f ins is the Law By ROBERT E. LEE (F«t the N. C. Bar Association) LIABILITY OF PARTNERS Phillips loaned moliey to Crumpler for the purpose of op erating a business under the as sumed name of Capitol Manu facturing Company. The net profits of the business was to be shared equally. The business was not incorporated. Crumpler was to have exclusive manage- 1 ment. Crumpler was to receive no salary; hs was to share only: in the net profits. Phillips was permitted to withdraw any and I all advances of money upon giv- * ing thirty days written notice to Criimpler for purpose of liqui- 1 dating the business and closing it out. After paying all advances to Phillips and all expenses, the net profits remaining were, to be divided equally. Was a partner ship created? No. There was created mere ly a creditor and debtor rela tionship. Phillips was receiving a share of the profits simply as compensation or interest for the use of his money. There was not a co-ownership of the enter prise. Crumpler was the sole owner and operator of the Cap itol Manufacturing Company. Since Phillips was not a part ‘ner, he would not be liable for the obligations of the company. Cherry and Marlone form a partnership and operate it under the firm name of White Swan Laundry. Johnson, while oper ating the firm’s truck on part nership business, negligently in jures Motsinger. From whom may Motsinger recover? Motsinger may recover a judg ment against the White Swan Laundry, Cherry, Marlone and Johnson. Motsinger’s attorney will probably name all as co defendants in a single court pro ceeding. Johnson is liable because he is the actual wrongdoer who in jured Motsinger. In North Caro lina a partnership may be sued in its firm name. Since John son, at the time of the accident, was acting as an agent of the White Swan Laundry, the firm for whom he works is also li able. The individual partners are both jointly and severally liable for the contracts or negli gent acts of the partnership. The full amount of the judg ment may be satisfied from the assets of any one of the partners. Property not used .in connection ■ with the partnership may be > seized to satisfy a judgment' against one of the individual I partners. Jones and Smith operated the Jones Food Center as a general partnership. Jones told Taylor that he would not be personally > Sif|i||i * '* OLD Mr. BOSTON |Tj| BRONZE LABEL IjJ 1| Kentucky Straight Bourbon mgmm loss MSSSfim A p|NT Wm t mm t*- ' • | responsible for any additional I bread sold by Taylor to the Jones Food Center. Subse quently Taylor, at the request ol Smith, sold and delivered breac 'to the Jones Food Center. May I Taylor recover personally from | Jones the value of the subse , quently delivered bread? | Yes. Both partners' had equal rights in the management and l conduct of the partnership busi ness. • As long as the partnership is a going concern, neither can re strict the other in matters deal ing with the ordinary conduct of I the business. Only a majority ■vote of the partners can forbid ! otherwise permissable partner ship transaction. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Way of At lanta, Ga., announce the birth of a son, their second child, bom Friday, November 11, in St. Jo seph’s Hospital. Mrs. Way is the former Barbara Hollowell of Edenton. | Minutes Os Board Os Public Works Edenton. N. C. November 2, 1960. The Board of Public Works met this day in regular session at 5:00 P. M., at the Edenton Municipal Building with the fol lowing members present: Thom as C. Byrum, Jr., Chairman, Jesse L. Harrell. Ralph E. Par rish, James P. Ricks, Jr., and J. H. Conger, Jr. The minutes of the regular meeting of October 4, 1960 were read and approved. Robert L. Williams appeared before the Board and requested that the Board agree to extend the Town’s water service to his lot located on the Northeast comer of the intersection of Badham Road. Chairman Bvrum referred this matter to James P. Ricks. Water Commissioner, •ind Superintendent Richard N. Hines for investigation and re port. On-motion bv Jesse L. Harrell, seconded bv Ralph E. Parrish, Taylor Theatre EDENTON, N. C. Thursday and Friday, November 17-18 Leslie Caron and George Peppard in "THE SUBTERRANEANS" CinemaScopc and Color Saiorday. November 19— POI HI.K FKATI'RK Ward Ramsey in "DINOSAURUS" —also— James Stewart and Audie Murphy in "NIGHT PASSAGE" Both CinemaScopc - Color Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 20-21-22-23 Alfred Hitchcock's "PSYCHO" With Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins Note: No One Will Be Admitted To The Theatre After Feature Be gin*! Sunday, Short* 2:15-4:15 ft 8:45 Features 2:30-4:30 ft 9:00. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, shorts 7:00 ft 9:00 Features 7:15 and 9:15. THE CHOVAH HERALD. EDENTON. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960. and carried, E. and W. bills in amount of $21,330.56 be approv ed for payment as follows: Gulf Oil Corporation, $82.22; Transport Clearing of the Caro »inas, Inc., $2.50; East Carolina Supply Co., $33.45; Electrical Equipment Co., $680.38; Graybar Electric Co., Inc.. $428.20; Badg r Meter Mfg. Co., $86.39; Water Works Engineering. $5.00; Mo torola C. & E., Inc., $46.75; American Press. Inc., $2.12; Howerton Gowen Co., Inc., $69.30; Jefferson Island Salt Di vision. $207.87; Lynchburg Foun drf Company, $23.97; Center Chemical Company, $146.37; W. M. Bashlin Company, $20.80: The R. S. Jordan Co.. $142.75; Wil liamston Office Supplv Co.. $6.28; Western Gas Service, Inc., $2.06; Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate Co., $25.11; Coastland Oil Company, $26.62; Bunch’s Ga rage. $57.68; Ashlev Welding & Machine Co., $1.10; Hughes- Parker Hardware Co., $2.88: W. D. Holmes Wholesale Grocery. Inc., $9.00: M-. G. Brown Co lne., $2.35; Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., $32.70; The Peoples Bank & Trust Co.. $3.60; Accounting Supplies & Systems, Inc., $4.13; Postmaster. $154.80; Sheriff, Chowan County, $302.85; Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co., $1,337.80; Edenton Insurance Agency, $12.50; Earl Jones, $15.00; T. A. Loving Company, $5,225.56: Ralph E. Parrish, Inc., $7.85; Wm. F. Freeman. Inc.. $156.77: Smithson Electric Co., $5.95; Water Pollution Control Federation, $1.50; Superintendent of Documents. $1.20: Graham Farless, $30.00: Norfolk Southern Railway Co.. $528.00; Virginia Electric & Power Co.. sll 399.20. Os this amount $5,382.33 was for the Sewer Extension and $15,948.23 was for general op erating expenses. There being no further busi ness the meeting was adiourned. RALPH E. PARRISH, Secretary. JT iCjl The hospital lalroratory helps ' physicians find troubles | through spulum tests, urin- ■ alysis, blood counts, gastric | analysis, roniplement fixation I tests, bacteriological cultures, I microscopic examination of J tissues and other minute j clinical studies. All hospital patients require | one or more lal» tests, l ast I year, the average cost of lab- I • oratory work per admission J in N. C. hospitals was $18.52. j # ——— laboratory tests are one of 13 basic hos- I pital services that are PAID /.V FVI.L ■ liy nine Cross comprehensive I certificates. I Approved by hospitals and I doctors. Blue Cross gives you I the realistic financial help ■ you need when hospitalira- J lion or surgical care is re- J quired. If your family doet ! not have ltlue Cross protec* y lion, write or rail today. \ DURHAM, N. C. William B. Gardner P. O. Box 548. Edonlon TELEPHONE NO. 6490 i zL B Mi / / jArchdale 9 BIG DAYS... BUT NOW FOR CHRISTMAS I ARCHDALE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Hl-V BULKY KNIT PUUOVEIt J Fine - needle stitching throughout! New as fomorrowl It's brushed, it'* Oxfords, broadcloths. Button* bulky—it’s lambswool blended with downs, fused short point or regular M Orion acrylic! Set-in hand-warmer M iMii stay collars. Convertible cuffs. Many M pockets, Archdale plus! Grape, M wash-wear. 14-17 neck, 32-35, MM W M M olive, char., brown, gold. S, M, L. M % M M A I • • . r -‘ 'M a. . . - . ' > f mmmmmm' mwmm mm—mi PCHDALE SPORT SHIRTS COTTON UNDERWEAR STRETCH, RIBS, CREWS ARCHDALE COTTON PAJAMAS f 2.99 | 1.59 .69 .79 j 79* 2.99 I f low price! Tab-front pull- .'J T-shirts... 79c Briefs... 69c Season’s key colors! Ban-lons, Extra full, roomy cut. Covered s, button-down or regu- Broadcloth shorts, 79c.Nylon Orion acrylics, mercerized snap fasteners. Cuffed. ; | ollars. Sizes S, M, l, XL ] reinforced athletic shirts, 59c I cotton. Long wear’s knit in! Sizes A, B, C, D, long and E. , I TOP-GRAM LEATHERS! (fl COLOR-CUED! ARCHDALE M LOOK OF DISTINCTION READY TO GIVE! ARCHDALE Ifiij ARCHDALE GGT KITS | TIE A SOCK COMBINATION > ARCHDALE GIFT TIES FINE WHITE HANDERCHKFS £|J| ■ 1.50 g 2.00 « 1.50 § 3,1.00 ■ , Three different Widths! Excit- |||| Perfect go-togethersl Stretch Stripes, neat allovers, under- TV folds with initials, designs. Ing grains, buckle designs! |j||| socks (no size problem) plus knot ideas. Pure silks, Dac- mm All whites; whites with cord •V4A Black, brown. Sizes 30-44. Hi embroidered motif tie. Boxed. ; rons, blends. Wool linedl -Jfe borders. Neatly-stitched hems. !—SECTION TWO PAGE THREE