Join The Edenton Chamber Os Commerce Wednesday, November 2nd ONLY NEWSPAPER PU BUSHED IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—dumber W. Annual Membership Drivl Df Edenton Chamber Commerce Will Be Held November 2nd Goal Is Set at $15,000; Kickoff Meal Wed nesday Morning For Captains and Group! Os Canvassers i Preparations are now being made to conduct the annual membership drive for the Eden ton Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, November 2. It is hoped to complete the drive in one day under the direction of the co-chairmen, Jesse Harrell of the Edenton Furniture Company and R. S. Atkinson, Jr., execu- I tive vice president of Peoples • Bank & Trust Company. A kick-off breakfast Wednes-; day morning will be held for | membership team captains and j solicitors who hope to go over the top in their effort to reach the necessary goal of $15,000, if the Chamber's effectiveness forj promoting Edenton’s -future eco nomic growth is to be main tained. The following questions and answers will indicate to pros pective new members of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce some of the basic functions of a Chamber of Commerce and who may expect to receive benefits: What Is The Objective Os A Chamber Os Commerce? There is only one answer to I this question —a Chamber of | Commerce is predominantly a business organization set up to serve the business interests of the community. To be success ful, it should develop increased business for the members, either Continued on Pago 2. Section 1 20 Years Ago A* Pound in the Files of The Chowan Herald , u— J j It was announced that a foot ball game between Wake Forest College freshmen and the Nor-j folk Naval Base Hospital had j Been arranged as an Armistice Day attraction on Hicks Fields with proceeds going to purchase uniforms for the high school band. Football fans in Edenton were delighted to learn that Paul Spencer, a former Edenton grid iron hero, was one of the stars on the Alabama Crimson Tide. Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A- F, A A. M., held an educational program with C. B. Holmes of Hertford as the principal speak er. 1 [Meeting Changed] At the special meeting of Town Council held Monday night if was decided to hold the November meeting on Monday night. November 7, instead of the second Tuesday. November 8. The change was ordered due J to the general election, at which i time the Council Chamber will be used in counting ballots. I plana Completed For Annual Halloween Party Monday Night Ghosts, witches a™* goblins will march agaih this year in the parade preying the annual Halloween party at the play ground Monday night,' October SI. The party will begin at d o’clock at l childreh are request ed to assemble in costume at 5:45 at- the Edenton Elementary School to march in the parade. The John A. Holmes High School Band will lead the pa rade, which is under the super vision of the Varsity Club. Prizes will be given for .the j .bast motor and best non-motor [_ (feats. Prizes will also be k* awarded to a boy and a girl for the most original, most com- party, spdaaored by the Kdentdt WoThan's Club, the Children will be treated to free THE CHOWAN HERALD , Ryland Community Building Started ! S.~ <■» I UN PWj. „-y #9*l r inMrr^' - - v & \ H * Pictured above is Hubert Byrum as he lays the first block of cement for the Ryland Community Building which is now in progress. This is one of the pro eels chosen for communiiy de velopment by Ryland community and sponsored by the Ryland Home Demonstration Club. Mayor Issues Proclamation For Week Os October 31 Observed Chamber Os Commerce Week Mayor John A. Mitchener an nounced today a proclamation declaring the week of October 31 as Chamber of Commerce Week in Edenton. The Mayor’s proclamation was issued to coin cide with several important Chamber activities which will begin with a banquet meeting for members and their wives, Tuesday night, November 1, at 7 o’clock at the Masonic Tem ple, which will be followed by the annual membership drive starting Wednesday m aiming when a kick-off breakfast tor the drive’s captains and tfreir teams will be held at the Eden ton Restaurant. Mrs. Lena Leary BPW Club Speaker Points Out the Lack Os Eligible Voters To Cast Ballots The Edenton Business and Professional Women’s Club met ,for the October meeting in the Barker house. The Public Af fairs Committee, with Goldie Niblett, chairman, was in charge. In the absence of Ernest Ward as guest speaker, the parliamen- Continued on Page 2—Section ) i Meeting Os Library Staff October 28th Miss Marion Robertson, li brarian at Shepard-Pruden Me morial Library, has announced that the regional staff meeting, which was to have been held in Plymouth Wednesday, has been I postponed until Friday, October I*2B, The library will, therefore, be closed all day Friday, Octo ber 28. u _aj- r 1 brew, bobbing apples and pea