PAGE EIGHT —BECTION TWO I» . y I Ill'll 111 I y IwIJIbIV By MRS. ROLAND EVANS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Evans mnd Judy went to Raleigh Fri day to accompany Leon Evans home. Leon has been attending the 4-H Congress in Chicago. The Associational Training Un ion “M” Night at Edenton Bap tist Church Monday night was well attended. The Betty Ann Harrell Circle and Audrey Gordon Circle met at Rocky Hock educational building Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock for a joint Christ mas meeting. The .monthly Sunday School meeting will be held Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock at the Rocky Hock Church. Mrs. Willie Bunch visited Mrs. Effie Evans Saturday night. Mrs. Virgie Bass visited her mother at the Chowan Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bunch are the proud parents of a son. j Mr's. Martha Bass is ill at her] home. College students home for the week-end were: Gerald Harrell, 1 Kathryn Tyneh, Faye Ober and Betty Bunch from East Carolina and Zackie Harrell from State j College. Marion Chappell visited in Rocky Hock over the week-end. | Little Miss Claudia Sawyer spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Roland Evans and grand mother, Mrs. Perry- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Evans! visited Mrs. Evans’ sister in Al-I bemarle Hospital Saturday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Har rell visited Mr. and Mrs. Gib Harrell recently. The Christmas Festival was well attended at Chowan Com munity Building on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lillie Saunders visited! her mother, Mrs. Effie Evans on Sunday. New Girls’ Club Now Very Active In March of 1960 the Eden ton Girls’ Club was organized under the auspices of the Eden ton Negro Woman's Club. The I girls range in ages from thir teen through eighteen. This club was organized with the aim of building character and good citizenship. In June they journeyed to Ra leigh to became members of the Youth Federation Club of North Carolina, and because they had the largest membership present they were presented a gold cup. A “Toys for Tickets" dance' was sponsored recently by the girls for the purpose to distribute to the needy children in the community for Christmas. Another dance of the same nature will be given in the near future. The officers of the club are: Ernestine Williams, president; KIDNEY DANGER SIGNALS (jetting up night*, burning, frequent or scanty •luw, let; pain* or buckarh* may be warning <»f functional kionc> disorder?*—Danger Ahead.” Help na ture eliminate excel** acid and other watte*. Flush kidneys with BI KHTs. lour .*>or bark at any drug store in I DAYS if not pleased. NOW at MITCHENER'S PHARMACY Legal Notices North Carolina In The Chowan Countv Superior Court NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION William Thomas White, Plaintiff, vs. Ruby Bell White, Defendant. To: Rubv Bell White: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief, against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: Plaintiff seeks an absolute di vorce from the bonds of matri monev heretofore existing be tween the plaintiff and the de fendant on the ground of sep aration for more than two years next preceding the commence ment of this action. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the 9th day of February. 1961. and upon failure to do so the partv seeking service against you will apply to the Court forj the relief sought. This 26th day of November. 1960. LENA M. LEARY, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. bee 1,8,15,22 c t - EXECUTORS' NOTICE ' Having qualified as Co-Execu tors’ of the estate of Mrs. Dun can Winston Wales, deceased, late of Chowan County. North Carolina, this is to notify all. persons having claims against 1 flie estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned! Within one year from date of this notice or same will be 1 pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will /please make immedi- This 24 th dav of November, mm-uq?. SUF&ZJ* Win*™ VriK A. 29q ° n W * le * I TO TROUmJE^M Brenda Johnson, secretary; Rosa Gregory, treasurer; Frances Joy ner, vice president, and Joan Creecy, assistant secretary. Local Minister On Convention Program J. R. Codespoti, missionary minister recently assigned to the Edenton Congregation of Je hovah's Witnesses, has been ap pointed to serve on the conven tion program of Virginia Circuit No. 1. scheduled for December 23 through 25 in Portsmouth, Va. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Brooklyn, N. Y„ is sponsoring the three-day pro gram. i “Providing supplementary! training to that of the local con- 1 gregationai classes is the prime purpose of the convention," R. P. Long, the local presiding min ister stated. According to Long, Codespoti will serve on the Saturday! morning program. He will speak on “Delighting to Serve Je hovah.” All sessions are to be conduct ed at the Hunt school. Long will head a delegation from thej local congregation. Where Love Was Strong "Don’t you think Egbert is of! a very flighty disposition?” “Why, no, he'll never forget his first and only love.” “So. he's been seriously enam ored. Who was it?” “Himself.” -Schenlcu RESERVE | SOSO |[Wll| $095 / PINT Y' J 99 “X FIFTH I %ss||>gfß| i Jkheti il I J I > Jij 1 : 4 i«»4(*JBWL, M- -.1; !! Lunch Room Menu ] w«! Menus , at the John A. Holmes High School lunch room for the week of December 12-16 will be as follows: Monday: Italian spaghetti with meat balls, cole slaw, bread, milk, buttered corn, butter and cherry pie. Tuesday: Corn beef with po tatoes and gravy, green string, beans, cup cakes, hot biscuits, butter and milk. Wednesday: Beef vegetable soup, peanut butter and pimento cheese sandwiches, salted crack ers, strawberry shortcake and milk. Thursday: Meat loaf, creamed potatoes, biscuits, milk, gravy, garden peas, butter and peach halves. Friday: Roast turkey, cranber ry sauce, string beans, milk, dressing and gravy, candied yams, hot rolls, butter and ice cream. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS SALES NOW anyone can buy DIRECT .‘l’om U. S. GOVERNMENT SUR PLUS DEPOTS, by mail for your* *elf or for resale. Cameras, binocu lars. cars, jeeps, trucks, boats, hardware, office machines and equipment, tents, tools and tens-of thousands of other Items at a frac tion of their original cost. Many items brand new. For list of hun dreds of U. S. Government Surplus Depots, located in every State and overseas with pamphlet “How Gov ernment Can Ship Direct To You." plus procedures. HOW TO BUY and how to get FREE SURPLUS, mail $2.00 to SURPLUS SALES IN FORMATION SERVICES. P.O. Box No. 1818. Washington 5. D. C. THE CHOWAN gPRUTOW. NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1880. SUNDAY SCHOOL ] [ LESSON - j ConrdT Hom P. 9, B—SortteiTT we acknowledge the fact >that' Christmas has come true in his- j tory, we. would do well to pause | and ask ourselves this question: : Has it come true in our hearts?, Does Christmas work his salva tion in us and through us? If not, how can he? ' Such ques- j tions carry us far beyond the gold and glitter of Christmas,. into the deeper meaning of the occasion. Salvation through Christ waits upon our personal choice and ac- J tion. The truth of Christmas is relevant only as we lay claim' upon it. This was the sharp and probing requirement laid Nicodemus by Jesus, as repMfel in John 3:1-6. And nothing has changed .to subtract from the fundamental truth of what Jesus said to Nicodemus. Now, as then, we begin life on earth when we are born in our fleshy. guise. But also, now, as then, the second and all-important step 1 into life awaits our choice and I action. This is the step of ac cepting Christ as our Lord and! Saviour. But how do we enter) the new life of deliverance I through Christ, * / m / / m /I a Jr . J\ v m FILL YOURS "4c IN FRIENDLY NORFOLK _ _ . There Is a wider selection in Norfolk's attractive stores. There afe more than 200 apparel stores, 150 furniture stores, more v than 2,000 retail establishments offering a variety that will COME BY BUS! x enable you to find exactly what you want to give for Christmas. Regularly scheduled Trail ways busses make it possible ter you to leave for , . . , Norfolk in the moming, do your shop. You can select the right gifts for everyone on your shopping pmg end return home in the afternoon.} f roß| fejg variety and wide selection in Norfolk stores. - ' f ■ '~ r ' V' DRIVE! The number of convenient parking 7 gUAppiKlft INlFftDAAATlfttsli place* in Norfolk increases every yeor. snwrrlNvi INFC/KMATKjrw (Traffic I* lighter on Tuesdays and Wed- * , . . ... ... . . . - . nesdays and even more spaces are Attendants on duty until Christmas at the Shopping Information ovoikMej irsooey to drive to Nor-! Booth in Trailways' Norfolk Terminal will provide a« the helpful folk and to drive IN Norfolk and lr* - —-- t— , easy to shop them. " shopping infaiiyiHon they con. . ? * ;C "ft . - ’ - ? < . * \ * 1 . • - . • • 1 - . f V*. -a. ■■ - » ,v • .;9LI T'iefFM- 'ht T /■ f ,V. A ‘ i t ' jdt: •Uj. 4 SHOP IN nUCNMY NORFOLK | First, like Nicodemus, we must [i sense our need. So long as we I, live at peace with evil and ’jerroi 1 , whether social or personal,* ) all doors are shut and locked j against the salvation Christ i would bring. Salvation begins 1 when we admit that we are j sinners in need of a Saviour, j We may not be particularly fond !of the word "sinner” applied to •ourselves; we much prefer to 1 think of it as a term applied to others! Such is our innate vanity. We may despise the j 1 word ‘ “sin,” but we must per- 1 force admit that it describes, something that is' vgry true and I j realA We have but to glance at | ' ourfßewspapers and know that] | sinfMOs exist; if we are con- 1 pletpy honest with j i can -'iook within and jj| W the i fihith about sin in wrselves. J We can be cognizant of our in- < ciinatioh to shun the good and' turn aside from the highest. We) 1 can see the seif-centeredness that | makes us an easy prey of bit-' terness, deceit, envy, greed and pride. This, and much, much, more, gives us reason to know <BB ; that the word “sinner” can only , too easily be applied to us and [ deservedly so. *1 are sinners, we 1 need a‘Saviour. We must have ; help from above and beyond— , regardless of what our pride and • our ego tells us. Thus begins salvation —when we look" upon Christ and confess our need. But , mere confession of need is not enough; we must act upon that need. Etfery day we must say “No” to evil and “Yes” to the ■ good we see in Christ Every i day we must fegist anew our , tendency toward rebellion, and : surrender anew our soul to God. j Through worship, through daily , work in which we seek to do j God’s will, and in those especial j tasks which meet the needs of jour brothers in love, justice, and j truth, Christ enters, renews, and , recreates us. We share a re- I deeming fellowship that is salva FOR Contract AND Repair Work CALL Twiddy Insurance & Real Estate. Inc. PHONE 2163 EDENTON tion, a salvation that is man's greatest hope. How privileged we are, as Christians! IDm comments aw based «n ||gK9 Hearing Service Clinic Virginia Dare Hotel ~ Elizabeth City Friday, December 2nd Joseph Hewes - Edenton Saturday, December 3rd HOURS: 10 A. M., TO 2P. M. Hcarng Tests Hearing Aid Supplies Hearing Aid Demonstrations Hearing Aid Service Come to our regular monthly Clinics. It is one sure way of obtaining better hearing then keeping it that way, through BELTONE ... A name you can trust. J outlines of fto International Sunday School Las sons, copy righted by N># International,, Council of Religious Education, and used by permission). \

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