TWO PAGE TWO Negro Home Demonstration News ■r W. OMHIC 8. CHARLTON, Co««»y Ne*ro Heat* Kcmmlm Mrs. G. K. Greenlee, Home Economics Specialist, will con duct a training school in “Pat tern Alterations” Wednesday, October 26, at the Brown-Car ver library, 9:00 A. M. All clothing project leaders are to be present. Others interested in this training school are invited to attend. Bring with you a dress pattern in your size. Our Home Demonstration Achievement Day program which was scheduled for Tues day night, will be held at a later date. Clubs will assume the same responsibilities already assigned so continue your prep arations. The date will be an nounced soon. Each member is asked to make a special effort to attend your October Home Demonstration flub meeting. Bring non-mem bers with you. Keep Your Feet Comfortable Be Kind To Your Feet—Have you ever had a pair of shoes that hurt your feet Don’t wor ry, you have not been by your self. Squeezing or pinching your feet in shoes that are too short, narrow, tight or maybe too large will cause your nerves to be on edge, you may have pains in your back and ‘legs, you may be short-tempered and feel miserable. 11l fitted shoes may causa you to have corns, callouses, ingrowing toe nails, bunions or arch trouble. Women usually buy four or five pair 'of shoes each year while men get only one or two pairs each year. Style is king in the shoe business, especially when buying women’s shoes. Shoes are expensive. The chances are, they may be high er next year. Rain or shine, hot or cold, ice or snow, scorching pavements or frozen streets, your feet are constantly on the go, taking you here, there and everywhere. Therefore, it is up to you to be sure that your feet are well taken care of and kept in good condition and fitted with shoes that will give com ** p SOSO Is-srrM $095 pint i| I ajjjjPp |||l fifti : I It *kjgS{|g£fe., 'J| fi * 'll ijjgfei^. ,s _a.' WMmf'■ JK • II ™ I *&chen|ei) I I§< *.i : '■<s A I ‘ -C^- —' MM 8 ■ jFi a „• |R A r M|»nwu««l». W1IIMW»MH»1 fort and support. Select Shoes That Will Give Comfort And Support To Your Feet—Some of us have jobs that keep us on our feet to either stand, sit or walk for long hours such as: canning, freezing, gen eral house work, farm work, fac tory, hospital duty or for doing home sewing. Regardless to whether you stand; sit or walk for long hours, shoe soles should be thick enough to protect the bottom of your feet from acci dents. Shoe heels should be broad and low enough to give a good foundation for the body. make shoes suit able for different purposes such as for: work, dress, play, sport, toe dancing, regular dancing, casuals in a variety of mate rials and colors shoes with zip pers, shoe laces, straps, buckles, etc., and you must remember that one type of shoe cannot serve for all purposes. Keep in mind the purpose you have for the shoe and select, type, color and style according to the oc casions on which you expect to wear them. ' Advice When Buying Shoes 1. New shoes should fit com fortable. Be sure to test the fit by standing and walking be fore you make your final de cisions. 2. Do not ask for the same size of shoe that you have been wearing. Take time and ask the sales person to measure both feet, because they may not be identical in size or shape. 3. Try both shoes of a pair; also, try several styles. 