Home Demonstration Women Iflan Tour Os UN Headquarters , J - l Mrs. Eleanor. Roosevelt will, speak to .the delegation of Home: Demonstration Club womenl when they go on their annual j education study tour of the United Nations Headquarters October 17-22. Bach year, the local club groups make plans to send a representative from the county. Thf Home Demonstration wo meti have been visiting the United Nations for six years with nearly 600 women serving as jidelegates. After the delegates return to their counties, they the local clubs to give a report on their trip. Are. Samuel . Levering and- Mris. W. Hugh Holcomb, both frcfn Surray County, will travel on 5 the buses to brief the dele gates on current issues being discussed at United Nations now. Miss 'Current has urged the | Merry Hill News By LOUISE B. ADAMS Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Bunch and children, Becky, : Bobby, Freddie and Ann, visited R. J. Mitchell on Sunday in Veterans’ Hospital at Kecoughtan, Va. Ffcnda Smithwick, who is a student at East Carolina Col lege, Greenville, spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwick. Hermit Mizelle of Edenton visjted his grandmother, Mrs. C. T. jßaker Saturday. Jtufus Phelps of Scotland Neck spent the week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwick and family. Miss Beulah White is a pa tient in Bertie Memorial Hos pital, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mb and Mrs. B. V. Williford. Mrs. Linwood Bunch and children, Becky, Bobby and Ann wete shoppers in Edenton on* Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. T. Davis visited her 1 grandparents, Mr. and “ Mrs. Frank Rogerson, in Edenton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams of Portsmouth, Va., are happy | ■parents of their second child and first son, born Tuesday, Sep-| teniber 20, at Chowan Hospital,' Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are. both originally from Merry Hill. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., was in Edenton Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker and Mr.; and Mrs. Lewis Britt visit ed at Nags Head on Sunday to view the place or places that It's a wonderful feeling! «U AGAIN AND THE , BILLS PAID! You get well faster too, whea you don’t have to *forry about the bills. Your doctor* will vouch for it! And Blue Cross gives your family this peace-of-mind protection for just pennies a day. J J J>T J V ■ ■ l a l 1 DURHAM, N. C. WILLIAM B. GARDNER P. O. Box 548 Edenton, N. C. TELEPHONE 6490 HHHD Hwi&lV I'tfwt n&wv m<j dm\ B 3 23"^!!^ SPACE COMMAND HHBHHBBEI ramot. TV tuning PRESS A SUTTON ON y vV? * * 1 * CONTROL UNIT YOU H' ’ I oil HOLD IN YOUR HAND IBBi! It ( T 0: '’f’-’JvV?./ '• V | • change channel* flHpHrmHB M a a turn set on and iff MgnmWK, '. . ~ls !#»* • adjust volume to .4f v <\7C' •*' '- met two different levels "Lrjj —mute, sound 'T | '• ‘ , ■ No Wires .No Cords NAMCRAFTCD QUALITY j ■ zenith's hsndcMmaa TV chsaals Is handwlred with *ll connection* handtoldertd for greater operating dependability. MOOU. P334A THN BORNHOLM PHONE 242! - EDENTON delegates to study ahead of time so they will be informed on cur rent events taking place. The United Nations Chorus will present a musical program for the delegates on Tuesday. There will be special briefings for the delegation during the week—two will be on Africa and China. v One morning will ba spent in the Frick Art Gallery. It is the former home of Henry C. Frick who bequeathed his works of art “for the use and benefit of all persons whomsoever.” The gallery contains an outstanding collection of paintings and other art objects as well as an ex cellent art reference library. This year the delegates will visit the Franklin Roosevelt home at Hyde Park. They will also stop at West Point Mili tary Academy Chapel. “Donna” hit. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Pierce were shoppers in Edenton on Thursday. Jack Lawrence is a patient in Chowan Hospital at Edenton and is quite ill at this time. Jamie Ella Altman of Eden ton spent the -week-end with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis. The community was happy in deed on Saturday when once again bells could be heard in the different homes ringing for the first time since “Donna” paid us a visit. It was wonderful to know we had phone service available again. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., and E. J. Pruden, Jr., were in Ahoskie Friday and visited the tobacco markets and en joyed listening to the “chant” of the auctioneers. W. T. Davis entered Bertie Memorial Hospital, Windsor, on Sunday afternoon, for a few days. ■Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Britt of Elizabeth City spent Sunday with Mr. Britt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Britt. Mrs. Bernard Smithwick, who is taking a practical nurses’ course in Elizabeth City, spent the week-end at home with her husband, Mr. Smithwick. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker were in Edenton Saturday on busi ness. Mr. 