Edenton’s Christmas Parade-Party Will Be Held Today ■tj ONLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISfIkD IN CHOWAN COUNTY Volume XXVll.—Number 48T~ Edenton Aces Trim liace- Rose Hill 32-0 To Win Class 2-A Eastern Championship Local Outfit Forced to Put on Steairt In Sec ond Half to Over come Stubborn Bull dogs Edenton’s Aces continued their winning streak Friday night in Greenville when they defeated a strong Wallace-Rose Hill ag gregation 32-0 to win the East ern Class AA football champion ship. During the first half the Bull dogs threw a big scare in the Edenton camp when they held the Aces to a 7-0 score and seri ously threatening to score twice themselves, but the threats were knocked out by pass intercep tions. During the first half the game sort of took on the aspects of a major upset, but the Aces came back strong in the second half, unleashed their fuel power and scored a touchdown in the third quarter and pounded the Bulldogs for three more in the final quarter. The Aces' first touchdown was set up when Jerry Tojley in tercepted a pass on the Aces’ 15. The Aces were penalized half the distance to the goal, so they took over on their own 8. They negotiated the 92 yards in nine plays with Bubba Hopkins yid Tolley adding the most yard age. Leroy Spivey and Richard Dixon also made contributions in the drive. With the ball on the Bulldogs’ 42-yard line, Tol ley sliced around left end and with good blocking raced for the. first touchdown. Hopkins crashed through the line for the extra point. The Aces scored another touchdown in the second period when Richard Dixon plunged through the line from one yard out. The play was nullified, however, due to the Aces being Continued on Page 8. Section 2 Study Course Sunday At Methodist Church A study course on “Basic Christian Beliefs,” will be held at the Methodist Church Sun day night, December 4, at 7:30 o’clock. The course is sponsored by the Woman’s Society of Christian Service and will be taught by John Shackelford. Over 2,000 Witness Premiere Showing Os Promotional Film Over 2,000 persons viewed the educational and promotional film, “Ye Towne oh Queen Anne’s Creek”, on Edenton and Chowan County, which was shown for the first time at the Taylor Theatre on Friday after noon of last week. | The color film, with narration and music background, runs for 27 minutes, and well covers the industrial, agricultural, recrea tional and historical aspects of the area. In many of the Seabrook Corp. Plans Os ficial Opening Os New Plant Today Affair Will Be high light of Industry Ap preciation Week and Guided .Touts Plan ned By Management Seabrook Blanching' Corpora- new peanut processing December 1, accordihif to James THF CHOWAN HERALD Annual Christmas Party Scheduled To Be Held Today Chief of Police George I. Dail Releases In structions Relative to Traffic Regulations j A big day for the youngsters !of Edenton and this entire area is scheduled to take place this , (Thursday) afternoon beginning lat 4 o’clock. At that time the annual Christmas parade and party sponsored by the Edenton Business and Professional Wo men’s Club will be held and ' is exDected to attract thousands of kiddies as well as grown-tups. *lt will actually usher in the i Continued on Page 4—Section I J. J. Miley, Jr. Named Chowan New March Os Dimes Director J. J. Miley, Jr., of Edenton, j has been named director of the: 1961 New Merch of Dimes for! Chowan County. i The appointment was an- j nounced by J. Scott Harrell, j chairman of the County Chapter: of The National Foundation. The I Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsor of this campaign which will open on; January 2 and extend through January 31, 1961. “The New March of Dimes al- 1 20 Years Ago A* Found in tho File* of Tbo Chowan Herald V. j Edenton merchants were awarding around SI,OOO in cash prizes to stimulate pre-holiday business. 1 I Congressman Herbert Bonner conferred with the Navy De-. partment regarding locating a 1 non-rigid air base on the North Carolina Coast between the Vir-i ginia line and Cane Hatteras. Continued on Page 4—Section 1 j scenes of historic homes and buildings, local women in co lonial costume gave added in terest. Here for the premiere show ing was Jack McGowan of the Guided Tours Productions who | made the movie and was in troduced to the theatre audience at the three showings by Mrs. John Kramer, chairman of the film committee. Mr. McGowan made a brief talk in which he Continued on Page 6, Section 1 building, 80 x 240 feet, housing ultra-modern electronic equip ment for best performance of the patented process, was financed by the _ Edenton Development Corporation, the North Carolina Business Development Corpora tion