4. Shoes should be long enough to extend one-half to three-fourths of an inch beyond the big toe and should be wide enough to allow freedom for your toes. 5. Shoe heels should be broad enough to give a good founda tion for the body. 6. Do not buy shoes just be cause the shoe looks pretty or because it has a beautiful strap, bow, buckle or heel. E3SAL3, IfllfflraOg. gOHYg CARmLISA. TgwHa»&T. OCTOBER 30, 1980. SPECIAL FEATURES AT KADESH CHURCH SUNDAY The Rev. G. L. Scott, pastor of the Pleasant Grove Church, will preach at Kadesh A. M. E. Zion Church Sunday afternoon, October 23, at 1 o’clock. His choir and congregation will ac company him. Philippi Baptist male chorus of Greenville will sing at Ka desh Church Sunday afternoon, October 23, at 3:15 o’clock. This is one of the greatest singing groups in Eastern North Caro lina. The public is invited to attend. Our affections are our life. We live by them. They supply our warmth. —Wm. Ellery Channing. (1— * y Town Council I Proceedings Edenton, N. C., Oct. 23, 1960 The Town Council met this day in regular session at 8 P. M. Members present: Mayor John A. Mitchener, Jr., J. Edwin Buff lap, George A. Byrum, Luther C. Parks, W. C. Bunch, Jr., C. A. Phillips, and R. Elton Fore hand. The meeting was called to or der by Mayor Mitchener and Councilman Parks gave the in vocation. The minutes of the Septem ber meetings were approved as read. Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by George A. Byrum, and duly carried that Plagued Day And Nightwhhßladder Discomfort? Unwise eating or drinking may be a source of mild, but annoying bladder irritations making you feel reetleee, tense, and uncomfortable. And if rest leas nights, with nagging backache* headache or muscular aches and pains due to over-exertkm, strain or emotional npset, are adding to your misery—don't wait —try Doan*s Pills. Doan's Pills act 3 ways for speedy relief. I—Theyl—They have a soothing effect on bladder irritations. 2 A fast pain relieving action on nagging backache, headaches, muscular aches and pains, ft —A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to increase the output of the 16 miles of kidney tubes. So, get the same happy relief millions have enjoyed for over 60 years. New, large economy size saves money. Get Doan's Pills today 1 • Doan s Pills Statement GUARANTY SAVINGS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Montgomery, Alabama Condition December SI, 1969 As Shown By Statement Filed: Assets Bonds. $1.508.297* 29. Stocks. $1,124,745.50. Mortgage Loans on Real Estate. $4,- 069.339.38. Real Estate. $687 733.31. Policy loans. $198,864.22. Collateral Loans. $130,130.36. Cash and bank deposits. $1,251,352.53. All other assets (as detailed In an nual statement). $1,998,874.49. Total Admitted Assets. $10,969,337.06. Liabilities, Surplus And Other Funds Aggregate reserve for life policies and contracts. $6,125,322.00. Aggregate reserve for accident and health policies. $50,985.99. EupDlementary contracts without life contingencies, $20,175.90. Policy and contract claims, $44,- 964.38. Policyholder*' dividend accumulation. *50.170.15. Premium* and annutty considera tirns received In advance. *68.388.57. Policy and contract ltahUl'les ;not In cluded elsewhere. 1589.12K32. !, ' v s 1 Commissions to agents due or ac crued. *95,301.42 General expense* due or accrued, *13,207.18. loxes, licenses and fee* due or ac crued, *7,974 16. Unearned investment Income. *5,- 605.65. J w Amount* withheld or retained by company a* agent or trustee. *30,- 706,27. Amounts held for agents account (Including *4.362.02 agents' credit bal ances). *4.362.02. Remittances and Items not allocat ed. $4. *1.02. Miscellaneous liabilities. *90.790.63. Mandatory Security Valuation Re serve, *240.132.66. Total Liabilities (except capital). *7.441.957.32. „ Capital paid-up. *1,022,754.00. Unasslgned surplus. *2.504.625.76. Total Capital and Surplus, *3,527,- 379.76. Total *10.969.337.08. business Iu The State Os North Carolina During 1959 Policies on the lives of citizens of said State in force December 31st of previous year: Ordinary 12,373, amount *9,034.738; Credit 43 744. amount *9,109,894; Industrial 56,810, amount *37,877,843. Policies on the lives of citizens of said State Issued during theyear: Or dinary 160, amount $366,827; Credit 15.870, amount *2.000.382; Industrial 8.614. amount *6,848.472. Total: Ordinary 12,533. amount *9,- 401,563; Credit 59,614, amount *11,110,- 276: Industrial 65,424, amount *44,- 726 315 Deduct ceased to be In force during the year: Ordinary 162, amount *229.