Cotton Referendum Scheduled j To Be Held Dec. 31 For ’6l Crop A referendum will be held on December 13, 1960 for th(!s 1961 crop of cotton to determine whether cotton will be subject to marketing quotas. In & ref erendum growers will be voting in favor of marketing- quotas with support at between 70 and 90 per cent of parity and pen alties for overplanting; or they frill be voting to eliminate mar keting quotas and overplanting penalties and to lower that sup port rate to 50% of parity. If Bonner Appeals For Democratic Victory Continued from ?age 1, Section li so introduced various precinct I chairmen as well as county of ficials making up the election machinery in Chowan County, former Edenton Mayors and Henry Overton, Congressman Bonner’s secretary. In a few remarks Mrs. Elliott urged work ers in Chowan County to work hard to get out the vote on election day. Mayor John Mitchener made the address of welcome and during his remarks he predicted a Democratic victory. Before introducing Congress man Bonner, Mr. Griffin told of his long and cherished friend ship of Mr. Bonner and the con tribution Mr. Bonner has made to Chowan County, the district, the state and nation. Chair man Griffin also referred to the Bill of Rights which separates church and state and calls for no religious qualifications to hold public office. Mr. Bonner made an urgent appeal to voters to support the gntire Democratic ticket and painted a very discourging word picture of conditions when the Republicans were in power in North Carolina. He pointed out some of the weaknesses of Rich ard Nixon, the Republican can didate for President and was very generous in his recommen dation of Senator John Kennedy, the Democratic aspirant for the Presidency. He was high in his praise for the calibre of peo ple living in Chowan County, as well as the entire First District and expressed the hope that they . will see fit to vote the pemo- I cratic ticket in the forthcoming election. Prior to the Democratic rally, Mr. Bonner spoke at the* fedenton Lions Club meeting, where he also urged Democrats to stick to the party in the general elec tion. Mrs. Myda Price “Citizen Os Year” jv Continued from Page 1, Section 1 Mitchener, L. E. Oliver, Sears vice president of the southern .territory, and Manager W. C. .Bunch, Jr. ' Mrs. Trice, 'Who as’slstafit manager of the Edenton store, will compete with winners from other Sears stores for the title of Sears “Citizen of the South”. The winner will receive a three day expense paid trip for two persons to the Presidential inau guration in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Price’s contributions to the community have been many and varied. She has served as treasurer of the Eden toft Par ent-Teacher Association, treasur er and finance chairman bf the Edenton [Woman’s Club and sec retary and treasurer *of the Teenage Club. She also was the home service chairman -for the American Red Cross and is a member and past officer of Chapter No. 302, <3fder of the Eastern Star. As an active member of St. Paul’s EpUcopal Church, she has been*aAeach er, youth advisor an® a circle leader. CHICKEN SALAD SUPPER Members of the Womans So ciety of Christian Service t>f the Methodist Church will sponsor a chicken salad supper today (Thursday). Plates will be de livered from 4 to 6 o’qlMk and may be ordered by 2665. JACQUIN'S JgL pud (sal iri AVnPIfl ISocachll ■ W VlihlP ■! FLAVORED 31 qbru||u Bl\ brandy JIB #q rp jbmt X Wmmm bHHB^b the quotas are approved in the referendum growers who exceed their farm allotment in 1961 will be subject to a penalty of 50% of parity ih the farms excess production. In addition all cot ton produced on the farm will be ineligible for price support. All cotton growers are urged to go to the polls and vote De cember 13 in this referendum. Polling places will be announced later. ( civic calendar] Continued from Page 1, Section I The American Legion Auxili ary will meet tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. E. Leary. Center Hill will hold a cover ed dish supper at the Communi ty Building Wednesday night, November 9. at 7 o'clock. VFW Auxiliary will hold a business meeting tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o'clock. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will meet Monday night, November 7, at 8 o'clock. VFW Auxiliary and William H. Coffield, Jr.. Post No. 9280, will hold a joint dinner meet ing Tuesday night. November 8, at 7:30 o'clock. Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will meet at the Ire dell house Wednesday after noon. November 9, at 3:30 o'clock. Peoples Bank & Trust Com pany's Christmas Saving Club will close Monday, November 7. The annual bazaar of St. Paul's Episcopal Church will be held at the Parish House Tues day, November 15, from 11:30 A. M.. until 4:30 P. M. Ed Bond Post of the Ameri can Legion and the Legion Au xiliary will hold a joint supper meeting at the post home Fri day night, November 11, at 7 o'clock. Every member canvass will be held at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Sunday, November 6. Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist Church will sponsor a chicken salad sup per today (Thursday). Mayor John Mitchener issued a proclamation declaring this week as Chamber of Commerce Week in Edenton. Edenton's Town Council will meet Monday night, November 7, at o'clock, 'instead of Tues day night, November 8. Edenton Chapter No. 302, Or der of the Eastern Star, will sponsor a bake sale on election day, Tuesday. November 8, at Anita's Millinery in Hotel Jo seph Hewes. Edenton Lions Club will hold its annual bread tale Monday -night,- November 7, at 7 o'clock. A workshop is being held each Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in Si. Paul's Parish House in Connection with the bazaar to be 'held November 15. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Edenton's Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Parish House. TYNCH INFANT DIES Charles Jean Tynch, 11- months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Tynch, Jr., died Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock at his home near Edenton after being ill since birth. Besides his parents, he is sur vived by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Tynch, Sr., of Edenton, Mrs. H. C. Carlisse and Judy O. Hassell, both of Nor folk. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Rocky Hock Bap tist Church with the pastor, the Rev. Thurman Allred, officiat ing. Burial will be in the family cemetery in the Rocky Hock sec tion. TKZ CROVAN HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1960. COME SAVE fflf "SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF SALEH AT YOUR FRIENDLY A&P W |T "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEiy45 to 60 POUND AVERAGE—TRIMMED I (jjiiiif ■ FULL LOINS APPLE PIES « | V «' « arcal freezer 1 PHO wrap | per g ir b EACH QQ C Pfr [2s_B9fJ “■ / Ban B OF BEEF <-» 45c BEEF RIB u, 59 c BF BB HINDQUARTER <*• 55c BEEF ROUND 55c “Super-Right” 80 to 100-Lb. Avg. “Super-Right” 20 to 25-Lb Avg —• Isl llt ARM CHUCK ■.> 39c SIRLOIN BUTT u. 75c A&P Frozen Crinkle Cut or Regular I French Fries ffl ST FOREQUARTER 3» « JM iSSSfiSEe pkgs. Hi ■ UK grain fed beef ™ HL • HbHkH Iff mm. X 170 to 200 pound fl| A f| AVERAGE ' : w M mm Wiiiii Here's another big A&P Freezer Sale timed just right for stocking your I JANE PARKER TWIN-PAC Biß yi/jj) freezer for the fall months ahead. Your choice of beef cut to your speci ficotions, wrapped in market paper at no extra cost, and the contents marked on each package. If you desire, your meat will be wrapped in ■ i ■ ___ M » 1 freezer paper at an additional cost sufficient only to cover the cost of VI ■ « 1 freezer paper. Don't miss this big sale. Come in today and place your J, ■ order. You may pick it up later. -j jmm all good no. i smoked flavored sliced =49