and the Peoples Bank Sc Trust Company of Edenton. The air-conditioned plant itself was erected by the Edenton Con struction Company and after a short break-in run the plant turned out its first custom pea nut blanching order on June 1, 1960. Edenton’s newest indus try had become a reality after many gnonths of negotiation and self-sacrificing work by a score Os civic ■minrieA the Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 1, 1960, i Decorate! i i. > Edenton Woman’s Club has i completed plans for an out-door , Christmas decorating contest. J Judging will take place between : December 19ih and December 2152. A $15.00 prize will be award | ed for first place and a SIO.OO , prize for second. | Mrs. J. D. Elliott, president, | says she hopes that many home ; owners will participate in this contest which will make Eden ton more decorative during the Yulelide Season. | ready has made a substantial i beginning in its expanded pro gram of seeking to prevent birth ! defects and arthritis in addition j to continuing to seek total con trol of paralytic polio,” the new J campaign director declared. I “The people of Chowan Coun ty through their splendid sup t port of the March of Dimes for 1 more than 20 years, have con tributed substantially to a great I heal program that resulted in i Continued on Page 4—Section 1 Tickets Put On Sale! For Championship: Game Friday Night i Local People Urged to Buy Tickets Prior to ( Game to Eliminate Long Wait In Line In anticipation of a crowd in the neighborhood of 5,000 at tending the State Class 2-A championship football game Fri day night on Hicks Field, Hiram Mayo, principal of John A. j Holmes High School, has an- j nounced that tickets in advance’ iof the game can be purchased j l at Mitchener’s Pharmacy and j Hollowell’s Drug Store. He urg-' es local people to buy their tickets in advance so that they might not disappointed by en tering the park after the game is started. ! Mr. Mayo stated that the price of tickets is set by the State Athletic Association and that they will be $1.50 for adults and Continued on Page 3—Section 1 j Edenton Chamber of Commerce and W. P. “Spec” Jones, its chairman during the original ne gotiating period. Edenton can thank those civic minded citi- 1 zens for this new industry who] really rolled up their sleeves and contributed their collective energy which determined the final location choice for this new industrial facility. Their perseverance promoted the plant for Edenton cp to the very last minute when failure seemed in evitable but which kept it from rising on a competitive location in another county. Industry and business leaders fron\' Chowan Courtty. County Commissioners Edenton town officials, North CoatiSMd OB Pago *-3ocßod I { EDENTON’S OLDEST AND NEWEST INDUSTRIES j! 1 f l T-w • * ’ ~~ ”~T' " / 1 £. specially lecocmized auang this week, which is being observed as industry Appreciation Week, ate *_„enion s o.aest and nev j esi industries. At left is the Edenton Cotton Milk, which began operations in 1899. ’ At right is ine new piant of Seabrook Bianch- I i..y co.po.duon, ijaeiuons newest industry. Toaay Clhursday) guided tours have been at ranged at both plants. ! FBI Agent Speaks I At Ladies’ Night For Ruritan Club Delightful Affair Held , Monday Night In the l Chowan Community ! Building j Ladies’ night was observed ! j Monday night by the Ciiowan | Ruritan Club, wilh a delicious ■ barbecue chicken dinner served (in the Chowan Community I Building. The chickens were barbecued at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Copeland by ; Mr. Copeland and Tom Asbell. 1 members of the Ryland Home (Demonstration Club. | The meeting was a very de j lightful affair, with the princi , pal speaker being D. E. Roney I from the Charlotte office of the F. 8.1. j E. S. White, who is finishing I his year as. president, presided I over the meeting and extended * a cordial welcome to guests. Mrs. Tom Asbell responded. Troy Toppin, program chairman, | introduced a number of special , ly invited guests. Mr. Roney presented a very I interesting and informative ad 1 dress dealing with the duties ■ and responsibilities of the F. 8.1. I At the outset he said the F. 8.1. ■ could not carry out its duties without the cooperation and as , sistance of law enforcement of- Continued on Page 2—Section I Band’s Turkey Shoot ils Wonderful Success The turkey shoot held last ] week by the Edenton Band Par i ents Association turned out to be the largest ever held in this area. A total of 643 shooters turned out to participate, winning 53 turkeys. The shoots were held on the j American Legion Grounds all | day on Saturday' and on Mon -1 day and Tuesday from 6:30 'until 11:00 P. M. The