- 179; Credit 17 108, amount *1.881,900; Industrial 8,060, amount *6,483.933. Policies In Force December 31st: Or dinary 12,371, amount *9.172,384: Cred it 42,506. amount *9.228.376; Industrial 57.364, imount *38.242,382. Losses and Claims unpaid December 31at of previous year: Ordinary, amount *1,987.35; Industrial, amount, *4.780.65. Losses and Claims Incurred during year: Ordinary, amount, *7,187.77; Credit, amount *6,192.14; Industrial, amount. *22.270.21. _ Total: Ordinary, *9,175.12; Credit, *6,192.14; Industrial, *27.050.86. Losses and Claims settled during the year. In full: Ordinary, *7,221.27; Credit, *5.019.26; Industrial, *21,262.77; total. *33,503.30. „ Losses and Claims unpaid December 31at: Ordinary. *1.953 85: Credit, *l.- 172.88: Industrital *5.788.09. Premium Income Ordinary, *89,- T7B 55- Industrial. *180.065.64; total. *289,844.19. Consideration for annuities. A. A H. Prem.. *182.612.47; Losses, *36.209.11. President. Ernest H. Woods; Secre tary. Gentry A. Martin; Treasurer, Gerald C. Cline; Actuary, K. G. Gool shalk; Home Office. 310 Montgomery St. Montgomery. Ala. Attorney for Service: GHAS. F. GOLD, Commissioner of insurance. Raleigh. N. C.. 6 ‘ roi, “ m I, Chas. F. Gold Cbmmtedoner of Insurance do hereby certify, that the above Is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Guaranty Sav ings Lite Insurance Oanpany of M(mt d£ the Edenton Woman’s Club be granted . permis si on to hold its annual Halloween Party at the playground on Monday evening, October 31, i 960.. Motion was made by George A. Byrum, seconded by J. Ed win Bufflap, and duly carried that Edward A. Goodman be granted a permit \to sell beer on' premises at Joe’s Drive Inn on North Broad Street providing his application is approved by the N. C. Alcoholic: Beverage Control Board. Motion was made by C. A. Phillips, seconded by R. Elton Forehand, and duly carried that a 1961 Ford four-door sedan be purchased from Albemarle Mo tor* Company at their low bid price of $2050.00 with a trade of a 1958 Ford Sedan. Motion was made by Luther C. Parks, seconded by Jl Edwin Bufflap, and duly carried that the!; Council approve thej recom mendation of the Board of Pub lic Works regarding Christmas decorations for South Broad m GOLD STAR COAT SALE ] Girl’s 3to 6X size famous “Candy Girl” | "GOLD STAR" JA WHI 100% Wool COATS/ fVA Size 7to 14 “GOLD: STAR” Famous “Candy Girl” coats for - little tykes in sizes S to 6Xj JBr Vyy H ; styles and -colors; An outotand- L 9 « * a Usually $17.99 to $19.99! JJvCT 9* M Wowl Sach terrlflc •* * Buch marvekn* __ ; fj Ip 1 BBS values at this low price! Real fashion fabrics in ill/ ¥/ tß| fife tweeds, plaids and novelty types with cozy warm | | JjgSjgl** g y oup selection tomorrow morning! | Speeial Value! '! f ’ #/ s*i CQ C. a Misses Poplin e ' fa in love with ... in fact it 1 COATS 1 youfll be astounded jfl fwk 1 / • Here’s a real value in this spe ■ Our buyers were really If > cW cut made for the I lucky when they bar- Jg W/mf M II i \ IHJfcgM girls in their teens! Mature look -9 gained for these! fffjSKL PI J } ing des ig ns to fabrics and coiors! 