Negro Home Demonstratkin News Rr MBS. ONKir 8. CHARLTON, ORptg'l tfra'gfU '■civ—lln xtf> T Tft ordejr to improve the qual ity of canned products in our county, Home Demonstration Club women set this as a goal this year. Mrs. B. B. Ramseur, home economics special! t, con ducted a training school with leaders in April to launch their work on this goal. Tie Coun cil planned that each club Should set tip an exhibit in their neigh borhood during the month of September to display canned products and oth v articles and cheek their imp.ovement. ifine Home Demonstration Clubs carricl out this recom mendation. 1 visited each ex hibit and am happy to report thsi decided improvement in quality was noted in the canned products shown. These included canned vegetables, fruits, fish, fislf roe, pickles, preserves and jelty. Club women decided to display prepared food dishes, clothing, articles and handicraft in {heir local exhibit too. It was gratifying to see the improve-1 melats made in the quality of their workmanship. There were 17r entries in the exhibits put on* by these clubs: Paradise Rogd, Triangle, Canaan Temple, St." John, Virginia Fork, Warren Grove, Center Hill, Ayans 1 Grove and Edenton. At a dinner' meeting with doctors, principals and 4-H teach- flerry Hill News )| By LOUISE B. ADAMS b - j. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker have; returned home after spending soifie tjme in Williamston visit- • ing. their son-in-law arid daugh- ( ter, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Lilly, i Mr. land Mrs. J. B. Smith witk afnd children, Amelia and Britt, jVisited their daughter, Fonda, |a student at East Caro lina College, Greenville, Friday. The ; Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner! attended the Baptist pas tors’ and wife conference in Ahoskie Monday of last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, | Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis visit-; ed Mr. and Mrs. James Davis in Windscir Friday afternoon. j Mrs.'.Raymond Outlaw was in Edenton Friday afternoon shop-: ping the Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner, Mis? Vivian White and Mrs: Henry Harrison of Windsor visited Miss Beulah White, who is .a patient in Wilson Sanator ium in Wilson on Tuesday of, last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cobb and daughter of Atlanta, Ga., visited, Mrr and Mrs. El J. Pruden, Jr., Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Chet White and Mrs. Lil lie-Evans spent Thursday visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Claude Small, Jr., in Edenton. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., Mrs. Howard White and Lois Ann Taylor were shoppers in Rocky Motint Wednesday. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., and Mrr. Viola Cowan were' In Wind sor- Friday morning on busi ness. “Skimp” Winbome made a business trip to Raleigh on Mon-i day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwick and children, Amelia and Britt visaed Mr. and Mrs. Willie Haw kins in Suffolk, Va., on Tues day* night. Mrs. Jordan Leicester of Har rellfville returned home Tues day* of last week after spending * i Scapnwi's JL Croum «_ —* scaimmr s StwnTCroum ’ AMERICAN 1 4 $ blended wDMtrr "fUT s3;%> ■H M#*Mi-itsnuas emtM*r,tE»ioncin.iißMMi»H.Bs PWf* irti jWH HBmMI Mitt • '■ er leaders, held at Robin’s Res taurant last week plans were completed on the 4-H Club pro gram for 1960-61. The program will be carried by 4-H Club boys and girls ip Chowan County. To make health work carried by Junior 4-H members more i meaningful to them, their fam ilies and to their community, a king and queen of heatlh con- I test is beiqg launched in all 4-H |Clubs this mopth. Work in;the program will include essentials | for good health of the individual, the family, and community; medi cal examinations; tests of health knowledge; and 4-H Health Rec ords. Coronation of the King and Queen of Health will, be held in May, 1961. Those attending the meeting were: Dr. O. L. Holley, pro fessor D. F. Walker, Miss L; M. Nixon, Mrs. M. B. Harrell, Mrs. S. L. Beeves, Mrs. L. M. Lowe, Mrs. R. H. Frinks, Mrs. N. P. Wilson, Miss 29. R. Banks, Mrs. A. R. Hocutt, Q, A. Jones, C. L. Fayton, G. W. Cooper, E. A. Har rell, C. Twine, the County and Home Agents. ! i l Last week 4-H Clubs were or ganized at White Oak Consolidat ed School and St. John School. Organization of 4-H Clubs at the Edenton High School will : be completed this week. a few days With Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Winborne. ; i ■ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. .Smithwick, ‘‘Sis” and Britt visited Mrs. Smithwick’s sister, Mrs. Gladys Outlaw and family ’ in Edenton Wednesday night. Mrs. Albert Phelps of Edenton spent Monday of last week with Mrs. J. D. Smithwick. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Baker were Tuesday night dinner guests Os Mrs. Baker’s brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Freemah at Mars Hill. Patrolman Wayne C. Keeter of Rocky Mount spent a few days at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Keeter and brother. Scottie. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and children, Ellen, Edmund 111 and Marie visited Mrs. Lou ise Cox and friends in Murfrees boro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Barfield and children, Marilyn Kay, Mar cia and Randy spent the week end visiting Mrs. Barfield’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Small in LaGrange. Mrs. J. W. White, Miss Vivian White and Mrs. Murray Hardin of Windsor visited Miss Beulah White in Wilson Sanatorium at Wilson Friday. Tommie Cobb and son,, Ken neth of Elizabeth City visited Mrs. T. E. White Sunday, Mrs. Roy Baker, Mrs. H R. Outlaw and Mrs. Ed Pierce visited Mrs. Outlaw’s brother-in law, Jim Outlaw in Greenville Saturday. Mr, Outlaw is very ill at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Keeter and son, Scottie, spent Sunday visit ing Mr. Keeter’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Keeter in Newport News, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ward and son, Billy of Portsmouth, Va., spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Ward’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Daven port and children, Margaret and Douglas, also Mr. and Mrs. Ray ms CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. NORTH CAEQI4H*. TfTOBtDAT, OCTOBER H.11M6. Ward and son, Billy of Ports mouth, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bright in Columbia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Taylor i of Williamston and IMr. and 1 Mrs. Bob House of Harrellsville visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smithwick and Mike Smithwick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett David son and children of Mars Hill visited Mrs. Davidson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe White Sunday.! J. P. Love, Nina Love, Mar ion White and Billy White at-1 tended the football game Wed-j nesday night in Windsor. Mrs. Chet White and children,) Martin and Marion were in Windsor Saturday on business. | The Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turner left Monday to spend a few days visiting their son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Chilton in Winston- Salem. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogerson of Edenton spent Sunday in Portsmouth, Va., visiting Mr. andj Mrs. Bill Altman. I H. G. Evans, Jr., and “Doc” 1 Brown attended the Carolina- Notre Dame football game ati Chapel Hill Saturday. Shirley Baker, Lois Ann Tay lor and Peggy Hughes attended the State College-Maryland foot-i ball game in Raleigh Saturday night. MARS HILL STUDENT Among the 1,056 students en- ( rolle<J at Mars Hill College is Leona Marie Small, daughter of Mrs ; Elizabeth Johnson Small of Edenton. She is a freshman in liberal arts. Legal Notices ! North- Carolina In The | Chowan County Superior Court NOTICE SERVING PROCESS BY PUBLICATION Evelyn Bunch Jordan. -Plaintiff vs. William Jordan. Jr., Defendant. To William Jordan. Jr.: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against vou has been filed in the above entitled action. | The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Absolute 1 divorce based upon separation between the parties for more; than two (2) vears and custody | of child. Deborah Lee Jordan, 'born of marriage between the said parties. You are required to make de-' sense to such pleading not later) than December 1, 1960, and upon BUY ALL NEW 1361 \Q'IS%BUS2L 1 PORTABLE TV 11* overall dug. piclura * pictura area. mm ;=v. „ THE CARAVAN i ffi MODEL I HBp • oSlp •'Slim classic" styled cabinet ia**** In Weat Point Gray color. dtTI for Fewer Service Headaches Money Saving Handcrafted TV Chassis. No Production Shortcuts. All chassis connections are carefully handwired, hand soldered for greater operating dependability ... fewer service headaches. • Sunshine* Picture Tube • Full power trans former • Sound-out front speaker • Cinelens* . Picture Glass • Pull-push On/off control • Monopole antenna. HURRY! OFFER TWO WEEKS ONLY! Jackson’s Radio & TV Service W. Eden St PHONE 3519 Edenton your failure to do so the party i seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This 10th day of October. 