shoots were so well re ceived. many' of the participants have urged that it be repeated before Christmas, so the Asso ciation plans to have another one the week • before Christinas. { Principals In Edenton And Chowan Film 11 •' K Pft L. ■ jif/'. . MigfH MBA tip I j mMBBUm it * I ' n f jbl Pi U.ffei ' ■ ;HK;in-* ' v'n \ I 1 1% Tsi# I ] I PV rlivK.. Pictured above are principals in the production and showing ol the Edenton and Chowan County promotional film "Ye Towne or Queen Anne's Creek," which had its premiere showing in the Tay lor Theater Friday. At left is Jack McGowan of Guided Tours Productions, who made the movie; Mrs. John Kramer, regent ol Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR. who was chairman of the film committee; Grayson Harding, president of the James Iredell Association; Mist Carol Wise, who acted as a tourist in the film and W. J. P. Earnhardt, who offered the theater to show the film which was sponsored by the Iredell AssociHioa end DAR Chapter*— (Photo by J. P. Ricks, ■Aces Preparing To Meet Hanes High !For State 2-A Title ‘t Game Friday Night In Edenton Expected to Attract In Neighbor hood of 5,000 People Having defeated Wallace-Rose Hill 32-0 Friday night. Edenton’s Aces won the title of Eastern Class 2-A football champions; and now have their sights set! on once again claiming the hon or of state champions. This honor will be decided Friday night on Hicks Field in, Edenton Will Be Host For Area Band Auditions On December 3 Edenton will be the host for area auditions for the Eastern division of the North Carolina All State Band on Saturday, De cember 3rd. The band, sponsored by the Morth Carolina Music Educators "onferenee. a division of the North Carolina Education Asso :iation, is under the supervision jf East Carolina College Music J. Meredith Jones Promoted By Bank Officer - In - Charge of Durham OfficeN. C. National Bank Edenton friends will be pleas ed to learn that J. Meredith Jones, Jr., son of Mrs. J. M. Jones of Edenton, senior vice president of the Durham offices of the North Carolina National Bank, has been designated to succeed Scovill Wannamaker as officer in charge of the Durham offices. Mr. Wannamaker re quested that he be relieved of his administrative duties due to health reasons. 1 Mr. Jones recently was trans ferred to Durham from Raleigh Continued on Page 4—Section 1 —— • Edenton when the Aces face the powerful outfit from Hanes High School in Winston-Salem, who are the Western champion., Hanes won the title last Friday night by defeating Boone by a score of 14-0, Hanes will come to Edenton with an enviable season’s rec ord. Os the 11 games played : they have won 10, losing only j the opening game to Gray High School of Winston-Salem 20-0. This same team also defeated Reynolds, a 4-A school, by about Continued on Page 2—Section ' Department. Students from bands in this area. Roanoke Rapids. Elizabeth , City, Windsor, Edenton, Aho.x kie, Plymouth and other schools will audition for ;i place in the 90-piece band which will meet for two days in Greenville -next February. Students from this band and Continued on Page s—section I Eye Bank Topic At Lions Meeting Dr. J. Gaddy Mathc son of Ahoskie Prin cipal Speaker i i Edenton Lions enjoyed a very interesting program at their meeting Monday night when the speaker was Dr. J. Caddy Matheson or Ahoskie. I Dr. Matheson spoke very in formatively regarding an eye bank and the distinct advan tages which it provides. He al so presented a film having to do with the eyes. He was in troduced by Dr. Richard Hardin. i President James Griffin re minded the Lions that used clothing for needy children will be picked up Thursday, Decem i ber 15 and requested the mem bers to cooperate in this pro . ject. Edenton Cotton Mills Chowan County’s Oldest Enterprise Contribution to Eco nomic Life of Com munity Is Recogniz ed During Industry Appreciation Week Shortly after Col. Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders storm ed up San Juan Hill to defeat the Spanish in Cuba and just ten days before Spain signed an Armistice in 1898. to end the Spanish-American War. a meet ing of Chowan County citizens was called at the Court House in Edenton to discuss the establish-; ment of a cotton mill. During this week, Industry Appreciation Week in Chowan I County, it would seem only fit $2.50 Per Year In North Carolin Pauline Gordon Will Speak At Meeting Os Woman’s Club Meeting Will Be Held At Edenton Restau-j rail Wednesday, De cember 7 at 7 P. M. i Miss Pauline Gordon, house furnishings and housing special-’ ist. will present the program, ‘.