'and Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis and Jamie Ella Altman of Edenton visited Mr. and Mrs. James Da vis in Windsor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mizelle of Edenton visited Mrs. Mizelle’s mother, Mrs. C. T. Baker and sisters, Mrs. Viola Cowan and Mrs. Louise Adams Sunday as- THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29. 1960. ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baze more and son, Mike, spent ‘Sat urday with Mr. Bazemore’s grandmother, Mrs. C. T. Baker and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker of Edenton were visitors in the community Thursday evening. Mrs. Harold Lupton visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White Friday afternoon. ( Mrs. C. W. Davenport made a trip to Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Pruden Forehand and chil dren, Douglas, Wayne and Judy of Edenton, Sunday to visit Mrs. Davenport’s and Mrs. Forehand’s mother, Mrs. Ella Simpson, who remains quite ill in state hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pierce spent the week-end visiting relatives, friends and sight-seeing in Washington, D. C. Mrs. C. W. Davenport went to Columbia Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Davenport of Edenton to visit Warren Bright who suffered a heart attack and is in Columbia Hospital. Mr. and Mrg. Livingston White of Edenton and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Northeott and daughter, Judy of Ahoskie were visitors of the S. V. Cowand family on Sunday. C. W. Davenport and children, Margaret and Douglas, visited Warren Bright in Columbia on Sunday. Mrs. Patricia Smithwick and Beth Layton spent the week end in Newport News, Va., and saw the launching of fthe USS Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robert son of Rosemead, Mrs. Claude Small, Jr., and children, Karen, Sheila and C. E. 111, of Eden ton and Roland Evans and daughter, Joan of Norfolk, V?., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chet White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Lynch and children of Greenville were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Bunch and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White and Mrs. J. D. Smithwick visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Keeter in Edenton Sunday night. Johnnie Bell Smithwick of Elizabeth City visited his moth er, Mrs. J. D. Smithwick Mon day morning. Mrs. J. D. Smithwick and Mrs. Bess Leicester spent Wednesday of last week visiting Mrs. Nep pie Harrell in the Mount Gould community. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Laney of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Laney’s sister, Mrs. J. D. Smithwick. Mrs. Thomas Cowand is a pa tient in Bertie Memorial Hospi tal, Windsor. Thanks to the germ-killing pow er of the antibiotics, doctors have been able to cut the mor tality rate on many diseases. This Rexall drug store carries the most important lines of antibiotics. Trust in us to give you swift service and to help you to better health at lower cost Learn to depend on .... YOUR DRUG STORE CRUTCHES FOR RENT Hollowell’s Rexall Drug Store Two Itflitcnd Pharmacist! Prompt Satrice Dial 2127 Legal Notices ! ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Town Council of the Town of Edenton will receive sealed bids until 8 P. M., Thurs day, October 13, 1960, for furn ishing the following equipment to the Town of Edenton: ITEM I— -1 1961 Automobile, 4-door se dan, with a wheel base of at least 118 inches, 8 cylinder engine with 200 horse power or more 6r 292 cubic inch piston displacement with • oil filter, automatic transmission, heater, turn signals, heavy duty generator, and change equipment from old car to new car exclusive of radio. Bids on the above vehicle are to be a net price with an allow ance for trade in of a 1958 Ford, 4-door sedan. No federal or state tax to be included. ITEM 11-1 1 1961 Automobile, 4-door se dan, with a wheel base of at least 118 inches, 8 cylinder engine with 200 horse power or more or 292 cubic inch piston displacement with oil filter, automatic transmission, heater, turn signals, heavy duty generator, and change equipment from old car to new car exclusive of radio. Bids on the above vehicle are to be a net price with an al lowance for trade in of a 1959 Chevrolet, 4-door sedan. No federal or state tax to be in cluded. The Town of Edenton reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. TOWN OF EDENTON John A. Mitchener, Jr., Mayor Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Clerk. Sept 29 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Edith B. Wood, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the; undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 29th day of September, 1960. CHARLES H. WOOD JR., Executor of Estate of Mrs. Edith B. Wood. 5ept29,0ct6,13,20,27,N0v3c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Oscar M. Elliott, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 29th day of September, 1960. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Executor of Oscar M. Elliott Estate. 