1960. TOM H. SHEPARD, Clerk of Superior Court 0ct13,2Q,27.N0v3c NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION I —of * BLADES LUMBER COMPANY To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that Blades Lumber Company has filed its Articles of Dissolution under the provisions of Section 55-117 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. All persons in debted to said Corporation are hereby notified to settle their accounts at the office of said company within thirty days from, this date. All persons having claims against said Corporation are re quired to present the same at the office of said company forth with . 0ct6,i3,20,27c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE , Having qualified as admini strator of the estate of James Lee Parker, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to presented them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate please make immediate payment. ! This 13th day of October, 1960. O. F. BLAIR, Administrator of James Lee Parker G. E. Tillett, Attorney. 0ct13,20,27,N0v3,10,17c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE j Havmg qualified as Executor of the estate of William D. Ful ler, deceased, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th dav of October. 1960. JOHN G. C. FULLER. Executor of Estate of William D. Fuller. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 1 Having qualified as adminis trator, CTA, of the estate of Lourenda Satterfield, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned' within one year from date of this notice or same will be plead- j ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment This 6th day of October, 1960. C. R. SATTERFIELD. Administrator, CTA, of Estate of Lourenda Satterfield. 0ct6,13,20,27N0v3.10e EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Raving qualified 8s Executor of the estate of Ida B. Byrum, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 6th day of October, 1960. ALBERT G. BYRUM, Executor of Ida B. Byrum. Oct 6,13i20,27,N0v 3,10 c EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Edith B. Wood, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the I undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same I will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 29th day of September, 1960. CHARLES H. WOOD JR., Executor of Estate of Mrs. Edith B. Wood. 5ept29,0ct6,13,20,27,N0v3c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ! Having qualified as Executor of the estate of .Oscar M. Elliott, deceased, late of Chowan Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all-persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to- present- them to the undersigned within one year from date ,of this notice or same I will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to ■ said estate will please make immediate .payment. This 29th day .of September, 1960. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST COMPANY, Executor of Oscar M. Elliott Estate. 5ept29,0ct6,13,20,27,N0v3 Notice of Service Os Process By Publication State of North Carolina, Chowan County IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Hester Hill Rankin, Plaintiff , vs. John Rankin, Defendant. To John Rankin: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of relief be ing sought is as follows: Plaintiff seeks an absolute di vorce from the bonds of matri mony heretofore existing be tween the plaintiff and defend ant on the ground of separation for more than two years next preceding the commencement of this action. You afe required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 26th day of November, 1960, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against vou will anpiv to th» Beautifully proportioned to the $ % CLASSIC Jj|Jf r ijp FORD jsi |l if An honor to he proud of, this is the * Jmm m. If wjf;' |1 J • | medal presented by the international I/ * lj|> "I I |f fashion authority, Centro per L'Altt | 1 1 functional expression of classic kitty. fWEESSBSB&\ jKaßp •|n .. W . N , s \ \ ” • v.w.w*~w*«jf .mlt - x A magnificent view . % . the ’6l Ford Galarte dub Vtctoeta • • . the V til a <T Estt mar Rome. BEAUTIFULLY BUILT TO TAKE