Merry Hill News | By LOUISE B. ADjWS Mi. and Mrs. Eldridge Baker and daughter, Nita Suej ; spent £u;iday wRh Mr. and !Mk. Don! i mbsose in Portsmouth, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baker returned to their home with Mr. and Mrs.] Eldridge Baker after spending a Week visiting Mr. Mcf Mrs. Ambrose arid other in Norfolk, Vai Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Williams arid children of Norfolk; Va., spent the week-end vritfr 1 their parents, Mr. and M.s. Elbert Pierce and Butler Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith wick and daughter, Phyllis, spent Thursday with their son in-law and daughter,, Mr. and Mrs. Bot> House in HarreHkville. Mr. arid Mrs. J. B. Smithwick and Mr=. Gladys Outlaw of Edenton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Rhea in Frank lin, Va. i Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hawkins of Suffolk," Va., spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smithwick and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Taylor of Williamston visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smithwick' and W. M. Smithwick Sunday. Mrs. Roy Baker and 'Mrs. Ed Pierce were in Edenton on busi ness Tuesday. ■’ Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Castelloe and family of Windsor arid Fon da Smithwick left Wednesday night for Jefferson City* ' Tenn., to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Castelloe’s- son, Ra leigh, Jr., who is attending Car son-Numan College. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Adams and girls, Cynthia, Louise and Carol Frances of Phoebus, Va., visited Mrs. Louise Adams on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry of Mars Hill- visited Mrs. C. T. Baker and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W! T. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of Wind sor visited Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Altman and family in Ports mouth, Va., Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Davis, Mrs. Ken neth Spivey apd boys, Ken and Kerry visited Mrs. Davis' grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogerson in Edenton Monday. Mrs. Raymond Outlaw was in Windsor Tuesday on business. Edward Davenport of Ply mouth visited his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davenport Thursday. Mr. and Mrs., Edw<wd more and family of Portsmouth, Va., visited Mr. Bagemore's grandmother, Mrs. C. T. Baker and aunts. Mrs. Viola Cowan and Mrs. Louise Adams, Saturday. Mrs. Bernard Williford and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., rispent from Tuesday until Thursday visiting Mrs. Williford’s son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Smith in Norfolk, Vai Miss Nancy Pruden of Wil son spent Thanksgiving with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mizelle es Springfield, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mizelle of Edenton visited Mrs. C. T. Baker and family Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pruden of Wilson spent Thanksgiving Day visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and family. Mrs. Owen Barfield and Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., were in Rocky Mount Saturday shopping. Raymond Outlaw, Mrs. Cliff Keeter and Mrs. H. R. Outlaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Out- * II mu 1 Seagrams Vv ) I mi * |l|| -CANADIAN flE IMPORTED CANADIAN amend B§ ~- "'- iBS »■* *«WmHii*»"*“ ,i Mt H| |Es3 ,w «a»«*om op tm« owqpw - •• jg 65 i ■ KKSHU MTlllftt COMWT. «.TC.«M HXX* CAMUH* *«*«-» «*• • • « nnSOO • ,■■ ■ ■ ■-.! ■ "" " " *&4fr*4**'' : ife-f‘^*-4^' r ; '• j law Thursday in Greenville. Mr. Jim Outlaw remains quite ill. | j R. J. Mitchell returned homej Wednesday after spending quite 1 sometime in the Veterans Hos pital at Kecoughtan, Va. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith ' wick and W. M. Smithwick visit- I ed Mr. and Hrs. Hobson Taylor Friday in Williamston. Mrs. J. B. Smithwick made a trip to Greenville Wednesday to bring her daughter, Fonda, who is a student at East Carolina College, home to spend the holi days. Mrs. Louise Pratt and son, Stanley, Jean Goodwin of Eden ton, Mrs. Ray Ward and son, Billy of Portsmouth, Va., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Davenport and family on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Bernard Smithwick, who is taking a practical nurse’s course in Elizabeth City, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at home with her husband. Janie Ella Altman and Dot wright of Edenton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Dayis. Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Willis and daughter, Betty of Edenton were dinner .guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Willis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Byrum j of Windsor visited in the com-j munity Saturday. Those spending Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. J. D. Smithwick were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stan ton and family, Mrs. Johnnie Belle Smithwick of Elizabeth City, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph ] Holder and family of Colorado and Mrs. Willie Smithwick and children of Tyner. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cobb and children spent a few days visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Winston Mi zelle in Suffolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. John Eason in Hamp ton, Va. Mr. ahd Mrs. Pat Harrell and children of Edenton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bunch on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Baze more of Edenton visited Mrs. C. T. Baker and family Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Oscar Turn er were in Ahoskie Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Bailey and daughters, Beth and Win nie of Virginia Beach, Va., also Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keeter of Newport News, Va., spent Sun day wjth Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Keeter. , Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver and family of Cary spent the week-end With Msg. Oliver’s mother, Mrs. Sallie Adams and brother, Sammie Adams. Mrs. E. J. Pruden, Jr., and son, Edmund 111 were in Ahos kie Monday on business. Woodrow Taylor of Kinston spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Phelps. Mr. and Mrs. John Eason and family of Hampton, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Winston Mizelle and family of . Suffolk, Va., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Caleb. Roland Evans and son. David' of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Chet White Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Evans and family of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Mil ton Robertson of Rosemeade, al so Mrs. Lillie Evans, Mrs. H. G. Evans, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. I Brinkley Evans and family were! dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Chet White Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Evans and family of Norfolk, Va., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Evans’ brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Evans, Jr. Their THE CHOWJUT HERALD, gPtWTOW, NORTH CAROLINA. FHPISPAT DECEMBER 1, H6fl. mother, Mrs. LiHie Evans re turned home wit|: her son, Mr. Ben Evans and ’family for a visit. Miss Anna Rae White, who is attending Longwood College, Farmville, Va., spent the Thanksgiving holidays at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet White. Mrs. Chet White and daugh ter, Anna Raye, Ann Smithwick and Mrs. Claude Small, Jr., of Edenton were in Norfolk, Va., Saturday shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lynch and children of Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lin wood Bunch and R. J. Mitchell. Bobby Bunch spent the week end in Edenton with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hughes and family. Marion White, Nina Love and Billy White attended the teenage dance at the Country Club Sat urday night in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. ,-Pat Harrell and children of Edenton visited Mrs. Harrell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Outlaw Sunday. County News ] By MBS. ROLAND EVANsJ The Rocky Hock Church pre sented a Thanksgiving program in song at the church on Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock. .Those tak ing part were: Junior Choir. Young People’s Chorus, Young Men’s Quartet, Girls’ Sextet, Junior Trio and the congrega tion. The Rev. Mr. Allred read in connection with the program. Choirs were directed by Mrs. Allred, accompanied by Beulah Evans and Mary Perry. Week of Prayer is being ob served November 28-December 2, at 7:30 o'clock. “M” Night will be observed at the Edenton Baptist Church December 5 at 7:30 o’clock. A Christmas Festival will be held at Chowan Community Building December 6 at 7:30 o’clock. Many Christmas ideas will be presented. Mrs. J. B. Hollowell’s guests on Thanksgiving were: The Rev. and Mis. Lamar Sentell and family of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Vaughan of Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin White and family, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Evans and family, Mrs. Lindsey Evans, Miss Linda Copeland and others. Joe Hollowell, Slate College student, visited his parents over the Thanksgiving. ,4>olidajM. •> • a Linda Copelapd, a student at East Carolina College, Green ville, Jeff Ward, student at the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, Jackie Asbell of East Carolina College, Betty Ann Harrell of Baptist Hospital, Barbara Allred of Wingate, David Allred of Wake Forest and Kathryn Tynch' of East Carolina College visited their respective parents during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans and mother visited Mrs. Bar bara Sawyer on Sunday at the Albemarle Hospital where she is a patient following an auto mobile accident. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Nixon are visiting their son in Hutchi son. Kansas. Gene Harrell, Lewis Evans and Jerry White were winners in a corn growing contest. Santa Claus comes to town j today (Thursday) with a parade! at 4 o’clock. ■ Industry Appreciation Week is being observed in Edenton this week, November 28 to Decem Hpr a THAT LONG. HIGH LOOK—Early morning motorists in downtown Miami. Fla. ware surprised when they found a Navy Neptune bomber blocking a heavily traveled high way. The plane, a gift to the city’s children, was en route to its resting place in a municipal park, but didn’t beat the rush-hour traffic. ber 3. Ryland Home Demonstration Club was host to the Chowan Ruritan Club and ladies Mon day night at 7 o’clock at the Chowan Community Building. Proceeds derived went toward the community building. The principal speaker was D. E. Rorey, special agent of the Charlotte office of the F. 8.1. The 1980 Community Develop ment Contest Awards Night pro gram was held at Chowan High School Wednesday night, Novem ber 30 at 7:30 o’clock. Bob Hollowell is ill at his home at Cross Roads. Mr. and Mrs. James Perry are the proud parents of a daughter. Mrs. Perry 1 is the former Esther Mae Jordan of Tyner. CHOWAN TEAMS DEFEATED The Chowan Bulldogs played Gatesville in the Chowan gym Wednesday night, November 23. Both Chowon teams were de feated. The final girls’ score was 63- 48 in favor of Gatesville. Lead ing the scoring for Chowan was Judy Evans with 20 points, fol lowed by Janet' Hendrix and Dinah Blanchard with 14 points each. Taylor led Gatcsville’s scoring with 37 points. She was followed by Perkins with 13 points and Wiggins with 10 points. p. .final score was 47- 39 in faVor of Gatesville. Jim my Turner led Chowan's scor ing with 14 points, followed by James Copeland with 9 points Hall was high score for Gates ville with 14 points, followed by Hill, with 12 points and Taylor with 9 points. The battle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. —Patrick Henry. ■* m W -j ■ igpgs»y d* JOE THORUD SAYSi . how to fceep jour HOME IN , ! THE FAMILY j and your FAMILY IN I THEIRJIOME j Wsj= Just see your Nationwide man and ask for a Mortgage Can cellation plan. Here's really low cost assurance that your mortgage will be fully paid automatically if you’re not here to do it. Check Nation* wide the company with »n* idaat lot # mata <r* JOE THORUD M 4 Bank of Edoeton Bid* P. O. Box 504 . PHOTO MM ‘ 1 ■ | ATI ON WIDE 9UK IN SURA NCI COMA ANT I ,V>' H— OtHsa. Caiwhsw CM* f I -<•> . .. . m SOIL CONSERVATION NEWS By JAMES H. GRIFFIN, Soil Conservationist District supervisor elections will be held next week, Decem ber 5-10, throughout North Caro lina. These men are elected by j the qualified voters of each j county to represent them on the locat soil conservation district program for the next three years. They receive no pay for their j services but do receive expenses • for attending four meetings per year. Therefore, the person elected should be interested in soil and water conservation. Here in Chowan County, Joe: A. Webb. Jr., is up for re-elec-1 tion. Nominated along with Mr. | Webb are Thomas O. Harrell and Robert Bunch, both of Route 2, 1 Edenton. N. C. These three men' were nominated by petition of twenty-five qualified voters of Chowan County to the North 1 Carolina Soil Conservation Com-1 mit tee. | Polling places in the county j will be Bridge Turn Service] Station, Hoskin Harrell's Store. 1 ASC Office. Grover Gale’s Store,! W. H. Bond’s Store. W. E. I Smith’s Store, Melvin Evans’ i Store. Troy Toppin's Store, H. R.j Peele's Store. Lloyd Briggs' Store and M & R Service Cen j ter. Polls will be open all week. Any voter who can vote in HERE'S OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON HOOVERS BEGINNING DECEMBER Ist THROUGH CHRISTMAS JBjjWPfHftJf Floors sparkle XSttpp half the time! New Low Price m9M * Do-all brush#* scrub? SK#B9S JHI (mm changing n#c#ssary. M II 1 I J jjgjm ★ Magic handle with auto -111 ■II P matic switch. 