‘Yule-tide;' Glamour." at the luncheon meeting of the Eden-i ton Woman’s Club on Wednes-; day. December 7. at 1 o'clock at the Edenton Restaurant. Miss Gordon, who is recogniz ed nationally in the field of Housing and house furnishings, is in charge of the North Caro lina Extension Service in Ra ,ontimieo or, Pnq? b—Section Chowan PTA Meets Dee. 5 The Parent-Teacher Associa tion of Chowan High School will meet Monday night, December 5, at 7:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium. Mrs, Jane rfoyner will lead the devotional and a group of junior high school students will present several musical selections under the direction of Miss Wil loughby, public music teacher; President Hurley Wirtborne urges all members to be pres ent. Home Demonstration Clubs Plannino- Christmas Festival Ai Chowan Community Building The Chowan Home Demonstra tion Ciuhs will have a Christ mas Festival Tuesday night, De cember 8, beginning at 7:30 o’clock at the Chowan Com munity Building. Christmas dec orations. cookies, candies and fruit cakes will he for sale. All articles and fend are made by various home demonstration club members. Articles for sale will be as follows: Advance Club, candies; Beech Fork Club. Christmas cookies: Byrd Club. Christmas place mats and napkins: Center Hill Club, door decorations: Co lonial Club will have a Christ- ting to review the beginning and expansion of Chowan County's oldest industry, the Edenton Cotton Mills, which is what the new enterprise was named. As Governor Hodges points out, it is well for us all to appreciate and have an awareness of in dustries’ contribution to the eco nomic life of our state. At this first meeting to pro note a cotton mill in Edenton there was a substantial attend ance. . Horse and buggies were hitched closely about the Court House Green. A committee to sell stock was appointed that day. Soon, enough stock was purchased so that at a subse quent meeting a decision was reached ter purchase the Rope walk Farm front W. B. Shep- PIUHT CANCER • WITH A CHECKUP AND CHECK Term Os Superior Court In Session Only Day And Half Few Cases Come Be fore Judge Walter J. Bone; Term Is Ad journed Tuesday The fall term of Chowan Su perior Court opened Monday' morning and adjourned about 11 o’clock Tuesday morning. Judge J. Walter Bone of Nashville was the presiding judge and prompt ly at 10 o’clock Monday morning [ ordered Sheriff Earl Goodwin to open the court term. After so doing Mr, Goodwin called upon the Rev. Ralph Fowlkes, pastor of the Methodist Church, to lead in prayer. The first item of business was picking i> grand jury, which in cluded the following: Luther Lane. Cecil By rum, Harry' L. Winslow, Max Hen drix. L. C. Briggs, Eugene Per ry, John R. Lewis, Kerrnit Lav ton, O. L. Blanchard. W. J. P. Earnhardt, L. R. Lane, Claude Continued on Page 2, Section 1 Methodist Family Night December 11 Church family night will be observed at the Methodist Church Sunday night, Decem ber 11, at 6 o’clock. This ser vice will be in celebration of Christmas, with those attending hringing their own food. Fol lowing the meal a very delight ful program has been planned which should provide an even ing of wholesome entertainment. Open house will also be heid at the parsonage Sunday, De cember 18. • CIVIC CALENDAR | V A Edenton's Christmas Farada and oarty, soonsored by the BPW Club, will te held this (Thursday) afternoon beginning at 4 o'clock. Seabrook Blanching Corpora t;on will observe the official opening of i‘s new plant ‘-day (Thursday) as a highlight of *n> observance rt Industry Appreci ation Week. Edenton Woman’s Club is Continued on Page 6. Section I mas assortment consisting of mantel arrangements, miniature Christmas trees, stuffed toys, place cards, pajama bags, cover ed coat hangers, clothes pin aprons, doll clothes and coasters, Enterp rise Club. Christmas stockings: Gum Pond Club, fruit cakes: Oak Grove Club, candies; Rocky Hock Club, tin can craft Christmas decorations; Ryland Club. Christmas candies: Wards Club, aprons; Yeopirn Ciub, ta ble decorations. Chowan Club will have re freshments. The public is in vited to attend from 7:30 P. M., to 10:00 P. M. ard for the mill. Officers were elected with Frank Wood as president, W. O. Elliott as vice president, and H. C. Privott as secretary-treasurer. Their operation and policy was governed by a board of direc tors composed of W. D. Pruden, Frank Wood, W. O. Elliott, E. R. Conger. Dr. O. McMullan. F. A. White and H. C. Privott. The first superintendent and mana ger was J. H. Webb, who pur chased the first bale of eotton for use of the new enterprise in November, 1899. The cotton cost 10V4C per pound, and the first yard to come- from it was shipped in MaWh; ■ 1900. Edenton Cofton Mills began Withrow spindles

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