CARE OF ITSELF » Ybu are looking at the trend-setting car of our times, the ’6l Ford ... a cat whose clean and classic profile is unmatched by any other in the world. Just one glance at the Big Circle taillights and sculptured rear deck, one look at the crisp, fresh front-end design and you'll know the ’6l Ford is the classic style of the Nineteen Sixties. Here is a Ford that is not only new in looks and ride and comfort, but new in its entire concept. The ’6l Ford is actually built to take care of itself! It lubri cates its chassis ... cleans its own 0i1... adjusts its own brakes... protects its own body. Indeed, here is a car that will save you valuable time and money by doing away with many stops for service. mmmmm Court for the relief sought. ■ This Ist day of October, 1960.' TOM H. SHEPARD, I Clerk Superior Court, i 0ct6,13,20,27pd j North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in and. the authority conferred by that certain Deed of Trust executed by Curtis A. Twiddy and wife,' Elma A. Twiddy, dated the 11th day of October, 1958, and re corded in Book of Real Estate' Mortgages No. 73, at pages 507- 508, in the office of the Regis-1 ter of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and said Deed of Trust be-' ing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure and the pow- 1 er of sale having become abso lute, the undersigned Trustee named in said Deed of Trust will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House ! door in Edenton, Chowan Coun-, ty, North Carolina, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., Monday the 17th day of October, 1960, the prop erty conveyed in said Deed of Trust the same lying and being in the Town of Edenton, Cho wan County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: I That certain lot or parcel of SEE YOUR IjOCAL AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Now Is The Time To Beautify Your Lawn —FOR THE Winter Season PLANT RYE GRASS FROM Home Feed & Fertilizer Ce. W. Carteret St. PHONE 2313 Edenton, N. C. I land with all buildings and im-| I provements thereon being knowqj I as Lot No. 1 in the Division of Lot No. 36 of the North Eden ! ton property and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the East line of North Oak um Street and running North 41 deg. West 103.8 feet to an alley; thence along said alley North 50 deg. East 31.2 feet to 1 the line of Lot No. 2 in the Division of Lot No. 36 of the i North Edenton property; thence along the line of Lot No. 2 South 71 deg. East 75 feet to i Oakum Street; thence along Oakum Street South 19 deg. | West 79.5 feet to the first sta- i REMEMBER You Save The Middle Man’s Profit J. Winton Sawyer CEMETERY MEMORIALS 405 S. Road St. Phone 5995 i ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. HUE S HOW THE 61 FORD TAKES CARE OF ITSELF... THE FIRST 1%! CAR DEALER-WARRANTED FOR 12.000 MILES 6r ONE FULL YEAR Lubricates Itself. You'll normally g 6 30,000 miles without a chassis lubrication. Cleans Its Own Oil. You’ll go 4,000 miles between oil changes with Ford s Full-Flow oil filter. Guards Its Own Muffler. Ford muf flers are double-wrapped and aluminized —normally will last three times as long as ordinary mufflers. Adjusts Its Own Brakes. New Truck Size brakes adjust themselves auto matically. Protects Its Own Body. All vital underbody parts are specially processed ’6l FORD , PAGE FIVE tion. And being the same pt erty conveyed to the said Ctr-* tis A. Twiddy by H. B. Bat ton et als by deed dated Sep tember 16, 1946 and duly re- < corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Chowan County in Book of Deeds No. 6, page 498, said deed and those instru ments mentioned therein being hereby referred to and made i part hereof for further descrip- - tion and chain of title. « Dated and posted this Septem ber 15, 1960. R. C. HOLLAND, Trusted By: W. S. PRIVOTT, Attorney *' 5ept22,29,0ct6,13c to resist rust and corrosion, even to gal vanizing body panels beneath the doors. Takes Care of Its Own Finish. New Diamond Lustre Finish never needs wax. Warranty. The ’6l Fords arc built to meet three principal goals: finest quality, greatest durability, most reliable opera tion. Expressing their complete confi dence that this has been accomplished, Ford Dealers led the industry in extend ing their warranty on ’6l Fords to 12,606 miles or one tull year, whichever comes first. See this warranty at your Ford Dealer s now. —SECTION Twy?

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