9: Novelty striped lined... ® \ Bf Sizes 10 to in many difioraat 1, water repellent poplin S&jmgjm 11 81 V I IfllsuAllv $10.99! MmM 1 8sWm 1 Values I™. *24.99 to *29.99! | s 6.Bs yw ! j % *17.85 Here’s the value that looks ill Rf| ff f Ja 9 Famous Burtiug- i \ - > V 1111 \LIKP: worth dollars more! Cotton j J| 4lt '/ f M m fab . | Cmttl m M fitß 1 m WtrM4 poplin carcoats with quilted Hu- L/ 9 ings for warmth and good looks! 7d Bi lk I [IP \9L| 9 Extremely color-9 Pi/£■§- -j ?# I# f % B M plaid tones m An assortment of colors in all f BpOl n - W "wm, | \ B Orioa pilo fl sports occasions! 'fc I $12.99! wararth! OXA rm * Picture frame 9 u, *6.99 each'. JkAJI»I J —1 k i | I . |-1 m rv¥7IVITV^M Street. Motion was made by R. Elton Forehand, seconded by George A. Byrum, and duly carried that Electric and Water Department bills in the amount of $16,931.35 be paid. Motion was made by Luther C. Parks, seconded by J. Edwin Bufflap, and duly carried that the following Town of Edenton bills in the amount of $4,160.92 be paid: Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $2.10; Accounting Supplies and Systems, Inc., $4.14; The Chowan Herald, $96.20; Ernest J. Ward, Jr., $9.26; Postmaster, $80.00; The ’ Michie Company, $15.00; Gulf Oil Corp., $152.37; Reeves Company, $1.58; George Chevrolet Co., $67.49; W. S. Dar ley & Co., $7.40; Kale Uniforms, $5.84; Albemarle Motor Co., $17.55; Bunch’s Auto Parts,, $12.48; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $18.00; Federal Sign & Sig nal Corp., $3.45; Coastland Oil Co., $7.43; Byrum Hardware Co., $38.07; The Chowan Herald, $63.40; Edenton Ice Co., $2.99; The Karpark Corp.,, $128.39; W. F. Miller, $25.00; Edenton Furni ture Co., $3.39; Edenton Office Supply, $1.00; R. J. Boyce, $21.41; Ricks Laundry & Clean ers, Inc., $4.03; Norfolk & Caro lina/ Tel. & Tel. Co., $10.45; Bunch’s Garage, $97.56; N. C. League of Municipalities, $21.50; Edenton Furniture Co., $6.50; Morning Pride Mfg. Co., $236.11; Norfplk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $21.88; The Fireline Corp., $20.73; Ricks 'Laundry & Clean ers, Inc., $6.00; Belk-Tyler Co., $27.54; Byrurh Hardware Co., $1.30; Hollowell’s, Inc., $2.04; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $7.96; Ralph E. Parrish, Inc., $12.05; M. G. Brown Co., Inc., $4.47; Akron Brass Mfg. Co., $60.73; Western Auto Associate Store, $16.19; Gulf Oil Corp., $21.71; Motorola C. & E., Inc., $30.00; Gulf Oil Corp., $232.45; Volunteer Firemen, $49.00; Nor folk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co.,' $9.25; Ashley Welding & Ma chine Co., $24.65; Bunch’s Auto ( J •• Parts, $9.66; Bunch’s Garage, $534.93; M. G. Brown Cd„ $33.30; Hughes-Parker Hardware Co., $124.28; Ack Ack Exterminating Co., $15.00; Hobbs Implement Co., $2.80; Albemarle Motor Co., $25.00; John Potts, $28.00; Trans port Clearing of the Carolinas, Inc., $31.70; Dewey Bros., Inc., $400.46; East Carolina Supply Co., $44.05; E. J. Smith & Sons Co., $5.54; Lee Freeman, $52 00; Barker House Association, $3.00; I •helpful INVESTMENT SERVICES WsisSMssM - APPRAISALS....QI/QTATIQNS....‘ x . M SECURITIES ANALYSIS,...FRIENDLY GUIDANCE M Cell our Representative in this Area ’ ||| Caro^J^^ (les D —l , *' orf * or^ U>n ..rT. ' 206 W. Eden St. M jStwestm&Us for b>ecu/ity PHONE 2466 || Members Midwest Stock Exchange |||- CHARLOTT* • RALEIGH • NIW YORK CITY I w. D. fjjifffr Wholesale Gre-| eery, s6.2Svßdenton Insurance! Agency, 525.00; Nationwide MlttS tual Co., $525.54; Er nest J. %rd, Jr., $41.85; Jimbo’s Jumbos, fNc., $4.50; West W. By-, rum Ins. Agency, $5.00; Wm. F. Freeman, Inc., $500.00; Carlyle C. Webbt. $3&00. j. There Efelhg no further busi ness, the Council adjourned! / i, ERNES 1' J. WARD, J®., Clerk.

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