotte, N. C. 1 5ept15,22,290ct6c

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