nuts?. To add to the merriment there will be the talking witch, fish ing fronds, fortune telling, movies and a hayride conducted by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Frank Roberts of radio station WCDJ will be master of- cere monies for the night of spooks and Halloween harrows. H. A. “Izzy” Campen, mastef mind of many of the features at the party, is again lending a | helping hand. The Jackson Ra dio-TV Service will furnish the | public address system. Town employees are installing the lighting as well as performing other services. Contributions from local ifier r>”»nts mske possible this biggest and' most successful party held ' in Chowan County each year to entertain the children* ** ton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 27, 1960. Advance ticket reservations indicate at least 150 will attend the Chamber banquet. The la dies of the Eastern Star will serve and the main course will be turkey and country ham. John A. Holmes, superintend ent of Edenton public Schools, will introduce the guest speaker of the evening, Edmund Hard ing, nationally famous humorist and after dinner speaker whose hometown is Washington, N. C- Bruce F. Joni&s, president of the Edenton Chamber of Commerce, who will preside as toastmaster, stated that the Chamber was j fortunate in being able to have I Continued on Pace B—Section ) Episcopalians Plan Hold Area Services' ________ i Rt. Rev. John Hines,; Bishop of Texas, I Will Speak Episcopalians throughout the Diocese of East . Carolina will be gathering in Plymouth Novem ber 2, Goldsboro November 3, and Wilmington November 4 to hear the Rt. Rev. John E. Hines, Bishop of the Diocese of Texas. Bishop Hines will address all the congregations of the diocese in a program of inspiration and witness arranged by the Depart ments of Evangelism and Pro motion. The' Rev. George B. Holmes, rector of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, and the Rev. Charles I- Nenick, rector of I Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church Continued on Page 3—Section 1 Joins Phthisic’s 1 Mi ftP 3 * A t % WtlJ ■ r v. ft _Vv « .* w SKT -■< JEStm# a Hfll JOHN SANDERLIN - As of Monday of this weak John Ervin Sanderlin became associated with Phthisic's Super Market in the capacity of as sistant manager. Mr. Sanderlin was formerly employed at the Edenton A fc P Store, Aces Will Take On Ahoskie Indians In Crucial GameFrktay Outcome Might De termine Champions Os Albemarle Con ference With eight consecutive victor ies to their credit, Edenton’s Aces are scheduled to play the Ahoskie Indians in Ahoskie Fri day night at 8 o’clock. The game might be the om to decide the Albemarle Confer ence Championship, for neithe, of the teams have been defeatec in conference play. According to advance reports and the re ports of scouts, the Ahoskie out fit is a very strong team this year, so that a battle royal might be the outcome. Ine Aces will go to Ahoskit Continued on Page s—Section 1 Mrs. Maddrey Will Speak At Meeting V>f Woman’s Cluh Edenton Woman’s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon, No vember 2, at 1 o'clock at thi Edenton Restaurant. The cluL will be honored by the presence of Mrs. C. Gordon Maddrey of Ahoskie who is president of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs. Mrs. Maddrey will deliver an address with her subject be ing “The Federation Story”. Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president of the Edenton Club, urges all members to be present and es pecially asks for a 100 per cent paid up for “Dollars For Schol ars . Democrats To Meet Mondav Chowan County Democrats are ! urged to attend a rally which will be held in the Court House Monday night, October 31, at 8 o’clock. The principal speaker for the occasion will be Congressman i Herbert Bonner and it is hoped | the Court House will be filled to overflowing. Bonner Will Speak i At Lions Meeting Edenton’s Lions Club will meet Monday night, October 31, at 7 o’clock at the Edenton Res ' taurant. A feature of the meet ing will be an address by Con gressman Herbert Bonner. Fol ' lowing the meeting Mr. Bonner I will be the principal speaker at a Democratic rally to be held in the Court House at 8 o’clock. Register! Edenton Jaycees are veryj much concerned about citizens, being able to cast a ballot in the general election on Tuesday.! November 8. They, therefore, j urge every eligible voter to be | sure he or She is registered in the proper registration books. Registrars will be at the vari- ! ous polling places the last time Saturday. October 29 from 9 A. M., until sunset. |-UTJ-||~»~IJ II Town Council Votes To Boost Price Os All Lots In Cemetery Meeting in special session j Monday night, Town Council-1 men considered a number of ( matters which, due to the length | of regular meetings, have been i sort of “laid on the shelf.” One of the items considered was a proposed sewage disposal [ system. Mayor Mitchener late, last week received a letter from j W. E. Long, Jr., Chief of Pol-j lution Control Section of the ] State Sanitation Committee, re- '< j minding the Mayor that Edenton’s , I permit to discharge raw sewage jin local waters would expire t February 1. The time schedule for Edenton was for construction Ito begin on or before October, Two Authors Meet m, =— n' ■ | . ■ wfm'a 1^ At left above is pictured Mrs. Inglis Fletcher and Mrs. Emily Badham Coxe, both authors. Mrs. Coxe. author of “Mothor of the Maid,” is autographing a copy of her hook for Mrs. Fletcher at >pen house observed in honor of Mrs. Coxe Tuesday night of last week at the Cupola House, when many people a.tended to greet Mrs. Coxe. daughter of Mrs. R. P. Badham, and hear a brief ad lress about writing and publishing her book.—(Pholo by J. P. licks, Jr.) Barter Players To Present Program In Edenton Oct. 29th Appear In Element ary School Auditor ium Saturday Night ; At 8 O’clock A distinguished cast including Jim Mitchum, son of actor Robert Mitchum, will be here with the Barter Players to present “Rum pelstiltskin" Saturday night. Oc tober 29, at 8 o’clock in the Edenton Elementary School au ditorium. i The world famous Barter Theater of Virginia is being brought here by the Edenton Woman’s Club. Tickets are available from club members and will be sold at the door. Admission is children 50 cents and adults SI.OO. i The play is certain to enchant the young in heart and is based on the fairy tale. “Rumpslstilt skin.” The story is about the young, beautiful miller’s daugh ter, who is commanded by the king to spin gold out of straw. I An introduction to the out standing members of the cast follows: j Rumpelstiltskin Richard A. Jones of Gadsden, Ala. Holding 1 a B.S. degree in musical educa r tion, he once taught band at the !i Forsyth County High School at Cumming. Ga., but after two successful seasons with the in ; ternationally known Abingto.n, | Va., playhouse, he has traded the baton for a veteran actor’s j make-up kit. \ Ingret—Jim Mitchum. Big as 1 his famous dad and handsome, i I too, he has appeared in. the mo-, j tion pictures “Thunder Road." j “Beat Generation” and “Girl’s j j Town.” • He has appeared five j times on television’s “Juke Box Jury” and on the Frank Sinatra ] (Continued on Page 4, Section 2) I 1960 and completion of treat- I ment works on or before Febru- I ary 28, 1961. In part, Mr. Long wrote the , Mayor as follows: “Since we have not received a : progress report concerning this : matter, and since no plans have ; been submitted for construction, j it would seem impossible to have ! the necessary treatment facilities | completed by February 28, 1961. 1 Therefore, it is requested that ] you advise us as to the status of this matter, and what progress has been made concerning the promotion and holding of an other bond election to finance Continued on Pege 9-4kcUm t Rotary Guest |! lit Jiß <*** ** MAJ. MILDRED BAILEY f Featuring the meeting of the Edenton Rotary Club today (Thursday) at the Parish House will be Major Mildred C. Bailey, i Women's Army Corns Career ■ Guidance officer for the Third United States Army. Improvement Meeting At Advance Oct. 28 The Advance Community Im provement meeting will be held Friday night, October 28, at 7:30 o’clock at the Advance Commun ity Building. All people in the community are urged to attend. Guest Speaker { •n .J£or MRS. C. GORDON MADDREY : Featuring the meeting of the, Edenton Woman's Chib Wednes-i day afternoon, November 2. will be Mrs. C. Gordon Maddrey of, Ahockie, president of the North Carolina Federation of Women 'a Chibs. 1 i $2.50 Per Year In North Carolina jProve An Easy Prey iFor Edenton Aces [Better Be Careful]; V r ! Corporal L. S. Meiggs of State I Highway Patrol on Tue:day I demonstrated a new radar speed ! checking device which is now I in operation in this area. The device is capable of checking' speed from patrol cars with no wires or csbles crossing the highway. A demonstration was held on 1 Tuesday morning and among l u ose who watched t v e dtmo.n r.tration were Recorder Judge Weldon A. Hollowell and Prose cutor William Privoit, both of whom approved the accuracy of tho new device. This new contraption has been added by the State Highway Pa trol in the interest of promoting safety on the highways by de tecting speeders. Its purpose is not to see how many arrests can be made but to reduce speeding, for speed is the main killer on the highways. Kitchen Shower At Rocky Mock Announcement has been that a kitchen shower will be held at the Rocky Hock Com- 1 munity Center Tuesday night, November 1, from 7:30 to 9:30 o’clock. The purpose of the affair is to secure gifts for the kitchen in l the way of pots, pans, silver ware, table cloths, wash rags, washing powder and \ly kind of an item which can be used in a kitchen. The public is cordially invit-l ed to attend