5ept29,0ct6,13,20,27,N0v3 - oIF DISSOLUTION OF THE ALBEMARE PEANUT COMPANY TAKE NOTICE That on the 29th dav of Au gust, 1960, THE ALBEMARLE PEANUT COMPANY. Edenton; mpr NYLON gaoflg FABULOUS BUYS ON NEW CAR TAKE-OFFS! AH original equipment tires exchanged for premium quality KELLY CELEBRITY NYLON EXTRAS by discrimi nating new car owners, who prefer the best. LIKE NEW... DRIVEN ONLY A FEW MILES fcv Wovty-f/ie& /wp. nyV ZJtuwtg... f J 1 low rot this sm 9F quality AT VJIBIkS/ sanT & ackiss recappmg ca West Eden Street Edenton, N. C MOVES: &&EMTOM MM—ELIZABETH CRT YUS North Carolina, filed Articles of Dissolution in the Office of the Secretary of State of North Car olina. and is now in the process of liquidation. This, the 31st day of August, 1960. (s) BENJAMIN M. BIRDSONG. President. 5ept8,15.22,29c North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in and the authority conferred by that certain Deed of Trust executed by Curtis A. Twiddy and wife, Elma A. Twiddy, dated the 11th day of October, 1958, and re-j corded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages No. 73, at pages 507- 508, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and said Deed of Trust be ing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure and the pow er of sale having become abso lute. the undersigned Trustee named in said Deed of Trust will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Edenton, Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., Monday the 17 th day of October, 1960, the prop erty conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the Town of Edenton, Cho wan County, North Carolina, and more particularly described asi follows: That certain lot or parcel of land with all buildings and im-i provements thereon being known ■as Lot No. 1 in the Division of! Lot No. 36 of the North Eden ton property and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of North Oak um Street and running North 41 deg. West 103.8 feet to an alley; thence along said alley North 50 deg. East 31.2 feet to the line of Lot No. 2 in the Division of Lot No. 36 of the North Edenton property; thence along the line of Lot No. 2 South 71 deg. East 75 feet to Oakum Street; thence along Oakum Street South 19 deg. West 79.5 feet to the first sta tion. And being the same prop erty conveyed to the said Cur tis A. Twiddy by H. B. Bat ton et als by deed dated Sep tember 16, 1946 and duly re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Chowan County in Book of Deeds No. 6, page 498, said deed and those instru ments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made part hereof for further descrip tion and chain of title. Dated and posted this Septem ber 15, 1960. R. C. HOLLAND, Trustee By: W. S. PRIVOTT, Attorney 5ept22,29,0ct6,13c TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust exe cuted and delivered by Walter S. Pierce and wife, Grace M. Pierce, dated the 2nd day of May, 1960, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chowan County, N. C„ in Book 77, at page 102, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Muai, place of sale in the county court house of Chowan County, in the city of Edenton, N. C., at 12 o’clock, noon, an the 12th day of October, 1960, all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Chowan County, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 412 feet on the Southwest cor ner of Harrison A. Valentine property and cornering with Lot 6 on the South and Valentine Avenue on the West. This be ing the point of beginning. Thence East 92.25 feet along Lot 6 which property is Harrison A. Valentine to a point; thence North 75 feet along property of Johnson-Wynn Estate to a point, thence West 92.25 feet along other property of Harrison A. Valentine; thence South 75 feet along Valentine Avenue to a point of beginning. This being and containing one lot 75x92, more or less. Subject to unpaid taxes and assessments for paving, if any. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bids as by law required. This 6th day of September, 1960. DANIEL J. WALTON, Trustee. WAYNE M. BRENDLE Attorney at Law, 104 Latta Arcade, Charlotte, N. C. 5ept15,22,290et6c II ! . |si?agran^; Scaaram $ (pßlfisl VO 1 II IMPORTED CANADIAN B anaudhan wikius l| ** ItCT6C ■S2 .1-- fcifNoro and Bomro » r , pD SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS COMPANY. NYC. 86 3 PROOF. CANADIAN WHISKY - A BIENO SIX YEARS MR. FARMER Let Us Gin Your Cotton ❖ We have thoroughly conditioned our plant and ran give you service so you will get the most money for your cot ton crop. The Government price will he based on grade ... Our extra cleaning equip ment will give you better grades. Our bonded sampler will draw samples from each bale and send to Raleigh for Government classing. You w ill receive a green card on each bale about the third or fourth day. W ith this card w e can give you settlement in full. Gov ernment price as of today on middling 11-32 staple is $34.89. We will buy seed cotton and cotton seed... Thank you for your patronage. B. W. EVANS, GIN EDENTON, N. C. B. W. Evans and Leslie Blanchard. Mgrs. OFFICE PHONE 2426 RESIDENCE 2934 trucgs mil mu spu of North Carolina/s total road taxes NORTH CAROLINA MOTOR CARRIERS ASSN. P STAT6 HEADQUARTERS, TRUCKING BUILDING, RALEIGH, TRY A HERALD CLASSIFIED AD SECTION TWO PAGE THREE

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