4 ★ Combination splash and ' bumper guard. fpt* this new .. for adding hoover: ★ Big motor gives all the , Constellation \j 95 ■ Full Horsepower Motor , ' • Exclusive Double-Stretch Hose • Combination Rug and^ Floor Nozzle EDENTON FURNITURE CO. VHONE 3216 EDENTON, N. C. county elections can vote in this election. A person does not need to be a farmer to vote. in past years only a few ( peo ple have voted in these elec tions. The Chowan County Su pervisors urge people to vote in this election. Chairman L. C. | Bunch hopes you will take time | to vote. Woodland Conservation Now is a good time to get your woodland in production. Last week, John Wiggins, SCS j Forester and Work Unit Conser : vationist J. H. Griffin planned i 100 acres last Wednesday. No | vein ber 23. which was only a 5 ! per cent stand of loblolly pines. 1 The other 95 per cent was hard ' woods and brush. The district cooperator agreed to clear, "cut ' and invest the money in getting j 100 per cent stand of pine. First, j the saw timber will be cut. fol > lowed by pulpwood cutting of j the laps or tops and small pine I and hardwood. A heavy trac i tor with K-G blade will be used j to clear the remaining brush and | unsaleable trees. Windrows will ,be burned followed by setting jof pine seedlings in the spring ■of 1962. j Certain areas of the woods [will be disked following the | K-G blade to kill switch cane i (reeds) and honeysuckle. Some of. the larger unsaleable trees will be poisoned. ’ r Estiinated cost of' re-establish ing this woodland is about $5,- 000 or about SSO per acre. This estimate includes all operations through the setting of the pine seedlings. No cost-share assist ance is figured in the estima tion. About 10 acres besides the 100 acre tract needs thinning. This will be marked and sold along ! with the 100 acre tract. Mark ing Will be done by the N. C. Forest Service and the Soil Con servation Sendee. If Vour woods needs to be put, into production, why not : start on it now; your local Soil Conservation District can furn- | ish you the necessary technical assistance providing you are a district cooperator. If you are not a cooperator, you may be- i come one easily. See your local district supervisor about the de tails. District supervisors in Chowan County are L. C. Bunch. Route 1, Edenton, N. C.: H. F. Byrum, Route 1. Edenton, N. C., and J. A. Webb, Jr„ Route 2, 1 Edenton. N. C. Don’t forget to vote in the I district supervisor election next week. ON DEAN'S LIST Two undergraduate students from this area have been named to thf ( Dean’s List at Duke Uni versity this fall on the basis of. high academic standing for the spring semester of 1960. An overajl academic average of 3.0 out of a possible 4.0 for the se mester is required in order to | receive this recognition. The two students are Nancy Brown of Hobbsville. daughter XJ3E* TODA.TT V ' n^| kgSi «f*U HOLIDAY pRAWINO V will LIOIfSL SKI MI IfU BLSCTXVIC TRAIN SST DOLL HOUBB SST xroTKiNO to Birri MAVX ah OLD-VJLOHIOItro CHIUSTMA* C*alore-S^> Amity . . . Bourjois . . . Remington . JswsUts . Coty By IvanL» .. . Sunburn .. . Tims* .. . Westclox . SchteJ* —»« Wrlslsy . • . and many other*' ■ HOLLOWELL’S : L , WE DELIVER PHONE 2127 J L ail I I - t* TT- fa twe PAGE FIVE of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brow* and Bemie B. Baker ot Tyner son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray D Baker. 1 Lunch Room Meitli f VIIIIIIIIIIII 111 11111 •I f IIIIIV fill I 111 11 Mil 111 lllllllllllllllll^^ Menus at the Chowan High School lunch room for the wriek beginning December 5 thrOugn December 9 will be as follows: Monday: Milk, franks, onions, beef and vegetable soup, crack ers, bread, butter, cocoanut pud ding. Tuesday: Milk, meat loaf and gravy, mashed potatoes, turnip greens, sweet pickle relish, rolls, butter, French apple cobbler. Wednesday: Roast turkey and gravy, candied yams, green peas, cranberry sauce, rolls, butter, jello with fruit. Thursday: Milk, barbecue pork, cole slaw, string beans, cucum ber pickles, hushpuppies, bread, butter, lemon pudding. Friday: Milk. *'sh sticks, let tuce and tomato salad, cheese slices, French fried potatoes, hushpuppies. rolls, butter, block cake with lemon topping. TRY A HtRALr CLASSIFIED NOTICE! We Will Close Friday Night at 7:30 P. M. Hollo well V Phone 2127 Edenton

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