and it is hoped many gifts for the kitchen will, be realized. I Society Plans Chicken Salad Supper Nov. 3 Sponsored by the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of i the Methodist Church, a chicken salad supper will be served Thursday, November 3. This supper has been very popular in the past and plates will be delivered from 4 to 6 o’clock. Anyone desiring to buy plates are requested to phone 2665. Guest Speaker For Auxiliary Meeting 1 j • Mrs. Blanche Hudgins of Sun- j bury, district president of the! I VFW Auxiliary, will attend the j meeting of the VFW Auxiliary, which will be held Thursday, night. November 3 at the post; home. Mrs. Hudgins will speak at the I meeting, so that Mrs. Doris Tol j er, president, urges every mem ber to attend. , BAND ASSOCIATION WILL MEET WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2 1 The Edenton Band Parents Association will meet Wednes [ day night, November 2. at 8 1 | o’clock in the band room. All | 1 members are urged to attend. ; Major Mildred C. Bailey Will Be J j Rotary Meeting Speaker Today “Women in the United States I I Armed Forces” will be the subj j ect of discussion at the Rotary | Club meeting this (Thursday) (afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. The program will concern ! Armed Forces selection stand- I ards for women, women's mis i sion in the defense establish j ment, types of jobs performed, i and the contributions that ser . vice women are making to Na-! I tional Defense. The presentation will be made, .bv Major Mildred C. Bailey, the I (Women’s Army Corps Career] ■Guidance Officer for the Third ! United States Army, with head-, quarters at Fort McPherson, Ga.' i Major Bailev will be accompan- j Ued by Ist Lieutenant Mattie V. FIGHT CANCER WITH A CHECKUP , AND CHECK j j Edenton Boys Roll Up 51-6 Score Against Ancient Rivals Be fore Record Crowd j hard-fought football game de veloped into a rout Friday night l in Hertford when the Edenton ’ Aces ran roughshod over the j Perquimans Indians to win 51-6. The Aces crossed the Perquim -1 ans goal line nine times, but a spectacular 55-yard punt return by Tolley was called back due io a cupping penalty. The ball luggers for the eight touchdowns were Hopkins, Tolley, Dixon, Spivey. Forehand and Britton, with Hopkins and Tolley mak ing two each. Hopkins also smashed through the line for four of the extra points, but two ‘ were nullified due to the Aces being penalized. Forehand made the other extra point by a beau tiful drop kick. 1 Edenton kicked to start the I game and held the Indians to minus six yards in three plays and after punting Hopkins rip ped off 44 yards on the first ' play, and on two more plays he scored a little later, j Late in the first quarter Fore hand fell on an Indian fumble lon the Edenton 40. Dixon. Hop kins and Tolley alternated in carrying the ball to the Hert ford 35. from where Tolley i skirted right end to go the dis tance. Before the quarter end ed Tolley gathered in a punt and raced 55 yards for a touch down. but it was nullified be cause of a clipping penalty The I third touchdown was made eerly ,in the second quarter whpn an ' other Indian fumble was recov (Continued on Page 3, Section 3) j Great Pocahontas Will Visit Edenton [I Chowanoke Council No. 54. Degree of Pocahontas, will meet . tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock. ! A feature of the meeting will II he a visit of the Great Poca hontas. Mrs. Elizabeth Berkel ''heimer of Charlotte, who will speak during the meeting. Dinner will be served in the hall at 6:45 o’clock and Miss Rerniee Brooks. Pocahontas, urg es all members to attend. [ civic calendar] The annual membership drive cf the Edenton Chamber of Commerce will be held Wednes day, November 2. World famous Barter Players of Abington, Va„ will pre-°nt l "Rumpelstiltskin" in the Ele mentary School auditorium Sat urday night. October 29, at 8 o'clock. Center Hill Junior 4-H Club will hold a Halloween Derty Sat urday night. October 29. A community improvement 1 meeting will be held at the Ad vance Community Building Fri day night, October 28, at 7:30 o'clock. | Registrars will sit at the vari- Continued on Page 4—Section 1 | Parker and Master Sergeant ! George R. Moore, both from Ra i leigh headquarters. I Major Bailey is a native Tar ‘ Heel with 18 years military ser vice. having entered the Wo -11 men’s Army Corps during the ■' first days of its inception in -i 1942. -I She received her commission , as a second lieutenant in Aug -1 ust 1942, at Des Moines, lowa. : In her present assignment, she ( has supervised the WAC enlist |ed and officer procurement pro j grams throughout seven south ; eastern states since January 1958. In this capacity, she has dis ■ cussed women’s careers in the ! Armed Forces on many occas j ions. aoDearing before civic or- Coniintwd on Pay* &. Bsclioa l

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